1remove_definitions(-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x502 -DWINVER=0x502) 2add_definitions(-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x601) 3add_definitions(-DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06010000) 4 5include_directories( 6 ${REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR}/dll/3rdparty/libtirpc/tirpc 7 ${REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR}/drivers/filesystems/nfs 8 ${REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR}/dll/np/nfs) 9 10if (MSVC) 11 # Disable warning C4477 (printf format warnings) 12 add_compile_flags("/wd4477") 13endif() 14 15list(APPEND SOURCE 16 acl.c 17 callback_server.c 18 callback_xdr.c 19 daemon_debug.c 20 delegation.c 21 ea.c 22 getattr.c 23 idmap.c 24 lock.c 25 lookup.c 26 mount.c 27 name_cache.c 28 namespace.c 29 nfs41_client.c 30 nfs41_compound.c 31 nfs41_daemon.c 32 nfs41_ops.c 33 nfs41_rpc.c 34 nfs41_server.c 35 nfs41_session.c 36 nfs41_superblock.c 37 nfs41_xdr.c 38 open.c 39 pnfs_debug.c 40 pnfs_device.c 41 pnfs_io.c 42 pnfs_layout.c 43 readdir.c 44 readwrite.c 45 recovery.c 46 service.c 47 setattr.c 48 symlink.c 49 upcall.c 50 util.c 51 volume.c 52 precomp.h) 53 54add_executable(nfsd ${SOURCE} nfsd.rc) 55 56if(MSVC AND (NOT USE_CLANG_CL)) 57else() 58 # FIXME: Tons of warnings. 59 target_compile_options(nfsd PRIVATE "-w") 60endif() 61 62set_module_type(nfsd win32cui) 63add_importlibs(nfsd advapi32 iphlpapi kernel32_vista libtirpc msvcrt shell32 ws2_32 wldap32 kernel32 ntdll) 64add_pch(nfsd precomp.h SOURCE) 65add_cd_file(TARGET nfsd DESTINATION reactos/system32 FOR all) 66add_cd_file(FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/netconfig" DESTINATION reactos/system32/drivers/etc FOR all) 67add_cd_file(FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ms-nfs41-idmap.conf" DESTINATION reactos/system32/drivers/etc FOR all) 68