2c2c66affSColin Finck
3c2c66affSColin Finck/* Dialog */
4c2c66affSColin FinckIDD_GUI DIALOGEX 0, 0, 240, 255
6c2c66affSColin FinckCAPTION "Remote Shutdown"
7c2c66affSColin FinckFONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
8c2c66affSColin FinckBEGIN
9c2c66affSColin Finck    DEFPUSHBUTTON "&OK", IDC_OK, 125, 232, 50, 14
10c2c66affSColin Finck    PUSHBUTTON "&Cancel", IDC_CANCEL, 178, 232, 50, 14
11c2c66affSColin Finck    LTEXT "Co&mputers:", IDC_STATIC, 9, 9, 35, 36
12c2c66affSColin Finck    LISTBOX IDC_COMPUTER_LIST, 8, 19, 162, 55
13*e2e69911SMarkus Gothe    PUSHBUTTON "&Lägg till...", IDC_ADD_SYSTEM, 179, 19, 50, 14
14*e2e69911SMarkus Gothe    PUSHBUTTON "&Ta bort", IDC_REMOVE_SYSTEM, 179, 36, 50, 14, WS_DISABLED
15c2c66affSColin Finck    PUSHBUTTON "&Browse...", IDC_BROWSE_SYSTEM, 179, 53, 50, 14
16c2c66affSColin Finck    LTEXT "Action", IDC_ACTION, 11, 81, 20, 14
17c2c66affSColin Finck    COMBOBOX IDC_ACTION_TYPE, 37, 79, 129, 14, WS_TABSTOP | CBS_DROPDOWN
18c2c66affSColin Finck    CHECKBOX "Warn users", IDC_WARN_USERS, 175, 79, 55, 14, BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP
19c2c66affSColin Finck    LTEXT "Display warning for", IDC_SHOW_WARN_ONE, 11, 99, 65, 14
20c2c66affSColin Finck    EDITTEXT IDC_SHOW_WARN, 78, 97, 41, 14
21c2c66affSColin Finck    LTEXT "second(s)", IDC_SHOW_WARN_TWO, 124, 99, 32, 10
22c2c66affSColin Finck    GROUPBOX "Shutdown Event Tracker", IDC_STATIC, 5, 114, 224, 114
23*e2e69911SMarkus Gothe    LTEXT "Anledning:", IDC_STATIC, 16, 130, 27, 8
24c2c66affSColin Finck    CHECKBOX "Planned", IDC_PLANNED, 175, 130, 40, 12, BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP
25c2c66affSColin Finck    COMBOBOX IDC_REASON_CODE, 17, 142, 198, 13, WS_TABSTOP | CBS_DROPDOWN
26c2c66affSColin Finck    LTEXT "Comm&ent:", IDC_COMMENT_CAPTION, 16, 159, 38, 8
27c2c66affSColin Finck    EDITTEXT IDC_COMMENT_TEXT, 17, 171, 198, 50, WS_VSCROLL
28c2c66affSColin FinckEND
29c2c66affSColin Finck
30c2c66affSColin Finck/* Information and error messages */
31c2c66affSColin FinckSTRINGTABLE
32c2c66affSColin FinckBEGIN
33c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Shutdown Utility\n\
34c2c66affSColin Finck\n\
35c2c66affSColin FinckUsage: shutdown [/?] [/i | /l | /s | /r | /g | /a | /p | /h | /e] [/f]\n\
36c2c66affSColin Finck       [/m \\\\computer][/t xxx][/d [p|u:]xx:yy [/c ""comment""]]\n\
37c2c66affSColin Finck\n\
38c2c66affSColin Finck    No arguments or /?    Display this help.\n\
39c2c66affSColin Finck    /i      Show the graphical user interface (GUI). This option must be the\n\
40c2c66affSColin Finck            first one.\n\
41c2c66affSColin Finck    /l      Log off on the local system only. Cannot be used with /m or /d.\n\
42c2c66affSColin Finck    /s      Shutdown the computer.\n\
43c2c66affSColin Finck    /r      Restart the computer.\n\
44c2c66affSColin Finck    /g      Restart the computer and restart all the registered applications.\n\
45c2c66affSColin Finck    /a      Cancel a delayed shutdown. Can only be used during the delay\n\
46c2c66affSColin Finck            period.\n\
47c2c66affSColin Finck    /p      Shutdown the local computer without any timeout or warning. Can be\n\
48c2c66affSColin Finck            used with /d or /f.\n\
49c2c66affSColin Finck    /h      Hibernate the local computer. Usable with /f.\n\
50c2c66affSColin Finck    /e      Document the reason for the unexpected computer shutdown.\n\
51c2c66affSColin Finck    /m \\\\computer  Specify the target computer (UNC/IP address).\n\
52c2c66affSColin Finck    /t xxx  Set the timeout period to xxx seconds before shutting down.\n\
53c2c66affSColin Finck            The valid range starts from 0 to 315360000 (10 years),\n\
54c2c66affSColin Finck            30 being the default value.\n\
55c2c66affSColin Finck    /c ""comment""  Comment on the reason for shutdown or restart.\n\
56c2c66affSColin Finck            512 characters maximum allowed.\n\
57c2c66affSColin Finck    /f      Force running applications to close without warning users. If you\n\
58c2c66affSColin Finck            do not specify any other parameter, this option will also log off.\n\
59c2c66affSColin Finck    /d [p|u:]xx:yy  Give the reason code for the shutdown or the restart.\n\
60c2c66affSColin Finck            p indicates that the shutdown or the restart is planned.\n\
61c2c66affSColin Finck            u indicates that the reason is defined by the user.\n\
62c2c66affSColin Finck            If neither p nor u are specified, the shutdown or the restart are\n\
63c2c66affSColin Finck            not planned.\n\
64c2c66affSColin Finck            xx is the major reason code (positive integer smaller than 256).\n\
65c2c66affSColin Finck            yy is the minor reason code (positive integer smaller than 65536).\n"
66c2c66affSColin Finck
67c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ERROR_SHUTDOWN_REBOOT "ERROR: Unable to shutdown and restart at the same time.\n"
68c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ERROR_TIMEOUT "ERROR: Timeout value of %u is out of bounds (0-315360000).\n"
69c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ERROR_ABORT "ERROR: Unable to abort the shutdown of the system.\n"
70c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ERROR_LOGOFF "ERROR: Unable to logoff the system.\n"
71c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ERROR_SHUTDOWN "ERROR: Unable to shutdown the system.\n"
72c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ERROR_RESTART "ERROR: Unable to restart the system.\n"
73c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ERROR_MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH "ERROR: Comment length exceeds maximum character limit set by the system.\n"
74c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ERROR_HIBERNATE "ERROR: Unable to send system into hibernation mode.\n"
75c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ERROR_HIBERNATE_LOCAL "ERROR: Hibernation mode cannot be started remotely.\n"
76c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ERROR_HIBERNATE_ENABLED "ERROR: Hibernation mode is not enabled.\n"
77c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ERROR_DIALOG_CAPTION "Remote Shutdown"
78c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ERROR_DIALOG_INIT "Unable to display the graphical user interface."
79c2c66affSColin FinckEND
80c2c66affSColin Finck
81c2c66affSColin Finck/* Remote shutdown action strings */
82c2c66affSColin FinckSTRINGTABLE
83c2c66affSColin FinckBEGIN
84c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ACTION_SHUTDOWN "Shutdown the system"
85c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ACTION_RESTART "Restart the system"
86c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_ACTION_UNEXPECTED_SHUTDOWN "Annotate the unexpected shutdown"
87c2c66affSColin FinckEND
88c2c66affSColin Finck
89c2c66affSColin Finck/* Remote shutdown reason strings */
90c2c66affSColin FinckSTRINGTABLE
91c2c66affSColin FinckBEGIN
92c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_REASON_OTHER "Other"
93c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_REASON_HARDWARE_MAINTENANCE "Hardware: Maintenance"
94c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_REASON_HARDWARE_INSTALL "Hardware: Installation"
95c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_REASON_OS_RECOVER "Operating System: Recovery"
96c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_REASON_OS_RECONFIGURE "Operating System: Reconfigure"
97c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_REASON_APP_MAINTENANCE "Application: Maintenance"
98c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_REASON_APP_INSTALL "Application: Installation"
99c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_REASON_APP_UNRESPONSIVE "Application: Unresponsive"
100c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_REASON_APP_UNSTABLE "Application: Unstable"
101c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_REASON_SECURITY "Security Issue"
102c2c66affSColin Finck    IDS_REASON_NETWORK "Loss of network connectivity"
103c2c66affSColin FinckEND