1LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US 2 3IDM_MENU MENU 4BEGIN 5 POPUP "" 6 BEGIN 7 MENUITEM "&Duplicate...", 0 8 MENUITEM "R&emove", 1 9 MENUITEM "&View log", 2 10 MENUITEM SEPARATOR 11 MENUITEM "P&roperties", 3 12 MENUITEM "C&opy properties", 4 13 MENUITEM "A&pply properties", 5 14 END 15END 16 17IDD_ADVANCED DIALOGEX 17, 12, 238, 210 18STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 19CAPTION "Advanced" 20FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 21BEGIN 22 GROUPBOX "Extra Settings", 1018, 6, 6, 225, 70 23 LTEXT "E&xtra initialization commands:", 1011, 16, 20, 143, 8 24 EDITTEXT 1016, 16, 31, 205, 13, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 25 LTEXT "&Wait for credit card tone:", 1007, 16, 55, 109, 8, NOT WS_VISIBLE 26 EDITTEXT 1008, 133, 52, 26, 12, ES_RIGHT | NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP 27 CONTROL "", 1009, "MSCTLS_UPDOWN32", NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | WS_GROUP | 0x00000036, 159, 52, 12, 12 28 LTEXT "seconds", 1010, 173, 54, 40, 8, NOT WS_VISIBLE 29 GROUPBOX "&Country/Region Select", 1012, 6, 80, 225, 75 30 COMBOBOX 1013, 18, 99, 203, 50, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 31 PUSHBUTTON "&Advanced Port Settings...", 1100, 107, 170, 125, 14 32 DEFPUSHBUTTON "Change &Default Preferences...", 3, 107, 188, 125, 14 33END 34 35IDD_GENERAL DIALOGEX 0, 0, 238, 210 36STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 37CAPTION "General" 38FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 39BEGIN 40 LTEXT "Port:", 1018, 9, 8, 32, 10 41 LTEXT "Com port", 1095, 48, 8, 181, 10 42 GROUPBOX "&Speaker volume", 1029, 10, 21, 218, 48 43 CONTROL "", 1032, "MSCTLS_TRACKBAR32", WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP | 0x00000001, 84, 40, 66, 20 44 RTEXT "Off", 1045, 56, 40, 22, 8 45 LTEXT "High", 1001, 155, 40, 25, 11 46 GROUPBOX "&Maximum Port Speed", 1031, 10, 78, 218, 46 47 COMBOBOX 1036, 18, 100, 202, 69, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 48 GROUPBOX "Dial Control", 1060, 10, 133, 218, 51 49 AUTOCHECKBOX "&Wait for dial tone before dialing", 1003, 27, 157, 174, 10 50END 51 52IDD_DISTINCTIVE_RING DIALOGEX 0, 0, 238, 210 53STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 54CAPTION "Distinctive Ring" 55FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 56BEGIN 57 GROUPBOX "", 1068, 10, 7, 218, 145 58 AUTOCHECKBOX "&This phone line has Distinctive Ring Services", 1069, 20, 7, 184, 10 59 CTEXT "Ring Pattern", -1, 84, 21, 70, 8 60 CTEXT "Type of Call", -1, 159, 21, 63, 8 61 LTEXT "&Primary address:", 1070, 20, 41, 62, 8 62 COMBOBOX 1073, 84, 37, 71, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 63 COMBOBOX 1082, 160, 37, 62, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 64 LTEXT "Address &1:", 1071, 20, 59, 62, 8 65 COMBOBOX 1074, 84, 55, 71, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 66 COMBOBOX 1083, 160, 55, 62, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 67 LTEXT "Address &2:", 1072, 20, 77, 62, 8 68 COMBOBOX 1075, 84, 73, 71, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 69 COMBOBOX 1084, 160, 73, 62, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 70 LTEXT "Address &3:", 1076, 20, 95, 62, 8 71 COMBOBOX 1077, 84, 91, 71, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 72 COMBOBOX 1085, 160, 91, 62, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 73 LTEXT "Priority &callers:", 1078, 20, 112, 62, 8 74 COMBOBOX 1079, 84, 109, 71, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 75 COMBOBOX 1086, 160, 109, 62, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 76 LTEXT "Call&back:", 1080, 20, 131, 62, 8 77 COMBOBOX 1081, 84, 127, 71, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 78 COMBOBOX 1087, 160, 127, 62, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 79END 80 81IDD_DISTINCTIVE_RING_2 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 238, 210 82STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 83CAPTION "Distinctive Ring" 84FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 85BEGIN 86 GROUPBOX "", 1068, 10, 7, 218, 87 87 AUTOCHECKBOX "&This phone line has Distinctive Ring Services", 1069, 19, 7, 177, 10 88 CTEXT "Ring Pattern", -1, 20, 21, 74, 8 89 CTEXT "Type of Call", -1, 96, 21, 65, 8 90 LTEXT "&Single ring:", 1088, 20, 37, 53, 8 91 COMBOBOX 1091, 96, 37, 65, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 92 LTEXT "&Double ring:", 1089, 20, 57, 53, 8 93 COMBOBOX 1092, 96, 55, 65, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 94 LTEXT "T&riple ring:", 1090, 20, 76, 53, 8 95 COMBOBOX 1093, 96, 73, 65, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 96END 97 98IDD_DIAGNOSTICS DIALOGEX 0, 0, 238, 215 99STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 100CAPTION "Diagnostics" 101FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 102BEGIN 103 CONTROL "", 1042, "SYSLISTVIEW32", WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | 0x0000084D, 19, 18, 200, 58 104 CONTROL "", 1041, "SYSLISTVIEW32", WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | 0x0000084D, 19, 84, 200, 58 105 PUSHBUTTON "&Query Modem", 1096, 138, 149, 75, 14 106 AUTOCHECKBOX "Record a &Log", 1020, 18, 187, 98, 10 107 PUSHBUTTON "&View log", 1094, 138, 184, 75, 14, WS_DISABLED 108 GROUPBOX "Modem Information", 1047, 10, 6, 217, 164 109 GROUPBOX "Logging", -1, 10, 173, 217, 32 110END 111 112IDD_PLEASE_WAIT DIALOGEX 0, 0, 195, 72 113STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CENTER | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 114CAPTION "Please Wait..." 115FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 116BEGIN 117 ICON 5100, -1, 9, 7, 20, 20 118 LTEXT "Communicating with Modem. This may take several seconds.", -1, 42, 7, 146, 28 119 DEFPUSHBUTTON "Cancel", 2, 72, 52, 50, 14 120END 121 122IDD_GENERAL_2 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 238, 210 123STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 124CAPTION "General" 125FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 126BEGIN 127 AUTOCHECKBOX "&Operator assisted (manual) dial", 1002, 19, 22, 150, 10 128 AUTOCHECKBOX "&Disconnect a call if idle for more than", 1042, 19, 38, 143, 10 129 EDITTEXT 1043, 168, 35, 25, 13, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NUMBER 130 LTEXT "&Cancel the call if not connected within", -1, 19, 56, 147, 10 131 EDITTEXT 1040, 168, 54, 25, 13, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NUMBER 132 RTEXT "&Port speed:", 1034, 16, 102, 93, 8 133 COMBOBOX 1036, 114, 100, 84, 69, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 134 RTEXT "D&ata Protocol:", 1032, 16, 122, 93, 8 135 COMBOBOX 1037, 114, 119, 84, 69, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 136 RTEXT "Comp&ression:", 1035, 16, 139, 93, 8 137 COMBOBOX 1099, 114, 137, 84, 69, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 138 RTEXT "&Flow control:", 1027, 16, 157, 93, 8 139 COMBOBOX 1031, 114, 155, 84, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 140 GROUPBOX "Call preferences", 1060, 11, 7, 217, 66 141 LTEXT "mins", 1044, 195, 38, 22, 8 142 LTEXT "secs", 1041, 194, 56, 22, 8 143 GROUPBOX "Data Connection Preferences", -1, 11, 82, 217, 94 144END 145 146IDD_ADVANCED_2 DIALOGEX 17, 12, 238, 210 147STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 148CAPTION "Advanced" 149FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 150BEGIN 151 AUTOCHECKBOX "Bring up terminal window &before dialing", 1000, 20, 21, 200, 10 152 AUTOCHECKBOX "Bring up terminal window a&fter dialing", 1001, 20, 38, 200, 10 153 RTEXT "&Data bits:", 1024, 18, 79, 93, 8 154 COMBOBOX 1025, 114, 77, 106, 61, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 155 RTEXT "&Parity:", 1026, 18, 97, 93, 8 156 COMBOBOX 1028, 114, 95, 106, 60, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 157 RTEXT "&Stop bits:", 1029, 18, 115, 93, 8 158 COMBOBOX 1030, 114, 113, 106, 45, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 159 RTEXT "&Modulation:", 1045, 18, 133, 93, 8 160 COMBOBOX 1038, 114, 131, 106, 69, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 161 GROUPBOX "Terminal Window", 1004, 10, 7, 217, 49 162 GROUPBOX "Hardware Settings", 1005, 10, 64, 217, 89 163END 164 165IDD_ISDN DIALOGEX 0, 0, 238, 210 166STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 167CAPTION "ISDN" 168FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 169BEGIN 170 GROUPBOX "Switch &Type", -1, 11, 6, 217, 39 171 COMBOBOX 1104, 17, 20, 204, 69, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP 172 GROUPBOX "&First Number", -1, 11, 50, 217, 50 173 EDITTEXT 1017, 33, 62, 188, 13, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NUMBER 174 LTEXT "S&PID/EAZ:", 1027, 34, 83, 67, 8 175 EDITTEXT 1107, 104, 79, 117, 13, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NUMBER 176 GROUPBOX "&Second Number", -1, 11, 105, 217, 49 177 EDITTEXT 1018, 33, 114, 189, 13, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NUMBER 178 LTEXT "SPI&D/EAZ:", 1028, 35, 135, 68, 8 179 EDITTEXT 1108, 105, 132, 117, 13, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NUMBER 180END 181 182IDD_PLEASE_WAIT_2 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 195, 72 183STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CENTER | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 184CAPTION "Please Wait" 185FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 186BEGIN 187 ICON 5100, -1, 9, 7, 20, 20 188 LTEXT "Sending country/region information to Modem.", -1, 42, 7, 146, 28 189END 190 191IDD_WARNING DIALOGEX 0, 0, 360, 105 192STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION 193CAPTION "Warning" 194FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 195BEGIN 196 AUTOCHECKBOX "Do not show this message again", 1109, 17, 73, 118, 10 197 DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK", 1, 302, 84, 50, 14 198 LTEXT "Some modems do not properly handle initialization strings of this length.", -1, 50, 27, 304, 8 199 LTEXT "Information about this limitation can be obtained from your modem manufacturer.", -1, 50, 41, 304, 8 200 ICON 5100, -1, 15, 14, 20, 20 201 LTEXT "You have entered a modem initialization string greater than 57 characters long.", -1, 50, 14, 304, 8 202END 203 204IDD_MODEMS DIALOGEX 0, 0, 252, 218 205STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CENTER | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 206CAPTION "Modems" 207FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 208BEGIN 209 ICON 5100, 1057, 6, 7, 20, 20 210 LTEXT "The following &modems are installed:", -1, 44, 12, 203, 9 211 CONTROL "", 113, "SYSLISTVIEW32", WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | 0x00000849, 7, 32, 238, 158, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE 212 PUSHBUTTON "A&dd...", 110, 56, 198, 60, 14 213 PUSHBUTTON "&Remove", 112, 121, 198, 60, 14 214 PUSHBUTTON "&Properties", 109, 185, 198, 60, 14 215END 216 217IDD_PLEASE_WAIT_3 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 195, 72 218STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CENTER | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 219CAPTION "Please Wait..." 220FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 221BEGIN 222 DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Stop", 2, 74, 53, 50, 14 223 ICON 5100, -1, 9, 7, 20, 20 224 LTEXT "Removing", -1, 40, 8, 151, 8 225 LTEXT "Modem", 1005, 40, 16, 151, 25 226END 227 228STRINGTABLE 229BEGIN 230 180 "RS-232 Serial Port" 231 181 "External Modem" 232 182 "Internal Modem" 233 183 "PCMCIA Modem" 234 184 "Parallel Modem" 235 185 "Parallel Port" 236 200 "110" 237 201 "1200" 238 202 "2400" 239 203 "4800" 240 204 "9600" 241 206 "19200" 242 207 "38400" 243 210 "115200" 244 211 "57600" 245 216 "300" 246 220 "230400" 247 221 "460800" 248 222 "921600" 249 240 "4" 250 241 "5" 251 242 "6" 252 243 "7" 253 244 "8" 254 250 "Even" 255 251 "Odd" 256 252 "None" 257 253 "Mark" 258 254 "Space" 259 255 "1" 260 256 "1.5" 261 257 "2" 262 260 "Xon / Xoff" 263 261 "Hardware" 264 262 "None" 265 263 "On" 266 264 "Low" 267 265 "V.23 (Minitel)" 268 266 "Standard" 269 267 "Non-standard (Bell, HST)" 270 270 "Append to &Log" 271 300 "Unspecified" 272 301 "Data" 273 302 "Fax" 274 303 "Voice" 275 304 "None" 276 320 "Country/region setting updated" 277 340 "Modem" 278 341 "Modem Settings" 279 342 "Modem Address" 280 400 "Country/region setting not updated" 281 401 "Some modems do not accept user initialization commands greater than 57 characters.\n\nInformation about this limitation can be obtained from your modem manufacturer" 282 402 "Warning" 283 460 "There is not enough memory to view the General dialog box.\nClose some files or programs, and then try again." 284 461 "There is not enough memory to view the Modem Settings dialog box.\nClose some files or programs, and then try again." 285 463 "Each calling address must be set to 'Automatic' or to a unique ring pattern.\n\nChange the duplicate ring pattern to a different one." 286 465 "Standard EC" 287 466 "Forced EC" 288 467 "Cellular" 289 468 "Disabled" 290 469 "Enabled" 291 470 "Disabled" 292 480 "AUTO (1 Ch.)" 293 481 "AUTO (2 Ch.)" 294 482 "PPP (56K)" 295 483 "PPP (64K)" 296 484 "PPP (112K)" 297 485 "PPP (112K,PAP)" 298 486 "PPP (112K,CHAP)" 299 487 "PPP (112K,MSCHAP)" 300 488 "PPP (128K)" 301 489 "PPP (128K,PAP)" 302 490 "PPP (128K,CHAP)" 303 491 "PPP (128K,MSCHAP)" 304 500 "V.120 (64K)" 305 501 "V.120 (56K)" 306 502 "V.120 (112K)" 307 503 "V.120 (128K)" 308 504 "X.75 (64K)" 309 505 "X.75 (128K)" 310 506 "X.75 (T.70)" 311 507 "X.75 (BTX)" 312 508 "V.110 (1.2K)" 313 509 "V.110 (2.4K)" 314 510 "V.110 (4.8K)" 315 511 "V.110 (9.6K)" 316 512 "V.110 (12.0K)" 317 513 "V.110 (14.4K)" 318 514 "V.110 (19.2K)" 319 515 "V.110 (28.8K)" 320 516 "V.110 (38.4K)" 321 517 "V.110 (57.6K)" 322 518 "Analog (V.34/V.90)" 323 550 "ESS5 (AT&T) (North America)" 324 551 "AT&T Point to Multipoint" 325 552 "National ISDN 1 (NI-1)" 326 553 "Northern Telecom DMS 100 (NT1)" 327 554 "NTT INS64 (Japan)" 328 555 "European ISDN (DSS1)" 329 556 "German National (1TR6) (rarely used)" 330 557 "French National (VN3) (rarely used)" 331 558 "Belgium National (rarely used)" 332 559 "Australian National (rarely used)" 333 560 "Unknown switch" 334 570 "The ISDN Configuration for this modem\nis not complete.\n\nPlease fill out the information in the\nISDN Tab before using this modem." 335 600 "PPP (56K,GSM)" 336 601 "PPP (64K,GSM)" 337 602 "V.120 (64K,GSM)" 338 604 "V.110 (1.2K,GSM)" 339 605 "V.110 (2.4K,GSM)" 340 606 "V.110 (4.8K,GSM)" 341 607 "V.110 (9.6K,GSM)" 342 608 "V.110 (12.0K,GSM)" 343 609 "V.110 (14.4K,GSM)" 344 610 "V.110 (19.2K,GSM)" 345 611 "V.110 (28.8K,GSM)" 346 612 "V.110 (38.4K,GSM)" 347 613 "V.110 (57.6K,GSM)" 348 614 "Analog RLP" 349 615 "Analog NRLP" 350 616 "GPRS" 351 617 "PIAFS - incoming" 352 618 "PIAFS - outgoing" 353 700 "Use current TAPI location" 354 2006 "Attached To" 355 2007 "Not present" 356 2008 "Not functional" 357 2009 "Needs reboot" 358 2010 "#To finish setting up your modem, you must restart your computer.\n\nDo you want to restart your computer now?" 359 2011 "Modem not properly installed" 360 2012 "Unknown port" 361 3000 "Modem Setup" 362 3018 "Modems" 363 3019 "Installs a new modem and changes modem properties." 364 3053 "The modem properties cannot be displayed because the modem is not available.\n\nRestart the system and try again." 365 3054 "Properties for Modems" 366 3060 "Are you sure you want to remove the selected modem(s) from your system?" 367 3061 "ReactOS was unable to remove the modem '%1' from %2." 368 3062 "Modem" 369 3069 "There is not enough memory to open the modem control panel.\n\nClose some programs and try again." 370 3073 "You must be a System Administrator to install a modem." 371 3074 "No modems are installed. You must be a System Administrator to install a modem." 372 3076 "You must shut down and restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.\n\nDo you want to restart your computer now?" 373 3077 "Network Settings Change" 374 3200 "300 Baud" 375 3201 "1200 Baud" 376 3202 "2400 Baud" 377 3203 "9600 Baud" 378 3204 "19.2K Baud" 379 3205 "38.4K Baud" 380 3206 "57.6K Baud" 381 3207 "No response" 382 3212 "Command" 383 3213 "Response" 384 3214 "The port that the modem is attached could not be opened. This may be the result of a hardware conflict. Check the device manager to verify all devices are functional." 385 3215 "The port that the modem is using is currently open by another application. Exit any application that may currently be using the port." 386 3218 "OpenComm" 387 3221 "115K Baud" 388 3222 "Updating" 389 3223 "Error" 390 3233 "Success" 391 3236 "The modem failed to respond. Make sure it is properly connected and turned on. If it is an internal modem or is connected, verify that the interrupt for the port is properly set." 392 3237 "COMMAND NOT SUPPORTED" 393 3238 "Field" 394 3239 "Value" 395 3240 " Default Preferences" 396 3241 " Connection Preferences" 397 6144 "Japan" 398 6145 "Albania" 399 6146 "Algeria" 400 6147 "American Samoa" 401 6148 "Germany (Country/region code 04)" 402 6149 "Anguilla" 403 6150 "Antigua and Barbuda" 404 6151 "Argentina" 405 6152 "Ascension Island" 406 6153 "Australia" 407 6154 "Austria" 408 6155 "Bahamas" 409 6156 "Bahrain" 410 6157 "Bangladesh" 411 6158 "Barbados" 412 6159 "Belgium" 413 6160 "Belize" 414 6161 "Benin" 415 6162 "Bermuda" 416 6163 "Bhutan" 417 6164 "Bolivia" 418 6165 "Botswana" 419 6166 "Brazil" 420 6167 "Country/region code (23)" 421 6168 "British Indian Ocean Territory" 422 6169 "British Virgin Islands" 423 6170 "Brunei" 424 6171 "Bulgaria" 425 6172 "Myanmar" 426 6173 "Burundi" 427 6174 "Belarus" 428 6175 "Cameroon" 429 6176 "Canada" 430 6177 "Cape Verde" 431 6178 "Cayman Islands" 432 6179 "Central African Republic" 433 6180 "Chad" 434 6181 "Chile" 435 6182 "China" 436 6183 "Colombia" 437 6184 "Comoros" 438 6185 "Congo" 439 6186 "Cook Islands" 440 6187 "Costa Rica" 441 6188 "Cuba" 442 6189 "Cyprus" 443 6190 "Czech Republic" 444 6191 "Cambodia" 445 6192 "North Korea" 446 6193 "Denmark" 447 6194 "Djibouti" 448 6195 "Dominican Republic" 449 6196 "Dominica" 450 6197 "Ecuador" 451 6198 "Egypt" 452 6199 "El Salvador" 453 6200 "Equatorial Guinea" 454 6201 "Ethiopia" 455 6202 "Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)" 456 6203 "Fiji Islands" 457 6204 "Finland" 458 6205 "France" 459 6206 "French Polynesia" 460 6207 "Country/region code (63)" 461 6208 "Gabon" 462 6209 "Gambia" 463 6210 "Germany (Country/region code 66)" 464 6211 "Angola" 465 6212 "Ghana" 466 6213 "Gibraltar" 467 6214 "Greece" 468 6215 "Grenada" 469 6216 "Guam" 470 6217 "Guatemala" 471 6218 "Guernsey" 472 6219 "Guinea" 473 6220 "Guinea-Bissau" 474 6221 "Guyana" 475 6222 "Haiti" 476 6223 "Honduras" 477 6224 "Hong Kong SAR" 478 6225 "Hungary" 479 6226 "Iceland" 480 6227 "India" 481 6228 "Indonesia" 482 6229 "Iran" 483 6230 "Iraq" 484 6231 "Ireland" 485 6232 "Israel" 486 6233 "Italy" 487 6234 "Cote d'Ivoire" 488 6235 "Jamaica" 489 6236 "Afghanistan" 490 6237 "Jersey" 491 6238 "Jordan" 492 6239 "Kenya" 493 6240 "Kiribati" 494 6241 "Korea" 495 6242 "Kuwait" 496 6243 "Laos" 497 6244 "Lebanon" 498 6245 "Lesotho" 499 6246 "Liberia" 500 6247 "Libya" 501 6248 "Liechtenstein" 502 6249 "Luxembourg" 503 6250 "Macau SAR" 504 6251 "Madagascar" 505 6252 "Malaysia" 506 6253 "Malawi" 507 6254 "Maldives" 508 6255 "Mali" 509 6256 "Malta" 510 6257 "Mauritania" 511 6258 "Mauritius" 512 6259 "Mexico" 513 6260 "Monaco" 514 6261 "Mongolia" 515 6262 "Montserrat" 516 6263 "Morocco" 517 6264 "Mozambique" 518 6265 "Nauru" 519 6266 "Nepal" 520 6267 "Netherlands" 521 6268 "Netherlands Antilles" 522 6269 "New Caledonia" 523 6270 "New Zealand" 524 6271 "Nicaragua" 525 6272 "Niger" 526 6273 "Nigeria" 527 6274 "Norway" 528 6275 "Oman" 529 6276 "Pakistan" 530 6277 "Panama" 531 6278 "Papua New Guinea" 532 6279 "Paraguay" 533 6280 "Peru" 534 6281 "Philippines" 535 6282 "Poland" 536 6283 "Portugal" 537 6284 "Puerto Rico" 538 6285 "Qatar" 539 6286 "Romania" 540 6287 "Rwanda" 541 6288 "St. Kitts and Nevis" 542 6289 "Country/region code (145)" 543 6290 "St. Helena" 544 6291 "St. Lucia" 545 6292 "San Marino" 546 6293 "Country/region code (148)" 547 6294 "Sao Tome and Principe" 548 6295 "St. Vincent and the Grenadines" 549 6296 "Saudi Arabia" 550 6297 "Senegal" 551 6298 "Seychelles" 552 6299 "Sierra Leone" 553 6300 "Singapore" 554 6301 "Solomon Islands" 555 6302 "Somalia" 556 6303 "South Africa" 557 6304 "Spain" 558 6305 "Sri Lanka" 559 6306 "Sudan" 560 6307 "Suriname" 561 6308 "Swaziland" 562 6309 "Sweden" 563 6310 "Switzerland" 564 6311 "Syria" 565 6312 "Tanzania" 566 6313 "Thailand" 567 6314 "Togo" 568 6315 "Tonga" 569 6316 "Trinidad and Tobago" 570 6317 "Tunisia" 571 6318 "Turkey" 572 6319 "Turks and Caicos Islands" 573 6320 "Tuvalu" 574 6321 "Uganda" 575 6322 "Ukraine" 576 6323 "United Arab Emirates" 577 6324 "United Kingdom" 578 6325 "United States" 579 6326 "Burkina Faso" 580 6327 "Uruguay" 581 6328 "Country/region code (184)" 582 6329 "Vanuatu" 583 6330 "Vatican City" 584 6331 "Venezuela" 585 6332 "Vietnam" 586 6333 "Wallis and Futuna" 587 6334 "Samoa" 588 6335 "Yemen" 589 6336 "Yemen" 590 6337 "Country/region code (193)" 591 6338 "Congo (DRC)" 592 6339 "Zambia" 593 6340 "Zimbabwe" 594 6501 "Moldova" 595 6502 "Estonia" 596 6503 "Lithuania" 597 6504 "Armenia" 598 6505 "Georgia" 599 6506 "Azerbaijan" 600 6507 "Turkmenistan" 601 6508 "Uzbekistan" 602 6509 "Kazakhstan" 603 6510 "Tajikistan" 604 6511 "Kyrgyzstan" 605 6512 "Latvia" 606 6513 "Russia" 607 6600 "Croatia" 608 6601 "Slovenia" 609 6602 "Macedonia, FYRO" 610 6603 "Bosnia and Herzegovina" 611 6604 "Yugoslavia" 612 20013 "Hardware ID" 613END 614