All rights reserved.
This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
Robert Elz at The University of Melbourne.
@(#)quotactl.2 6.11 (Berkeley) 06/23/90
quotactl(path, cmd, id, addr) char *path; int cmd, id; char *addr;
Currently quotas are supported only for the ``ufs'' filesystem. For ``ufs'', a command is composed of a primary command (see below) and a command type that is used to interpret the id . Types are supported for interpretation of user identifiers and group identifiers. The ``ufs'' specific commands are:
Q_QUOTAON Enable disk quotas for the filesystem specified by path . The command type specifies the type of the quotas being enabled. The addr argument specifies a file from which to take the quotas. The quota file must exist; it is normally created with the quotacheck (8) program. The id argument is unused. Only the super-user may turn quotas on.
Q_QUOTAOFF Disable disk quotas for the filesystem specified by path . The command type specifies the type of the quotas being disabled. The addr and id arguments are unused. Only the super-user may turn quotas off.
Q_GETQUOTA Get disk quota limits and current usage for the user or group (as determined by the command type) with identifier id . Addr is a pointer to a struct dqblk structure (defined in < ufs/quota.h >).
Q_SETQUOTA Set disk quota limits for the user or group (as determined by the command type) with identifier id . Addr is a pointer to a struct dqblk structure (defined in < ufs/quota.h >). The usage fields of the dqblk structure are ignored. This call is restricted to the super-user.
Q_SETUSE Set disk usage limits for the user or group (as determined by the command type) with identifier id . Addr is a pointer to a struct dqblk structure (defined in < ufs/quota.h >). Only the usage fields are used. This call is restricted to the super-user.
Q_SYNC Update the on-disk copy of quota usages. The command type specifies which type of quotas are to be updated. The id and addr parameters are ignored.
15 [EOPNOTSUPP] The kernel has not been compiled with the QUOTA option.
15 [EUSERS] The quota table cannot be expanded.
15 [EINVAL] Cmd or the command type is invalid.
15 [EINVAL] A pathname contains a character with the high-order bit set.
15 [EACCES] In Q_QUOTAON, the quota file is not a plain file.
15 [EACCES] Search permission is denied for a component of a path prefix.
15 [ENOTDIR] A component of a path prefix is not a directory.
15 [ENAMETOOLONG] A component of either pathname exceeded 255 characters, or the entire length of either path name exceeded 1023 characters.
15 [ENOENT] A filename does not exist.
15 [ELOOP] Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating a pathname.
15 [EROFS] In Q_QUOTAON, the quota file resides on a read-only filesystem.
15 [EIO] An I/O error occurred while reading from or writing to a file containing quotas.
15 [EFAULT] An invalid addr is supplied; the associated structure could not be copied in or out of the kernel.
15 [EFAULT] Path points outside the process's allocated address space.
15 [EPERM] The call is privileged and the caller was not the super-user.