xref: /reactos/media/nls/src/c_28597.txt (revision bbabe248)
1CODEPAGE 28597          ;ISO 8859-7 Greek
3CPINFO 1 0x3f 0x003f    ;Single Byte CP, Default Char = Question Mark
70x00	0x0000	;Null
80x01	0x0001	;Start Of Heading
90x02	0x0002	;Start Of Text
100x03	0x0003	;End Of Text
110x04	0x0004	;End Of Transmission
120x05	0x0005	;Enquiry
130x06	0x0006	;Acknowledge
140x07	0x0007	;Bell
150x08	0x0008	;Backspace
160x09	0x0009	;Horizontal Tabulation
170x0a	0x000a	;Line Feed
180x0b	0x000b	;Vertical Tabulation
190x0c	0x000c	;Form Feed
200x0d	0x000d	;Carriage Return
210x0e	0x000e	;Shift Out
220x0f	0x000f	;Shift In
230x10	0x0010	;Data Link Escape
240x11	0x0011	;Device Control One
250x12	0x0012	;Device Control Two
260x13	0x0013	;Device Control Three
270x14	0x0014	;Device Control Four
280x15	0x0015	;Negative Acknowledge
290x16	0x0016	;Synchronous Idle
300x17	0x0017	;End Of Transmission Block
310x18	0x0018	;Cancel
320x19	0x0019	;End Of Medium
330x1a	0x001a	;Substitute
340x1b	0x001b	;Escape
350x1c	0x001c	;File Separator
360x1d	0x001d	;Group Separator
370x1e	0x001e	;Record Separator
380x1f	0x001f	;Unit Separator
390x20	0x0020	;Space
400x21	0x0021	;Exclamation Mark
410x22	0x0022	;Quotation Mark
420x23	0x0023	;Number Sign
430x24	0x0024	;Dollar Sign
440x25	0x0025	;Percent Sign
450x26	0x0026	;Ampersand
460x27	0x0027	;Apostrophe
470x28	0x0028	;Left Parenthesis
480x29	0x0029	;Right Parenthesis
490x2a	0x002a	;Asterisk
500x2b	0x002b	;Plus Sign
510x2c	0x002c	;Comma
520x2d	0x002d	;Hyphen-Minus
530x2e	0x002e	;Full Stop
540x2f	0x002f	;Solidus
550x30	0x0030	;Digit Zero
560x31	0x0031	;Digit One
570x32	0x0032	;Digit Two
580x33	0x0033	;Digit Three
590x34	0x0034	;Digit Four
600x35	0x0035	;Digit Five
610x36	0x0036	;Digit Six
620x37	0x0037	;Digit Seven
630x38	0x0038	;Digit Eight
640x39	0x0039	;Digit Nine
650x3a	0x003a	;Colon
660x3b	0x003b	;Semicolon
670x3c	0x003c	;Less-Than Sign
680x3d	0x003d	;Equals Sign
690x3e	0x003e	;Greater-Than Sign
700x3f	0x003f	;Question Mark
710x40	0x0040	;Commercial At
720x41	0x0041	;Latin Capital Letter A
730x42	0x0042	;Latin Capital Letter B
740x43	0x0043	;Latin Capital Letter C
750x44	0x0044	;Latin Capital Letter D
760x45	0x0045	;Latin Capital Letter E
770x46	0x0046	;Latin Capital Letter F
780x47	0x0047	;Latin Capital Letter G
790x48	0x0048	;Latin Capital Letter H
800x49	0x0049	;Latin Capital Letter I
810x4a	0x004a	;Latin Capital Letter J
820x4b	0x004b	;Latin Capital Letter K
830x4c	0x004c	;Latin Capital Letter L
840x4d	0x004d	;Latin Capital Letter M
850x4e	0x004e	;Latin Capital Letter N
860x4f	0x004f	;Latin Capital Letter O
870x50	0x0050	;Latin Capital Letter P
880x51	0x0051	;Latin Capital Letter Q
890x52	0x0052	;Latin Capital Letter R
900x53	0x0053	;Latin Capital Letter S
910x54	0x0054	;Latin Capital Letter T
920x55	0x0055	;Latin Capital Letter U
930x56	0x0056	;Latin Capital Letter V
940x57	0x0057	;Latin Capital Letter W
950x58	0x0058	;Latin Capital Letter X
960x59	0x0059	;Latin Capital Letter Y
970x5a	0x005a	;Latin Capital Letter Z
980x5b	0x005b	;Left Square Bracket
990x5c	0x005c	;Reverse Solidus
1000x5d	0x005d	;Right Square Bracket
1010x5e	0x005e	;Circumflex Accent
1020x5f	0x005f	;Low Line
1030x60	0x0060	;Grave Accent
1040x61	0x0061	;Latin Small Letter A
1050x62	0x0062	;Latin Small Letter B
1060x63	0x0063	;Latin Small Letter C
1070x64	0x0064	;Latin Small Letter D
1080x65	0x0065	;Latin Small Letter E
1090x66	0x0066	;Latin Small Letter F
1100x67	0x0067	;Latin Small Letter G
1110x68	0x0068	;Latin Small Letter H
1120x69	0x0069	;Latin Small Letter I
1130x6a	0x006a	;Latin Small Letter J
1140x6b	0x006b	;Latin Small Letter K
1150x6c	0x006c	;Latin Small Letter L
1160x6d	0x006d	;Latin Small Letter M
1170x6e	0x006e	;Latin Small Letter N
1180x6f	0x006f	;Latin Small Letter O
1190x70	0x0070	;Latin Small Letter P
1200x71	0x0071	;Latin Small Letter Q
1210x72	0x0072	;Latin Small Letter R
1220x73	0x0073	;Latin Small Letter S
1230x74	0x0074	;Latin Small Letter T
1240x75	0x0075	;Latin Small Letter U
1250x76	0x0076	;Latin Small Letter V
1260x77	0x0077	;Latin Small Letter W
1270x78	0x0078	;Latin Small Letter X
1280x79	0x0079	;Latin Small Letter Y
1290x7a	0x007a	;Latin Small Letter Z
1300x7b	0x007b	;Left Curly Bracket
1310x7c	0x007c	;Vertical Line
1320x7d	0x007d	;Right Curly Bracket
1330x7e	0x007e	;Tilde
1340x7f	0x007f	;Delete
1350x80	0x0080
1360x81	0x0081
1370x82	0x0082
1380x83	0x0083
1390x84	0x0084
1400x85	0x0085
1410x86	0x0086
1420x87	0x0087
1430x88	0x0088
1440x89	0x0089
1450x8a	0x008a
1460x8b	0x008b
1470x8c	0x008c
1480x8d	0x008d
1490x8e	0x008e
1500x8f	0x008f
1510x90	0x0090
1520x91	0x0091
1530x92	0x0092
1540x93	0x0093
1550x94	0x0094
1560x95	0x0095
1570x96	0x0096
1580x97	0x0097
1590x98	0x0098
1600x99	0x0099
1610x9a	0x009a
1620x9b	0x009b
1630x9c	0x009c
1640x9d	0x009d
1650x9e	0x009e
1660x9f	0x009f
1670xa0	0x00a0	;Non-Breaking Space
1680xa1	0x02bd	;Modifier Letter Reversed Comma
1690xa2	0x02bc	;Modifier Letter Apostrophe
1700xa3	0x00a3	;Pound Sign
1710xa4	0xf7c2	;Undefined -> EUDC
1720xa5	0xf7c3	;Undefined -> EUDC
1730xa6	0x00a6	;Broken Vertical Bar
1740xa7	0x00a7	;Section Sign
1750xa8	0x00a8	;Spacing Diaeresis
1760xa9	0x00a9	;Copyright Sign
1770xaa	0xf7c4	;Undefined -> EUDC
1780xab	0x00ab	;Left Pointing Guillemet
1790xac	0x00ac	;Not Sign
1800xad	0x00ad	;Soft Hyphen
1810xae	0xf7c5	;Undefined -> EUDC
1820xaf	0x2015	;Quotation Dash
1830xb0	0x00b0	;Degree Sign
1840xb1	0x00b1	;Plus-Or-Minus Sign
1850xb2	0x00b2	;Superscript Digit Two
1860xb3	0x00b3	;Superscript Digit Three
1870xb4	0x0384	;Greek Tonos
1880xb5	0x0385	;Greek Dialytika Tonos
1890xb6	0x0386	;Greek Capital Letter Alpha Tonos
1900xb7	0x00b7	;Middle Dot
1910xb8	0x0388	;Greek Capital Letter Epsilon Tonos
1920xb9	0x0389	;Greek Capital Letter Eta Tonos
1930xba	0x038a	;Greek Capital Letter Iota Tonos
1940xbb	0x00bb	;Right Pointing Guillemet
1950xbc	0x038c	;Greek Capital Letter Omicron Tonos
1960xbd	0x00bd	;Fraction One Half
1970xbe	0x038e	;Greek Capital Letter Upsilon Tonos
1980xbf	0x038f	;Greek Capital Letter Omega Tonos
1990xc0	0x0390	;Greek Small Letter Iota Diaeresis Tonos
2000xc1	0x0391	;Greek Capital Letter Alpha
2010xc2	0x0392	;Greek Capital Letter Beta
2020xc3	0x0393	;Greek Capital Letter Gamma
2030xc4	0x0394	;Greek Capital Letter Delta
2040xc5	0x0395	;Greek Capital Letter Epsilon
2050xc6	0x0396	;Greek Capital Letter Zeta
2060xc7	0x0397	;Greek Capital Letter Eta
2070xc8	0x0398	;Greek Capital Letter Theta
2080xc9	0x0399	;Greek Capital Letter Iota
2090xca	0x039a	;Greek Capital Letter Kappa
2100xcb	0x039b	;Greek Capital Letter Lambda
2110xcc	0x039c	;Greek Capital Letter Mu
2120xcd	0x039d	;Greek Capital Letter Nu
2130xce	0x039e	;Greek Capital Letter Xi
2140xcf	0x039f	;Greek Capital Letter Omicron
2150xd0	0x03a0	;Greek Capital Letter Pi
2160xd1	0x03a1	;Greek Capital Letter Rho
2170xd2	0xf7c6	;Undefined -> EUDC
2180xd3	0x03a3	;Greek Capital Letter Sigma
2190xd4	0x03a4	;Greek Capital Letter Tau
2200xd5	0x03a5	;Greek Capital Letter Upsilon
2210xd6	0x03a6	;Greek Capital Letter Phi
2220xd7	0x03a7	;Greek Capital Letter Chi
2230xd8	0x03a8	;Greek Capital Letter Psi
2240xd9	0x03a9	;Greek Capital Letter Omega
2250xda	0x03aa	;Greek Capital Letter Iota Diaeresis
2260xdb	0x03ab	;Greek Capital Letter Upsilon Diaeresis
2270xdc	0x03ac	;Greek Small Letter Alpha Tonos
2280xdd	0x03ad	;Greek Small Letter Epsilon Tonos
2290xde	0x03ae	;Greek Small Letter Eta Tonos
2300xdf	0x03af	;Greek Small Letter Iota Tonos
2310xe0	0x03b0	;Greek Small Letter Upsilon Diaeresis Tonos
2320xe1	0x03b1	;Greek Small Letter Alpha
2330xe2	0x03b2	;Greek Small Letter Beta
2340xe3	0x03b3	;Greek Small Letter Gamma
2350xe4	0x03b4	;Greek Small Letter Delta
2360xe5	0x03b5	;Greek Small Letter Epsilon
2370xe6	0x03b6	;Greek Small Letter Zeta
2380xe7	0x03b7	;Greek Small Letter Eta
2390xe8	0x03b8	;Greek Small Letter Theta
2400xe9	0x03b9	;Greek Small Letter Iota
2410xea	0x03ba	;Greek Small Letter Kappa
2420xeb	0x03bb	;Greek Small Letter Lambda
2430xec	0x03bc	;Greek Small Letter Mu
2440xed	0x03bd	;Greek Small Letter Nu
2450xee	0x03be	;Greek Small Letter Xi
2460xef	0x03bf	;Greek Small Letter Omicron
2470xf0	0x03c0	;Greek Small Letter Pi
2480xf1	0x03c1	;Greek Small Letter Rho
2490xf2	0x03c2	;Greek Small Letter Final Sigma
2500xf3	0x03c3	;Greek Small Letter Sigma
2510xf4	0x03c4	;Greek Small Letter Tau
2520xf5	0x03c5	;Greek Small Letter Upsilon
2530xf6	0x03c6	;Greek Small Letter Phi
2540xf7	0x03c7	;Greek Small Letter Chi
2550xf8	0x03c8	;Greek Small Letter Psi
2560xf9	0x03c9	;Greek Small Letter Omega
2570xfa	0x03ca	;Greek Small Letter Iota Diaeresis
2580xfb	0x03cb	;Greek Small Letter Upsilon Diaeresis
2590xfc	0x03cc	;Greek Small Letter Omicron Tonos
2600xfd	0x03cd	;Greek Small Letter Upsilon Tonos
2610xfe	0x03ce	;Greek Small Letter Omega Tonos
2620xff	0xf7c7	;Undefined -> EUDC
265WCTABLE	637
2670x0000	0x00	;Null
2680x0001	0x01	;Start Of Heading
2690x0002	0x02	;Start Of Text
2700x0003	0x03	;End Of Text
2710x0004	0x04	;End Of Transmission
2720x0005	0x05	;Enquiry
2730x0006	0x06	;Acknowledge
2740x0007	0x07	;Bell
2750x0008	0x08	;Backspace
2760x0009	0x09	;Horizontal Tabulation
2770x000a	0x0a	;Line Feed
2780x000b	0x0b	;Vertical Tabulation
2790x000c	0x0c	;Form Feed
2800x000d	0x0d	;Carriage Return
2810x000e	0x0e	;Shift Out
2820x000f	0x0f	;Shift In
2830x0010	0x10	;Data Link Escape
2840x0011	0x11	;Device Control One
2850x0012	0x12	;Device Control Two
2860x0013	0x13	;Device Control Three
2870x0014	0x14	;Device Control Four
2880x0015	0x15	;Negative Acknowledge
2890x0016	0x16	;Synchronous Idle
2900x0017	0x17	;End Of Transmission Block
2910x0018	0x18	;Cancel
2920x0019	0x19	;End Of Medium
2930x001a	0x1a	;Substitute
2940x001b	0x1b	;Escape
2950x001c	0x1c	;File Separator
2960x001d	0x1d	;Group Separator
2970x001e	0x1e	;Record Separator
2980x001f	0x1f	;Unit Separator
2990x0020	0x20	;Space
3000x0021	0x21	;Exclamation Mark
3010x0022	0x22	;Quotation Mark
3020x0023	0x23	;Number Sign
3030x0024	0x24	;Dollar Sign
3040x0025	0x25	;Percent Sign
3050x0026	0x26	;Ampersand
3060x0027	0x27	;Apostrophe
3070x0028	0x28	;Left Parenthesis
3080x0029	0x29	;Right Parenthesis
3090x002a	0x2a	;Asterisk
3100x002b	0x2b	;Plus Sign
3110x002c	0x2c	;Comma
3120x002d	0x2d	;Hyphen-Minus
3130x002e	0x2e	;Full Stop
3140x002f	0x2f	;Solidus
3150x0030	0x30	;Digit Zero
3160x0031	0x31	;Digit One
3170x0032	0x32	;Digit Two
3180x0033	0x33	;Digit Three
3190x0034	0x34	;Digit Four
3200x0035	0x35	;Digit Five
3210x0036	0x36	;Digit Six
3220x0037	0x37	;Digit Seven
3230x0038	0x38	;Digit Eight
3240x0039	0x39	;Digit Nine
3250x003a	0x3a	;Colon
3260x003b	0x3b	;Semicolon
3270x003c	0x3c	;Less-Than Sign
3280x003d	0x3d	;Equals Sign
3290x003e	0x3e	;Greater-Than Sign
3300x003f	0x3f	;Question Mark
3310x0040	0x40	;Commercial At
3320x0041	0x41	;Latin Capital Letter A
3330x0042	0x42	;Latin Capital Letter B
3340x0043	0x43	;Latin Capital Letter C
3350x0044	0x44	;Latin Capital Letter D
3360x0045	0x45	;Latin Capital Letter E
3370x0046	0x46	;Latin Capital Letter F
3380x0047	0x47	;Latin Capital Letter G
3390x0048	0x48	;Latin Capital Letter H
3400x0049	0x49	;Latin Capital Letter I
3410x004a	0x4a	;Latin Capital Letter J
3420x004b	0x4b	;Latin Capital Letter K
3430x004c	0x4c	;Latin Capital Letter L
3440x004d	0x4d	;Latin Capital Letter M
3450x004e	0x4e	;Latin Capital Letter N
3460x004f	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O
3470x0050	0x50	;Latin Capital Letter P
3480x0051	0x51	;Latin Capital Letter Q
3490x0052	0x52	;Latin Capital Letter R
3500x0053	0x53	;Latin Capital Letter S
3510x0054	0x54	;Latin Capital Letter T
3520x0055	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U
3530x0056	0x56	;Latin Capital Letter V
3540x0057	0x57	;Latin Capital Letter W
3550x0058	0x58	;Latin Capital Letter X
3560x0059	0x59	;Latin Capital Letter Y
3570x005a	0x5a	;Latin Capital Letter Z
3580x005b	0x5b	;Left Square Bracket
3590x005c	0x5c	;Reverse Solidus
3600x005d	0x5d	;Right Square Bracket
3610x005e	0x5e	;Circumflex Accent
3620x005f	0x5f	;Low Line
3630x0060	0x60	;Grave Accent
3640x0061	0x61	;Latin Small Letter A
3650x0062	0x62	;Latin Small Letter B
3660x0063	0x63	;Latin Small Letter C
3670x0064	0x64	;Latin Small Letter D
3680x0065	0x65	;Latin Small Letter E
3690x0066	0x66	;Latin Small Letter F
3700x0067	0x67	;Latin Small Letter G
3710x0068	0x68	;Latin Small Letter H
3720x0069	0x69	;Latin Small Letter I
3730x006a	0x6a	;Latin Small Letter J
3740x006b	0x6b	;Latin Small Letter K
3750x006c	0x6c	;Latin Small Letter L
3760x006d	0x6d	;Latin Small Letter M
3770x006e	0x6e	;Latin Small Letter N
3780x006f	0x6f	;Latin Small Letter O
3790x0070	0x70	;Latin Small Letter P
3800x0071	0x71	;Latin Small Letter Q
3810x0072	0x72	;Latin Small Letter R
3820x0073	0x73	;Latin Small Letter S
3830x0074	0x74	;Latin Small Letter T
3840x0075	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U
3850x0076	0x76	;Latin Small Letter V
3860x0077	0x77	;Latin Small Letter W
3870x0078	0x78	;Latin Small Letter X
3880x0079	0x79	;Latin Small Letter Y
3890x007a	0x7a	;Latin Small Letter Z
3900x007b	0x7b	;Left Curly Bracket
3910x007c	0x7c	;Vertical Line
3920x007d	0x7d	;Right Curly Bracket
3930x007e	0x7e	;Tilde
3940x007f	0x7f	;Delete
3950x0080	0x80
3960x0081	0x81
3970x0082	0x82
3980x0083	0x83
3990x0084	0x84
4000x0085	0x85
4010x0086	0x86
4020x0087	0x87
4030x0088	0x88
4040x0089	0x89
4050x008a	0x8a
4060x008b	0x8b
4070x008c	0x8c
4080x008d	0x8d
4090x008e	0x8e
4100x008f	0x8f
4110x0090	0x90
4120x0091	0x91
4130x0092	0x92
4140x0093	0x93
4150x0094	0x94
4160x0095	0x95
4170x0096	0x96
4180x0097	0x97
4190x0098	0x98
4200x0099	0x99
4210x009a	0x9a
4220x009b	0x9b
4230x009c	0x9c
4240x009d	0x9d
4250x009e	0x9e
4260x009f	0x9f
4270x00a0	0xa0	;Non-Breaking Space
4280x00a1	0x21	;Inverted Exclamation Mark -> !
4290x00a2	0x63	;Cent Sign -> c
4300x00a3	0xa3	;Pound Sign
4310x00a4	0x24	;Currency Sign -> $
4320x00a5	0x59	;Yen Sign -> Y
4330x00a6	0xa6	;Broken Vertical Bar
4340x00a7	0xa7	;Section Sign
4350x00a8	0xa8	;Spacing Diaeresis
4360x00a9	0xa9	;Copyright Sign
4370x00aa	0x61	;Feminine Ordinal Indicator -> a
4380x00ab	0xab	;Left Pointing Guillemet
4390x00ac	0xac	;Not Sign
4400x00ad	0xad	;Soft Hyphen
4410x00ae	0x52	;Registered Sign -> R
4420x00af	0x3f	;Macron
4430x00b0	0xb0	;Degree Sign
4440x00b1	0xb1	;Plus-Or-Minus Sign
4450x00b2	0xb2	;Superscript Digit Two
4460x00b3	0xb3	;Superscript Digit Three
4470x00b4	0x3f	;Acute Accent
4480x00b5	0x3f	;Micro Sign
4490x00b6	0x3f	;Pilcrow Sign
4500x00b7	0xb7	;Middle Dot
4510x00b8	0x2c	;Cedilla -> ,
4520x00b9	0x31	;Superscript One -> 1
4530x00ba	0x6f	;Masculine Ordinal Indicator -> o
4540x00bb	0xbb	;Right Pointing Guillemet
4550x00bc	0x3f	;Vulgar Fraction One Quarter
4560x00bd	0xbd	;Fraction One Half
4570x00be	0x3f	;Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters
4580x00bf	0x3f	;Inverted Question Mark
4590x00c0	0x41	;Latin Capital Letter A With Grave -> A
4600x00c1	0x41	;Latin Capital Letter A With Acute -> A
4610x00c2	0x41	;Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex -> A
4620x00c3	0x41	;Latin Capital Letter A With Tilde -> A
4630x00c4	0x41	;Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis -> A
4640x00c5	0x41	;Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above -> A
4650x00c6	0x41	;Latin Capital Ligature Ae -> A
4660x00c7	0x43	;Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla -> C
4670x00c8	0x45	;Latin Capital Letter E With Grave -> E
4680x00c9	0x45	;Latin Capital Letter E With Acute -> E
4690x00ca	0x45	;Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex -> E
4700x00cb	0x45	;Latin Capital Letter E With Diaeresis -> E
4710x00cc	0x49	;Latin Capital Letter I With Grave -> I
4720x00cd	0x49	;Latin Capital Letter I With Acute -> I
4730x00ce	0x49	;Latin Capital Letter I With Circumflex -> I
4740x00cf	0x49	;Latin Capital Letter I With Diaeresis -> I
4750x00d0	0x44	;Latin Capital Letter Eth -> D
4760x00d1	0x4e	;Latin Capital Letter N With Tilde -> N
4770x00d2	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O With Grave -> O
4780x00d3	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O With Acute -> O
4790x00d4	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex -> O
4800x00d5	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde -> O
4810x00d6	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis -> O
4820x00d7	0x3f	;Multiplication Sign
4830x00d8	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O With Stroke -> O
4840x00d9	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Grave -> U
4850x00da	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Acute -> U
4860x00db	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Circumflex -> U
4870x00dc	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis -> U
4880x00dd	0x59	;Latin Capital Letter Y With Acute -> Y
4890x00de	0x3f	;Latin Capital Letter Thorn
4900x00df	0x3f	;Latin Small Letter Sharp S
4910x00e0	0x61	;Latin Small Letter A With Grave -> a
4920x00e1	0x61	;Latin Small Letter A With Acute -> a
4930x00e2	0x61	;Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex -> a
4940x00e3	0x61	;Latin Small Letter A With Tilde -> a
4950x00e4	0x61	;Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis -> a
4960x00e5	0x61	;Latin Small Letter A With Ring Above -> a
4970x00e6	0x61	;Latin Small Ligature Ae -> a
4980x00e7	0x63	;Latin Small Letter C With Cedilla -> c
4990x00e8	0x65	;Latin Small Letter E With Grave -> e
5000x00e9	0x65	;Latin Small Letter E With Acute -> e
5010x00ea	0x65	;Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex -> e
5020x00eb	0x65	;Latin Small Letter E With Diaeresis -> e
5030x00ec	0x69	;Latin Small Letter I With Grave -> i
5040x00ed	0x69	;Latin Small Letter I With Acute -> i
5050x00ee	0x69	;Latin Small Letter I With Circumflex -> i
5060x00ef	0x69	;Latin Small Letter I With Diaeresis -> i
5070x00f0	0x3f	;Latin Small Letter Eth
5080x00f1	0x6e	;Latin Small Letter N With Tilde -> n
5090x00f2	0x6f	;Latin Small Letter O With Grave -> o
5100x00f3	0x6f	;Latin Small Letter O With Acute -> o
5110x00f4	0x6f	;Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex -> o
5120x00f5	0x6f	;Latin Small Letter O With Tilde -> o
5130x00f6	0x6f	;Latin Small Letter O With Diaeresis -> o
5140x00f7	0x3f	;Division Sign
5150x00f8	0x6f	;Latin Small Letter O With Stroke -> o
5160x00f9	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Grave -> u
5170x00fa	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Acute -> u
5180x00fb	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Circumflex -> u
5190x00fc	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis -> u
5200x00fd	0x79	;Latin Small Letter Y With Acute -> y
5210x00fe	0x3f	;Latin Small Letter Thorn
5220x00ff	0x79	;Latin Small Letter Y With Diaeresis -> y
5230x0100	0x41	;Latin Capital Letter A With Macron -> A
5240x0101	0x61	;Latin Small Letter A With Macron -> a
5250x0102	0x41	;Latin Capital Letter A With Breve -> A
5260x0103	0x61	;Latin Small Letter A With Breve -> a
5270x0104	0x41	;Latin Capital Letter A With Ogonek -> A
5280x0105	0x61	;Latin Small Letter A With Ogonek -> a
5290x0106	0x43	;Latin Capital Letter C With Acute -> C
5300x0107	0x63	;Latin Small Letter C With Acute -> c
5310x0108	0x43	;Latin Capital Letter C With Circumflex -> C
5320x0109	0x63	;Latin Small Letter C With Circumflex -> c
5330x010a	0x43	;Latin Capital Letter C With Dot Above -> C
5340x010b	0x63	;Latin Small Letter C With Dot Above -> c
5350x010c	0x43	;Latin Capital Letter C With Caron -> C
5360x010d	0x63	;Latin Small Letter C With Caron -> c
5370x010e	0x44	;Latin Capital Letter D With Caron -> D
5380x010f	0x64	;Latin Small Letter D With Caron -> d
5390x0110	0x44	;Latin Capital Letter D With Stroke -> D
5400x0111	0x64	;Latin Small Letter D With Stroke -> d
5410x0112	0x45	;Latin Capital Letter E With Macron -> E
5420x0113	0x65	;Latin Small Letter E With Macron -> e
5430x0114	0x45	;Latin Capital Letter E With Breve -> E
5440x0115	0x65	;Latin Small Letter E With Breve -> e
5450x0116	0x45	;Latin Capital Letter E With Dot Above -> E
5460x0117	0x65	;Latin Small Letter E With Dot Above -> e
5470x0118	0x45	;Latin Capital Letter E With Ogonek -> E
5480x0119	0x65	;Latin Small Letter E With Ogonek -> e
5490x011a	0x45	;Latin Capital Letter E With Caron -> E
5500x011b	0x65	;Latin Small Letter E With Caron -> e
5510x011c	0x47	;Latin Capital Letter G With Circumflex -> G
5520x011d	0x67	;Latin Small Letter G With Circumflex -> g
5530x011e	0x47	;Latin Capital Letter G With Breve -> G
5540x011f	0x67	;Latin Small Letter G With Breve -> g
5550x0120	0x47	;Latin Capital Letter G With Dot Above -> G
5560x0121	0x67	;Latin Small Letter G With Dot Above -> g
5570x0122	0x47	;Latin Capital Letter G With Cedilla -> G
5580x0123	0x67	;Latin Small Letter G With Cedilla -> g
5590x0124	0x48	;Latin Capital Letter H With Circumflex -> H
5600x0125	0x68	;Latin Small Letter H With Circumflex -> h
5610x0126	0x48	;Latin Capital Letter H With Stroke -> H
5620x0127	0x68	;Latin Small Letter H With Stroke -> h
5630x0128	0x49	;Latin Capital Letter I With Tilde -> I
5640x0129	0x69	;Latin Small Letter I With Tilde -> i
5650x012a	0x49	;Latin Capital Letter I With Macron -> I
5660x012b	0x69	;Latin Small Letter I With Macron -> i
5670x012c	0x49	;Latin Capital Letter I With Breve -> I
5680x012d	0x69	;Latin Small Letter I With Breve -> i
5690x012e	0x49	;Latin Capital Letter I With Ogonek -> I
5700x012f	0x69	;Latin Small Letter I With Ogonek -> i
5710x0130	0x49	;Latin Capital Letter I With Dot Above -> I
5720x0131	0x69	;Latin Small Letter Dotless I -> i
5730x0134	0x4a	;Latin Capital Letter J With Circumflex -> J
5740x0135	0x6a	;Latin Small Letter J With Circumflex -> j
5750x0136	0x4b	;Latin Capital Letter K With Cedilla -> K
5760x0137	0x6b	;Latin Small Letter K With Cedilla -> k
5770x0139	0x4c	;Latin Capital Letter L With Acute -> L
5780x013a	0x6c	;Latin Small Letter L With Acute -> l
5790x013b	0x4c	;Latin Capital Letter L With Cedilla -> L
5800x013c	0x6c	;Latin Small Letter L With Cedilla -> l
5810x013d	0x4c	;Latin Capital Letter L With Caron -> L
5820x013e	0x6c	;Latin Small Letter L With Caron -> l
5830x0141	0x4c	;Latin Capital Letter L With Stroke -> L
5840x0142	0x6c	;Latin Small Letter L With Stroke -> l
5850x0143	0x4e	;Latin Capital Letter N With Acute -> N
5860x0144	0x6e	;Latin Small Letter N With Acute -> n
5870x0145	0x4e	;Latin Capital Letter N With Cedilla -> N
5880x0146	0x6e	;Latin Small Letter N With Cedilla -> n
5890x0147	0x4e	;Latin Capital Letter N With Caron -> N
5900x0148	0x6e	;Latin Small Letter N With Caron -> n
5910x014c	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O With Macron -> O
5920x014d	0x6f	;Latin Small Letter O With Macron -> o
5930x014e	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O With Breve -> O
5940x014f	0x6f	;Latin Small Letter O With Breve -> o
5950x0150	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O With Double Acute -> O
5960x0151	0x6f	;Latin Small Letter O With Double Acute -> o
5970x0152	0x4f	;Latin Capital Ligature Oe -> O
5980x0153	0x6f	;Latin Small Ligature Oe -> o
5990x0154	0x52	;Latin Capital Letter R With Acute -> R
6000x0155	0x72	;Latin Small Letter R With Acute -> r
6010x0156	0x52	;Latin Capital Letter R With Cedilla -> R
6020x0157	0x72	;Latin Small Letter R With Cedilla -> r
6030x0158	0x52	;Latin Capital Letter R With Caron -> R
6040x0159	0x72	;Latin Small Letter R With Caron -> r
6050x015a	0x53	;Latin Capital Letter S With Acute -> S
6060x015b	0x73	;Latin Small Letter S With Acute -> s
6070x015c	0x53	;Latin Capital Letter S With Circumflex -> S
6080x015d	0x73	;Latin Small Letter S With Circumflex -> s
6090x015e	0x53	;Latin Capital Letter S With Cedilla -> S
6100x015f	0x73	;Latin Small Letter S With Cedilla -> s
6110x0160	0x53	;Latin Capital Letter S With Caron -> S
6120x0161	0x73	;Latin Small Letter S With Caron -> s
6130x0162	0x54	;Latin Capital Letter T With Cedilla -> T
6140x0163	0x74	;Latin Small Letter T With Cedilla -> t
6150x0164	0x54	;Latin Capital Letter T With Caron -> T
6160x0165	0x74	;Latin Small Letter T With Caron -> t
6170x0166	0x54	;Latin Capital Letter T With Stroke -> T
6180x0167	0x74	;Latin Small Letter T With Stroke -> t
6190x0168	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Tilde -> U
6200x0169	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Tilde -> u
6210x016a	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Macron -> U
6220x016b	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Macron -> u
6230x016c	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Breve -> U
6240x016d	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Breve -> u
6250x016e	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Ring Above -> U
6260x016f	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Ring Above -> u
6270x0170	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Double Acute -> U
6280x0171	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Double Acute -> u
6290x0172	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Ogonek -> U
6300x0173	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Ogonek -> u
6310x0174	0x57	;Latin Capital Letter W With Circumflex -> W
6320x0175	0x77	;Latin Small Letter W With Circumflex -> w
6330x0176	0x59	;Latin Capital Letter Y With Circumflex -> Y
6340x0177	0x79	;Latin Small Letter Y With Circumflex -> y
6350x0178	0x59	;Latin Capital Letter Y With Diaeresis -> Y
6360x0179	0x5a	;Latin Capital Letter Z With Acute -> Z
6370x017a	0x7a	;Latin Small Letter Z With Acute -> z
6380x017b	0x5a	;Latin Capital Letter Z With Dot Above -> Z
6390x017c	0x7a	;Latin Small Letter Z With Dot Above -> z
6400x017d	0x5a	;Latin Capital Letter Z With Caron -> Z
6410x017e	0x7a	;Latin Small Letter Z With Caron -> z
6420x0180	0x62	;Latin Small Letter B With Stroke -> b
6430x0189	0x44	;Latin Capital Letter African D -> D
6440x0191	0x46	;Latin Capital Letter F With Hook -> F
6450x0192	0x66	;Latin Small Letter F With Hook -> f
6460x0197	0x49	;Latin Capital Letter I With Stroke -> I
6470x019a	0x6c	;Latin Small Letter L With Bar -> l
6480x019f	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O With Middle Tilde -> O
6490x01a0	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O With Horn -> O
6500x01a1	0x6f	;Latin Small Letter O With Horn -> o
6510x01ab	0x74	;Latin Small Letter T With Palatal Hook -> t
6520x01ae	0x54	;Latin Capital Letter T With Retroflex Hook -> T
6530x01af	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Horn -> U
6540x01b0	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Horn -> u
6550x01b6	0x7a	;Latin Small Letter Z With Stroke -> z
6560x01cd	0x41	;Latin Capital Letter A With Caron -> A
6570x01ce	0x61	;Latin Small Letter A With Caron -> a
6580x01cf	0x49	;Latin Capital Letter I With Caron -> I
6590x01d0	0x69	;Latin Small Letter I With Caron -> i
6600x01d1	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O With Caron -> O
6610x01d2	0x6f	;Latin Small Letter O With Caron -> o
6620x01d3	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Caron -> U
6630x01d4	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Caron -> u
6640x01d5	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Macron -> U
6650x01d6	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Macron -> u
6660x01d7	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Acute -> U
6670x01d8	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Acute -> u
6680x01d9	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Caron -> U
6690x01da	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Caron -> u
6700x01db	0x55	;Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Grave -> U
6710x01dc	0x75	;Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Grave -> u
6720x01de	0x41	;Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis And Macron -> A
6730x01df	0x61	;Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis And Macron -> a
6740x01e4	0x47	;Latin Capital Letter G With Stroke -> G
6750x01e5	0x67	;Latin Small Letter G With Stroke -> g
6760x01e6	0x47	;Latin Capital Letter G With Caron -> G
6770x01e7	0x67	;Latin Small Letter G With Caron -> g
6780x01e8	0x4b	;Latin Capital Letter K With Caron -> K
6790x01e9	0x6b	;Latin Small Letter K With Caron -> k
6800x01ea	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O With Ogonek -> O
6810x01eb	0x6f	;Latin Small Letter O With Ogonek -> o
6820x01ec	0x4f	;Latin Capital Letter O With Ogonek And Macron -> O
6830x01ed	0x6f	;Latin Small Letter O With Ogonek And Macron -> o
6840x01f0	0x6a	;Latin Small Letter J With Caron -> j
6850x0261	0x67	;Latin Small Letter Script G -> g
6860x02b9	0x27	;Modifier Letter Prime -> '
6870x02ba	0x22	;Modifier Letter Double Prime -> "
6880x02bc	0xa2	;Modifier Letter Apostrophe
6890x02bd	0xa1	;Modifier Letter Reversed Comma
6900x02c4	0x5e	;Modifier Letter Up Arrowhead -> ^
6910x02c6	0x5e	;Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent -> ^
6920x02c8	0x27	;Modifier Letter Vertical Line -> '
6930x02c9	0x3f	;Modifier Letter Macron
6940x02ca	0x3f	;Modifier Letter Acute Accent
6950x02cb	0x60	;Modifier Letter Grave Accent -> `
6960x02cd	0x5f	;Modifier Letter Low Macron -> _
6970x02da	0x3f	;Ring Above
6980x02dc	0x7e	;Small Tilde -> ~
6990x0300	0x60	;Combining Grave Accent -> `
7000x0302	0x5e	;Combining Circumflex Accent -> ^
7010x0303	0x7e	;Combining Tilde -> ~
7020x030e	0x22	;Combining Double Vertical Line Above -> "
7030x0331	0x5f	;Combining Macron Below -> _
7040x0332	0x5f	;Combining Low Line -> _
7050x0384	0xb4	;Greek Tonos
7060x0385	0xb5	;Greek Dialytika Tonos
7070x0386	0xb6	;Greek Capital Letter Alpha Tonos
7080x0388	0xb8	;Greek Capital Letter Epsilon Tonos
7090x0389	0xb9	;Greek Capital Letter Eta Tonos
7100x038a	0xba	;Greek Capital Letter Iota Tonos
7110x038c	0xbc	;Greek Capital Letter Omicron Tonos
7120x038e	0xbe	;Greek Capital Letter Upsilon Tonos
7130x038f	0xbf	;Greek Capital Letter Omega Tonos
7140x0390	0xc0	;Greek Small Letter Iota Diaeresis Tonos
7150x0391	0xc1	;Greek Capital Letter Alpha
7160x0392	0xc2	;Greek Capital Letter Beta
7170x0393	0xc3	;Greek Capital Letter Gamma
7180x0394	0xc4	;Greek Capital Letter Delta
7190x0395	0xc5	;Greek Capital Letter Epsilon
7200x0396	0xc6	;Greek Capital Letter Zeta
7210x0397	0xc7	;Greek Capital Letter Eta
7220x0398	0xc8	;Greek Capital Letter Theta
7230x0399	0xc9	;Greek Capital Letter Iota
7240x039a	0xca	;Greek Capital Letter Kappa
7250x039b	0xcb	;Greek Capital Letter Lambda
7260x039c	0xcc	;Greek Capital Letter Mu
7270x039d	0xcd	;Greek Capital Letter Nu
7280x039e	0xce	;Greek Capital Letter Xi
7290x039f	0xcf	;Greek Capital Letter Omicron
7300x03a0	0xd0	;Greek Capital Letter Pi
7310x03a1	0xd1	;Greek Capital Letter Rho
7320x03a3	0xd3	;Greek Capital Letter Sigma
7330x03a4	0xd4	;Greek Capital Letter Tau
7340x03a5	0xd5	;Greek Capital Letter Upsilon
7350x03a6	0xd6	;Greek Capital Letter Phi
7360x03a7	0xd7	;Greek Capital Letter Chi
7370x03a8	0xd8	;Greek Capital Letter Psi
7380x03a9	0xd9	;Greek Capital Letter Omega
7390x03aa	0xda	;Greek Capital Letter Iota Diaeresis
7400x03ab	0xdb	;Greek Capital Letter Upsilon Diaeresis
7410x03ac	0xdc	;Greek Small Letter Alpha Tonos
7420x03ad	0xdd	;Greek Small Letter Epsilon Tonos
7430x03ae	0xde	;Greek Small Letter Eta Tonos
7440x03af	0xdf	;Greek Small Letter Iota Tonos
7450x03b0	0xe0	;Greek Small Letter Upsilon Diaeresis Tonos
7460x03b1	0xe1	;Greek Small Letter Alpha
7470x03b2	0xe2	;Greek Small Letter Beta
7480x03b3	0xe3	;Greek Small Letter Gamma
7490x03b4	0xe4	;Greek Small Letter Delta
7500x03b5	0xe5	;Greek Small Letter Epsilon
7510x03b6	0xe6	;Greek Small Letter Zeta
7520x03b7	0xe7	;Greek Small Letter Eta
7530x03b8	0xe8	;Greek Small Letter Theta
7540x03b9	0xe9	;Greek Small Letter Iota
7550x03ba	0xea	;Greek Small Letter Kappa
7560x03bb	0xeb	;Greek Small Letter Lambda
7570x03bc	0xec	;Greek Small Letter Mu
7580x03bd	0xed	;Greek Small Letter Nu
7590x03be	0xee	;Greek Small Letter Xi
7600x03bf	0xef	;Greek Small Letter Omicron
7610x03c0	0xf0	;Greek Small Letter Pi
7620x03c1	0xf1	;Greek Small Letter Rho
7630x03c2	0xf2	;Greek Small Letter Final Sigma
7640x03c3	0xf3	;Greek Small Letter Sigma
7650x03c4	0xf4	;Greek Small Letter Tau
7660x03c5	0xf5	;Greek Small Letter Upsilon
7670x03c6	0xf6	;Greek Small Letter Phi
7680x03c7	0xf7	;Greek Small Letter Chi
7690x03c8	0xf8	;Greek Small Letter Psi
7700x03c9	0xf9	;Greek Small Letter Omega
7710x03ca	0xfa	;Greek Small Letter Iota Diaeresis
7720x03cb	0xfb	;Greek Small Letter Upsilon Diaeresis
7730x03cc	0xfc	;Greek Small Letter Omicron Tonos
7740x03cd	0xfd	;Greek Small Letter Upsilon Tonos
7750x03ce	0xfe	;Greek Small Letter Omega Tonos
7760x2000	0x20	;En Quad
7770x2001	0x20	;Em Quad
7780x2002	0x20	;En Space
7790x2003	0x20	;Em Space
7800x2004	0x20	;Three-Per-Em Space
7810x2005	0x20	;Four-Per-Em Space
7820x2006	0x20	;Six-Per-Em Space
7830x2010	0x2d	;Hyphen -> -
7840x2011	0x2d	;Non-Breaking Hyphen -> -
7850x2013	0x2d	;En Dash -> -
7860x2014	0x2d	;Em Dash -> -
7870x2015	0xaf	;Quotation Dash
7880x2018	0x27	;Left Single Quotation Mark -> '
7890x2019	0x27	;Right Single Quotation Mark -> '
7900x201a	0x2c	;Single Low-9 Quotation Mark -> ,
7910x201c	0x22	;Left Double Quotation Mark -> "
7920x201d	0x22	;Right Double Quotation Mark -> "
7930x201e	0x22	;Double Low-9 Quotation Mark -> "
7940x2020	0x3f	;Dagger
7950x2021	0x3f	;Double Dagger
7960x2022	0x2e	;Bullet -> .
7970x2026	0x2e	;Horizontal Ellipsis -> .
7980x2030	0x3f	;Per Mille Sign
7990x2032	0x27	;Prime -> '
8000x2035	0x60	;Reversed Prime -> `
8010x2039	0x3c	;Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark -> <
8020x203a	0x3e	;Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark -> >
8030x2122	0x54	;Trade Mark Sign -> T
8040xf7c2	0xa4	;Undefined -> EUDC
8050xf7c3	0xa5	;Undefined -> EUDC
8060xf7c4	0xaa	;Undefined -> EUDC
8070xf7c5	0xae	;Undefined -> EUDC
8080xf7c6	0xd2	;Undefined -> EUDC
8090xf7c7	0xff	;Undefined -> EUDC
8100xff01	0x21	;Fullwidth Exclamation Mark -> !
8110xff02	0x22	;Fullwidth Quotation Mark -> "
8120xff03	0x23	;Fullwidth Number Sign -> #
8130xff04	0x24	;Fullwidth Dollar Sign -> $
8140xff05	0x25	;Fullwidth Percent Sign -> %
8150xff06	0x26	;Fullwidth Ampersand -> &
8160xff07	0x27	;Fullwidth Apostrophe -> '
8170xff08	0x28	;Fullwidth Left Parenthesis -> (
8180xff09	0x29	;Fullwidth Right Parenthesis -> )
8190xff0a	0x2a	;Fullwidth Asterisk -> *
8200xff0b	0x2b	;Fullwidth Plus Sign -> +
8210xff0c	0x2c	;Fullwidth Comma -> ,
8220xff0d	0x2d	;Fullwidth Hyphen-Minus -> -
8230xff0e	0x2e	;Fullwidth Full Stop -> .
8240xff0f	0x2f	;Fullwidth Solidus -> /
8250xff10	0x30	;Fullwidth Digit Zero -> 0
8260xff11	0x31	;Fullwidth Digit One -> 1
8270xff12	0x32	;Fullwidth Digit Two -> 2
8280xff13	0x33	;Fullwidth Digit Three -> 3
8290xff14	0x34	;Fullwidth Digit Four -> 4
8300xff15	0x35	;Fullwidth Digit Five -> 5
8310xff16	0x36	;Fullwidth Digit Six -> 6
8320xff17	0x37	;Fullwidth Digit Seven -> 7
8330xff18	0x38	;Fullwidth Digit Eight -> 8
8340xff19	0x39	;Fullwidth Digit Nine -> 9
8350xff1a	0x3a	;Fullwidth Colon -> :
8360xff1b	0x3b	;Fullwidth Semicolon -> ;
8370xff1c	0x3c	;Fullwidth Less-Than Sign -> <
8380xff1d	0x3d	;Fullwidth Equals Sign -> =
8390xff1e	0x3e	;Fullwidth Greater-Than Sign -> >
8400xff1f	0x3f	;Fullwidth Question Mark
8410xff20	0x40	;Fullwidth Commercial At -> @
8420xff21	0x41	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter A -> A
8430xff22	0x42	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter B -> B
8440xff23	0x43	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter C -> C
8450xff24	0x44	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter D -> D
8460xff25	0x45	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter E -> E
8470xff26	0x46	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter F -> F
8480xff27	0x47	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter G -> G
8490xff28	0x48	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter H -> H
8500xff29	0x49	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter I -> I
8510xff2a	0x4a	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter J -> J
8520xff2b	0x4b	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter K -> K
8530xff2c	0x4c	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter L -> L
8540xff2d	0x4d	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter M -> M
8550xff2e	0x4e	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter N -> N
8560xff2f	0x4f	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter O -> O
8570xff30	0x50	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter P -> P
8580xff31	0x51	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter Q -> Q
8590xff32	0x52	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter R -> R
8600xff33	0x53	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter S -> S
8610xff34	0x54	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter T -> T
8620xff35	0x55	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter U -> U
8630xff36	0x56	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter V -> V
8640xff37	0x57	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter W -> W
8650xff38	0x58	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter X -> X
8660xff39	0x59	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter Y -> Y
8670xff3a	0x5a	;Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter Z -> Z
8680xff3b	0x5b	;Fullwidth Left Square Bracket -> [
8690xff3c	0x5c	;Fullwidth Reverse Solidus -> \
8700xff3d	0x5d	;Fullwidth Right Square Bracket -> ]
8710xff3e	0x5e	;Fullwidth Circumflex Accent -> ^
8720xff3f	0x5f	;Fullwidth Low Line -> _
8730xff40	0x60	;Fullwidth Grave Accent -> `
8740xff41	0x61	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter A -> a
8750xff42	0x62	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter B -> b
8760xff43	0x63	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter C -> c
8770xff44	0x64	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter D -> d
8780xff45	0x65	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter E -> e
8790xff46	0x66	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter F -> f
8800xff47	0x67	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter G -> g
8810xff48	0x68	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter H -> h
8820xff49	0x69	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter I -> i
8830xff4a	0x6a	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter J -> j
8840xff4b	0x6b	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter K -> k
8850xff4c	0x6c	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter L -> l
8860xff4d	0x6d	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter M -> m
8870xff4e	0x6e	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter N -> n
8880xff4f	0x6f	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter O -> o
8890xff50	0x70	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter P -> p
8900xff51	0x71	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter Q -> q
8910xff52	0x72	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter R -> r
8920xff53	0x73	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter S -> s
8930xff54	0x74	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter T -> t
8940xff55	0x75	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter U -> u
8950xff56	0x76	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter V -> v
8960xff57	0x77	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter W -> w
8970xff58	0x78	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter X -> x
8980xff59	0x79	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter Y -> y
8990xff5a	0x7a	;Fullwidth Latin Small Letter Z -> z
9000xff5b	0x7b	;Fullwidth Left Curly Bracket -> {
9010xff5c	0x7c	;Fullwidth Vertical Line -> |
9020xff5d	0x7d	;Fullwidth Right Curly Bracket -> }
9030xff5e	0x7e	;Fullwidth Tilde -> ~