xref: /reactos/media/fonts/CMakeLists.txt (revision f7d612f3)
3    arial.ttf
4    arialbd.ttf
5    arialbi.ttf
6    ariali.ttf
7    ariblk.ttf
8    comic.ttf
9    comicbd.ttf
10    cour.ttf
11    courbd.ttf
12    courbi.ttf
13    couri.ttf
14    framd.ttf
15    framdit.ttf
16    FreeSans.ttf
17    FreeSansBold.ttf
18    FreeSansBoldOblique.ttf
19    FreeSansOblique.ttf
20    FSEX301.ttf
21    FSEX301-L2.ttf
22    georgia.ttf
23    georgiab.ttf
24    georgiai.ttf
25    georgiaz.ttf
26    lucon.ttf
27    Marlett.ttf
28    pala.ttf
29    palab.ttf
30    palabi.ttf
31    palai.ttf
32    SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf
33    SourceSansPro-Bold.ttf
34    SourceSansPro-BoldIt.ttf
35    SourceSansPro-It.ttf
36    #ssee874.fon # to be added (CORE-16165 and CORE-16166)
37    #ssee1255.fon # to be added (CORE-16165 and CORE-16166)
38    #ssee1256.fon # to be added (CORE-16165 and CORE-16166)
39    #ssee1257.fon # to be added (CORE-16165 and CORE-16166)
40    #sserife.fon # to be added (CORE-16165 and CORE-16166)
41    #sserifeg.fon # to be added (CORE-16165 and CORE-16166)
42    #sserifer.fon # to be added (CORE-16165 and CORE-16166)
43    #sserifet.fon # to be added (CORE-16165 and CORE-16166)
44    symbol.ttf
45    tahoma.ttf
46    tahomabd.ttf
47    times.ttf
48    timesbd.ttf
49    timesbi.ttf
50    timesi.ttf
51    trebuc.ttf
52    trebucbd.ttf
53    trebucbi.ttf
54    trebucit.ttf
55    UniVGA16.ttf
56    verdanab.ttf
57    verdanaz.ttf
58    verdanai.ttf
59    verdana.ttf
60    #vgaoem.fon # to be added (CORE-17327)
61    wingding.ttf)
63foreach(item ${FONT_FILES})
64    add_cd_file(FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${item}" DESTINATION reactos/Fonts FOR all)