2 * Fictional events
3 *
4 * $OpenBSD: calendar.fictional,v 1.2 2005/05/18 21:23:42 jmc Exp $
5 */
7#ifndef _calendar_fictional_
8#define _calendar_fictional_
1001/05	Fellowship enters Moria  (LOTR)
1101/09	Fellowship reaches Lorien (LOTR)
1201/17	Passing of Gandalf (LOTR)
1302/07	Fellowship leaves Lorien (LOTR)
1402/17	Death of Boromir (LOTR)
1502/20	Meriadoc & Pippin meet Treebeard (LOTR)
1602/22	Passing of King Ellesar (LOTR)
1702/24	Ents destroy Isengard (LOTR)
1802/26	Aragorn takes the Paths of the Dead (LOTR)
1903/05	Frodo & Samwise encounter Shelob (LOTR)
2003/08	Deaths of Denethor & Theoden (LOTR)
2103/18	Destruction of the Ring (LOTR)
2203/29	Flowering of the Mallorn (LOTR)
2304/04	Gandalf visits Bilbo (LOTR)
2404/17	An unexpected party (LOTR)
2504/23	Crowning of King Ellesar (LOTR)
2605/19	Arwen leaves Lorien to wed King Ellesar (LOTR)
2706/11	Sauron attacks Osgilliath (LOTR)
2806/13	Bilbo returns to Bag End (LOTR)
2906/23	Wedding of Ellesar & Arwen (LOTR)
3007/04	Gandalf imprisoned by Saruman (LOTR)
3107/24	The ring comes to Bilbo (LOTR)
3207/26	Bilbo rescued from Wargs by Eagles (LOTR)
3308/03	Funeral of King Theoden (LOTR)
3408/29	Saruman enters the Shire (LOTR)
3509/10	Gandalf escapes from Orthanc (LOTR)
3609/14	Frodo & Bilbo's birthday (LOTR)
3709/15	Black riders enter the Shire (LOTR)
3809/18	Frodo and company rescued by Bombadil (LOTR)
3909/28	Frodo wounded at Weathertop (LOTR)
4010/05	Frodo crosses bridge of Mitheithel
4110/16	Boromir reaches Rivendell (LOTR)
4210/17	Council of Elrond (LOTR)
4310/25	End of War of the Ring (LOTR)
4411/16	Bilbo reaches the Lonely Mountain (LOTR)
4512/05	Death of Smaug (LOTR)
4612/16	Fellowship begins Quest (LOTR)
4712/21	Phileas Fogg completes his trip around the world in less than 80 days
49/* These really _did_ "happen" */
5005/23	Two Yetis sighted, Mt. Everest, 1953
5105/25	Oral Roberts sees 900 foot tall Jesus Christ, Tulsa OK, 1980
52/* Not really a fictional event, just a fictional time */
5305/08	Beginning of ostrich mating season
5410/23	Earth created at 6:30 AM, 4004BC.
56#endif /* !_calendar_fictional_ */