1 /* 2 * PROJECT: ReactOS Tests 3 * FILE: rostests/win32/user32/psmtest/psmtest.c 4 * PURPOSE: Side by side comparison of the undocumented 5 * LpkPSMTextOut and UserLpkPSMTextOut functions 6 * 7 * PROGRAMMER: Program skeleton: https://github.com/TransmissionZero/MinGW-Win32-Application 8 * Test code by Baruch Rutman 9 */ 10 11 #include <windows.h> 12 #include <commctrl.h> 13 #include <strsafe.h> 14 15 #define IDI_APPICON 101 16 #define IDR_ACCELERATOR 103 17 LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); 18 19 /* Prototypes */ 20 INT WINAPI LpkPSMTextOut(HDC hdc, int x, int y, LPCWSTR lpString, int cString, DWORD dwFlags); 21 INT WINAPI UserLpkPSMTextOut(HDC hdc, int x, int y, LPCWSTR lpString, int cString, DWORD dwFlags); 22 23 /* Main window class and title */ 24 static LPCWSTR MainWndClass = L"PSM Test"; 25 26 #define LPK 1 27 #define USERLPK 2 28 static void DrawTest(HDC hdc, int ypos, LPCWSTR str, DWORD dwFlags, int testtype) 29 { 30 WCHAR Result[100]; 31 INT ret = 0; 32 33 if (testtype == LPK) 34 { 35 ret = LpkPSMTextOut(hdc, 0, ypos, str, (!str) ? 10 : lstrlenW(str), dwFlags); 36 StringCchPrintfW(Result, 100, L"Return Value = %d", ret); 37 TextOutW(hdc, 200, ypos, Result, lstrlenW(Result)); 38 } 39 else if (testtype == USERLPK) 40 { 41 ret = UserLpkPSMTextOut(hdc, 400, ypos, str, lstrlenW(str), dwFlags); 42 StringCchPrintfW(Result, 100, L"Return Value = %d", ret); 43 TextOutW(hdc, 600, ypos, Result, lstrlenW(Result)); 44 } 45 46 } 47 48 /* Our application entry point */ 49 int WINAPI 50 wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, 51 HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, 52 LPTSTR lpszCmdLine, 53 int nCmdShow) 54 { 55 INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icc; 56 HWND hWnd; 57 HACCEL hAccelerators; 58 MSG msg; 59 WNDCLASSEXW wc; 60 61 /* Class for our main window */ 62 wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc); 63 wc.style = 0; 64 wc.lpfnWndProc = &MainWndProc; 65 wc.cbClsExtra = 0; 66 wc.cbWndExtra = 0; 67 wc.hInstance = hInstance; 68 wc.hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDI_APPICON), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE | 69 LR_DEFAULTCOLOR | LR_SHARED); 70 wc.hCursor = (HCURSOR)LoadImageW(NULL, IDC_ARROW, IMAGE_CURSOR, 0, 0, LR_SHARED); 71 wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_BTNFACE + 1); 72 wc.lpszClassName = MainWndClass; 73 wc.hIconSm = (HICON)LoadImage(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDI_APPICON), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); 74 75 /* Initialise common controls */ 76 icc.dwSize = sizeof(icc); 77 icc.dwICC = ICC_WIN95_CLASSES; 78 InitCommonControlsEx(&icc); 79 80 /* Register our main window class, or error */ 81 if (!RegisterClassExW(&wc)) 82 { 83 MessageBoxW(NULL, L"Error registering main window class.", L"Error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); 84 return 0; 85 } 86 87 hWnd = CreateWindowExW(0, MainWndClass, MainWndClass, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 640, 480, 88 NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL); 89 90 /* Create our main window, or error */ 91 if (!hWnd) 92 { 93 MessageBoxW(NULL, L"Error creating main window.", L"Error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); 94 return 0; 95 } 96 97 /* Load accelerators */ 98 hAccelerators = LoadAcceleratorsW(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDR_ACCELERATOR)); 99 100 /* Show main window and force a paint */ 101 ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow | SW_MAXIMIZE); 102 UpdateWindow(hWnd); 103 104 /* Main message loop */ 105 while (GetMessageW(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) 106 { 107 if (!TranslateAcceleratorW(hWnd, hAccelerators, &msg)) 108 { 109 TranslateMessage(&msg); 110 DispatchMessageW(&msg); 111 } 112 } 113 114 return (int)msg.wParam; 115 } 116 117 /* Window procedure for our main window */ 118 LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 119 { 120 switch (msg) 121 { 122 123 case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: 124 { 125 /* Prevent our window from being sized too small */ 126 MINMAXINFO *minMax = (MINMAXINFO*)lParam; 127 minMax->ptMinTrackSize.x = 220; 128 minMax->ptMinTrackSize.y = 110; 129 130 return 0; 131 } 132 133 case WM_PAINT: 134 { 135 PAINTSTRUCT ps; 136 HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); 137 138 enum { 139 ALEF = 0x5D0, 140 BET, 141 GIMEL, 142 DALET, 143 HEY, 144 VAV, 145 ZAYIN, 146 HET, 147 TET, 148 YUD, 149 KAF_SOFIT, 150 KAF, 151 LAMED, 152 MEM_SOFIT, 153 MEM, 154 NUN_SOFIT, 155 NUN, 156 SAMEKH, 157 AYIN, 158 PEY_SOFIT, 159 PEY, 160 TSADI_SOFIT, 161 TSADI, 162 QOF, 163 RESH, 164 SHIN, 165 TAV 166 }; 167 168 LOGFONTW font; 169 HFONT hfont; 170 WCHAR Test[] = L"&Test Text"; 171 WCHAR Test2[] = L"&Test\nText"; 172 WCHAR Test3[] = L"&Test\tText"; 173 WCHAR Test4[] = L"&Test T&ex&t"; 174 WCHAR Test5[] = { TET, QOF, SAMEKH, TET, L' ', L'&', BET, DALET, YUD, QOF, HEY, 0 }; 175 WCHAR Test6[] = L"Test&&Text"; 176 WCHAR Test7[] = { BET, DALET, YUD, QOF, HEY, L'&', 'T','e','s','t', 0}; 177 WCHAR Test8[] = L"TestText&"; 178 WCHAR Test9[] = L"TestText&&"; 179 WCHAR Test10[] = L"TestText"; 180 181 ZeroMemory(&font, sizeof(LOGFONTW)); 182 StringCchCopyW(font.lfFaceName, 32, L"Microsoft Sans Serif"); 183 hfont = CreateFontIndirectW(&font); 184 SelectObject(hdc, hfont); 185 SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); 186 187 DrawTest(hdc, 0, Test, 0, LPK); 188 DrawTest(hdc, 20, Test, DT_NOPREFIX, LPK); 189 DrawTest(hdc, 40, Test, DT_PREFIXONLY, LPK); 190 DrawTest(hdc, 60, Test2, DT_SINGLELINE, LPK); 191 DrawTest(hdc, 80, Test2, 0, LPK); 192 DrawTest(hdc, 100, Test2, DT_CALCRECT, LPK); 193 DrawTest(hdc, 120, Test3, 0, LPK); 194 DrawTest(hdc, 140, Test3, DT_EXPANDTABS, LPK); 195 DrawTest(hdc, 160, NULL, 0, LPK); 196 DrawTest(hdc, 180, Test4, 0, LPK); 197 DrawTest(hdc, 200, Test4, DT_NOPREFIX, LPK); 198 DrawTest(hdc, 220, Test4, DT_HIDEPREFIX, LPK); 199 DrawTest(hdc, 240, Test5, 0, LPK); 200 DrawTest(hdc, 260, Test5, DT_NOPREFIX, LPK); 201 DrawTest(hdc, 280, Test5, DT_HIDEPREFIX, LPK); 202 DrawTest(hdc, 300, Test5, DT_PREFIXONLY, LPK); 203 DrawTest(hdc, 320, Test6, 0, LPK); 204 DrawTest(hdc, 340, Test6, DT_NOPREFIX, LPK); 205 DrawTest(hdc, 360, Test6, DT_HIDEPREFIX, LPK); 206 DrawTest(hdc, 380, Test6, DT_PREFIXONLY, LPK); 207 DrawTest(hdc, 400, Test7, 0, LPK); 208 DrawTest(hdc, 420, Test7, DT_NOPREFIX, LPK); 209 DrawTest(hdc, 440, Test7, DT_HIDEPREFIX, LPK); 210 DrawTest(hdc, 460, Test7, DT_PREFIXONLY, LPK); 211 DrawTest(hdc, 480, Test7, DT_RTLREADING, LPK); 212 SetTextAlign(hdc, GetTextAlign(hdc) | TA_RTLREADING); 213 DrawTest(hdc, 500, Test7, 0, LPK); 214 SetTextAlign(hdc, GetTextAlign(hdc) & ~TA_RTLREADING); 215 DrawTest(hdc, 520, Test8, 0, LPK); 216 DrawTest(hdc, 540, Test8, DT_NOPREFIX, LPK); 217 DrawTest(hdc, 560, Test8, DT_HIDEPREFIX, LPK); 218 DrawTest(hdc, 580, Test8, DT_PREFIXONLY, LPK); 219 DrawTest(hdc, 600, Test9, 0, LPK); 220 DrawTest(hdc, 620, Test9, DT_NOPREFIX, LPK); 221 DrawTest(hdc, 640, Test9, DT_HIDEPREFIX, LPK); 222 DrawTest(hdc, 660, Test9, DT_PREFIXONLY, LPK); 223 DrawTest(hdc, 680, Test10, 0, LPK); 224 DrawTest(hdc, 700, Test10, DT_NOPREFIX, LPK); 225 DrawTest(hdc, 720, Test10, DT_HIDEPREFIX, LPK); 226 DrawTest(hdc, 740, Test10, DT_PREFIXONLY, LPK); 227 228 TextOutW(hdc, 100, 760, L"LpkPSMTextOut", 13); 229 230 DrawTest(hdc, 0, Test, 0, USERLPK); 231 DrawTest(hdc, 20, Test, DT_NOPREFIX, USERLPK); 232 DrawTest(hdc, 40, Test, DT_PREFIXONLY, USERLPK); 233 DrawTest(hdc, 60, Test2, DT_SINGLELINE, USERLPK); 234 DrawTest(hdc, 80, Test2, 0, USERLPK); 235 DrawTest(hdc, 100, Test2, DT_CALCRECT, USERLPK); 236 DrawTest(hdc, 120, Test3, 0, USERLPK); 237 DrawTest(hdc, 140, Test3, DT_EXPANDTABS, USERLPK); 238 /* DrawTest(hdc, 160, NULL, 0, USERLPK); */ /* Crash on windows */ 239 DrawTest(hdc, 180, Test4, 0, USERLPK); 240 DrawTest(hdc, 200, Test4, DT_NOPREFIX, USERLPK); 241 DrawTest(hdc, 220, Test4, DT_HIDEPREFIX, USERLPK); 242 DrawTest(hdc, 240, Test5, 0, USERLPK); 243 DrawTest(hdc, 260, Test5, DT_NOPREFIX, USERLPK); 244 DrawTest(hdc, 280, Test5, DT_HIDEPREFIX, USERLPK); 245 DrawTest(hdc, 300, Test5, DT_PREFIXONLY, USERLPK); 246 DrawTest(hdc, 320, Test6, 0, USERLPK); 247 DrawTest(hdc, 340, Test6, DT_NOPREFIX, USERLPK); 248 DrawTest(hdc, 360, Test6, DT_HIDEPREFIX, USERLPK); 249 DrawTest(hdc, 380, Test6, DT_PREFIXONLY, USERLPK); 250 DrawTest(hdc, 400, Test7, 0, USERLPK); 251 DrawTest(hdc, 420, Test7, DT_NOPREFIX, USERLPK); 252 DrawTest(hdc, 440, Test7, DT_HIDEPREFIX, USERLPK); 253 DrawTest(hdc, 460, Test7, DT_PREFIXONLY, USERLPK); 254 DrawTest(hdc, 480, Test7, DT_RTLREADING, USERLPK); 255 SetTextAlign(hdc, GetTextAlign(hdc) | TA_RTLREADING); 256 DrawTest(hdc, 500, Test7, 0, USERLPK); 257 SetTextAlign(hdc, GetTextAlign(hdc) & ~TA_RTLREADING); 258 DrawTest(hdc, 520, Test8, 0, USERLPK); 259 DrawTest(hdc, 540, Test8, DT_NOPREFIX, USERLPK); 260 DrawTest(hdc, 560, Test8, DT_HIDEPREFIX, USERLPK); 261 DrawTest(hdc, 580, Test8, DT_PREFIXONLY, USERLPK); 262 DrawTest(hdc, 600, Test9, 0, USERLPK); 263 DrawTest(hdc, 620, Test9, DT_NOPREFIX, USERLPK); 264 DrawTest(hdc, 640, Test9, DT_HIDEPREFIX, USERLPK); 265 DrawTest(hdc, 660, Test9, DT_PREFIXONLY, USERLPK); 266 DrawTest(hdc, 680, Test10, 0, USERLPK); 267 DrawTest(hdc, 700, Test10, DT_NOPREFIX, USERLPK); 268 DrawTest(hdc, 720, Test10, DT_HIDEPREFIX, USERLPK); 269 DrawTest(hdc, 740, Test10, DT_PREFIXONLY, USERLPK); 270 271 TextOutW(hdc, 500, 760, L"UserLpkPSMTextOut", 17); 272 273 EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); 274 break; 275 } 276 277 case WM_DESTROY: 278 { 279 PostQuitMessage(0); 280 return 0; 281 } 282 } 283 return DefWindowProcW(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); 284 } 285