1 2LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US 3 4STRINGTABLE 5BEGIN 6 IDS_USAGE "\n\ 7Usage: tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j host-list] [-w timeout] target_name\n\n\ 8Options:\n\ 9 -d Do not resolve addresses to hostnames.\n\ 10 -h maximum_hops Maximum number of hops to search for target.\n\ 11 -j host-list Loose source route along host-list.\n\ 12 -w timeout Wait timeout milliseconds for each reply.\n\ 13 -4 Force using IPv4.\n\ 14 -6 Force using IPv6.\n\ 15\n" 16 17 IDS_INVALID_OPTION "%1 is not a valid command option.\n" 18 IDS_TRACE_INFO "\nTracing route to %1 [%2]\nover a maximum of %3!u! hops:\n\n" 19 IDS_TRACE_COMPLETE "\nTrace complete.\n" 20 IDS_UNABLE_RESOLVE "Unable to resolve target system name %1.\n" 21 22 IDS_GEN_FAILURE "General failure.\n" 23 IDS_TRANSMIT_FAILED "Transmit failed. (Error %1!u!)\n" 24 25 IDS_HOP_COUNT "%1!3lu! %0\n" 26 IDS_HOP_TIME "%1!4lu! ms %0\n" 27 IDS_HOP_ZERO " <1 ms %0\n" 28 IDS_TIMEOUT " * %0\n" 29 IDS_HOP_RES_INFO "%1 [%2]" 30 IDS_HOP_IP_INFO "%1" 31 IDS_LINEBREAK "\r\n" 32 IDS_REQ_TIMED_OUT "Request timed out.\n" 33 IDS_HOP_RESPONSE " reports: " 34 IDS_DEST_HOST_UNREACHABLE "Destination host unreachable.\n" 35 IDS_DEST_NET_UNREACHABLE "Destination network unreachable.\n" 36END 37