$Author: jtkohl $
$Header: kdestroy.1,v 4.9 89/01/23 11:39:50 jtkohl Exp $
Copyright 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
For copying and distribution information,
please see the file <mit-copyright.h>.
The utility displays a message indicating the success or failure of the operation. If kdestroy is unable to destroy the tickets, the utility will warn you by making your terminal beep.
You can place the kdestroy command in your .logout file so that your tickets are destroyed automatically when you logout.
The options to kdestroy are as follows:
7 -f kdestroy runs without displaying the status message.
-q kdestroy will not make your terminal beep if it fails to destroy the tickets.
Only the tickets in the user's current ticket file are destroyed. Separate ticket files are used to hold root instance and password changing tickets. These files should probably be destroyed too, or all of a user's tickets kept in a single ticket file.
Clifford Neuman, MIT Project Athena
Bill Sommerfeld, MIT Project Athena