1LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US 2 3STRINGTABLE 4BEGIN 5 IDS_USAGE "Usage: WHERE [options] pattern...\n\ 6\n\ 7Description:\n\ 8 Shows the location of the file(s) specified by the pattern(s).\n\ 9 By default, this tool searches by using the pattern(s) and the paths\n\ 10 of the PATH environment variable.\n\ 11\n\ 12Options:\n\ 13 /F Displays all matched file(s) in double quotes.\n\ 14 /Q Quiet mode. Doesn't show any files and messages.\n\ 15 /R dir Starts searching from the specified directory and recursively\n\ 16 performs the search.\n\ 17 /T Shows the file size and last modified date of all matched\n\ 18 files.\n\ 19 pattern Specifies the pattern to search files. Wildcards * and ? can\n\ 20 be used. ""$env:pattern"" and ""path:pattern"" formats can also\n\ 21 be used, where ""env"" is an environment variable and\n\ 22 the search is done in the paths of the ""env"" environment\n\ 23 variable. Don't use these formats with /R. The search is also\n\ 24 performed by adding the extension of the PATHEXT variable to\n\ 25 the pattern.\n\ 26 /? Displays this message.\n\ 27\n\ 28NOTE: This tool returns an error level of 0 if the search was successful,\n\ 29 1 if the file was not found, and 2 if there was an error.\n\ 30\n\ 31Example:\n\ 32 WHERE myfile*.exe\n\ 33 WHERE /F /T mspaint\n\ 34 WHERE $WINDIR:notepad myfile???\n\ 35 WHERE C:\\ReactOS;C:\\ReactOS\\system32:exp*.exe\n\ 36 WHERE /R ""C:\\Program Files"" *.dll\n" 37 38 IDS_BAD_ARG "ERROR: Invalid argument - '%ls'.\n" 39 IDS_NOT_FOUND "INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s).\n" 40 IDS_FILE_INFO "%10I64u %-12ls %-12ls %ls\n" 41 IDS_WANT_VALUE "ERROR: Value is needed for '%ls'.\n" 42 IDS_TYPE_HELP "Type ""WHERE /?"" for usage help.\n" 43 IDS_ENVPAT_WITH_R "ERROR: ""$env:pattern"" cannot be used with /R.\n" 44 IDS_PATHPAT_WITH_R "ERROR: ""path:pattern"" format cannot be used with /R.\n" 45 IDS_BAD_PATHPAT "ERROR: Invalid pattern is specified in ""path:pattern"".\n" 46 IDS_OUTOFMEMORY "ERROR: Out of memory.\n" 47 IDS_BAD_ENVVAR "ERROR: Environment variable ""%ls"" is not found.\n" 48 IDS_CANT_FOUND "ERROR: The system could not find the file specified.\n" 49 IDS_BAD_DIR "ERROR: Invalid directory is specified.\n" 50 IDS_BAD_NAME "ERROR: The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is wrong.\n" 51 IDS_TOO_MANY "ERROR: '%ls' option is not allowed more than '%u' time(s).\n" 52END 53