1/* 2 * Help Viewer 3 * 4 * Copyright 1996 Ulrich Schmid 5 * Rumantsch Ladin (Vallader) by mbaur@g26.ethz.ch 6 * Copyright 2002 Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@yahoo.fr> 7 * 8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public 10 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 11 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 12 * 13 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 15 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU 16 * Lesser General Public License for more details. 17 * 18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 19 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software 20 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 21 */ 22 23LANGUAGE LANG_ROMANSH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT 24 25#pragma code_page(65001) 26 27/* FIXME: This file is in the Vallader Romansh dialect and not in the 28 official Rumantsch Grischun. */ 29 30MAIN_MENU MENU 31{ 32 POPUP "&Datoteca" { 33 MENUITEM "&Rivir", MNID_FILE_OPEN 34 MENUITEM SEPARATOR 35 MENUITEM "&Stampar tema", MNID_FILE_PRINT 36 MENUITEM "&Installaziun dal stampader...", MNID_FILE_SETUP 37 MENUITEM SEPARATOR 38 MENUITEM "&Finir", MNID_FILE_EXIT 39 } 40 POPUP "&Lavurar" { 41 MENUITEM "Capchar", MNID_EDIT_COPYDLG 42 MENUITEM SEPARATOR 43 MENUITEM "&Annotaziun...", MNID_EDIT_ANNOTATE 44 } 45 POPUP "&Marca" { 46 MENUITEM "&Definir...", MNID_BKMK_DEFINE 47 } 48 POPUP "&Options" { 49 MENUITEM "Ad�na da&vant", MNID_HELP_HELPTOP 50 MENUITEM "History", MNID_OPTS_HISTORY 51 POPUP "Fonts" 52 BEGIN 53 MENUITEM "Small", MNID_OPTS_FONTS_SMALL 54 MENUITEM "Normal", MNID_OPTS_FONTS_NORMAL 55 MENUITEM "Large", MNID_OPTS_FONTS_LARGE 56 END 57 } 58 POPUP "&Ag�d" { 59 MENUITEM "&Douvrar l'ag�d", MNID_HELP_HELPON 60 MENUITEM "I&nfuormaziuns", MNID_HELP_ABOUT 61 } 62} 63 64CONTEXT_MENU MENU 65BEGIN 66 POPUP "" 67 BEGIN 68 MENUITEM "Annotation...", MNID_CTXT_ANNOTATE 69 MENUITEM "Copy", MNID_CTXT_COPY 70 MENUITEM "Print...", MNID_CTXT_PRINT 71 POPUP "Fonts" 72 BEGIN 73 MENUITEM "Small", MNID_CTXT_FONTS_SMALL 74 MENUITEM "Normal", MNID_CTXT_FONTS_NORMAL 75 MENUITEM "Large", MNID_CTXT_FONTS_LARGE 76 END 77 END 78END 79 80STRINGTABLE 81{ 82STID_WINE_HELP, "ReactOS ag�d" 83STID_WHERROR, "SBAGL" 84STID_WARNING, "ATTENZIUN" 85STID_INFO, "INFUORMAZIUN" 86STID_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Na implementa" 87STID_HLPFILE_ERROR_s, "Sbagl cun leger la datoteca d'ag�d `%s'" 88STID_INDEX, "&Cuntgn�" 89STID_CONTENTS, "Summary" 90STID_BACK, "&Inavo" 91STID_ALL_FILES, "Tuot las datotecas (*.*)" 92STID_HELP_FILES_HLP, "Datotecas d'ag�d (*.hlp)" 93STID_FILE_NOT_FOUND_s "Cannot find '%s'. Do you want to find this file yourself?" 94STID_NO_RICHEDIT "Cannot find a richedit implementation... Aborting" 95STID_PSH_INDEX, "Help topics: " 96} 97 98IDD_INDEX DIALOGEX 0, 0, 200, 190 99STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU 100FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 101CAPTION "Index" 102{ 103 LISTBOX IDC_INDEXLIST, 10, 10, 180, 150, LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_BORDER 104} 105 106IDD_SEARCH DIALOGEX 0, 0, 200, 190 107STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU 108FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 109CAPTION "Search" 110{ 111 LTEXT "Not yet implemented", -1, 10, 10, 180, 150 112} 113