16404c9ddSbluhmThis is a test framework for the ospfd routing daemon. For each 26404c9ddSbluhmtest one fresh daemon is started with an individual config. It is 3*da1b64c4Sbluhmtalking OSPF via a tap interface. At the process side of the tap 46404c9ddSbluhmdevice a client is running. This test programm is parsing the OSPF 56404c9ddSbluhmpackets and generates new ones. It simulates other OSPF daemons. 66404c9ddSbluhm 76404c9ddSbluhmFor now only hello packets are tested. Each test has a task list 86404c9ddSbluhmwhich drives the ospfd through its interface state machine. The 96404c9ddSbluhmplan is to extend the framework for the other OSPF packet types and 106404c9ddSbluhmstate machines. Eventualy the generated kernel routing messages 116404c9ddSbluhmcould also be checked. 12