1 // This file is converted by code7bit. 2 // code7bit: https://github.com/katahiromz/code7bit 3 // To revert conversion, please execute "code7bit -r <file>". 4 #pragma once 5 6 static MUI_ENTRY elGRSetupInitPageEntries[] = 7 { 8 { 9 4, 10 3, 11 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 12 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 13 }, 14 { 15 0, 16 20, 17 "Please wait while the ReactOS Setup initializes itself", 18 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL | TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER 19 }, 20 { 21 0, 22 21, 23 "and discovers your devices...", 24 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL | TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER 25 }, 26 { 27 0, 28 0, 29 "Please wait...", 30 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS | TEXT_PADDING_BIG, 31 }, 32 { 33 0, 34 0, 35 NULL, 36 0 37 } 38 }; 39 40 static MUI_ENTRY elGRLanguagePageEntries[] = 41 { 42 { 43 4, 44 3, 45 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 46 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 47 }, 48 { 49 6, 50 8, 51 "\204\247\240\242\246\232\343 \232\242\351\251\251\230\252.", 52 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 53 }, 54 { 55 7, 56 10, 57 "\x07 \217\230\250\230\241\230\242\351 \234\247\240\242\342\245\253\234 \253\236 \232\242\351\251\251\230 \247\246\254 \237\230 \256\250\236\251\240\243\246\247\246\240\236\237\234\345 \241\230\253\341 \253\236\244 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236.", 58 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 59 }, 60 { 61 7, 62 11, 63 " \213\234\253\341 \247\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER.", 64 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 65 }, 66 { 67 7, 68 13, 69 "\x07 \200\254\253\343 \236 \232\242\351\251\251\230 \237\230 \234\345\244\230\240 \236 \247\250\246\234\247\240\242\234\232\243\342\244\236 \232\240\230 \253\246 \253\234\242\240\241\346 \251\347\251\253\236\243\230.", 70 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 71 }, 72 { 73 0, 74 0, 75 " ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230 F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236", 76 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 77 }, 78 { 79 0, 80 0, 81 NULL, 82 0 83 } 84 }; 85 86 static MUI_ENTRY elGRWelcomePageEntries[] = 87 { 88 { 89 4, 90 3, 91 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 92 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 93 }, 94 { 95 5, 96 8, 97 "\211\230\242\351\252 \216\250\345\251\230\253\234 \251\253\236\244 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS", 98 TEXT_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT 99 }, 100 { 101 5, 102 11, 103 "\200\254\253\346 \253\246 \243\342\250\246\252 \253\236\252 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236\252 \230\244\253\240\232\250\341\255\234\240 \253\246 \242\234\240\253\246\254\250\232\240\241\346 \251\347\251\253\236\243\230 ReactOS", 104 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 105 }, 106 { 107 5, 108 12, 109 "\251\253\246\244 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343 \251\230\252 \241\230\240 \247\250\246\234\253\246\240\243\341\235\234\240 \253\246 \233\234\347\253\234\250\246 \243\342\250\246\252 \253\236\252 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236\252.", 110 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 111 }, 112 { 113 7, 114 15, 115 "\x07 Press ENTER to install or upgrade ReactOS.", 116 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 117 }, 118 { 119 7, 120 17, 121 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 R \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\233\240\246\250\237\351\251\234\253\234 \253\246 ReactOS.", 122 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 123 }, 124 { 125 7, 126 19, 127 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 L \232\240\230 \244\230 \233\234\345\253\234 \253\246\254\252 \346\250\246\254\252 \230\233\234\240\246\233\346\253\236\251\236\252 \253\246\254 ReactOS.", 128 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 129 }, 130 { 131 7, 132 21, 133 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 F3 \232\240\230 \244\230 \230\247\246\256\340\250\343\251\234\253\234 \256\340\250\345\252 \244\230 \234\232\241\230\253\230\251\253\343\251\234\253\234 \253\246 ReactOS.", 134 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 135 }, 136 { 137 5, 138 23, 139 "\202\240\230 \247\234\250\240\251\251\346\253\234\250\234\252 \247\242\236\250\246\255\246\250\345\234\252 \232\240\230 \253\246 ReactOS, \247\230\250\230\241\230\242\246\347\243\234 \234\247\240\251\241\234\255\237\234\345\253\234 \253\246:", 140 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 141 }, 142 { 143 5, 144 24, 145 "http://www.reactos.org", 146 TEXT_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT 147 }, 148 { 149 0, 150 0, 151 " ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230 R = \204\247\240\233\240\346\250\237\340\251\236 F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236", 152 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 153 }, 154 { 155 0, 156 0, 157 NULL, 158 0 159 } 160 }; 161 162 static MUI_ENTRY elGRIntroPageEntries[] = 163 { 164 { 165 4, 166 3, 167 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 168 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 169 }, 170 { 171 6, 172 8, 173 "ReactOS Version Status", 174 TEXT_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT 175 }, 176 { 177 6, 178 11, 179 "ReactOS is in Alpha stage, meaning it is not feature-complete", 180 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 181 }, 182 { 183 6, 184 12, 185 "and is under heavy development. It is recommended to use it only for", 186 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 187 }, 188 { 189 6, 190 13, 191 "evaluation and testing purposes and not as your daily-usage OS.", 192 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 193 }, 194 { 195 6, 196 15, 197 "Backup your data or test on a secondary computer if you attempt", 198 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 199 }, 200 { 201 6, 202 16, 203 "to run ReactOS on real hardware.", 204 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 205 }, 206 { 207 8, 208 19, 209 "\x07 Press ENTER to continue ReactOS Setup.", 210 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 211 }, 212 { 213 8, 214 21, 215 "\x07 Press F3 to quit without installing ReactOS.", 216 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 217 }, 218 { 219 0, 220 0, 221 "ENTER = Continue F3 = Quit", 222 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS | TEXT_PADDING_BIG 223 }, 224 { 225 0, 226 0, 227 NULL, 228 0 229 } 230 }; 231 232 static MUI_ENTRY elGRLicensePageEntries[] = 233 { 234 { 235 4, 236 3, 237 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 238 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 239 }, 240 { 241 6, 242 6, 243 "\200\233\234\240\246\233\346\253\236\251\236:", 244 TEXT_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT 245 }, 246 { 247 8, 248 8, 249 "The ReactOS System is licensed under the terms of the", 250 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 251 }, 252 { 253 8, 254 9, 255 "GNU GPL with parts containing code from other compatible", 256 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 257 }, 258 { 259 8, 260 10, 261 "licenses such as the X11 or BSD and GNU LGPL licenses.", 262 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 263 }, 264 { 265 8, 266 11, 267 "All software that is part of the ReactOS system is", 268 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 269 }, 270 { 271 8, 272 12, 273 "therefore released under the GNU GPL as well as maintaining", 274 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 275 }, 276 { 277 8, 278 13, 279 "the original license.", 280 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 281 }, 282 { 283 8, 284 15, 285 "This software comes with NO WARRANTY or restrictions on usage", 286 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 287 }, 288 { 289 8, 290 16, 291 "save applicable local and international law. The licensing of", 292 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 293 }, 294 { 295 8, 296 17, 297 "ReactOS only covers distribution to third parties.", 298 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 299 }, 300 { 301 8, 302 18, 303 "If for some reason you did not receive a copy of the", 304 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 305 }, 306 { 307 8, 308 19, 309 "GNU General Public License with ReactOS please visit", 310 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 311 }, 312 { 313 8, 314 20, 315 "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html", 316 TEXT_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT 317 }, 318 { 319 8, 320 22, 321 "Warranty:", 322 TEXT_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT 323 }, 324 { 325 8, 326 24, 327 "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.", 328 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 329 }, 330 { 331 8, 332 25, 333 "There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or", 334 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 335 }, 336 { 337 8, 338 26, 339 "FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE", 340 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 341 }, 342 { 343 0, 344 0, 345 " ENTER = \204\247\240\251\253\250\246\255\343", 346 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 347 }, 348 { 349 0, 350 0, 351 NULL, 352 0 353 } 354 }; 355 356 static MUI_ENTRY elGRDevicePageEntries[] = 357 { 358 { 359 4, 360 3, 361 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 362 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 363 }, 364 { 365 6, 366 8, 367 "\206 \247\230\250\230\241\341\253\340 \242\345\251\253\230 \233\234\345\256\244\234\240 \253\240\252 \250\254\237\243\345\251\234\240\252 \251\254\251\241\234\254\351\244.", 368 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 369 }, 370 { 371 8, 372 11, 373 " \223\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343\252:", 374 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 375 }, 376 { 377 8, 378 12, 379 " \204\243\255\341\244\240\251\236:", 380 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL, 381 }, 382 { 383 8, 384 13, 385 " \217\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\346\232\240\246:", 386 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 387 }, 388 { 389 2, 390 14, 391 "\203\240\341\253\230\245\236 \247\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\246\232\345\246\254:", 392 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 393 }, 394 { 395 8, 396 16, 397 " \200\247\246\233\246\256\343:", 398 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 399 }, 400 { 401 25, 402 16, "\200\247\246\233\246\256\343 \230\254\253\351\244 \253\340\244 \250\254\237\243\345\251\234\340\244", 403 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 404 }, 405 { 406 6, 407 19, 408 "\213\247\246\250\234\345\253\234 \244\230 \230\242\242\341\245\234\253\234 \253\240\252 \250\254\237\243\345\251\234\240\252 \254\242\240\241\246\347 \247\230\253\351\244\253\230\252 \253\230 \247\242\343\241\253\250\230 \217\200\214\227", 409 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 410 }, 411 { 412 6, 413 20, 414 "\343 \211\200\222\227 \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\242\342\245\234\253\234 \243\240\230 \250\347\237\243\240\251\236. ", 415 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 416 }, 417 { 418 6, 419 21, 420 "\213\234\253\341 \247\230\253\343\251\253\234 \253\246 \247\242\343\241\253\250\246 ENTER \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\242\342\245\234\253\234 \341\242\242\234\252 \250\254\237\243\345\251\234\240\252.", 421 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 422 }, 423 { 424 6, 425 23, 426 "\356\253\230\244 \346\242\234\252 \246\240 \250\254\237\243\345\251\234\240\252 \234\345\244\230\240 \251\340\251\253\342\252, \234\247\240\242\342\245\253\234 ", 427 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 428 }, 429 { 430 6, 431 24, 432 "\"\200\247\246\233\246\256\343 \230\254\253\351\244 \253\340\244 \250\254\237\243\345\251\234\340\244 \251\254\251\241\234\254\351\244\" \241\230\240 \247\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER.", 433 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 434 }, 435 { 436 0, 437 0, 438 " ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230 F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236", 439 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 440 }, 441 { 442 0, 443 0, 444 NULL, 445 0 446 } 447 }; 448 449 static MUI_ENTRY elGRRepairPageEntries[] = 450 { 451 { 452 4, 453 3, 454 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 455 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 456 }, 457 { 458 6, 459 8, 460 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS \231\250\345\251\241\234\253\230\240 \251\234 \247\250\351\240\243\246 \251\253\341\233\240\246 \230\244\341\247\253\254\245\236\252 \241\230\240", 461 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 462 }, 463 { 464 6, 465 9, 466 "\233\234\244 \254\247\246\251\253\236\250\345\235\234\240 \230\241\346\243\230 \346\242\234\252 \253\240\252 \233\254\244\230\253\346\253\236\253\234\252 \243\240\230\252 \247\242\343\250\246\254\252 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236\252.", 467 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 468 }, 469 { 470 6, 471 12, 472 "\216\240 \242\234\240\253\246\254\250\232\345\234\252 \234\247\240\233\240\346\250\237\340\251\236\252 \233\234\244 \342\256\246\254\244 \254\242\246\247\246\240\236\237\234\345 \230\241\346\243\230.", 473 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 474 }, 475 { 476 8, 477 15, 478 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 U \232\240\230 \230\244\230\244\342\340\251\236 \253\246\254 \242\234\240\253\250\246\254\250\232\240\241\246\347.", 479 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 480 }, 481 { 482 8, 483 17, 484 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 R \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\241\253\234\242\342\251\234\253\234 \253\236\244 \241\246\244\251\346\242\230 \234\247\240\233\240\346\250\237\340\251\236\252.", 485 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 486 }, 487 { 488 8, 489 19, 490 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 ESC \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\251\253\250\342\257\234\253\234 \251\253\236\244 \241\347\250\240\230 \251\234\242\345\233\230.", 491 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 492 }, 493 { 494 8, 495 21, 496 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\230\244\234\241\241\240\244\343\251\234\253\234 \253\246\244 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343.", 497 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 498 }, 499 { 500 0, 501 0, 502 " ESC = \211\347\250\240\230 \251\234\242\345\233\230 ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236", 503 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 504 }, 505 { 506 0, 507 0, 508 NULL, 509 0 510 } 511 }; 512 513 static MUI_ENTRY elGRUpgradePageEntries[] = 514 { 515 { 516 4, 517 3, 518 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 519 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 520 }, 521 { 522 6, 523 8, 524 "The ReactOS Setup can upgrade one of the available ReactOS installations", 525 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 526 }, 527 { 528 6, 529 9, 530 "listed below, or, if a ReactOS installation is damaged, the Setup program", 531 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 532 }, 533 { 534 6, 535 10, 536 "can attempt to repair it.", 537 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 538 }, 539 { 540 6, 541 12, 542 "The repair functions are not all implemented yet.", 543 TEXT_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT 544 }, 545 { 546 8, 547 15, 548 "\x07 Press UP or DOWN to select an OS installation.", 549 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 550 }, 551 { 552 8, 553 17, 554 "\x07 Press U for upgrading the selected OS installation.", 555 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 556 }, 557 { 558 8, 559 19, 560 "\x07 Press ESC to continue with a new installation.", 561 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 562 }, 563 { 564 8, 565 21, 566 "\x07 Press F3 to quit without installing ReactOS.", 567 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 568 }, 569 { 570 0, 571 0, 572 "U = Upgrade ESC = Do not upgrade F3 = Quit", 573 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS | TEXT_PADDING_BIG 574 }, 575 { 576 0, 577 0, 578 NULL, 579 0 580 } 581 }; 582 583 static MUI_ENTRY elGRComputerPageEntries[] = 584 { 585 { 586 4, 587 3, 588 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 589 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 590 }, 591 { 592 6, 593 8, 594 "\207\342\242\234\253\234 \244\230 \230\242\242\341\245\234\253\234 \253\246\244 \253\347\247\246 \253\246\254 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343 \247\246\254 \237\230 \234\232\241\230\253\230\251\253\230\237\234\345.", 595 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 596 }, 597 { 598 8, 599 10, 600 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 \253\230 \247\242\343\241\253\250\230 \217\200\214\227 \343 \211\200\222\227 \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\242\342\245\234\253\234 \253\246\244 \234\247\240\237\254\243\236\253\346", 601 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 602 }, 603 { 604 8, 605 11, 606 " \253\347\247\246 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343.", 607 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 608 }, 609 { 610 8, 611 12, 612 " \213\234\253\341 \247\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER.", 613 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 614 }, 615 { 616 8, 617 14, 618 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 \253\246 \247\242\343\241\253\250\246 ESC \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\251\253\250\342\257\234\253\234 \251\253\236\244 \247\250\246\236\232\246\347\243\234\244\236", 619 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 620 }, 621 { 622 8, 623 15, 624 " \251\234\242\345\233\230 \256\340\250\345\252 \244\230 \230\242\242\341\245\234\253\234 \253\246\244 \253\347\247\246 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343.", 625 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 626 }, 627 { 628 0, 629 0, 630 " ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230 ESC = \200\241\347\250\340\251\236 F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236", 631 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 632 }, 633 { 634 0, 635 0, 636 NULL, 637 0 638 } 639 }; 640 641 static MUI_ENTRY elGRFlushPageEntries[] = 642 { 643 { 644 4, 645 3, 646 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 647 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 648 }, 649 { 650 10, 651 6, 652 "\222\246 \251\347\251\253\236\243\230 \234\247\240\231\234\231\230\240\351\244\234\240 \253\351\250\230 \346\253\240 \346\242\230 \253\230 \233\234\233\246\243\342\244\230 \342\256\246\254\244 \230\247\246\237\236\241\234\254\253\234\345", 653 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 654 }, 655 { 656 10, 657 8, 658 "\200\254\253\346 \345\251\340\252 \247\341\250\234\240 \242\345\232\236 \351\250\230", 659 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 660 }, 661 { 662 10, 663 9, 664 "\356\253\230\244 \246\242\246\241\242\236\250\340\237\234\345, \246 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343\252 \251\230\252 \237\230 \234\247\230\244\234\241\241\240\244\236\237\234\345 \230\254\253\346\243\230\253\230", 665 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 666 }, 667 { 668 0, 669 0, 670 " \204\241\241\230\237\341\250\240\251\236 \247\250\246\251\340\250\240\244\351\244 \230\250\256\234\345\340\244...", 671 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 672 }, 673 { 674 0, 675 0, 676 NULL, 677 0 678 } 679 }; 680 681 static MUI_ENTRY elGRQuitPageEntries[] = 682 { 683 { 684 4, 685 3, 686 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 687 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 688 }, 689 { 690 10, 691 6, 692 "\222\246 ReactOS \233\234\244 \234\232\241\230\253\230\251\253\341\237\236\241\234 \247\242\343\250\340\252.", 693 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 694 }, 695 { 696 10, 697 8, 698 "\200\255\230\240\250\342\251\253\234 \253\236 \233\240\251\241\342\253\230 \230\247\346 \253\246 A: \241\230\240", 699 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 700 }, 701 { 702 10, 703 9, 704 "\346\242\230 \253\230 CD-ROMs \230\247\346 \253\230 CD-Drives.", 705 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 706 }, 707 { 708 10, 709 11, 710 "\217\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\230\244\234\241\241\240\244\343\251\234\253\234 \253\246\244 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343.", 711 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 712 }, 713 { 714 0, 715 0, 716 " \217\230\250\230\241\230\242\351 \247\234\250\240\243\342\244\234\253\234...", 717 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS, 718 }, 719 { 720 0, 721 0, 722 NULL, 723 0 724 } 725 }; 726 727 static MUI_ENTRY elGRDisplayPageEntries[] = 728 { 729 { 730 4, 731 3, 732 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 733 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 734 }, 735 { 736 6, 737 8, 738 "\207\342\242\234\253\234 \244\230 \230\242\242\341\245\234\253\234 \253\246\244 \253\347\247\246 \253\236\252 \234\243\255\341\244\240\251\236\252 \247\246\254 \237\230 \234\232\241\230\253\230\251\253\230\237\234\345.", 739 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 740 }, 741 { 742 8, 743 10, 744 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 \253\246 \247\242\343\241\253\250\246 \217\200\214\227 \343 \211\200\222\227 \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\242\342\245\234\253\234 \253\246\244 \234\247\240\237\254\243\236\253\346.", 745 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 746 }, 747 { 748 8, 749 11, 750 " \253\347\247\246 \234\243\255\341\244\240\251\236\252.", 751 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 752 }, 753 { 754 8, 755 12, 756 " \213\234\253\341 \247\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER.", 757 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 758 }, 759 { 760 8, 761 14, 762 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 \253\246 \247\242\343\241\253\250\246 ESC \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\251\253\250\342\257\234\253\234 \251\253\236\244 \247\250\246\236\232\246\347\243\234\244\236 ", 763 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 764 }, 765 { 766 8, 767 15, 768 " \251\234\242\345\233\230 \256\340\250\345\252 \244\230 \230\242\242\341\245\234\253\234 \253\246\244 \253\347\247\246 \234\243\255\341\244\240\251\236\252.", 769 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 770 }, 771 { 772 0, 773 0, 774 " ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230 ESC = \200\241\347\250\340\251\236 F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236", 775 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 776 }, 777 { 778 0, 779 0, 780 NULL, 781 0 782 } 783 }; 784 785 static MUI_ENTRY elGRSuccessPageEntries[] = 786 { 787 { 788 4, 789 3, 790 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 791 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 792 }, 793 { 794 10, 795 6, 796 "\222\230 \231\230\251\240\241\341 \251\253\246\240\256\234\345\230 \253\246\254 ReactOS \234\232\241\230\253\230\251\253\341\237\236\241\230\244 \234\247\240\253\254\256\351\252.", 797 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 798 }, 799 { 800 10, 801 8, 802 "\200\255\230\240\250\342\251\253\234 \253\236 \233\240\251\241\342\253\230 \230\247\346 \253\246 A: \241\230\240", 803 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 804 }, 805 { 806 10, 807 9, 808 "\346\242\230 \253\230 CD-ROMs \230\247\346 \253\246 CD-Drive.", 809 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 810 }, 811 { 812 10, 813 11, 814 "\217\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\230\244\234\241\241\240\244\343\251\234\253\234 \253\246\244 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343 \251\230\252.", 815 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 816 }, 817 { 818 0, 819 0, 820 " ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343", 821 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 822 }, 823 { 824 0, 825 0, 826 NULL, 827 0 828 } 829 }; 830 831 static MUI_ENTRY elGRBootPageEntries[] = 832 { 833 { 834 4, 835 3, 836 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 837 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 838 }, 839 { 840 6, 841 8, 842 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \233\234 \243\247\246\250\234\345 \244\230 \234\232\241\230\253\230\251\253\343\251\234\240 \253\246\244 bootloader", 843 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 844 }, 845 { 846 6, 847 9, 848 "\251\253\246 \251\241\242\236\250\346 \233\345\251\241\246 \253\246\254 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343 \251\230\252", 849 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 850 }, 851 { 852 6, 853 13, 854 "\217\230\250\230\241\230\242\351 \234\240\251\341\232\234\253\234 \243\240\230 \233\240\230\243\246\250\255\340\243\342\244\236 \233\240\251\241\342\253\230 \251\253\246 A: \241\230\240", 855 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 856 }, 857 { 858 6, 859 14, 860 "\247\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER.", 861 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL, 862 }, 863 { 864 0, 865 0, 866 " ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230 F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236", 867 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 868 }, 869 { 870 0, 871 0, 872 NULL, 873 0 874 } 875 876 }; 877 878 static MUI_ENTRY elGRSelectPartitionEntries[] = 879 { 880 { 881 4, 882 3, 883 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 884 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 885 }, 886 { 887 6, 888 8, 889 "\206 \247\230\250\230\241\230\253\340 \242\345\251\253\230 \234\243\255\230\244\345\235\234\240 \253\230 \254\247\341\250\256\246\244\253\230 \233\240\230\243\234\250\345\251\243\230\253\230 \241\230\240", 890 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 891 }, 892 { 893 6, 894 9, 895 "\241\230\240 \253\246\244 \234\242\342\254\237\234\250\246 \256\351\250\246 \232\240\230 \244\342\230 \233\240\230\243\234\250\345\251\243\230\253\230.", 896 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 897 }, 898 { 899 8, 900 11, 901 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 \217\200\214\227 \343 \211\200\222\227 \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\242\342\245\234\253\234 \342\244\230 \251\253\246\240\256\234\345\246 \253\236\252 \242\345\251\253\230\252.", 902 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 903 }, 904 { 905 8, 906 13, 907 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\232\241\230\253\230\251\253\343\251\234\253\234 \253\246 ReactOS \251\253\246 \234\247\240\242\234\232\243\342\244\246 \233\240\230\243\342\250\240\251\243\230.", 908 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 909 }, 910 { 911 8, 912 15, 913 "\x07 Press P to create a primary partition.", 914 // "\x07 ���㩫� C ��� �� ��������㩜�� ⤘ �� ����⨠���.", 915 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 916 }, 917 { 918 8, 919 17, 920 "\x07 Press E to create an extended partition.", 921 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 922 }, 923 { 924 8, 925 19, 926 "\x07 Press L to create a logical partition.", 927 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 928 }, 929 { 930 8, 931 21, 932 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 D \232\240\230 \244\230 \233\240\230\232\250\341\257\234\253\234 \342\244\230 \254\247\341\250\256\246\244 \233\240\230\243\342\250\240\251\243\230.", 933 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 934 }, 935 { 936 0, 937 0, 938 " \217\230\250\230\241\230\242\351 \247\234\250\240\243\342\244\234\253\234...", 939 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 940 }, 941 { 942 0, 943 0, 944 NULL, 945 0 946 } 947 }; 948 949 static MUI_ENTRY elGRChangeSystemPartition[] = 950 { 951 { 952 4, 953 3, 954 " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", 955 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 956 }, 957 { 958 6, 959 8, 960 "The current system partition of your computer", 961 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 962 }, 963 { 964 6, 965 12, 966 "on the system disk", 967 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 968 }, 969 { 970 6, 971 16, 972 "uses a format not supported by ReactOS.", 973 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 974 }, 975 { 976 6, 977 18, 978 "In order to successfully install ReactOS, the Setup program must change", 979 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 980 }, 981 { 982 6, 983 19, 984 "the current system partition to a new one.", 985 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 986 }, 987 { 988 6, 989 21, 990 "The new candidate system partition is:", 991 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 992 }, 993 { 994 8, 995 25, 996 "\x07 To accept this choice, press ENTER.", 997 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 998 }, 999 { 1000 8, 1001 27, 1002 "\x07 To manually change the system partition, press ESC to go back to", 1003 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1004 }, 1005 { 1006 8, 1007 28, 1008 " the partition selection list, then select or create a new system", 1009 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1010 }, 1011 { 1012 8, 1013 29, 1014 " partition on the system disk.", 1015 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1016 }, 1017 { 1018 6, 1019 32, 1020 "In case there are other operating systems that depend on the original", 1021 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1022 }, 1023 { 1024 6, 1025 33, 1026 "system partition, you may need to either reconfigure them for the new", 1027 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1028 }, 1029 { 1030 6, 1031 34, 1032 "system partition, or you may need to change the system partition back", 1033 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1034 }, 1035 { 1036 6, 1037 35, 1038 "to the original one after finishing the installation of ReactOS.", 1039 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1040 }, 1041 { 1042 0, 1043 0, 1044 "ENTER = Continue ESC = Cancel", 1045 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS | TEXT_PADDING_BIG 1046 }, 1047 { 1048 0, 1049 0, 1050 NULL, 1051 0 1052 } 1053 }; 1054 1055 static MUI_ENTRY elGRConfirmDeleteSystemPartitionEntries[] = 1056 { 1057 { 1058 4, 1059 3, 1060 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 1061 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 1062 }, 1063 { 1064 6, 1065 8, 1066 "You have chosen to delete the system partition.", 1067 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1068 }, 1069 { 1070 6, 1071 10, 1072 "System partitions can contain diagnostic programs, hardware configuration", 1073 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1074 }, 1075 { 1076 6, 1077 11, 1078 "programs, programs to start an operating system (like ReactOS) or other", 1079 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1080 }, 1081 { 1082 6, 1083 12, 1084 "programs provided by the hardware manufacturer.", 1085 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1086 }, 1087 { 1088 6, 1089 14, 1090 "Delete a system partition only when you are sure that there are no such", 1091 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1092 }, 1093 { 1094 6, 1095 15, 1096 "programs on the partition, or when you are sure you want to delete them.", 1097 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1098 }, 1099 { 1100 6, 1101 16, 1102 "When you delete the partition, you might not be able to boot the", 1103 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1104 }, 1105 { 1106 6, 1107 17, 1108 "computer from the harddisk until you finished the ReactOS Setup.", 1109 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1110 }, 1111 { 1112 8, 1113 20, 1114 "\x07 Press ENTER to delete the system partition. You will be asked", 1115 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1116 }, 1117 { 1118 8, 1119 21, 1120 " to confirm the deletion of the partition again later.", 1121 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1122 }, 1123 { 1124 8, 1125 24, 1126 "\x07 Press ESC to return to the previous page. The partition will", 1127 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1128 }, 1129 { 1130 8, 1131 25, 1132 " not be deleted.", 1133 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1134 }, 1135 { 1136 0, 1137 0, 1138 "ENTER=Continue ESC=Cancel", 1139 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS | TEXT_PADDING_BIG 1140 }, 1141 { 1142 0, 1143 0, 1144 NULL, 1145 0 1146 } 1147 }; 1148 1149 static MUI_ENTRY elGRFormatPartitionEntries[] = 1150 { 1151 { 1152 4, 1153 3, 1154 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 1155 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 1156 }, 1157 { 1158 6, 1159 8, 1160 "\203\240\230\243\346\250\255\340\251\236 \233\240\230\243\234\250\345\251\243\230\253\246\252", 1161 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1162 }, 1163 { 1164 6, 1165 10, 1166 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\351\250\230 \237\230 \233\240\230\243\246\250\255\351\251\234\240 \253\246 \233\240\230\243\342\250\240\251\243\230", 1167 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1168 }, 1169 { 1170 6, 1171 11, 1172 "\217\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER \232\240\230 \244\230 \251\254\244\234\256\345\251\234\253\234.", 1173 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1174 }, 1175 { 1176 0, 1177 0, 1178 " ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230 F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236", 1179 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 1180 }, 1181 { 1182 0, 1183 0, 1184 NULL, 1185 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1186 } 1187 }; 1188 1189 static MUI_ENTRY elGRInstallDirectoryEntries[] = 1190 { 1191 { 1192 4, 1193 3, 1194 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 1195 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 1196 }, 1197 { 1198 6, 1199 8, 1200 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \230\244\253\240\232\250\341\255\234\240 \253\230 \230\250\256\234\345\230 \253\246\254 ReactOS \251\253\246 \234\247\240\242\234\232\243\342\244\246 \233\240\230\243\342\250\240\251\243\230.", 1201 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1202 }, 1203 { 1204 6, 1205 9, 1206 "\204\247\240\242\342\245\253\234 \253\246\244 \251\253\246\244 \255\341\241\234\242\246 \247\246\254 \237\342\242\234\253\234 \244\230 \234\232\241\230\253\230\251\253\230\237\234\345 \253\246 ReactOS:", 1207 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1208 }, 1209 { 1210 6, 1211 14, 1212 "\202\240\230 \244\230 \230\242\242\341\245\234\253\234 \253\246\244 \247\250\246\253\234\240\244\346\243\234\244\246 \255\341\241\234\242\246 \247\230\253\343\251\253\234 BACKSPACE \232\240\230 \244\230", 1213 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1214 }, 1215 { 1216 6, 1217 15, 1218 "\233\240\230\232\250\341\257\234\253\234 \256\230\250\230\241\253\343\250\234\252 \241\230\240 \243\234\253\341 \247\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\246\232\234\345\251\253\234 \253\246\244 \255\341\241\234\242\246 \251\253\246\244 \246\247\246\345\246", 1219 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1220 }, 1221 { 1222 6, 1223 16, 1224 "\237\342\242\234\253\234 \244\230 \234\232\241\230\251\253\230\237\234\345 \253\246 ReactOS.", 1225 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1226 }, 1227 { 1228 0, 1229 0, 1230 " ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230 F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236", 1231 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 1232 }, 1233 { 1234 0, 1235 0, 1236 NULL, 1237 0 1238 } 1239 }; 1240 1241 static MUI_ENTRY elGRFileCopyEntries[] = 1242 { 1243 { 1244 4, 1245 3, 1246 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 1247 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 1248 }, 1249 { 1250 0, 1251 12, 1252 "\217\230\250\230\241\230\242\351 \247\234\250\240\243\342\244\234\253\234 \346\251\246 \236 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS \230\244\253\240\232\250\341\255\234\240", 1253 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL | TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER 1254 }, 1255 { 1256 0, 1257 13, 1258 "\253\230 \230\250\256\234\345\230 \251\253\246 \255\341\241\234\242\246 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236\252", 1259 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL | TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER 1260 }, 1261 { 1262 0, 1263 14, 1264 "\200\254\253\343 \236 \233\240\230\233\240\241\230\251\345\230 \243\247\246\250\234\345 \244\230 \241\250\230\253\343\251\234\240 \230\250\241\234\253\341 \242\234\247\253\341.", 1265 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL | TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER 1266 }, 1267 { 1268 0, 1269 0, 1270 " \xB3 \217\230\250\230\241\230\242\351 \247\234\250\240\243\342\244\234\253\234... ", 1271 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 1272 }, 1273 { 1274 0, 1275 0, 1276 NULL, 1277 0 1278 } 1279 }; 1280 1281 static MUI_ENTRY elGRBootLoaderEntries[] = 1282 { 1283 { 1284 4, 1285 3, 1286 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 1287 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 1288 }, 1289 { 1290 6, 1291 8, 1292 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \232\250\341\255\234\240 \253\246\244 boot loader", 1293 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1294 }, 1295 { 1296 8, 1297 12, 1298 "\204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 bootloader \251\253\246 \251\241\242\236\250\346 \233\345\251\241\246 (MBR and VBR).", 1299 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1300 }, 1301 { 1302 8, 1303 13, 1304 "\204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 bootloader \251\253\246 \251\241\242\236\250\346 \233\345\251\241\246 (VBR only).", 1305 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1306 }, 1307 { 1308 8, 1309 14, 1310 "\204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 bootloader \251\234 \243\240\230 \233\240\251\241\342\253\230.", 1311 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1312 }, 1313 { 1314 8, 1315 15, 1316 "\214\230 \243\236 \232\345\244\234\240 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 bootloader.", 1317 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1318 }, 1319 { 1320 0, 1321 0, 1322 " ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230 F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236", 1323 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 1324 }, 1325 { 1326 0, 1327 0, 1328 NULL, 1329 0 1330 } 1331 }; 1332 1333 static MUI_ENTRY elGRKeyboardSettingsEntries[] = 1334 { 1335 { 1336 4, 1337 3, 1338 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 1339 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 1340 }, 1341 { 1342 6, 1343 8, 1344 "\207\342\242\234\253\234 \244\230 \230\242\242\341\245\234\253\234 \253\246\244 \253\347\247\246 \253\246\254 \247\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\246\232\345\246\254 \247\246\254 \237\230 \234\232\241\230\253\230\251\253\230\237\234\345.", 1345 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1346 }, 1347 { 1348 8, 1349 10, 1350 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 \253\230 \247\242\343\241\253\250\230 \217\200\214\227 \343 \211\200\222\227 \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\242\342\245\234\253\234 \253\246\244 \234\247\240\237\254\243\236\253\346", 1351 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1352 }, 1353 { 1354 8, 1355 11, 1356 " \253\347\247\246 \247\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\246\232\345\246\254.", 1357 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1358 }, 1359 { 1360 8, 1361 12, 1362 " \213\234\253\341 \247\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER.", 1363 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1364 }, 1365 { 1366 8, 1367 14, 1368 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 \253\246 \247\242\343\241\253\250\246 ESC \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\251\253\250\342\257\234\253\234 \251\253\236\244 \247\250\246\236\232\246\347\243\234\244\236", 1369 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1370 }, 1371 { 1372 8, 1373 15, 1374 " \251\234\242\345\233\230 \256\340\250\345\252 \244\230 \230\242\242\341\245\234\253\234 \253\246\244 \253\347\247\246 \253\246\254 \247\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\246\232\345\246\254.", 1375 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1376 }, 1377 { 1378 0, 1379 0, 1380 " ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230 ESC = \200\241\347\250\340\251\236 F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236", 1381 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 1382 }, 1383 { 1384 0, 1385 0, 1386 NULL, 1387 0 1388 } 1389 }; 1390 1391 static MUI_ENTRY elGRLayoutSettingsEntries[] = 1392 { 1393 { 1394 4, 1395 3, 1396 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 1397 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 1398 }, 1399 { 1400 6, 1401 8, 1402 "\217\230\250\230\241\230\242\351 \234\247\240\242\342\245\253\234 \243\240\230 \233\240\341\253\230\245\236 \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\232\241\230\253\230\251\253\230\237\234\345 \340\252 \247\250\246\234\247\240\242\234\232\243\342\244\236.", 1403 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1404 }, 1405 { 1406 8, 1407 10, 1408 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 \253\230 \247\242\343\241\253\250\230 \217\200\214\227 \343 \211\200\222\227 \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\242\342\245\234\253\234 \253\236\244 \234\247\240\237\254\236\243\236\253\343", 1409 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1410 }, 1411 { 1412 8, 1413 11, 1414 " \233\240\341\253\230\245\236 \247\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\246\232\345\246\254. \213\234\253\341 \247\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER.", 1415 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1416 }, 1417 { 1418 8, 1419 13, 1420 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 \253\246 \247\242\343\241\253\250\246 ESC \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\251\253\250\342\257\234\253\234 \251\253\236\244 \247\250\246\236\232\246\347\243\234\244\236", 1421 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1422 }, 1423 { 1424 8, 1425 14, 1426 " \251\234\242\345\233\230 \256\340\250\345\252 \244\230 \230\242\242\341\245\234\253\234 \253\236\244 \233\240\341\253\230\245\236 \253\246\254 \247\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\246\232\345\246\254.", 1427 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1428 }, 1429 { 1430 0, 1431 0, 1432 " ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230 ESC = \200\241\347\250\340\251\236 F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236", 1433 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 1434 }, 1435 { 1436 0, 1437 0, 1438 NULL, 1439 0 1440 }, 1441 1442 }; 1443 1444 static MUI_ENTRY elGRPrepareCopyEntries[] = 1445 { 1446 { 1447 4, 1448 3, 1449 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 1450 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 1451 }, 1452 { 1453 6, 1454 8, 1455 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \247\250\246\234\253\246\240\243\341\235\234\240 \253\246\244 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343 \251\230\252 \232\240\230 \253\236\244 \230\244\253\240\232\250\230\255\343 \253\340\244 \230\250\256\234\345\340\244 \253\246\254 ReactOS.", 1456 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1457 }, 1458 { 1459 0, 1460 0, 1461 " \225\253\345\235\234\253\230\240 \236 \242\345\251\253\230 \253\340\244 \230\250\256\234\345\340\244 \247\250\246\252 \230\244\253\240\232\250\230\255\343...", 1462 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 1463 }, 1464 { 1465 0, 1466 0, 1467 NULL, 1468 0 1469 }, 1470 1471 }; 1472 1473 static MUI_ENTRY elGRSelectFSEntries[] = 1474 { 1475 { 1476 4, 1477 3, 1478 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 1479 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 1480 }, 1481 { 1482 6, 1483 17, 1484 "\204\247\240\242\342\245\253\234 \342\244\230 \251\347\251\253\236\243\230 \230\250\256\234\345\340\244 \230\247\346 \253\236\244 \247\230\250\230\241\341\253\340 \242\345\251\253\230.", 1485 0 1486 }, 1487 { 1488 8, 1489 19, 1490 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 \253\230 \247\242\343\241\253\250\230 \217\200\214\227 \343 \211\200\222\227 \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\242\342\245\234\253\234 \253\246 \251\347\251\253\236\243\230 \230\250\256\234\345\340\244.", 1491 0 1492 }, 1493 { 1494 8, 1495 21, 1496 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER \232\240\230 \244\230 \233\240\230\243\246\250\255\351\251\234\253\234 \253\246 parition.", 1497 0 1498 }, 1499 { 1500 8, 1501 23, 1502 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 ESC \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\247\240\242\342\245\234\253\234 \341\242\242\246 partition.", 1503 0 1504 }, 1505 { 1506 0, 1507 0, 1508 " ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230 ESC = \200\241\347\250\340\251\236 F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236", 1509 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 1510 }, 1511 { 1512 0, 1513 0, 1514 NULL, 1515 0 1516 } 1517 }; 1518 1519 static MUI_ENTRY elGRDeletePartitionEntries[] = 1520 { 1521 { 1522 4, 1523 3, 1524 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 1525 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 1526 }, 1527 { 1528 6, 1529 8, 1530 "\204\247\240\242\342\245\230\253\234 \244\230 \233\240\230\232\250\341\257\234\253\234 \230\254\253\346 \253\246 partition", 1531 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1532 }, 1533 { 1534 8, 1535 18, 1536 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 L \232\240\230 \244\230 \233\240\230\232\250\341\257\234\253\234 \253\246 partition.", 1537 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1538 }, 1539 { 1540 11, 1541 19, 1542 "\217\220\216\204\210\203\216\217\216\210\206\221\206: \356\242\230 \253\230 \233\234\233\246\243\342\244\230 \251\234 \230\254\253\346 \253\246 partition \237\230 \256\230\237\246\347\244!", 1543 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1544 }, 1545 { 1546 8, 1547 21, 1548 "\x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 ESC \232\240\230 \230\241\347\250\340\251\236.", 1549 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1550 }, 1551 { 1552 0, 1553 0, 1554 " L = \203\240\230\232\250\230\255\343 Partition ESC = \200\241\347\250\340\251\236 F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236", 1555 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 1556 }, 1557 { 1558 0, 1559 0, 1560 NULL, 1561 0 1562 } 1563 }; 1564 1565 static MUI_ENTRY elGRRegistryEntries[] = 1566 { 1567 { 1568 4, 1569 3, 1570 " \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\246\254 ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR, 1571 TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE 1572 }, 1573 { 1574 6, 1575 8, 1576 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \230\244\230\244\234\351\244\234\240 \253\236 \233\246\243\343 \253\246\254 \251\254\251\253\343\243\230\253\246\252.", 1577 TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL 1578 }, 1579 { 1580 0, 1581 0, 1582 " \203\236\243\240\246\254\250\232\246\347\244\253\230\240 \253\230 registry hives...", 1583 TEXT_TYPE_STATUS 1584 }, 1585 { 1586 0, 1587 0, 1588 NULL, 1589 0 1590 }, 1591 1592 }; 1593 1594 MUI_ERROR elGRErrorEntries[] = 1595 { 1596 { 1597 // NOT_AN_ERROR 1598 "Success\n" 1599 }, 1600 { 1601 // ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED 1602 "\222\246 ReactOS \233\234\244 \234\232\241\230\253\230\251\253\341\237\236\241\234 \247\242\343\250\340\252 \251\253\246\244\n" 1603 "\254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343 \251\230\252. \200\244 \230\247\246\256\340\250\343\251\234\253\234 \230\247\346 \253\236\244 \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \253\351\250\230, \237\230 \247\250\342\247\234\240 \244\230\n" 1604 "\245\230\244\230\253\250\342\245\234\253\234 \253\236\244 \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \232\240\230 \244\230 \234\232\241\230\253\230\251\253\343\251\234\253 \253\246 ReactOS.\n" 1605 "\n" 1606 " \x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER \232\240\230 \230\244 \251\254\244\234\256\345\251\234\253\234 \253\236\244 \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236.\n" 1607 " \x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 F3 \232\240\230 \244\230 \230\247\246\256\340\250\343\251\234\253\234 \230\247\346 \253\236\244 \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236.", 1608 "F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236 ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230" 1609 }, 1610 { 1611 // ERROR_NO_BUILD_PATH 1612 "Failed to build the installation paths for the ReactOS installation directory!\n" 1613 "ENTER = Reboot computer" 1614 }, 1615 { 1616 // ERROR_SOURCE_PATH 1617 "You cannot delete the partition containing the installation source!\n" 1618 "ENTER = Reboot computer" 1619 }, 1620 { 1621 // ERROR_SOURCE_DIR 1622 "You cannot install ReactOS within the installation source directory!\n" 1623 "ENTER = Reboot computer" 1624 }, 1625 { 1626 // ERROR_NO_HDD 1627 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \233\234 \243\247\346\250\234\251\234 \244\230 \231\250\234\240 \241\341\247\246\240\246\244 \251\241\242\236\250\346 \233\345\251\241\246.\n", 1628 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1629 }, 1630 { 1631 // ERROR_NO_SOURCE_DRIVE 1632 "Setup could not find its source drive.\n", 1633 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1634 }, 1635 { 1636 // ERROR_LOAD_TXTSETUPSIF 1637 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \233\234 \243\247\346\250\234\251\234 \244\230 \255\246\250\253\351\251\234\240 \253\246 \230\250\256\234\345\246 TXTSETUP.SIF.\n", 1638 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1639 }, 1640 { 1641 // ERROR_CORRUPT_TXTSETUPSIF 1642 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\251\236 \231\250\343\241\234 \342\244\230 \241\230\253\234\251\253\250\230\243\342\244\246 \230\250\256\234\345\246 TXTSETUP.SIF.\n", 1643 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1644 }, 1645 { 1646 // ERROR_SIGNATURE_TXTSETUPSIF, 1647 "\206 \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \231\250\343\241\234 \243\240\230 \243\236 \342\232\241\254\250\236 \254\247\246\232\250\230\255\343 \251\253\246 TXTSETUP.SIF.\n", 1648 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1649 }, 1650 { 1651 // ERROR_DRIVE_INFORMATION 1652 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \233\234 \243\247\346\250\234\251\234 \244\230 \255\246\250\253\351\251\234\240 \253\240\252 \247\242\236\250\246\255\246\250\345\234\252 \253\246\254 \233\345\251\241\246\254 \251\254\251\253\343\243\230\253\246\252.\n", 1653 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1654 }, 1655 { 1656 // ERROR_WRITE_BOOT, 1657 "Setup failed to install %S bootcode on the system partition.", 1658 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1659 }, 1660 { 1661 // ERROR_LOAD_COMPUTER, 1662 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \233\234 \243\247\346\250\234\251\234 \244\230 \255\246\250\253\351\251\234\240 \253\236 \242\345\251\253\230 \253\347\247\340\244 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343.\n", 1663 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1664 }, 1665 { 1666 // ERROR_LOAD_DISPLAY, 1667 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \233\234 \243\247\346\250\234\251\234 \244\230 \255\246\250\253\351\251\234\240 \253\236 \242\345\251\253\230 \253\347\247\340\244 \234\243\255\341\244\240\251\236\252.\n", 1668 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1669 }, 1670 { 1671 // ERROR_LOAD_KEYBOARD, 1672 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \233\234 \243\247\346\250\234\251\234 \244\230 \255\246\250\253\351\251\234\240 \253\236 \242\345\251\253\230 \253\347\247\340\244 \247\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\246\232\345\246\254.\n", 1673 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1674 }, 1675 { 1676 // ERROR_LOAD_KBLAYOUT, 1677 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \233\234 \243\247\346\250\234\251\234 \244\230 \255\246\250\253\351\251\234\240 \253\236 \242\345\251\253\230 \233\240\230\253\341\245\234\340\244 \247\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\246\232\345\246\254.\n", 1678 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1679 }, 1680 { 1681 // ERROR_WARN_PARTITION, 1682 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \231\250\343\241\234 \346\253\240 \253\246\254\242\341\256\240\251\253\246\244 \342\244\230\252 \251\241\242\236\250\346\252 \233\345\251\241\246\252 \247\234\250\240\342\256\234\240 \342\244\230 \243\236 \251\254\243\231\230\253\346\n" 1683 "partition table \247\246\254 \233\234 \243\247\246\250\234\345 \244\230 \234\242\234\232\256\237\234\345 \251\340\251\253\341!\n" 1684 "\n" 1685 "\206 \233\236\243\240\246\254\250\232\345\230 \343 \233\240\230\232\250\230\255\343 partitions \243\247\246\250\234\345 \244\230 \241\230\253\230\251\253\250\342\257\234\240 \253\246 partition table.\n" 1686 "\n" 1687 " \x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 F3 \232\240\230 \244\230 \230\247\246\256\340\250\343\251\234\253\234 \230\247\346 \253\236\244 \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236.\n" 1688 " \x07 \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 ENTER \232\240\230 \244\230 \251\254\244\234\256\345\251\234\253\234.", 1689 "F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236 ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230" 1690 }, 1691 { 1692 // ERROR_NEW_PARTITION, 1693 "\203\234 \243\247\246\250\234\345\253\234 \244\230 \233\236\243\240\246\254\250\232\343\251\234\253\234 \342\244\230 Partition \243\342\251\230 \251\234\n" 1694 "\342\244\230 \341\242\242\246 \254\247\341\250\256\246\244 Partition!\n" 1695 "\n" 1696 " * \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 \246\247\246\240\246\233\343\247\246\253\234 \247\242\343\241\253\250\246 \232\240\230 \244\230 \251\254\244\234\256\345\251\234\253\234.", 1697 NULL 1698 }, 1699 { 1700 // ERROR_DELETE_SPACE, 1701 "\203\234 \243\247\246\250\234\345\253\234 \244\230 \233\240\230\232\250\341\257\234\253\234 \342\244\230\244 \243\236 \233\240\230\243\246\250\255\340\243\342\244\246 \256\351\250\246 \233\345\251\241\246\254!\n" 1702 "\n" 1703 " * \217\230\253\343\251\253\234 \246\247\246\240\246\233\343\247\246\253\234 \247\242\343\241\253\250\246 \232\240\230 \244\230 \251\254\244\234\256\345\251\234\253\234.", 1704 NULL 1705 }, 1706 { 1707 // ERROR_INSTALL_BOOTCODE, 1708 "Setup failed to install the %S bootcode on the system partition.", 1709 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1710 }, 1711 { 1712 // ERROR_NO_FLOPPY, 1713 "\203\234\244 \254\247\341\250\256\234\240 \233\240\251\241\342\253\230 \251\253\246 A:.", 1714 "ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230" 1715 }, 1716 { 1717 // ERROR_UPDATE_KBSETTINGS, 1718 "\206 \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\230\251\236 \230\247\342\253\254\256\234 \244\230 \230\244\230\244\234\351\251\234\240 \253\240\252 \250\254\237\243\345\251\234\240\252 \232\240\230 \253\236 \233\240\341\253\230\245\236 \247\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\246\232\345\246\254.", 1719 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1720 }, 1721 { 1722 // ERROR_UPDATE_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, 1723 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \230\247\342\253\254\256\234 \244\230 \230\244\230\244\234\351\251\234\240 \253\240\252 \250\254\237\243\345\251\234\240\252 \243\236\253\250\351\246\254 \232\240\230 \253\236\244 \234\243\255\341\244\240\251\236.", 1724 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1725 }, 1726 { 1727 // ERROR_IMPORT_HIVE, 1728 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \230\247\342\253\254\256\234 \244\230 \255\246\250\253\351\251\234\240 \342\244\230 hive \230\250\256\234\345\246.", 1729 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1730 }, 1731 { 1732 // ERROR_FIND_REGISTRY 1733 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\230\251\236 \230\247\342\253\254\256\234 \244\230 \231\250\234\240 \253\230 \230\250\256\234\345\230 \233\234\233\246\243\342\244\340\244 \253\246\254 \243\236\253\250\351\246\254.", 1734 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1735 }, 1736 { 1737 // ERROR_CREATE_HIVE, 1738 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \230\247\342\253\254\256\234 \244\230 \233\236\243\240\246\254\250\232\343\251\234\240 \253\230 registry hives.", 1739 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1740 }, 1741 { 1742 // ERROR_INITIALIZE_REGISTRY, 1743 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \230\247\342\253\254\256\234 \244\230 \230\250\256\240\241\246\247\246\240\343\251\234\240 \253\246 \243\236\253\250\351\246.", 1744 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1745 }, 1746 { 1747 // ERROR_INVALID_CABINET_INF, 1748 "\222\246 cabinet \233\234\244 \342\256\234\240 \342\232\241\254\250\246 \230\250\256\234\345\246 inf.\n", 1749 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1750 }, 1751 { 1752 // ERROR_CABINET_MISSING, 1753 "\222\246 cabinet \233\234 \231\250\342\237\236\241\234.\n", 1754 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1755 }, 1756 { 1757 // ERROR_CABINET_SCRIPT, 1758 "\222\246 cabinet \233\234\244 \342\256\234\240 \241\230\244\342\244\230 \251\241\250\240\247\253 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236\252.\n", 1759 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1760 }, 1761 { 1762 // ERROR_COPY_QUEUE, 1763 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \230\247\342\253\254\256\234 \244\230 \230\244\246\345\245\234\240 \253\236\244 \246\254\250\341 \230\250\256\234\345\340\244 \247\250\246\252 \230\244\253\240\232\250\230\255\343.\n", 1764 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1765 }, 1766 { 1767 // ERROR_CREATE_DIR, 1768 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \233\234 \243\247\346\250\234\251\234 \244\230 \233\236\243\240\246\254\250\232\343\251\234\240 \253\246\254\252 \241\230\253\230\242\346\232\246\254\252 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236\252.", 1769 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1770 }, 1771 { 1772 // ERROR_TXTSETUP_SECTION, 1773 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \230\247\342\253\254\256\234 \244\230 \231\250\234\240 \253\246\244 \253\246\243\342\230 '%S'\n" 1774 "\251\253\246 TXTSETUP.SIF.\n", 1775 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1776 }, 1777 { 1778 // ERROR_CABINET_SECTION, 1779 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \230\247\342\253\254\256\234 \244\230 \231\250\234\240 \253\246\244 \253\246\243\342\230 '%S'\n" 1780 "\251\253\246 cabinet.\n", 1781 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1782 }, 1783 { 1784 // ERROR_CREATE_INSTALL_DIR 1785 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \233\234 \243\247\346\250\234\251\234 \244\230 \233\236\243\240\246\254\250\232\343\251\234\240 \253\246\244 \241\230\253\341\242\246\232\246 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236\252.", 1786 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1787 }, 1788 { 1789 // ERROR_WRITE_PTABLE, 1790 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \230\247\342\253\254\256\234 \244\230 \232\250\341\257\234\240 \253\230 partition tables.\n" 1791 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1792 }, 1793 { 1794 // ERROR_ADDING_CODEPAGE, 1795 "Setup failed to add codepage to registry.\n" 1796 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1797 }, 1798 { 1799 // ERROR_UPDATE_LOCALESETTINGS, 1800 "Setup could not set the system locale.\n" 1801 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1802 }, 1803 { 1804 // ERROR_ADDING_KBLAYOUTS, 1805 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \230\247\342\253\254\256\234 \244\230 \247\250\246\251\237\342\251\234\240 \253\240\252 \233\240\230\253\341\245\234\240\252 \247\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\246\232\345\340\244 \251\253\246 \243\236\253\250\351\246.\n" 1806 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343" 1807 }, 1808 { 1809 // ERROR_UPDATE_GEOID, 1810 "Setup could not set the geo id.\n" 1811 "ENTER = Reboot computer" 1812 }, 1813 { 1814 // ERROR_DIRECTORY_NAME, 1815 "Invalid directory name.\n" 1816 "\n" 1817 " * Press any key to continue." 1818 }, 1819 { 1820 // ERROR_PARTITION_TABLE_FULL, 1821 "You cannot create a new primary or extended partition in the\n" 1822 "partition table of this disk because the partition table is full.\n" 1823 "\n" 1824 " * Press any key to continue." 1825 }, 1826 { 1827 // ERROR_ONLY_ONE_EXTENDED, 1828 "You cannot create more than one extended partition per disk.\n" 1829 "\n" 1830 " * Press any key to continue." 1831 }, 1832 { 1833 // ERROR_FORMATTING_PARTITION, 1834 "Setup is unable to format the partition:\n" 1835 " %S\n" 1836 "\n" 1837 "ENTER = Reboot computer" 1838 }, 1839 { 1840 NULL, 1841 NULL 1842 } 1843 }; 1844 1845 MUI_PAGE elGRPages[] = 1846 { 1847 { 1848 SETUP_INIT_PAGE, 1849 elGRSetupInitPageEntries 1850 }, 1851 { 1852 LANGUAGE_PAGE, 1853 elGRLanguagePageEntries 1854 }, 1855 { 1856 WELCOME_PAGE, 1857 elGRWelcomePageEntries 1858 }, 1859 { 1860 INSTALL_INTRO_PAGE, 1861 elGRIntroPageEntries 1862 }, 1863 { 1864 LICENSE_PAGE, 1865 elGRLicensePageEntries 1866 }, 1867 { 1868 DEVICE_SETTINGS_PAGE, 1869 elGRDevicePageEntries 1870 }, 1871 { 1872 REPAIR_INTRO_PAGE, 1873 elGRRepairPageEntries 1874 }, 1875 { 1876 UPGRADE_REPAIR_PAGE, 1877 elGRUpgradePageEntries 1878 }, 1879 { 1880 COMPUTER_SETTINGS_PAGE, 1881 elGRComputerPageEntries 1882 }, 1883 { 1884 DISPLAY_SETTINGS_PAGE, 1885 elGRDisplayPageEntries 1886 }, 1887 { 1888 FLUSH_PAGE, 1889 elGRFlushPageEntries 1890 }, 1891 { 1892 SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE, 1893 elGRSelectPartitionEntries 1894 }, 1895 { 1896 CHANGE_SYSTEM_PARTITION, 1897 elGRChangeSystemPartition 1898 }, 1899 { 1900 CONFIRM_DELETE_SYSTEM_PARTITION_PAGE, 1901 elGRConfirmDeleteSystemPartitionEntries 1902 }, 1903 { 1904 SELECT_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE, 1905 elGRSelectFSEntries 1906 }, 1907 { 1908 FORMAT_PARTITION_PAGE, 1909 elGRFormatPartitionEntries 1910 }, 1911 { 1912 DELETE_PARTITION_PAGE, 1913 elGRDeletePartitionEntries 1914 }, 1915 { 1916 INSTALL_DIRECTORY_PAGE, 1917 elGRInstallDirectoryEntries 1918 }, 1919 { 1920 PREPARE_COPY_PAGE, 1921 elGRPrepareCopyEntries 1922 }, 1923 { 1924 FILE_COPY_PAGE, 1925 elGRFileCopyEntries 1926 }, 1927 { 1928 KEYBOARD_SETTINGS_PAGE, 1929 elGRKeyboardSettingsEntries 1930 }, 1931 { 1932 BOOT_LOADER_PAGE, 1933 elGRBootLoaderEntries 1934 }, 1935 { 1936 LAYOUT_SETTINGS_PAGE, 1937 elGRLayoutSettingsEntries 1938 }, 1939 { 1940 QUIT_PAGE, 1941 elGRQuitPageEntries 1942 }, 1943 { 1944 SUCCESS_PAGE, 1945 elGRSuccessPageEntries 1946 }, 1947 { 1948 BOOT_LOADER_FLOPPY_PAGE, 1949 elGRBootPageEntries 1950 }, 1951 { 1952 REGISTRY_PAGE, 1953 elGRRegistryEntries 1954 }, 1955 { 1956 -1, 1957 NULL 1958 } 1959 }; 1960 1961 MUI_STRING elGRStrings[] = 1962 { 1963 {STRING_PLEASEWAIT, 1964 " \217\230\250\230\241\230\242\351 \247\234\250\240\243\342\244\234\253\234..."}, 1965 {STRING_INSTALLCREATEPARTITION, 1966 " ENTER = Install P = Create Primary E = Create Extended F3 = Quit"}, 1967 // " ENTER = �����ᩫ��� C = ��������� Partition F3 = ����騞��"}, 1968 {STRING_INSTALLCREATELOGICAL, 1969 " ENTER = Install L = Create Logical Partition F3 = Quit"}, 1970 {STRING_INSTALLDELETEPARTITION, 1971 " ENTER = \204\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 D = \203\240\230\232\250\230\255\343 Partition F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236"}, 1972 {STRING_DELETEPARTITION, 1973 " D = Delete Partition F3 = Quit"}, 1974 {STRING_PARTITIONSIZE, 1975 "\213\342\232\234\237\246\252 \253\246\254 \244\342\246\254 partition:"}, 1976 {STRING_CHOOSENEWPARTITION, 1977 "You have chosen to create a primary partition on"}, 1978 // "����⥘�� �� ��������㩜�� ⤘ �� partition on"}, 1979 {STRING_CHOOSE_NEW_EXTENDED_PARTITION, 1980 "You have chosen to create an extended partition on"}, 1981 {STRING_CHOOSE_NEW_LOGICAL_PARTITION, 1982 "You have chosen to create a logical partition on"}, 1983 {STRING_HDDSIZE, 1984 "\217\230\250\230\241\230\242\351 \233\351\251\253\234 \253\246 \243\342\232\234\237\246\252 \253\246\254 partition \251\234 megabytes."}, 1985 {STRING_CREATEPARTITION, 1986 " ENTER = \203\236\243\240\246\254\250\232\345\230 Partition ESC = \200\241\347\250\340\251\236 F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236"}, 1987 {STRING_PARTFORMAT, 1988 "\200\254\253\346 \253\246 Partition \237\230 \233\240\230\243\246\250\255\340\237\234\345 \243\234\253\341."}, 1989 {STRING_NONFORMATTEDPART, 1990 "\204\247\240\242\342\245\230\253\234 \244\230 \234\232\241\230\253\230\251\253\343\251\234\253\234 \253\246 ReactOS \251\234 \342\244\230 \244\342\246 \343 \243\236 \233\240\230\243\246\250\255\340\243\342\244\246 Partition."}, 1991 {STRING_NONFORMATTEDSYSTEMPART, 1992 "The system partition is not formatted yet."}, 1993 {STRING_NONFORMATTEDOTHERPART, 1994 "The new partition is not formatted yet."}, 1995 {STRING_INSTALLONPART, 1996 "Setup install ReactOS onto Partition"}, 1997 {STRING_CHECKINGPART, 1998 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \234\242\342\232\256\234\240 \253\351\250\230 \253\246 \234\247\240\242\234\232\243\342\244\246 partition."}, 1999 {STRING_CONTINUE, 2000 "ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230"}, 2001 {STRING_QUITCONTINUE, 2002 "F3 = \200\247\246\256\351\250\236\251\236 ENTER = \221\254\244\342\256\234\240\230"}, 2003 {STRING_REBOOTCOMPUTER, 2004 "ENTER = \204\247\230\244\234\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343"}, 2005 {STRING_DELETING, 2006 " Deleting file: %S"}, 2007 {STRING_MOVING, 2008 " Moving file: %S to: %S"}, 2009 {STRING_RENAMING, 2010 " Renaming file: %S to: %S"}, 2011 {STRING_COPYING, 2012 " \200\244\253\240\232\250\341\255\234\253\230\240 \253\246 \230\250\256\234\345\246: %S"}, 2013 {STRING_SETUPCOPYINGFILES, 2014 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \230\244\253\240\232\250\341\255\234\240 \230\250\256\234\345\230..."}, 2015 {STRING_REGHIVEUPDATE, 2016 " \202\345\244\234\253\230\240 \230\244\230\244\342\340\251\236 \253\340\244 registry hives..."}, 2017 {STRING_IMPORTFILE, 2018 " \202\345\244\234\253\230\240 \234\240\251\230\232\340\232\343 \253\246\254 %S..."}, 2019 {STRING_DISPLAYSETTINGSUPDATE, 2020 " \202\345\244\234\253\230\240 \230\244\230\244\342\340\251\236 \253\340\244 \250\254\237\243\345\251\234\340\244 \234\243\255\341\244\240\251\236\252 \253\246\254 \243\236\253\250\351\246\254..."}, 2021 {STRING_LOCALESETTINGSUPDATE, 2022 " \202\345\244\234\253\230\240 \230\244\230\244\342\340\251\236 \253\340\244 \250\254\237\243\345\251\234\340\244 \232\242\351\251\251\230\252..."}, 2023 {STRING_KEYBOARDSETTINGSUPDATE, 2024 " \202\345\244\234\253\230\240 \230\244\230\244\342\340\251\236 \253\340\244 \250\254\237\243\345\251\234\340\244 \233\240\341\253\230\245\236\252 \247\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\246\232\345\246\254..."}, 2025 {STRING_CODEPAGEINFOUPDATE, 2026 " Adding codepage information to registry..."}, 2027 {STRING_DONE, 2028 " \216\242\246\241\242\236\250\351\237\236\241\234..."}, 2029 {STRING_REBOOTCOMPUTER2, 2030 " ENTER = \204\247\234\244\240\241\241\345\244\236\251\236 \254\247\246\242\246\232\240\251\253\343"}, 2031 {STRING_REBOOTPROGRESSBAR, 2032 " Your computer will reboot in %li second(s)... "}, 2033 {STRING_CONSOLEFAIL1, 2034 "\200\233\347\244\230\253\246 \244\230 \230\244\246\240\256\253\234\345 \236 \241\246\244\251\346\242\230\r\n\r\n"}, 2035 {STRING_CONSOLEFAIL2, 2036 "The most common cause of this is using an USB keyboard\r\n"}, 2037 {STRING_CONSOLEFAIL3, 2038 "\222\230 USB \247\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\346\232\240\230 \233\234\244 \234\345\244\230\240 \247\242\343\250\340\252 \254\247\246\251\253\236\250\240\235\346\243\234\244\230 \230\241\346\243\230\r\n"}, 2039 {STRING_FORMATTINGDISK, 2040 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \233\240\230\243\246\250\255\351\244\234\240 \253\246 \233\345\251\241\246 \251\230\252"}, 2041 {STRING_CHECKINGDISK, 2042 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \234\242\342\232\256\234\240 \253\246 \233\345\251\241\246 \251\230\252"}, 2043 {STRING_FORMATDISK1, 2044 " \203\240\230\243\346\250\255\340\251\236 \253\246\254 partition \340\252 %S \251\347\251\253\236\243\230 \230\250\256\234\345\340\244 (\232\250\343\232\246\250\236 \233\240\230\243\346\250\255\340\251\236) "}, 2045 {STRING_FORMATDISK2, 2046 " \203\240\230\243\346\250\255\340\251\236 \253\246\254 partition \340\252 %S \251\347\251\253\236\243\230 \230\250\256\234\345\340\244 "}, 2047 {STRING_KEEPFORMAT, 2048 " \214\230 \247\230\250\230\243\234\345\244\234\240 \253\246 \251\347\251\253\236\243\230 \230\250\256\234\345\340\244 \340\252 \342\256\234\240 (\241\230\243\345\230 \230\242\242\230\232\343) "}, 2049 {STRING_HDINFOPARTCREATE_1, 2050 "%I64u %s \221\241\242\236\250\346\252 \233\345\251\241\246\252 %lu (Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu) on %wZ [%s]."}, 2051 {STRING_HDINFOPARTCREATE_2, 2052 "%I64u %s \221\241\242\236\250\346\252 \233\345\251\241\246\252 %lu (Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu) [%s]."}, 2053 {STRING_HDDINFOUNK2, 2054 " %c%c Type 0x%02X %I64u %s"}, 2055 {STRING_HDINFOPARTDELETE_1, 2056 "on %I64u %s Harddisk %lu (Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu) on %wZ [%s]."}, 2057 {STRING_HDINFOPARTDELETE_2, 2058 "on %I64u %s Harddisk %lu (Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu) [%s]."}, 2059 {STRING_HDINFOPARTZEROED_1, 2060 "\221\241\242\236\250\346\252 \233\345\251\241\246\252 %lu (%I64u %s), Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu (%wZ) [%s]."}, 2061 {STRING_HDDINFOUNK4, 2062 "%c%c Type 0x%02X %I64u %s"}, 2063 {STRING_HDINFOPARTEXISTS_1, 2064 "\251\253\246 \251\241\242\236\250\346 \233\345\251\241\246 %lu (%I64u %s), Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu (%wZ) [%s]."}, 2065 {STRING_HDDINFOUNK5, 2066 "%c%c %c %sType %-3u%s %6lu %s"}, 2067 {STRING_HDINFOPARTSELECT_1, 2068 "%6lu %s \221\241\242\236\250\346\252 \233\345\251\241\246\252 %lu (Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu) on %wZ [%s]"}, 2069 {STRING_HDINFOPARTSELECT_2, 2070 "%6lu %s \221\241\242\236\250\346\252 \233\345\251\241\246\252 %lu (Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu) [%s]"}, 2071 {STRING_NEWPARTITION, 2072 "\206 \234\232\241\230\253\341\251\253\230\251\236 \233\236\243\240\246\347\250\232\236\251\234 \342\244\230 \244\342\246 partition \251\253\246"}, 2073 {STRING_UNPSPACE, 2074 " %sUnpartitioned space%s %6lu %s"}, 2075 {STRING_MAXSIZE, 2076 "MB (\243\234\232. %lu MB)"}, 2077 {STRING_EXTENDED_PARTITION, 2078 "Extended Partition"}, 2079 {STRING_UNFORMATTED, 2080 "\214\342\246 (\213\236 \233\240\230\243\246\250\255\340\243\342\244\246)"}, 2081 {STRING_FORMATUNUSED, 2082 "\200\256\250\236\251\240\243\246\247\246\345\236\253\246"}, 2083 {STRING_FORMATUNKNOWN, 2084 "\352\232\244\340\251\253\246"}, 2085 {STRING_KB, 2086 "KB"}, 2087 {STRING_MB, 2088 "MB"}, 2089 {STRING_GB, 2090 "GB"}, 2091 {STRING_ADDKBLAYOUTS, 2092 "\202\345\244\234\253\230\240 \247\250\246\251\237\343\241\236 \253\340\244 \233\240\230\253\341\245\234\340\244 \247\242\236\241\253\250\246\242\246\232\345\246\254"}, 2093 {0, 0} 2094 }; 2095