xref: /reactos/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (revision 23d0ec4c)
1ce5d4fd3SDheeraj Bhaskar# Code of Conduct
2ce5d4fd3SDheeraj Bhaskar
3ce5d4fd3SDheeraj BhaskarBe respectful toward other members of the community. Don't initiate or engage in discussions that are designed to insult, inflame, attack, or incite hate/discrimination/bullying against others. Don't feed the trolls. If we detect any kind of behaviour we consider unacceptable, we reserve the right to ban, block, or remove the involved members from any or all of our communities.
4*23d0ec4cSDavid Quintana
5*23d0ec4cSDavid Quintana# See Also
6*23d0ec4cSDavid Quintana
7*23d0ec4cSDavid Quintana- [Rules for managing Pull Requests](PULL_REQUEST_MANAGEMENT.md)