xref: /reactos/dll/win32/rsaenh/rsaenh.rgs (revision c2c66aff)
3    NoRemove Software
4    {
5        NoRemove Microsoft
6        {
7            NoRemove Cryptography
8            {
9                NoRemove Defaults
10                {
11                    NoRemove Provider
12                    {
13                        ForceRemove 'Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0'
14                        {
15                            val 'Image Path' = s '%MODULE%'
16                            val 'Signature' = b deadbeef
17                            val 'Type' = d 1
18                        }
19                        ForceRemove 'Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0'
20                        {
21                            val 'Image Path' = s '%MODULE%'
22                            val 'Signature' = b deadbeef
23                            val 'Type' = d 1
24                        }
25                        ForceRemove 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider'
26                        {
27                            val 'Image Path' = s '%MODULE%'
28                            val 'Signature' = b deadbeef
29                            val 'Type' = d 24
30                        }
31                        ForceRemove 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider (Prototype)'
32                        {
33                            val 'Image Path' = s '%MODULE%'
34                            val 'Signature' = b deadbeef
35                            val 'Type' = d 24
36                        }
37                        ForceRemove 'Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider'
38                        {
39                            val 'Image Path' = s '%MODULE%'
40                            val 'Signature' = b deadbeef
41                            val 'Type' = d 12
42                        }
43                        ForceRemove 'Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider'
44                        {
45                            val 'Image Path' = s '%MODULE%'
46                            val 'Signature' = b deadbeef
47                            val 'Type' = d 1
48                        }
49                    }
50                    NoRemove 'Provider Types'
51                    {
52                        ForceRemove 'Type 001'
53                        {
54                            val 'Name' = s 'Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0'
55                            val 'TypeName' = s 'RSA Full (Signature and Key Exchange)'
56                        }
57                        ForceRemove 'Type 012'
58                        {
59                            val 'Name' = s 'Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider'
60                            val 'TypeName' = s 'RSA SChannel'
61                        }
62                        ForceRemove 'Type 024'
63                        {
64                            val 'Name' = s 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider'
65                            val 'TypeName' = s 'RSA Full and AES'
66                        }
67                    }
68                }
69            }
70        }
71    }