1 /* 2 * PROJECT: Dr. Watson crash reporter 3 * LICENSE: GPL-2.0+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+) 4 * PURPOSE: Entrypoint / main print function 5 * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2017 Mark Jansen (mark.jansen@reactos.org) 6 */ 7 8 #include "precomp.h" 9 #include <winuser.h> 10 #include <algorithm> 11 #include <shlobj.h> 12 #include <shlwapi.h> 13 #include <tchar.h> 14 #include <strsafe.h> 15 #include <tlhelp32.h> 16 #include <dbghelp.h> 17 #include <conio.h> 18 #include <atlbase.h> 19 #include <atlstr.h> 20 #include "resource.h" 21 22 23 static const char szUsage[] = "Usage: DrWtsn32 [-i] [-g] [-p dddd] [-e dddd] [-?]\n" 24 " -i: Install DrWtsn32 as the postmortem debugger\n" 25 " -g: Ignored, Provided for compatibility with WinDbg and CDB.\n" 26 " -p dddd: Attach to process dddd.\n" 27 " -e dddd: Signal the event dddd.\n" 28 " -?: This help.\n"; 29 30 extern "C" 31 NTSYSAPI ULONG NTAPI vDbgPrintEx(_In_ ULONG ComponentId, _In_ ULONG Level, _In_z_ PCCH Format, _In_ va_list ap); 32 #define DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL 0 33 34 void xfprintf(FILE* stream, const char *fmt, ...) 35 { 36 va_list ap; 37 38 va_start(ap, fmt); 39 vfprintf(stream, fmt, ap); 40 vDbgPrintEx(-1, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, fmt, ap); 41 va_end(ap); 42 } 43 44 45 46 static bool SortModules(const ModuleData& left, const ModuleData& right) 47 { 48 return left.BaseAddress < right.BaseAddress; 49 } 50 51 static void PrintThread(FILE* output, DumpData& data, DWORD tid, ThreadData& thread) 52 { 53 thread.Update(); 54 55 xfprintf(output, NEWLINE "State Dump for Thread Id 0x%x%s" NEWLINE NEWLINE, tid, 56 (tid == data.ThreadID) ? " (CRASH)" : ""); 57 58 const CONTEXT& ctx = thread.Context; 59 if ((ctx.ContextFlags & CONTEXT_INTEGER) == CONTEXT_INTEGER) 60 { 61 #if defined(_M_IX86) 62 xfprintf(output, "eax:%p ebx:%p ecx:%p edx:%p esi:%p edi:%p" NEWLINE, 63 ctx.Eax, ctx.Ebx, ctx.Ecx, ctx.Edx, ctx.Esi, ctx.Edi); 64 #elif defined(_M_AMD64) 65 xfprintf(output, "rax:%p rbx:%p rcx:%p rdx:%p rsi:%p rdi:%p" NEWLINE, 66 ctx.Rax, ctx.Rbx, ctx.Rcx, ctx.Rdx, ctx.Rsi, ctx.Rdi); 67 xfprintf(output, "r8:%p r9:%p r10:%p r11:%p r12:%p r13:%p r14:%p r15:%p" NEWLINE, 68 ctx.R8, ctx.R9, ctx.R10, ctx.R11, ctx.R12, ctx.R13, ctx.R14, ctx.R15); 69 #else 70 #error Unknown architecture 71 #endif 72 } 73 74 if ((ctx.ContextFlags & CONTEXT_CONTROL) == CONTEXT_CONTROL) 75 { 76 #if defined(_M_IX86) 77 xfprintf(output, "eip:%p esp:%p ebp:%p" NEWLINE, 78 ctx.Eip, ctx.Esp, ctx.Ebp); 79 #elif defined(_M_AMD64) 80 xfprintf(output, "rip:%p rsp:%p rbp:%p" NEWLINE, 81 ctx.Rip, ctx.Rsp, ctx.Rbp); 82 #else 83 #error Unknown architecture 84 #endif 85 } 86 87 if ((ctx.ContextFlags & CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS) == CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS) 88 { 89 #if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_AMD64) 90 xfprintf(output, "dr0:%p dr1:%p dr2:%p dr3:%p dr6:%p dr7:%p" NEWLINE, 91 ctx.Dr0, ctx.Dr1, ctx.Dr2, ctx.Dr3, ctx.Dr6, ctx.Dr7); 92 #else 93 #error Unknown architecture 94 #endif 95 } 96 97 PrintStackBacktrace(output, data, thread); 98 } 99 100 void PrintBugreport(FILE* output, DumpData& data) 101 { 102 PrintSystemInfo(output, data); 103 xfprintf(output, NEWLINE "*----> Task List <----*" NEWLINE NEWLINE); 104 HANDLE hSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); 105 if (hSnap != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) 106 { 107 PROCESSENTRY32 pe; 108 pe.dwSize = sizeof(pe); 109 if (Process32First(hSnap, &pe)) 110 { 111 do 112 { 113 xfprintf(output, "%5d: %ls" NEWLINE, pe.th32ProcessID, pe.szExeFile); 114 } while (Process32Next(hSnap, &pe)); 115 } 116 CloseHandle(hSnap); 117 } 118 119 xfprintf(output, NEWLINE "*----> Module List <----*" NEWLINE NEWLINE); 120 std::sort(data.Modules.begin(), data.Modules.end(), SortModules); 121 122 ModuleData mainModule(NULL); 123 mainModule.Update(data.ProcessHandle); 124 xfprintf(output, "(%p - %p) %ls" NEWLINE, 125 mainModule.BaseAddress, 126 (PBYTE)mainModule.BaseAddress + mainModule.Size, 127 data.ProcessPath.c_str()); 128 129 for (size_t n = 0; n < data.Modules.size(); ++n) 130 { 131 ModuleData& mod = data.Modules[n]; 132 if (!mod.Unloaded) 133 { 134 mod.Update(data.ProcessHandle); 135 xfprintf(output, "(%p - %p) %s" NEWLINE, 136 mod.BaseAddress, 137 (PBYTE)mod.BaseAddress + mod.Size, 138 mod.ModuleName.c_str()); 139 } 140 } 141 142 BeginStackBacktrace(data); 143 144 // First print the thread that crashed 145 ThreadMap::iterator crash = data.Threads.find(data.ThreadID); 146 if (crash != data.Threads.end()) 147 PrintThread(output, data, crash->first, crash->second); 148 149 // Print the other threads 150 for (ThreadMap::iterator it = data.Threads.begin(); it != data.Threads.end(); ++it) 151 { 152 if (it->first != data.ThreadID) 153 PrintThread(output, data, it->first, it->second); 154 } 155 EndStackBacktrace(data); 156 } 157 158 159 int abort(FILE* output, int err) 160 { 161 if (output != stdout) 162 fclose(output); 163 else 164 _getch(); 165 166 return err; 167 } 168 169 std::wstring Settings_GetOutputPath(void) 170 { 171 WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH] = L""; 172 ULONG BufferSize = _countof(Buffer); 173 BOOL UseDefaultPath = TRUE; 174 175 CRegKey key; 176 if (key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SOFTWARE\\ReactOS\\Crash Reporter", KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS && 177 key.QueryStringValue(L"Dump Directory", Buffer, &BufferSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) 178 { 179 UseDefaultPath = FALSE; 180 } 181 182 if (UseDefaultPath) 183 { 184 if (FAILED(SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_DESKTOP, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, Buffer))) 185 { 186 return std::wstring(); 187 } 188 } 189 190 return std::wstring(Buffer); 191 } 192 193 BOOL Settings_GetShouldWriteDump(void) 194 { 195 CRegKey key; 196 if (key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SOFTWARE\\ReactOS\\Crash Reporter", KEY_READ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) 197 { 198 return FALSE; 199 } 200 201 DWORD Value; 202 if (key.QueryDWORDValue(L"Minidump", Value) != ERROR_SUCCESS) 203 { 204 return FALSE; 205 } 206 207 return (Value != 0); 208 } 209 210 HRESULT WriteMinidump(LPCWSTR LogFilePath, DumpData& data) 211 { 212 HRESULT hr = S_OK; 213 214 WCHAR DumpFilePath[MAX_PATH] = L""; 215 StringCchCopyW(DumpFilePath, _countof(DumpFilePath), LogFilePath); 216 PathRemoveExtensionW(DumpFilePath); 217 PathAddExtensionW(DumpFilePath, L".dmp"); 218 219 HANDLE hDumpFile = CreateFileW(DumpFilePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); 220 if (hDumpFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) 221 { 222 return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); 223 } 224 225 ThreadData& Thread = data.Threads[data.ThreadID]; 226 Thread.Update(); 227 PCONTEXT ContextPointer = &Thread.Context; 228 229 MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION DumpExceptionInfo = {0}; 230 EXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionPointers = {0}; 231 ExceptionPointers.ExceptionRecord = &data.ExceptionInfo.ExceptionRecord; 232 ExceptionPointers.ContextRecord = ContextPointer; 233 234 DumpExceptionInfo.ThreadId = data.ThreadID; 235 DumpExceptionInfo.ExceptionPointers = &ExceptionPointers; 236 DumpExceptionInfo.ClientPointers = FALSE; 237 238 BOOL DumpSucceeded = MiniDumpWriteDump(data.ProcessHandle, data.ProcessID, hDumpFile, MiniDumpNormal, &DumpExceptionInfo, NULL, NULL); 239 if (!DumpSucceeded) 240 { 241 // According to MSDN, this value is already an HRESULT, so don't convert it again. 242 hr = GetLastError(); 243 } 244 245 CloseHandle(hDumpFile); 246 return hr; 247 } 248 249 int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPWSTR cmdLine, INT) 250 { 251 int argc; 252 WCHAR **argv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc); 253 254 DWORD pid = 0; 255 WCHAR Filename[50]; 256 FILE* output = NULL; 257 SYSTEMTIME st; 258 DumpData data; 259 260 261 for (int n = 0; n < argc; ++n) 262 { 263 WCHAR* arg = argv[n]; 264 265 if (!wcscmp(arg, L"-i")) 266 { 267 /* FIXME: Installs as the postmortem debugger. */ 268 } 269 else if (!wcscmp(arg, L"-g")) 270 { 271 } 272 else if (!wcscmp(arg, L"-p")) 273 { 274 if (n + 1 < argc) 275 { 276 pid = wcstoul(argv[n+1], NULL, 10); 277 n++; 278 } 279 } 280 else if (!wcscmp(arg, L"-e")) 281 { 282 if (n + 1 < argc) 283 { 284 data.Event = (HANDLE)(ULONG_PTR)_wcstoui64(argv[n+1], NULL, 10); 285 n++; 286 } 287 } 288 else if (!wcscmp(arg, L"-?")) 289 { 290 MessageBoxA(NULL, szUsage, "ReactOS Crash Reporter", MB_OK); 291 return abort(output, 0); 292 } 293 else if (!wcscmp(arg, L"/?")) 294 { 295 xfprintf(stdout, "%s\n", szUsage); 296 return abort(stdout, 0); 297 } 298 } 299 300 if (!pid) 301 { 302 MessageBoxA(NULL, szUsage, "ReactOS Crash Reporter", MB_OK); 303 return abort(stdout, 0); 304 } 305 306 GetLocalTime(&st); 307 308 std::wstring OutputPath = Settings_GetOutputPath(); 309 BOOL HasPath = (OutputPath.size() != 0); 310 311 if (!PathIsDirectoryW(OutputPath.c_str())) 312 { 313 int res = SHCreateDirectoryExW(NULL, OutputPath.c_str(), NULL); 314 if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS && res != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) 315 { 316 xfprintf(stdout, "Could not create output directory, not writing dump\n"); 317 MessageBoxA(NULL, "Could not create directory to write crash report.", "ReactOS Crash Reporter", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); 318 return abort(stdout, 0); 319 } 320 } 321 322 if (HasPath && 323 SUCCEEDED(StringCchPrintfW(Filename, _countof(Filename), L"Appcrash_%d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d.txt", 324 st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond))) 325 { 326 OutputPath += L"\\"; 327 OutputPath += Filename; 328 output = _wfopen(OutputPath.c_str(), L"wb"); 329 } 330 if (!output) 331 output = stdout; 332 333 334 if (!DebugActiveProcess(pid)) 335 return abort(output, -2); 336 337 /* We should not kill it? */ 338 DebugSetProcessKillOnExit(FALSE); 339 340 DEBUG_EVENT evt; 341 if (!WaitForDebugEvent(&evt, 30000)) 342 return abort(output, -3); 343 344 assert(evt.dwDebugEventCode == CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT); 345 346 while (UpdateFromEvent(evt, data)) 347 { 348 ContinueDebugEvent(evt.dwProcessId, evt.dwThreadId, DBG_CONTINUE); 349 350 if (!WaitForDebugEvent(&evt, 30000)) 351 return abort(output, -4); 352 } 353 354 PrintBugreport(output, data); 355 if (Settings_GetShouldWriteDump() && HasPath) 356 { 357 WriteMinidump(OutputPath.c_str(), data); 358 } 359 360 TerminateProcess(data.ProcessHandle, data.ExceptionInfo.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode); 361 362 CStringW FormattedMessage; 363 FormattedMessage.Format(IDS_USER_ALERT_MESSAGE, data.ProcessName.c_str(), OutputPath.c_str()); 364 CStringW DialogTitle; 365 DialogTitle.LoadString(hInstance, IDS_APP_TITLE); 366 367 MessageBoxW(NULL, FormattedMessage.GetString(), DialogTitle.GetString(), MB_OK); 368 369 return abort(output, 0); 370 } 371