xref: /reactos/base/shell/cmd/files.txt (revision 4f0b8d3d)
1Archive Contents
3files.txt       This file list
4history.txt     History of revsions.  Not to date.  see svn.reactos.com for more info.
5license.txt     GNU license - applies to all files named here
6readme.txt      General shell info
7readme2.txt     Techincal shell info
8todo.txt        Things that need to be implmented or fixed(including bugs)
10alias.c         Alias code
11alias.h         Alias header file
12attrib.c        Implements attrib command
13batch.c         Batch file interpreter
14beep.c          Implements beep command
15call.c          Implements call command
16chcp.c          Implements chcp command
17choice.c        Implements choice command
18cls.c           Implements cls command
19cmdinput.c      Command-line input functions
20cmdtable.c      Table of available internal commands
21cmd.c           Main code for command-line interpreter
22cmd.h           Command header file
23color.c         Implements color command
24console.c       Windows console handling code
25copy.c          Implements copy command
26date.c          Implements date command
27del.c           Implements del command
28dir.c           Directory listing code
29dirstack.c      Directory stack code (PUSHD and POPD)
30echo.c          Implements echo command
31error.c         Error Message Routines
32filecomp.c      Filename completion functions
33for.c           Implements for command
34free.c          Implements free command
35goto.c          Implements goto command
36history.c       Command-line history handling
37if.c            Implements if command
38internal.c      Internal commands (DIR, RD, CD, etc)
39label.c         Implements label command
40locale.c        Locale handling code
41memory.c        Implements memory command
42misc.c          Misc. Functions
43msgbox.c        Implements msgbox command
44move.c          Implements move command
45path.c          Implements path command
46pause.c         Implements pause command
47prompt.c        Prompt handling functions
48redir.c         Redirection and piping parsing functions
49ren.c           Implements rename command
50replace.c       Implements replace command
51set.c           Implements set command
52shift.c         Implements shift command
53time.c          Implements time command
54timer.c         Implements timer command
55type.c          Implements type command
56ver.c           Implements ver command
57where.c         Code to search path for executables
58verify.c        Implements verify command