1LANGUAGE LANG_POLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT 2 3STRINGTABLE 4BEGIN 5 IDS_USAGE, "Usage: TASKLIST [/?] [/NH]\n" 6 IDS_DESCRIPTION, "\n\ 7Desciption:\ 8 This tool displays a list of currently running processes on\n\ 9 the machine.\n" 10 IDS_OPTION_TOO_MUCH, "Error: Invalid syntax. '%1' option is not allowed more than '%2!d!' time(s).\n" 11 IDS_INVALID_SYNTAX, "Error: Invalid syntax.\n" 12 IDS_INVALID_OPTION, "Error: Unknown or invalid command line option specified.\n" 13 IDS_ENUM_FAILED, "Error: Unable to enumerate the process list.\n" 14 IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Error: Out of memory.\n" 15 IDS_HEADER_IMAGENAME, "Image Name" 16 IDS_HEADER_PID, "PID" 17 IDS_HEADER_SESSION, "Session#" 18 IDS_HEADER_MEMUSAGE, "Mem Usage" 19 IDS_MEMORY_STR, "%s K" 20END 21