1 2@ extern IsUnattendedSetup 3@ extern MbrPartitionTypes 4@ extern GptPartitionTypes 5 6;; fileqsup and infsupp function pointers to be initialized by the user of this library 7;;@ extern SpFileExports 8;;@ extern SpInfExports 9 10;; infsupp 11@ cdecl INF_GetDataField(ptr long ptr) ## -private 12 13 14;; filesup 15@ cdecl ConcatPathsV(ptr long long ptr) 16@ cdecl CombinePathsV(ptr long long ptr) 17@ varargs ConcatPaths(ptr long long) 18@ varargs CombinePaths(ptr long long) 19@ cdecl SetupCopyFile(wstr wstr long) 20@ cdecl SetupDeleteFile(wstr long) 21@ cdecl SetupMoveFile(wstr wstr long) 22 23;; genlist 24@ stdcall CreateGenericList() 25@ stdcall DestroyGenericList(ptr long) 26@ stdcall GetCurrentListEntry(ptr) 27@ stdcall GetFirstListEntry(ptr) 28@ stdcall GetNextListEntry(ptr) 29@ stdcall GetListEntryData(ptr) 30@ stdcall GetNumberOfListEntries(ptr) 31@ stdcall SetCurrentListEntry(ptr ptr) 32 33;; partlist 34@ stdcall CreatePartitionList() 35@ stdcall CreatePartition(ptr ptr int64 ptr) 36@ stdcall DeletePartition(ptr ptr ptr) 37@ stdcall DestroyPartitionList(ptr) 38@ stdcall GetNextPartition(ptr ptr) 39@ stdcall GetPrevPartition(ptr ptr) 40@ stdcall GetAdjUnpartitionedEntry(ptr long) 41@ stdcall PartitionCreateChecks(ptr int64 ptr) 42@ cdecl -ret64 RoundingDivide(int64 int64) 43;;;; 44@ cdecl IsPartitionActive(ptr) ## -private 45@ cdecl SelectPartition(ptr long long) 46 47;; osdetect 48@ stdcall CreateNTOSInstallationsList(ptr) 49@ stdcall FindSubStrI(wstr wstr) 50 51;; settings 52@ cdecl CreateComputerTypeList(ptr) 53@ cdecl CreateDisplayDriverList(ptr) 54@ cdecl CreateKeyboardDriverList(ptr) 55@ cdecl CreateKeyboardLayoutList(ptr wstr ptr) 56@ cdecl CreateLanguageList(ptr ptr) 57@ cdecl GetDefaultLanguageIndex() 58 59;; mui 60@ cdecl MUIDefaultKeyboardLayout(wstr) 61@ cdecl MUIGetOEMCodePage(wstr) ## -private 62 63;; setuplib 64@ stdcall CheckUnattendedSetup(ptr) 65@ stdcall FinishSetup(ptr) 66@ stdcall IsValidInstallDirectory(wstr) 67@ stdcall InitDestinationPaths(ptr wstr ptr) 68@ stdcall InitializeSetup(ptr ptr ptr ptr) 69@ stdcall InitSystemPartition(ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr) 70@ stdcall InstallSetupInfFile(ptr) 71@ stdcall UpdateRegistry(ptr long ptr long wstr ptr ptr) 72 73;; fsutil 74@ stdcall FsVolCommitOpsQueue(ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr) 75@ stdcall GetRegisteredFileSystems(long ptr) 76 77;; install 78@ stdcall PrepareFileCopy(ptr ptr) 79@ stdcall DoFileCopy(ptr ptr ptr) 80 81;; bootsup 82@ stdcall InstallBootManagerAndBootEntries(long ptr ptr ptr ptr) 83@ stdcall InstallBootcodeToRemovable(long ptr ptr ptr) 84