1 2remove_definitions(-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x502 -D_WIN32_IE=0x600) 3 4add_definitions(-DUSE_WINE_TODOS -DWINETEST_USE_DBGSTR_LONGLONG) 5 6list(APPEND SOURCE 7 animate.c 8 combo.c 9 datetime.c 10 dpa.c 11 edit.c 12 header.c 13 imagelist.c 14 ipaddress.c 15 listbox.c 16 listview.c 17 misc.c 18 monthcal.c 19 mru.c 20 pager.c 21 progress.c 22 propsheet.c 23 rebar.c 24 static.c 25 status.c 26 syslink.c 27 tab.c 28 taskdialog.c 29 toolbar.c 30 tooltips.c 31 trackbar.c 32 treeview.c 33 updown.c) 34 35list(APPEND PCH_SKIP_SOURCE 36 button.c 37 subclass.c 38 testlist.c) 39 40add_executable(comctl32_winetest 41 ${SOURCE} 42 ${PCH_SKIP_SOURCE} 43 rsrc.rc) 44 45if(MSVC AND ARCH STREQUAL "amd64") 46 # warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) 47 target_compile_options(comctl32_winetest PRIVATE /wd4334) 48endif() 49 50target_compile_options(comctl32_winetest PRIVATE $<$<NOT:$<C_COMPILER_ID:MSVC>>:-Wno-format>) 51 52set_module_type(comctl32_winetest win32cui) 53add_importlibs(comctl32_winetest comctl32 ole32 user32 gdi32 advapi32 msvcrt kernel32) 54 55if(MSVC) 56 add_importlibs(comctl32_winetest ntdll) 57endif() 58 59add_pch(comctl32_winetest precomp.h "${PCH_SKIP_SOURCE}") 60add_rostests_file(TARGET comctl32_winetest) 61