1:: 2:: PROJECT: ReactOS CMD Testing Suite 3:: LICENSE: GPL v2 or any later version 4:: FILE: tests/at.cmd 5:: PURPOSE: Tests for the correct parsing of the "@" character 6:: COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2008 Colin Finck <mail@colinfinck.de> 7:: 8 9:: Calling a command should work with any number of "@" characters prepended 10call :_test "@echo Test >nul" 11call :_test "@@echo Test >nul" 12 13:: Files with an "@" sign at the beginning should work as well 14echo @^@echo Test > "temp\@file.cmd" 15call :_test "call temp\@file.cmd >nul" 16 17echo ^@echo Test > "temp\@file.cmd" 18call :_test "call temp\@file.cmd >nul" 19 20goto :EOF 21