xref: /reactos/base/system/smss/smsubsys.c (revision 463784c5)
1 /*
2  * PROJECT:         ReactOS Windows-Compatible Session Manager
3  * LICENSE:         BSD 2-Clause License
4  * FILE:            base/system/smss/smsubsys.c
5  * PURPOSE:         Main SMSS Code
6  * PROGRAMMERS:     Alex Ionescu
7  */
9 /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/
11 #include "smss.h"
13 #define NDEBUG
14 #include <debug.h>
16 /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/
19 LIST_ENTRY SmpKnownSubSysHead;
20 HANDLE SmpWindowsSubSysProcess;
21 HANDLE SmpWindowsSubSysProcessId;
22 BOOLEAN RegPosixSingleInstance;
23 WCHAR InitialCommandBuffer[256];
25 /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/
29 SmpCallCsrCreateProcess(IN PSB_API_MSG SbApiMsg,
30                         IN USHORT MessageLength,
31                         IN HANDLE PortHandle)
32 {
33     NTSTATUS Status;
35     /* Initialize the header and send the message to CSRSS */
36     SbApiMsg->h.u2.ZeroInit = 0;
37     SbApiMsg->h.u1.s1.DataLength = MessageLength + 8;
38     SbApiMsg->h.u1.s1.TotalLength = sizeof(SB_API_MSG);
39     SbApiMsg->ApiNumber = SbpCreateProcess;
40     Status = NtRequestWaitReplyPort(PortHandle, &SbApiMsg->h, &SbApiMsg->h);
41     if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) Status = SbApiMsg->ReturnValue;
42     return Status;
43 }
47 SmpDereferenceSubsystem(IN PSMP_SUBSYSTEM SubSystem)
48 {
49     /* Acquire the database lock while we (potentially) destroy this subsystem */
50     RtlEnterCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
52     /* Drop the reference and see if it's terminating */
53     if (!(--SubSystem->ReferenceCount) && (SubSystem->Terminating))
54     {
55         /* Close all handles and free it */
56         if (SubSystem->Event) NtClose(SubSystem->Event);
57         if (SubSystem->ProcessHandle) NtClose(SubSystem->ProcessHandle);
58         if (SubSystem->SbApiPort) NtClose(SubSystem->SbApiPort);
59         RtlFreeHeap(SmpHeap, 0, SubSystem);
60     }
62     /* Release the database lock */
63     RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
64 }
68 SmpLocateKnownSubSysByCid(IN PCLIENT_ID ClientId)
69 {
70     PSMP_SUBSYSTEM Subsystem = NULL;
71     PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry;
73     /* Lock the subsystem database */
74     RtlEnterCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
76     /* Loop each subsystem in the database */
77     NextEntry = SmpKnownSubSysHead.Flink;
78     while (NextEntry != &SmpKnownSubSysHead)
79     {
80         /* Check if this one matches the client ID and is still valid */
81         Subsystem = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, SMP_SUBSYSTEM, Entry);
82         if ((*(PULONGLONG)&Subsystem->ClientId == *(PULONGLONG)ClientId) &&
83             !(Subsystem->Terminating))
84         {
85             /* Add a reference and return it */
86             Subsystem->ReferenceCount++;
87             break;
88         }
90         /* Reset the current pointer and keep earching */
91         Subsystem = NULL;
92         NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink;
93     }
95     /* Release the lock and return the subsystem we found */
96     RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
97     return Subsystem;
98 }
102 SmpLocateKnownSubSysByType(IN ULONG MuSessionId,
103                            IN ULONG ImageType)
104 {
105     PSMP_SUBSYSTEM Subsystem = NULL;
106     PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry;
108     /* Lock the subsystem database */
109     RtlEnterCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
111     /* Loop each subsystem in the database */
112     NextEntry = SmpKnownSubSysHead.Flink;
113     while (NextEntry != &SmpKnownSubSysHead)
114     {
115         /* Check if this one matches the image and uID, and is still valid */
116         Subsystem = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, SMP_SUBSYSTEM, Entry);
117         if ((Subsystem->ImageType == ImageType) &&
118             !(Subsystem->Terminating) &&
119             (Subsystem->MuSessionId == MuSessionId))
120         {
121             /* Return it referenced for the caller */
122             Subsystem->ReferenceCount++;
123             break;
124         }
126         /* Reset the current pointer and keep earching */
127         Subsystem = NULL;
128         NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink;
129     }
131     /* Release the lock and return the subsystem we found */
132     RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
133     return Subsystem;
134 }
138 SmpLoadSubSystem(IN PUNICODE_STRING FileName,
139                  IN PUNICODE_STRING Directory,
140                  IN PUNICODE_STRING CommandLine,
141                  IN ULONG MuSessionId,
142                  OUT PHANDLE ProcessId,
143                  IN ULONG Flags)
144 {
145     PSMP_SUBSYSTEM Subsystem, NewSubsystem, KnownSubsystem = NULL;
146     HANDLE SubSysProcessId;
148     SB_API_MSG SbApiMsg, SbApiMsg2;
149     RTL_USER_PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation;
150     LARGE_INTEGER Timeout;
151     PVOID State;
152     PSB_CREATE_PROCESS_MSG CreateProcess = &SbApiMsg.CreateProcess;
153     PSB_CREATE_SESSION_MSG CreateSession = &SbApiMsg.CreateSession;
155     /* Make sure this is a found subsystem */
156     if (Flags & SMP_INVALID_PATH)
157     {
158         DPRINT1("SMSS: Unable to find subsystem - %wZ\n", FileName);
159         return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND;
160     }
162     /* Don't use a session if the flag is set */
163     if (Flags & 0x80) MuSessionId = 0;
165     /* Lock the subsystems while we do a look up */
166     RtlEnterCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
167     while (TRUE)
168     {
169         /* Check if we found a subsystem not yet fully initialized */
170         Subsystem = SmpLocateKnownSubSysByType(MuSessionId, -1);
171         if (!Subsystem) break;
172         RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
174         /* Wait on it to initialize */
175         NtWaitForSingleObject(Subsystem->Event, FALSE, NULL);
177         /* Dereference it and try the next one */
178         RtlEnterCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
179         SmpDereferenceSubsystem(Subsystem);
180     }
182     /* Check if this is a POSIX subsystem */
183     if (Flags & SMP_POSIX_FLAG)
184     {
185         /* Do we already have it? */
186         Subsystem = SmpLocateKnownSubSysByType(MuSessionId, IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_POSIX_CUI);
187     }
188     else if (Flags & SMP_OS2_FLAG)
189     {
190         /* This is an OS/2 subsystem, do we we already have it? */
191         Subsystem = SmpLocateKnownSubSysByType(MuSessionId, IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_OS2_CUI);
192     }
194     /* Check if we already have one of the optional subsystems for the session */
195     if (Subsystem)
196     {
197         /* Dereference and return, no work to do */
198         SmpDereferenceSubsystem(Subsystem);
199         RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
200         return STATUS_SUCCESS;
201     }
203     /* Allocate a new subsystem! */
204     NewSubsystem = RtlAllocateHeap(SmpHeap, SmBaseTag, sizeof(SMP_SUBSYSTEM));
205     if (!NewSubsystem)
206     {
207         RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
208         return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
209     }
211     /* Initialize its header and reference count */
212     NewSubsystem->ReferenceCount = 1;
213     NewSubsystem->MuSessionId = MuSessionId;
214     NewSubsystem->ImageType = -1;
216     /* Clear out all the other data for now */
217     NewSubsystem->Terminating = FALSE;
218     NewSubsystem->ProcessHandle = NULL;
219     NewSubsystem->Event = NULL;
220     NewSubsystem->PortHandle = NULL;
221     NewSubsystem->SbApiPort = NULL;
223     /* Create the event we'll be waiting on for initialization */
224     Status = NtCreateEvent(&NewSubsystem->Event,
225                            EVENT_ALL_ACCESS,
226                            NULL,
227                            NotificationEvent,
228                            FALSE);
229     if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
230     {
231         /* This failed, bail out */
232         RtlFreeHeap(SmpHeap, 0, NewSubsystem);
233         RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
234         return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
235     }
237     /* Insert the subsystem and release the lock. It can now be found */
238     InsertTailList(&SmpKnownSubSysHead, &NewSubsystem->Entry);
239     RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
241     /* The OS/2 and POSIX subsystems are actually Windows applications! */
242     if (Flags & (SMP_POSIX_FLAG | SMP_OS2_FLAG))
243     {
244         /* Locate the Windows subsystem for this session */
245         KnownSubsystem = SmpLocateKnownSubSysByType(MuSessionId,
246                                                     IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI);
247         if (!KnownSubsystem)
248         {
249             DPRINT1("SMSS: SmpLoadSubSystem - SmpLocateKnownSubSysByType Failed\n");
250             goto Quickie2;
251         }
253         /* Fill out all the process details and call CSRSS to launch it */
254         CreateProcess->In.ImageName = FileName;
255         CreateProcess->In.CurrentDirectory = Directory;
256         CreateProcess->In.CommandLine = CommandLine;
257         CreateProcess->In.DllPath = SmpDefaultLibPath.Length ?
258                                     &SmpDefaultLibPath : NULL;
259         CreateProcess->In.Flags = Flags | SMP_DEFERRED_FLAG;
260         CreateProcess->In.DebugFlags = SmpDebug;
261         Status = SmpCallCsrCreateProcess(&SbApiMsg,
262                                          sizeof(*CreateProcess),
263                                          KnownSubsystem->SbApiPort);
264         if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
265         {
266             /* Handle failures */
267             DPRINT1("SMSS: SmpLoadSubSystem - SmpCallCsrCreateProcess Failed with  Status %lx\n",
268                     Status);
269             goto Quickie2;
270         }
272         /* Save the process information we'll need for the create session */
273         ProcessInformation.ProcessHandle = CreateProcess->Out.ProcessHandle;
274         ProcessInformation.ThreadHandle = CreateProcess->Out.ThreadHandle;
275         ProcessInformation.ClientId = CreateProcess->Out.ClientId;
276         ProcessInformation.ImageInformation.SubSystemType = CreateProcess->Out.SubsystemType;
277     }
278     else
279     {
280         /* This must be CSRSS itself, so just launch it and that's it */
281         Status = SmpExecuteImage(FileName,
282                                  Directory,
283                                  CommandLine,
284                                  MuSessionId,
285                                  Flags | SMP_DEFERRED_FLAG,
286                                  &ProcessInformation);
287         if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
288         {
289             /* Handle failures */
290             DPRINT1("SMSS: SmpLoadSubSystem - SmpExecuteImage Failed with  Status %lx\n",
291                     Status);
292             goto Quickie2;
293         }
294     }
296     /* Fill out the handle and client ID in the subsystem structure now */
297     NewSubsystem->ProcessHandle = ProcessInformation.ProcessHandle;
298     NewSubsystem->ClientId = ProcessInformation.ClientId;
300     /* Check if we launched a native image or a subsystem-backed image */
301     if (ProcessInformation.ImageInformation.SubSystemType == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NATIVE)
302     {
303         /* This must be CSRSS itself, since it's a native subsystem image */
304         SubSysProcessId = ProcessInformation.ClientId.UniqueProcess;
305         if ((ProcessId) && !(*ProcessId)) *ProcessId = SubSysProcessId;
307         /* Was this the initial CSRSS on Session 0? */
308         if (!MuSessionId)
309         {
310             /* Then save it in the global variables */
311             SmpWindowsSubSysProcessId = SubSysProcessId;
312             SmpWindowsSubSysProcess = ProcessInformation.ProcessHandle;
313         }
314         ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
315     }
316     else
317     {
318         /* This is the POSIX or OS/2 subsystem process, copy its information */
319         RtlCopyMemory(&CreateSession->ProcessInfo,
320                       &ProcessInformation,
321                       sizeof(CreateSession->ProcessInfo));
323         /* Not sure these field mean what I think they do -- but clear them */
324         *(PULONGLONG)&CreateSession->ClientId = 0;
325         CreateSession->MuSessionId = 0;
327         /* This should find CSRSS because they are POSIX or OS/2 subsystems */
328         Subsystem = SmpLocateKnownSubSysByType(MuSessionId,
329                                                ProcessInformation.ImageInformation.SubSystemType);
330         if (!Subsystem)
331         {
332             /* Odd failure -- but handle it anyway */
333             Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_PACKAGE;
334             DPRINT1("SMSS: SmpLoadSubSystem - SmpLocateKnownSubSysByType Failed with  Status %lx for sessionid %lu\n",
335                     Status,
336                     MuSessionId);
337             goto Quickie;
338         }
340         /* Duplicate the parent process handle for the subsystem to have */
341         Status = NtDuplicateObject(NtCurrentProcess(),
342                                    ProcessInformation.ProcessHandle,
343                                    Subsystem->ProcessHandle,
344                                    &CreateSession->ProcessInfo.ProcessHandle,
345                                    PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,
346                                    0,
347                                    0);
348         if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
349         {
350             /* Fail since this is critical */
351             DPRINT1("SMSS: SmpLoadSubSystem - NtDuplicateObject Failed with  Status %lx for sessionid %lu\n",
352                     Status,
353                     MuSessionId);
354             goto Quickie;
355         }
357         /* Duplicate the initial thread handle for the subsystem to have */
358         Status = NtDuplicateObject(NtCurrentProcess(),
359                                    ProcessInformation.ThreadHandle,
360                                    Subsystem->ProcessHandle,
361                                    &CreateSession->ProcessInfo.ThreadHandle,
362                                    THREAD_ALL_ACCESS,
363                                    0,
364                                    0);
365         if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
366         {
367             /* Fail since this is critical */
368             DPRINT1("SMSS: SmpLoadSubSystem - NtDuplicateObject Failed with  Status %lx for sessionid %lu\n",
369                     Status,
370                     MuSessionId);
371             goto Quickie;
372         }
374         /* Allocate an internal Session ID for this subsystem */
375         MuSessionId = SmpAllocateSessionId(Subsystem, 0);
376         CreateSession->SessionId = MuSessionId;
378         /* Send the create session message to the subsystem */
379         SbApiMsg2.ReturnValue = STATUS_SUCCESS;
380         SbApiMsg2.h.u2.ZeroInit = 0;
381         SbApiMsg2.h.u1.s1.DataLength = sizeof(SB_CREATE_SESSION_MSG) + 8;
382         SbApiMsg2.h.u1.s1.TotalLength = sizeof(SB_API_MSG);
383         Status = NtRequestWaitReplyPort(Subsystem->SbApiPort,
384                                         &SbApiMsg2.h,
385                                         &SbApiMsg2.h);
386         if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) Status = SbApiMsg2.ReturnValue;
387         if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
388         {
389             /* Delete the session and handle failure if the LPC call failed */
390             SmpDeleteSession(CreateSession->SessionId);
391             DPRINT1("SMSS: SmpLoadSubSystem - NtRequestWaitReplyPort Failed with  Status %lx for sessionid %lu\n",
392                     Status,
393                     CreateSession->SessionId);
394             goto Quickie;
395         }
396     }
398     /* Okay, everything looks good to go, initialize this subsystem now! */
399     Status = NtResumeThread(ProcessInformation.ThreadHandle, NULL);
400     if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
401     {
402         /* That didn't work -- back out of everything */
403         DPRINT1("SMSS: SmpLoadSubSystem - NtResumeThread failed Status %lx\n", Status);
404         goto Quickie;
405     }
407     /* Check if this was the subsystem for a different session */
408     if (MuSessionId)
409     {
410         /* Wait up to 60 seconds for it to initialize */
411         Timeout.QuadPart = -600000000;
412         Status = NtWaitForSingleObject(NewSubsystem->Event, FALSE, &Timeout);
414         /* Timeout is done -- does this session still exist? */
415         if (!SmpCheckDuplicateMuSessionId(MuSessionId))
416         {
417             /* Nope, it died. Cleanup should've ocurred in a different path. */
418             DPRINT1("SMSS: SmpLoadSubSystem - session deleted\n");
419             return STATUS_DELETE_PENDING;
420         }
422         /* Check if we timed our or there was another error with the wait */
423         if (Status != STATUS_WAIT_0)
424         {
425             /* Something is wrong with the subsystem, so back out of everything */
426             DPRINT1("SMSS: SmpLoadSubSystem - Timeout waiting for subsystem connect with Status %lx for sessionid %lu\n",
427                     Status,
428                     MuSessionId);
429             goto Quickie;
430         }
431     }
432     else
433     {
434         /* This a session 0 subsystem, just wait for it to initialize */
435         NtWaitForSingleObject(NewSubsystem->Event, FALSE, NULL);
436     }
438     /* Subsystem is created, resumed, and initialized. Close handles and exit */
439     NtClose(ProcessInformation.ThreadHandle);
440     Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
441     goto Quickie2;
443 Quickie:
444     /* This is the failure path. First check if we need to detach from session */
445     if ((AttachedSessionId == -1) || (Flags & (SMP_POSIX_FLAG | SMP_OS2_FLAG)))
446     {
447         /* We were not attached, or did not launch subsystems that required it */
448         DPRINT1("SMSS: Did not detach from Session Space: SessionId=%x Flags=%x Status=%x\n",
449                 AttachedSessionId,
450                 Flags | SMP_DEFERRED_FLAG,
451                 Status);
452     }
453     else
454     {
455         /* Get the privilege we need for detachment */
456         Status = SmpAcquirePrivilege(SE_LOAD_DRIVER_PRIVILEGE, &State);
457         if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
458         {
459             /* We can't detach without it */
460             DPRINT1("SMSS: Did not detach from Session Space: SessionId=%x Flags=%x Status=%x\n",
461                     AttachedSessionId,
462                     Flags | SMP_DEFERRED_FLAG,
463                     Status);
464         }
465         else
466         {
467             /* Now detach from the session */
468             Status = NtSetSystemInformation(SystemSessionDetach,
469                                             &AttachedSessionId,
470                                             sizeof(AttachedSessionId));
471             if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
472             {
473                 /* Failed to detach. Note the DPRINT1 has a typo in Windows */
474                 DPRINT1("SMSS: SmpStartCsr, Couldn't Detach from Session Space. Status=%x\n", Status);
475                 ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
476             }
477             else
478             {
479                 /* Detachment worked, reset our attached session ID */
480                 AttachedSessionId = -1;
481             }
483             /* And release the privilege we acquired */
484             SmpReleasePrivilege(State);
485         }
486     }
488     /* Since this is the failure path, terminate the subsystem process */
489     NtTerminateProcess(ProcessInformation.ProcessHandle, Status);
490     NtClose(ProcessInformation.ThreadHandle);
492 Quickie2:
493     /* This is the cleanup path -- first dereference our subsystems */
494     RtlEnterCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
495     if (Subsystem) SmpDereferenceSubsystem(Subsystem);
496     if (KnownSubsystem) SmpDereferenceSubsystem(KnownSubsystem);
498     /* In the failure case, destroy the new subsystem we just created */
499     if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
500     {
501         RemoveEntryList(&NewSubsystem->Entry);
502         NtSetEvent(NewSubsystem->Event, 0);
503         SmpDereferenceSubsystem(NewSubsystem);
504     }
506     /* Finally, we're all done! */
507     RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&SmpKnownSubSysLock);
508     return Status;
509 }
513 SmpLoadSubSystemsForMuSession(IN PULONG MuSessionId,
514                               OUT PHANDLE ProcessId,
515                               IN PUNICODE_STRING InitialCommand)
516 {
517     NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS, Status2;
519     UNICODE_STRING DestinationString, NtPath;
520     PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry;
521     LARGE_INTEGER Timeout;
522     PVOID State;
524     /* Write a few last registry keys with the boot partition information */
525     SmpTranslateSystemPartitionInformation();
527     /* Process "SetupExecute" values */
528     NextEntry = SmpSetupExecuteList.Flink;
529     while (NextEntry != &SmpSetupExecuteList)
530     {
531         /* Execute each one and move on */
532         RegEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, SMP_REGISTRY_VALUE, Entry);
533         SmpExecuteCommand(&RegEntry->Name, 0, NULL, 0);
534         NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink;
535     }
537     /* Now process the subsystems */
538     NextEntry = SmpSubSystemList.Flink;
539     while (NextEntry != &SmpSubSystemList)
540     {
541         /* Get the entry and check if this is the special Win32k entry */
542         RegEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, SMP_REGISTRY_VALUE, Entry);
543         if (_wcsicmp(RegEntry->Name.Buffer, L"Kmode") == 0)
544         {
545             /* Translate it */
546             if (!RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(RegEntry->Value.Buffer,
547                                               &NtPath,
548                                               NULL,
549                                               NULL))
550             {
551                 Status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_SYNTAX_BAD;
552                 DPRINT1("Failed: %lx\n", Status);
553             }
554             else
555             {
556                 /* Get the driver privilege */
557                 Status = SmpAcquirePrivilege(SE_LOAD_DRIVER_PRIVILEGE, &State);
558                 if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
559                 {
560                     /* Create the new session */
561                     ASSERT(AttachedSessionId == -1);
562                     Status = NtSetSystemInformation(SystemSessionCreate,
563                                                     MuSessionId,
564                                                     sizeof(*MuSessionId));
565                     if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
566                     {
567                         DPRINT1("SMSS: Session space creation failed\n");
568                         SmpReleasePrivilege(State);
569                         RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, NtPath.Buffer);
570                         return Status;
571                     }
572                     AttachedSessionId = *MuSessionId;
574                     /*
575                      * Start Win32k.sys on this session. Use a hardcoded value
576                      * instead of the Kmode one...
577                      */
578                     RtlInitUnicodeString(&DestinationString,
579                                          L"\\SystemRoot\\System32\\win32k.sys");
580                     Status = NtSetSystemInformation(SystemExtendServiceTableInformation,
581                                                     &DestinationString,
582                                                     sizeof(DestinationString));
583                     RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, NtPath.Buffer);
584                     SmpReleasePrivilege(State);
585                     if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
586                     {
587                         DPRINT1("SMSS: Load of WIN32K failed.\n");
588                         return Status;
589                     }
590                 }
591             }
592         }
594         /* Next entry */
595         NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink;
596     }
598     /* Now parse the required subsystem list */
599     NextEntry = SmpSubSystemsToLoad.Flink;
600     while (NextEntry != &SmpSubSystemsToLoad)
601     {
602         /* Get each entry and check if it's the internal debug or not */
603         RegEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, SMP_REGISTRY_VALUE, Entry);
604         if (_wcsicmp(RegEntry->Name.Buffer, L"Debug") == 0)
605         {
606             /* Load the internal debug system */
607             Status = SmpExecuteCommand(&RegEntry->Value,
608                                        *MuSessionId,
609                                        ProcessId,
610                                        SMP_DEBUG_FLAG | SMP_SUBSYSTEM_FLAG);
611         }
612         else
613         {
614             /* Load the required subsystem */
615             Status = SmpExecuteCommand(&RegEntry->Value,
616                                        *MuSessionId,
617                                        ProcessId,
618                                        SMP_SUBSYSTEM_FLAG);
619         }
620         if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
621         {
622             DbgPrint("SMSS: Subsystem execute failed (%wZ)\n", &RegEntry->Value);
623             return Status;
624         }
626         /* Move to the next entry */
627         NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink;
628     }
630     /* Process the "Execute" list now */
631     NextEntry = SmpExecuteList.Blink;
632     if (NextEntry != &SmpExecuteList)
633     {
634         /* Get the custom initial command */
635         RegEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, SMP_REGISTRY_VALUE, Entry);
637         /* Write the initial command and wait for 5 seconds (why??!) */
638         *InitialCommand = RegEntry->Name;
639         Timeout.QuadPart = -50000000;
640         NtDelayExecution(FALSE, &Timeout);
641     }
642     else
643     {
644         /* Use the default Winlogon initial command */
645         RtlInitUnicodeString(InitialCommand, L"winlogon.exe");
646         InitialCommandBuffer[0] = UNICODE_NULL;
648         /* Check if there's a debugger for Winlogon */
649         Status2 = LdrQueryImageFileExecutionOptions(InitialCommand,
650                                                     L"Debugger",
651                                                     REG_SZ,
652                                                     InitialCommandBuffer,
653                                                     sizeof(InitialCommandBuffer) -
654                                                     InitialCommand->Length,
655                                                     NULL);
656         if ((NT_SUCCESS(Status2)) && (InitialCommandBuffer[0]))
657         {
658             /* Put the debugger string with the Winlogon string */
659             RtlStringCbCatW(InitialCommandBuffer, sizeof(InitialCommandBuffer), L" ");
660             RtlStringCbCatW(InitialCommandBuffer, sizeof(InitialCommandBuffer), InitialCommand->Buffer);
661             RtlInitUnicodeString(InitialCommand, InitialCommandBuffer);
662         }
663     }
665     /* Finally check if there was a custom initial command */
666     NextEntry = SmpExecuteList.Flink;
667     while (NextEntry != &SmpExecuteList)
668     {
669         /* Execute each one */
670         RegEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, SMP_REGISTRY_VALUE, Entry);
671         SmpExecuteCommand(&RegEntry->Name, *MuSessionId, NULL, 0);
672         NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink;
673     }
675     /* Return status */
676     return Status;
677 }