xref: /reactos/dll/win32/ws2_32/src/addrinfo.c (revision cdf90707)
1 /*
2  * COPYRIGHT:   See COPYING in the top level directory
3  * PROJECT:     ReactOS WinSock 2 API
4  * FILE:        dll/win32/ws2_32/src/addrinfo.c
5  * PURPOSE:     Protocol-Independent Address Resolution
6  * PROGRAMMER:  Alex Ionescu (alex@relsoft.net)
7  */
9 /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/
11 #include <ws2_32.h>
13 #include <ws2tcpip.h>
15 #define NDEBUG
16 #include <debug.h>
18 /* DEFINES *******************************************************************/
20 #define Swap(a, b, c)       { (c) = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = (c); }
21 #define FreeAddrInfoW(a)    freeaddrinfo((LPADDRINFO)a)
23 /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/
25 /* FIXME: put into dnslib */
28 Dns_Ip4AddressToReverseName_W(IN LPWSTR AddressBuffer,
29                               IN IN_ADDR Address)
30 {
31     /* Convert the address into IPv4 format */
32     wsprintfW(AddressBuffer, L"%u.%u.%u.%u.in-addr.arpa.",
33               Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4,
34               Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3,
35               Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2,
36               Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1);
37 }
41 Dns_SplitHostFromDomainNameW(IN LPWSTR DomainName)
42 {
43     /* FIXME */
44 }
46 static
47 INT
49 ConvertAddrinfoFromUnicodeToAnsi(IN PADDRINFOW Addrinfo)
50 {
51     LPSTR AnsiName;
52     LPWSTR *UnicodeName;
54     /* Make sure we have a valid pointer */
55     if (Addrinfo)
56     {
57         do
58         {
59             /* Get the name */
60             UnicodeName = &Addrinfo->ai_canonname;
62             /* Check if it exists */
63             if (*UnicodeName)
64             {
65                 /* Convert it */
66                 AnsiName = AnsiDupFromUnicode(*UnicodeName);
67                 if (AnsiName)
68                 {
69                     /* Free the old one */
70                     HeapFree(WsSockHeap, 0, *UnicodeName);
72                     /* Set the new one */
73                     *UnicodeName = (LPWSTR)AnsiName;
74                 }
75                 else
76                 {
77                     return GetLastError();
78                 }
79             }
80         } while ((Addrinfo = Addrinfo->ai_next));
81     }
83     /* All done */
84     return ERROR_SUCCESS;
85 }
87 static
90 ParseV4Address(IN PCWSTR AddressString,
91                OUT PDWORD pAddress)
92 {
93     CHAR AnsiAddressString[MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN];
94     CHAR * cp = AnsiAddressString;
95     DWORD val, base;
96     unsigned char c;
97     DWORD parts[4], *pp = parts;
98     if (!AddressString)
99         return FALSE;
100     WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
101                         0,
102                         AddressString,
103                         -1,
104                         AnsiAddressString,
105                         sizeof(AnsiAddressString),
106                         NULL,
107                         0);
108     if (!isdigit(*cp)) return FALSE;
110 again:
111     /*
112     * Collect number up to ``.''.
113     * Values are specified as for C:
114     * 0x=hex, 0=octal, other=decimal.
115     */
116     val = 0; base = 10;
117     if (*cp == '0') {
118         if (*++cp == 'x' || *cp == 'X')
119             base = 16, cp++;
120         else
121             base = 8;
122     }
123     while ((c = *cp)) {
124         if (isdigit(c)) {
125             val = (val * base) + (c - '0');
126             cp++;
127             continue;
128         }
129         if (base == 16 && isxdigit(c)) {
130             val = (val << 4) + (c + 10 - (islower(c) ? 'a' : 'A'));
131             cp++;
132             continue;
133         }
134         break;
135     }
136     if (*cp == '.') {
137         /*
138         * Internet format:
139         *    a.b.c.d
140         */
141         if (pp >= parts + 4) return FALSE;
142         *pp++ = val;
143         cp++;
144         goto again;
145     }
146     /*
147     * Check for trailing characters.
148     */
149     if (*cp) return FALSE;
151     if (pp >= parts + 4) return FALSE;
152     *pp++ = val;
153     /*
154     * Concoct the address according to
155     * the number of parts specified.
156     */
157     if ((DWORD)(pp - parts) != 4) return FALSE;
158     if (parts[0] > 0xff || parts[1] > 0xff || parts[2] > 0xff || parts[3] > 0xff) return FALSE;
159     val = (parts[0] << 24) | (parts[1] << 16) | (parts[2] << 8) | parts[3];
161     if (pAddress)
162         *pAddress = htonl(val);
164     return TRUE;
165 }
167 static
170 NewAddrInfo(IN INT SocketType,
171             IN INT Protocol,
172             IN WORD Port,
173             IN DWORD Address)
174 {
175     PADDRINFOW AddrInfo;
176     PSOCKADDR_IN SockAddress;
178     /* Allocate a structure */
179     AddrInfo = HeapAlloc(WsSockHeap, 0, sizeof(ADDRINFOW));
180     if (!AddrInfo) return NULL;
182     /* Allocate a sockaddr */
183     SockAddress = HeapAlloc(WsSockHeap, 0, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN));
184     if (!SockAddress)
185     {
186         /* Free the addrinfo and fail */
187         HeapFree(WsSockHeap, 0, AddrInfo);
188         return NULL;
189     }
191     /* Write data for socket address */
192     SockAddress->sin_family = AF_INET;
193     SockAddress->sin_port = Port;
194     SockAddress->sin_addr.s_addr = Address;
195     ZeroMemory(SockAddress->sin_zero, sizeof(SockAddress->sin_zero));
197     /* Fill out the addrinfo */
198     AddrInfo->ai_family = PF_INET;
199     AddrInfo->ai_socktype = SocketType;
200     AddrInfo->ai_protocol = Protocol;
201     AddrInfo->ai_flags = 0;
202     AddrInfo->ai_next = 0;
203     AddrInfo->ai_canonname = NULL;
204     AddrInfo->ai_addrlen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN);
205     AddrInfo->ai_addr = (PSOCKADDR)SockAddress;
207     /* Return it */
208     return AddrInfo;
209 }
211 static
212 INT
214 CloneAddrInfo(IN WORD Port,
215               IN PADDRINFOW ptResult)
216 {
217     PADDRINFOW Next = NULL;
218     PADDRINFOW New  = NULL;
220     /* Loop the chain */
221     for (Next = ptResult; Next;)
222     {
223         /* Create a new structure */
224         New = NewAddrInfo(SOCK_DGRAM,
225                           Next->ai_protocol,
226                           Port,
227                           ((PSOCKADDR_IN)Next->ai_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr);
228         if (!New) break;
230         /* Link them */
231         New->ai_next = Next->ai_next;
232         Next->ai_next = New;
233         Next = New->ai_next;
234     }
236     /* Check if we ran out of memory */
237     if (Next) return EAI_MEMORY;
239     /* Return success */
240     return 0;
241 }
243 static
244 INT
246 QueryDNS(IN LPCSTR NodeName,
247          IN INT SocketType,
248          IN INT Protocol,
249          IN WORD Port,
250          OUT CHAR Alias[NI_MAXHOST],
251          OUT PADDRINFOW *pptResult)
252 {
253     PADDRINFOW *Next = pptResult;
254     PHOSTENT Hostent = NULL;
255     PCHAR *Addresses;
257     /* Assume nothing found */
258     *Next = NULL;
259     Alias[0] = '\0';
261     /* Get the hostent */
262     Hostent = gethostbyname(NodeName);
263     if (Hostent)
264     {
265         /* Check for valid addresses */
266         if ((Hostent->h_addrtype == AF_INET) &&
267             (Hostent->h_length == sizeof(IN_ADDR)))
268         {
269             /* Loop every address in it */
270             for (Addresses = Hostent->h_addr_list; *Addresses; Addresses++)
271             {
272                 /* Create an addrinfo structure for it*/
273                 *Next = NewAddrInfo(SocketType,
274                                     Protocol,
275                                     Port,
276                                     ((PIN_ADDR)*Addresses)->s_addr);
277                 if (!*Next) return EAI_MEMORY;
279                 /* Move to the next entry */
280                 Next = &((*Next)->ai_next);
281             }
282         }
284         /* Copy the canonical name */
285         strcpy(Alias, Hostent->h_name);
287         /* Return success */
288         return 0;
289     }
291     /* Find out what the error was */
292     switch (GetLastError())
293     {
294         /* Convert the Winsock Error to an EAI error */
295         case WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND: return EAI_NONAME;
296         case WSATRY_AGAIN: return EAI_AGAIN;
297         case WSANO_RECOVERY: return EAI_FAIL;
298         case WSANO_DATA: return EAI_NODATA;
299         default: return EAI_NONAME;
300     }
301 }
303 static
304 INT
306 LookupNodeByAddr(IN LPWSTR pNodeBuffer,
307                  IN DWORD NodeBufferSize,
308                  IN BOOLEAN OnlyNodeName,
309                  IN PVOID Addr,
310                  IN DWORD AddrSize,
311                  IN INT AddressFamily)
312 {
313     GUID LookupGuid = SVCID_DNS_TYPE_PTR;
314     PIN_ADDR Ip4Addr = Addr;
315     WCHAR ReverseBuffer[76];
316     WSAQUERYSETW Restrictions, Reply;
317     DWORD BufferLength;
318     INT ErrorCode;
319     HANDLE LookupHandle;
321     /* Validate the address */
322     if (!Addr) return WSAEFAULT;
324     /* Make sure the family and address size match */
325     if (AddressFamily == AF_INET6)
326     {
327         /* Check the address size for this type */
328         if (AddrSize != sizeof(IN6_ADDR)) return WSAEFAULT;
329         Ip4Addr = (PIN_ADDR)&((PIN6_ADDR)Addr)->u.Byte[12];
330     }
331     else if (AddressFamily == AF_INET)
332     {
333         /* Check the address size for this type */
334         if (AddrSize != sizeof(IN_ADDR)) return WSAEFAULT;
335     }
336     else
337     {
338         /* Address family not supported */
339         return WSAEAFNOSUPPORT;
340     }
342     /* Check if this is a mapped V4 IPv6 or pure IPv4 */
343     if (((AddressFamily == AF_INET6) && (IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(Addr))) ||
344         (AddressFamily == AF_INET))
345     {
346         /* Get the reverse name */
347         Dns_Ip4AddressToReverseName_W(ReverseBuffer, *Ip4Addr);
348     }
349     /* FIXME: Not implemented for now
350     else if ( */
352     /* By this point we have the Reverse Name, so prepare for lookup */
353     RtlZeroMemory(&Restrictions, sizeof(Restrictions));
354     Restrictions.dwSize = sizeof(Restrictions);
355     Restrictions.lpszServiceInstanceName = ReverseBuffer;
356     Restrictions.lpServiceClassId = &LookupGuid;
357     Restrictions.dwNameSpace = NS_DNS;
359     /* Now do the lookup */
360     ErrorCode = WSALookupServiceBeginW(&Restrictions,
361                                        LUP_RETURN_NAME,
362                                        &LookupHandle);
363     if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS)
364     {
365         /* Lookup successful, now get the data */
366         BufferLength = (NI_MAXHOST - 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(Restrictions);
367         ErrorCode = WSALookupServiceNextW(LookupHandle,
368                                           0,
369                                           &BufferLength,
370                                           &Restrictions);
371         if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS)
372         {
373             /* Now check if we have a name back */
374             Reply = Restrictions;
375             if (!Reply.lpszServiceInstanceName)
376             {
377                 /* Fail */
378                 ErrorCode = WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND;
379             }
380             else
381             {
382                 /* Check if the caller only wants the node name */
383                 if (OnlyNodeName)
384                 {
385                     /* Split it and get only the partial host name */
386                     Dns_SplitHostFromDomainNameW(Reply.lpszServiceInstanceName);
387                 }
389                 /* Check the length and see if it's within our limit */
390                 if (wcslen(Reply.lpszServiceInstanceName) + 1 >
391                     NodeBufferSize)
392                 {
393                     /* It's not, so fail */
394                     ErrorCode = WSAEFAULT;
395                 }
396                 else
397                 {
398                     /* It will fit, let's copy it*/
399                     wcscpy(pNodeBuffer, Reply.lpszServiceInstanceName);
400                 }
401             }
402         }
403     }
404     else if (ErrorCode == WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND)
405     {
406         /* Normalize the error code */
407         ErrorCode = WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND;
408     }
410     /* Finish the lookup if one was in progress */
411     if (LookupHandle) WSALookupServiceEnd(LookupHandle);
413     /* Return the error code */
414     return ErrorCode;
415 }
417 static
418 INT
420 GetServiceNameForPort(IN LPWSTR pServiceBuffer,
421                       IN DWORD ServiceBufferSize,
422                       IN WORD Port,
423                       IN DWORD Flags)
424 {
425     return ERROR_SUCCESS;
426 }
428 static
429 INT
431 LookupAddressForName(IN LPCSTR NodeName,
432                      IN INT SocketType,
433                      IN INT Protocol,
434                      IN WORD Port,
435                      IN BOOL bAI_CANONNAME,
436                      OUT PADDRINFOW *pptResult)
437 {
438     INT iError = 0;
439     INT AliasCount = 0;
440     CHAR szFQDN1[NI_MAXHOST] = "";
441     CHAR szFQDN2[NI_MAXHOST] = "";
442     PCHAR Name = szFQDN1;
443     PCHAR Alias = szFQDN2;
444     PCHAR Scratch = NULL;
446     /* Make a copy of the name */
447     strcpy(Name, NodeName);
449     /* Loop */
450     while (TRUE)
451     {
452         /* Do a DNS Query for the name */
453         iError = QueryDNS(NodeName,
454                           SocketType,
455                           Protocol,
456                           Port,
457                           Alias,
458                           pptResult);
459         if (iError) break;
461         /* Exit if we have a result */
462         if (*pptResult) break;
464         /* Don't loop continuously if this is a DNS misconfiguration */
465         if ((!strlen(Alias)) || (!strcmp(Name, Alias)) || (++AliasCount == 16))
466         {
467             /* Exit the loop with a failure */
468             iError = EAI_FAIL;
469             break;
470         }
472         /* Restart loopup if we got a CNAME */
473         Swap(Name, Alias, Scratch);
474     }
476     /* Check if we succeeded and the canonical name is requested */
477     if (!iError && bAI_CANONNAME)
478     {
479         /* Allocate memory for a copy */
480         (*pptResult)->ai_canonname = HeapAlloc(WsSockHeap, 0, 512);
482         /* Check if we had enough memory */
483         if (!(*pptResult)->ai_canonname)
484         {
485             /* Set failure code */
486             iError = EAI_MEMORY;
487         }
488         else
489         {
490             /* Convert the alias to UNICODE */
491             MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,
492                                 0,
493                                 Alias,
494                                 -1,
495                                 (*pptResult)->ai_canonname,
496                                 256);
497         }
498     }
500     /* Return to caller */
501     return iError;
502 }
504 /*
505  * @implemented
506  */
507 INT
509 GetAddrInfoW(IN PCWSTR pszNodeName,
510              IN PCWSTR pszServiceName,
511              IN const ADDRINFOW *ptHints,
512              OUT PADDRINFOW *pptResult)
513 {
514     INT iError = 0;
515     INT iFlags = 0;
516     INT iFamily = PF_UNSPEC;
517     INT iSocketType = 0;
518     INT iProtocol = 0;
519     WORD wPort = 0;
520     DWORD dwAddress = 0;
521     PSERVENT ptService = NULL;
522     PCHAR pc = NULL;
523     BOOL bClone = FALSE;
524     WORD wTcpPort = 0;
525     WORD wUdpPort = 0;
526     WCHAR CanonicalName[0x42];
527     CHAR AnsiServiceName[256];
528     CHAR AnsiNodeName[256];
529     DPRINT("GetAddrInfoW: %S, %S, %p, %p\n", pszNodeName, pszServiceName, ptHints, pptResult);
531     /* Assume error */
532     *pptResult  = NULL;
534     /* We must have at least one name to work with */
535     if (!(pszNodeName) && !(pszServiceName))
536     {
537         /* Fail */
538         SetLastError(EAI_NONAME);
539         return EAI_NONAME;
540     }
542     /* Check if we got hints */
543     if (ptHints)
544     {
545         /* Make sure these are empty */
546         if ((ptHints->ai_addrlen) ||
547             (ptHints->ai_canonname) ||
548             (ptHints->ai_addr) ||
549             (ptHints->ai_next))
550         {
551             /* Fail if they aren't */
552             SetLastError(EAI_FAIL);
553             return EAI_FAIL;
554         }
556         /* Save the flags and validate them */
557         iFlags = ptHints->ai_flags;
558         if ((iFlags & AI_CANONNAME) && !pszNodeName)
559         {
560             SetLastError(EAI_BADFLAGS);
561             return EAI_BADFLAGS;
562         }
564         /* Save family and validate it */
565         iFamily = ptHints->ai_family;
566         if ((iFamily != PF_UNSPEC) && (iFamily != PF_INET))
567         {
568             SetLastError(EAI_FAMILY);
569             return EAI_FAMILY;
570         }
572         /* Save socket type and validate it */
573         iSocketType = ptHints->ai_socktype;
574         if ((iSocketType != 0) &&
575             (iSocketType != SOCK_STREAM) &&
576             (iSocketType != SOCK_DGRAM) &&
577             (iSocketType != SOCK_RAW))
578         {
579             SetLastError(EAI_SOCKTYPE);
580             return EAI_SOCKTYPE;
581         }
583         /* Save the protocol */
584         iProtocol = ptHints->ai_protocol;
585     }
587     /* Check if we have a service name */
588     if (pszServiceName)
589     {
590         /* We need to convert it to ANSI */
591         WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
592                             0,
593                             pszServiceName,
594                             -1,
595                             AnsiServiceName,
596                             sizeof(AnsiServiceName),
597                             NULL,
598                             0);
600         /* Get the port */
601         wPort = (WORD)strtoul(AnsiServiceName, &pc, 10);
603         /* Check if the port string is numeric */
604         if (*pc == '\0')
605         {
606             /* Get the port directly */
607             wPort = wTcpPort = wUdpPort = htons(wPort);
609 #if 0
610             /* Check if this is both TCP and UDP */
611             if (iSocketType == 0)
612             {
613                 /* Set it to TCP for now, but remember to clone */
614                 bClone = TRUE;
615                 iSocketType = SOCK_STREAM;
616             }
617 #endif
618         }
619         else
620         {
621             wPort = 0;
622             /* The port name was a string. Check if this is a UDP socket */
623             if ((iSocketType == 0) || (iSocketType == SOCK_DGRAM))
624             {
625                 /* It's UDP, do a getservbyname */
626                 ptService = getservbyname(AnsiServiceName, "udp");
628                 /* If we got a servent, return the port from it */
629                 if (ptService) wPort = wUdpPort = ptService->s_port;
630             }
632             /* Check if this is a TCP socket */
633             if ((iSocketType == 0) || (iSocketType == SOCK_STREAM))
634             {
635                 /* It's TCP, do a getserbyname */
636                 ptService = getservbyname(AnsiServiceName, "tcp");
638                 /* Return the port from the servent */
639                 if (ptService) wPort = wTcpPort = ptService->s_port;
640             }
642             /* If we got 0, then fail */
643             if (wPort == 0)
644             {
645                 SetLastError(EAI_SERVICE);
646                 return EAI_SERVICE;
647             }
649             /* Check if this was for both */
650             if (iSocketType == 0)
651             {
652                 /* Do the TCP case right now */
653                 if (wTcpPort && !wUdpPort)
654                     iSocketType = SOCK_STREAM;
655                 if (!wTcpPort && wUdpPort)
656                     iSocketType = SOCK_DGRAM;
657                 //bClone = (wTcpPort && wUdpPort);
658             }
659         }
660     }
662     /* Check if no node was given or if this is is a valid IPv4 address */
663     if ((!pszNodeName) || (ParseV4Address(pszNodeName, &dwAddress)))
664     {
665         /* Check if we don't have a node name */
666         if (!pszNodeName)
667         {
668             /* Make one up based on the flags */
669             dwAddress = htonl((iFlags & AI_PASSIVE) ?
670                               INADDR_ANY : INADDR_LOOPBACK);
671         }
673         /* Create the Addr Info */
674         *pptResult = NewAddrInfo(iSocketType, iProtocol, wPort, dwAddress);
676         /* If we didn't get one back, assume out of memory */
677         if (!(*pptResult)) iError = EAI_MEMORY;
679         /* Check if we have success and a nodename */
680         if (!iError && pszNodeName)
681         {
682             /* Set AI_NUMERICHOST since this is a numeric string */
683             (*pptResult)->ai_flags |= AI_NUMERICHOST;
685             /* Check if the canonical name was requested */
686             if (iFlags & AI_CANONNAME)
687             {
688                 /* Get the canonical name */
689                 GetNameInfoW((*pptResult)->ai_addr,
690                              (socklen_t)(*pptResult)->ai_addrlen,
691                              CanonicalName,
692                              0x41,
693                              NULL,
694                              0,
695                              2);
697                 /* Allocate memory for a copy */
698                 (*pptResult)->ai_canonname = HeapAlloc(WsSockHeap,
699                                                        0,
700                                                        wcslen(CanonicalName));
702                 if (!(*pptResult)->ai_canonname)
703                 {
704                     /* No memory for the copy */
705                     iError = EAI_MEMORY;
706                 }
707                 else
708                 {
709                     /* Duplicate the string */
710                     RtlMoveMemory((*pptResult)->ai_canonname,
711                                   CanonicalName,
712                                   wcslen(CanonicalName));
713                 }
714             }
715         }
716     }
717     else if (iFlags & AI_NUMERICHOST)
718     {
719         /* No name for this request (we have a non-numeric name) */
720         iError = EAI_NONAME;
721     }
722     else
723     {
724         /* We need to convert it to ANSI */
725         WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
726                             0,
727                             pszNodeName,
728                             -1,
729                             AnsiNodeName,
730                             sizeof(AnsiNodeName),
731                             NULL,
732                             0);
734         /* Non-numeric name, do DNS lookup */
735         iError = LookupAddressForName(AnsiNodeName,
736                                       iSocketType,
737                                       iProtocol,
738                                       wPort,
739                                       (iFlags & AI_CANONNAME),
740                                       pptResult);
741     }
743     /* If all was good and the caller requested UDP and TCP */
744     if (!iError && bClone)
745     {
746         /* Process UDP now, we already did TCP */
747         iError = CloneAddrInfo(wUdpPort, *pptResult);
748     }
750     /* If we've hit an error till here */
751     if (iError)
752     {
753         /* Free the address info and return nothing */
754         FreeAddrInfoW(*pptResult);
755         *pptResult = NULL;
756     }
758     /* Return to caller */
759     SetLastError(iError);
760     return iError;
761 }
763 #undef freeaddrinfo
764 /*
765  * @implemented
766  */
767 VOID
769 freeaddrinfo(PADDRINFOA AddrInfo)
770 {
771     PADDRINFOA NextInfo;
773     /* Loop the chain of structures */
774     for (NextInfo = AddrInfo; NextInfo; NextInfo = AddrInfo)
775     {
776         /* Check if there is a canonical name */
777         if (NextInfo->ai_canonname)
778         {
779             /* Free it */
780             HeapFree(WsSockHeap, 0, NextInfo->ai_canonname);
781         }
783         /* Check if there is an address */
784         if (NextInfo->ai_addr)
785         {
786             /* Free it */
787             HeapFree(WsSockHeap, 0, NextInfo->ai_addr);
788         }
790         /* Move to the next entry */
791         AddrInfo = NextInfo->ai_next;
793         /* Free this entry */
794         HeapFree(WsSockHeap, 0, NextInfo);
795     }
796 }
798 #undef getaddrinfo
799 /*
800  * @implemented
801  */
802 INT
804 getaddrinfo(const char FAR *nodename,
805             const char FAR *servname,
806             const struct addrinfo FAR *hints,
807             struct addrinfo FAR * FAR *res)
808 {
809     INT ErrorCode;
810     LPWSTR UnicodeNodeName = NULL;
811     LPWSTR UnicodeServName = NULL;
812     DPRINT("getaddrinfo: %s, %s, %p, %p\n", nodename, servname, hints, res);
814     /* Check for WSAStartup */
815     if ((ErrorCode = WsQuickProlog()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ErrorCode;
817     /* Convert the node name */
818     if (nodename)
819     {
820         UnicodeNodeName = UnicodeDupFromAnsi(nodename);
821         if (!UnicodeNodeName)
822         {
823             /* Prepare to fail */
824             ErrorCode = GetLastError();
825             goto Quickie;
826         }
827     }
829     /* Convert the servname too, if we have one */
830     if (servname)
831     {
832         UnicodeServName = UnicodeDupFromAnsi(servname);
833         if (!UnicodeServName)
834         {
835             /* Prepare to fail */
836             ErrorCode = GetLastError();
837             goto Quickie;
838         }
839     }
841     /* Now call the unicode function */
842     ErrorCode = GetAddrInfoW(UnicodeNodeName,
843                              UnicodeServName,
844                              (PADDRINFOW)hints,
845                              (PADDRINFOW*)res);
847     /* Convert it to ANSI if we succeeded */
848     if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) ConvertAddrinfoFromUnicodeToAnsi((PADDRINFOW)*res);
850 Quickie:
851     /* Check if we have a unicode node name and serv name */
852     if (UnicodeNodeName) HeapFree(WsSockHeap, 0, UnicodeNodeName);
853     if (UnicodeServName) HeapFree(WsSockHeap, 0, UnicodeServName);
855     /* Check if we are in error */
856     if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS)
857     {
858         /* Free the structure and return nothing */
859         freeaddrinfo(*res);
860         *res = NULL;
861     }
863     /* Set the last error and return */
864     SetLastError(ErrorCode);
865     return ErrorCode;
866 }
868 /*
869  * @implemented
870  */
871 INT
873 GetNameInfoW(IN CONST SOCKADDR *pSockaddr,
874              IN socklen_t SockaddrLength,
875              OUT PWCHAR pNodeBuffer,
876              IN DWORD NodeBufferSize,
877              OUT PWCHAR pServiceBuffer,
878              IN DWORD ServiceBufferSize,
879              IN INT Flags)
880 {
881     DWORD AddressLength, AddrSize;
882     PVOID Addr;
883     SOCKADDR_IN6 Address;
884     INT ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;
886     DPRINT("GetNameInfoW: %p, %d, %p, %ld, %p, %ld, %d\n",
887            pSockaddr,
888            SockaddrLength,
889            pNodeBuffer,
890            NodeBufferSize,
891            pServiceBuffer,
892            ServiceBufferSize,
893            Flags);
895     /* Check for valid socket */
896     if (!pSockaddr)
897         return WSAEFAULT;
899     /* Check which family this is */
900     if (pSockaddr->sa_family == AF_INET)
901     {
902         /* IPv4 */
903         AddressLength = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN);
904         Addr = &((PSOCKADDR_IN)pSockaddr)->sin_addr;
905         AddrSize = sizeof(IN_ADDR);
906     }
907     else if (pSockaddr->sa_family == AF_INET6)
908     {
909         /* IPv6 */
910         AddressLength = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN6);
911         Addr = &((PSOCKADDR_IN6)pSockaddr)->sin6_addr;
912         AddrSize = sizeof(IN6_ADDR);
913     }
914     else
915     {
916         /* Unsupported family */
917         SetLastError(EAI_FAMILY);
918         return EAI_FAMILY;
919     }
921     /* Check for valid socket address length */
922     if ((DWORD)SockaddrLength < AddressLength)
923         return WSAEFAULT;
925     /* Check if we have a node name */
926     if (pNodeBuffer)
927     {
928         /* Check if only the numeric host is wanted */
929         if (!(Flags & NI_NUMERICHOST))
930         {
931             /* Do the lookup by addr */
932             ErrorCode = LookupNodeByAddr(pNodeBuffer,
933                                          NodeBufferSize,
934                                          Flags & NI_NOFQDN,
935                                          Addr,
936                                          AddrSize,
937                                          pSockaddr->sa_family);
938             /* Check if we failed */
939             if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS)
940             {
941                 /* Fail if the caller REALLY wants the NAME itself? */
942                 if (Flags & NI_NAMEREQD) goto quickie;
943             }
944             else
945             {
946                 /* We succeeded, no need to get the numeric address */
947                 goto SkipNumeric;
948             }
949         }
951         /* Copy the address */
952         RtlMoveMemory(&Address, pSockaddr, AddressLength);
954         /* Get the numeric address */
955         if (pSockaddr->sa_family == AF_INET)
956         {
957             /* IPv4 */
958             ((PSOCKADDR_IN)&Address)->sin_port = 0;
959         }
960         else if (pSockaddr->sa_family == AF_INET6)
961         {
962             /* IPv6 */
963             ((PSOCKADDR_IN6)&Address)->sin6_port = 0;
964         }
965         ErrorCode = WSAAddressToStringW((LPSOCKADDR)&Address,
966                                         AddressLength,
967                                         NULL,
968                                         pNodeBuffer,
969                                         &NodeBufferSize);
970         if (ErrorCode == SOCKET_ERROR)
971         {
972             /* Get the error code and exit with it */
973             ErrorCode = GetLastError();
974             goto quickie;
975         }
976     }
978 SkipNumeric:
979     /* Check if we got a service name */
980     if (pServiceBuffer)
981     {
982         /* Handle this request */
983         ErrorCode = GetServiceNameForPort(pServiceBuffer,
984                                           ServiceBufferSize,
985                                           ((PSOCKADDR_IN)pSockaddr)->sin_port,
986                                           Flags);
987     }
989     /* Set the error and return it (or success) */
990 quickie:
991     SetLastError(ErrorCode);
992     return ErrorCode;
993 }
995 #undef getnameinfo
996 /*
997  * @implemented
998  */
999 INT
1001 getnameinfo(const struct sockaddr FAR *sa,
1002             socklen_t salen,
1003             char FAR *host,
1004             DWORD hostlen,
1005             char FAR *serv,
1006             DWORD servlen,
1007             INT flags)
1008 {
1009     INT ErrorCode;
1010     WCHAR Buffer[256];
1011     WCHAR ServiceBuffer[17];
1012     DWORD HostLength = 0, ServLength = 0;
1013     PWCHAR ServiceString = NULL, HostString = NULL;
1014     DPRINT("getnameinfo: %p, %p, %p, %lx\n", host, serv, sa, salen);
1016     /* Check for WSAStartup */
1017     if ((ErrorCode = WsQuickProlog()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ErrorCode;
1019     /* Check if we have a host pointer */
1020     if (host)
1021     {
1022         /* Setup the data for it */
1023         HostString = Buffer;
1024         HostLength = sizeof(Buffer) / sizeof(WCHAR);
1025     }
1027     /* Check if we have a service pointer */
1028     if (serv)
1029     {
1030         /* Setup the data for it */
1031         ServiceString = ServiceBuffer;
1032         ServLength = sizeof(ServiceBuffer) / sizeof(WCHAR);
1033     }
1035     /* Now call the unicode function */
1036     ErrorCode = GetNameInfoW(sa,
1037                              salen,
1038                              HostString,
1039                              HostLength,
1040                              ServiceString,
1041                              ServLength,
1042                              flags);
1044     /* Check for success */
1045     if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1046     {
1047         /* Check if we had a host pointer */
1048         if (HostString)
1049         {
1050             /* Convert it back to ANSI */
1051             ErrorCode = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
1052                                             0,
1053                                             HostString,
1054                                             -1,
1055                                             host,
1056                                             hostlen,
1057                                             NULL,
1058                                             NULL);
1059             if (!ErrorCode) goto Quickie;
1060         }
1062         /* Check if we have a service pointer */
1063         if (ServiceString)
1064         {
1065             /* Convert it back to ANSI */
1066             ErrorCode = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
1067                                             0,
1068                                             ServiceString,
1069                                             -1,
1070                                             serv,
1071                                             servlen,
1072                                             NULL,
1073                                             NULL);
1074             if (!ErrorCode) goto Quickie;
1075         }
1077         /* Return success */
1078         return ERROR_SUCCESS;
1079     }
1081     /* Set the last error and return */
1082 Quickie:
1083     SetLastError(ErrorCode);
1084     return ErrorCode;
1085 }