1/* 2 * FILE: hal/halx86/apic/apictrap.S 3 * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory 4 * PURPOSE: System Traps, Entrypoints and Exitpoints 5 * PROGRAMMER: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) 6 * NOTE: See asmmacro.S for the shared entry/exit code. 7 */ 8 9/* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ 10 11#include <asm.inc> 12 13#ifdef _M_AMD64 14#include <ksamd64.inc> 15#include <trapamd64.inc> 16.code 17 18TRAP_ENTRY HalpClockInterrupt, (TF_VOLATILES OR TF_SEND_EOI) 19TRAP_ENTRY HalpProfileInterrupt, (TF_VOLATILES OR TF_SEND_EOI) 20 21PUBLIC ApicSpuriousService 22ApicSpuriousService: 23 iretq 24 25PUBLIC HackEoi 26HackEoi: 27 xor rax, rax 28 mov ax, ss 29 push rax 30 push rsp 31 pushfq 32 mov ax, cs 33 push rax 34 lea rax, HackEoiReturn[rip] 35 push rax 36 mov dword ptr [HEX(0FFFFFFFFFFFE00B0)], 0 37 iretq 38HackEoiReturn: 39 add rsp, 8 // esp was changed by the iret to the pushed value 40 ret 41 42#else 43#include <ks386.inc> 44#include <internal/i386/asmmacro.S> 45.code 46 47TRAP_ENTRY HalpClockInterrupt, KI_PUSH_FAKE_ERROR_CODE 48TRAP_ENTRY HalpProfileInterrupt, KI_PUSH_FAKE_ERROR_CODE 49TRAP_ENTRY HalpTrap0D, 0 50TRAP_ENTRY HalpApcInterrupt, KI_PUSH_FAKE_ERROR_CODE 51TRAP_ENTRY HalpDispatchInterrupt, KI_PUSH_FAKE_ERROR_CODE 52 53PUBLIC _ApicSpuriousService 54_ApicSpuriousService: 55 iret 56 57// VBox APIC needs an iret more or less directly following the EOI 58PUBLIC _HackEoi 59_HackEoi: 60 pushfd 61 push cs 62 push offset OnlyOnePersonKnowsHowToHackAroundVBoxBugsAndThatIsNotYou // !! 63 mov dword ptr ds:[HEX(0FFFE00B0)], 0 64 iretd 65OnlyOnePersonKnowsHowToHackAroundVBoxBugsAndThatIsNotYou: 66 ret 67 68#endif 69 70 71 72 73 74END 75