xref: /reactos/ntoskrnl/mm/ARM3/contmem.c (revision 75850abc)
1 /*
2  * PROJECT:         ReactOS Kernel
3  * LICENSE:         BSD - See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory
4  * FILE:            ntoskrnl/mm/ARM3/contmem.c
5  * PURPOSE:         ARM Memory Manager Contiguous Memory Allocator
6  * PROGRAMMERS:     ReactOS Portable Systems Group
7  */
9 /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/
11 #include <ntoskrnl.h>
12 #define NDEBUG
13 #include <debug.h>
16 #include <mm/ARM3/miarm.h>
18 /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/
22 MiFindContiguousPages(IN PFN_NUMBER LowestPfn,
23                       IN PFN_NUMBER HighestPfn,
24                       IN PFN_NUMBER BoundaryPfn,
25                       IN PFN_NUMBER SizeInPages,
26                       IN MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE CacheType)
27 {
28     PFN_NUMBER Page, PageCount, LastPage, Length, BoundaryMask;
29     ULONG i = 0;
30     PMMPFN Pfn1, EndPfn;
31     KIRQL OldIrql;
32     PAGED_CODE();
33     ASSERT(SizeInPages != 0);
35     //
36     // Convert the boundary PFN into an alignment mask
37     //
38     BoundaryMask = ~(BoundaryPfn - 1);
40     /* Disable APCs */
41     KeEnterGuardedRegion();
43     //
44     // Loop all the physical memory blocks
45     //
46     do
47     {
48         //
49         // Capture the base page and length of this memory block
50         //
51         Page = MmPhysicalMemoryBlock->Run[i].BasePage;
52         PageCount = MmPhysicalMemoryBlock->Run[i].PageCount;
54         //
55         // Check how far this memory block will go
56         //
57         LastPage = Page + PageCount;
59         //
60         // Trim it down to only the PFNs we're actually interested in
61         //
62         if ((LastPage - 1) > HighestPfn) LastPage = HighestPfn + 1;
63         if (Page < LowestPfn) Page = LowestPfn;
65         //
66         // Skip this run if it's empty or fails to contain all the pages we need
67         //
68         if (!(PageCount) || ((Page + SizeInPages) > LastPage)) continue;
70         //
71         // Now scan all the relevant PFNs in this run
72         //
73         Length = 0;
74         for (Pfn1 = MI_PFN_ELEMENT(Page); Page < LastPage; Page++, Pfn1++)
75         {
76             //
77             // If this PFN is in use, ignore it
78             //
79             if (MiIsPfnInUse(Pfn1))
80             {
81                 Length = 0;
82                 continue;
83             }
85             //
86             // If we haven't chosen a start PFN yet and the caller specified an
87             // alignment, make sure the page matches the alignment restriction
88             //
89             if ((!(Length) && (BoundaryPfn)) &&
90                 (((Page ^ (Page + SizeInPages - 1)) & BoundaryMask)))
91             {
92                 //
93                 // It does not, so bail out
94                 //
95                 continue;
96             }
98             //
99             // Increase the number of valid pages, and check if we have enough
100             //
101             if (++Length == SizeInPages)
102             {
103                 //
104                 // It appears we've amassed enough legitimate pages, rollback
105                 //
106                 Pfn1 -= (Length - 1);
107                 Page -= (Length - 1);
109                 //
110                 // Acquire the PFN lock
111                 //
112                 OldIrql = MiAcquirePfnLock();
113                 do
114                 {
115                     //
116                     // Things might've changed for us. Is the page still free?
117                     //
118                     if (MiIsPfnInUse(Pfn1)) break;
120                     //
121                     // So far so good. Is this the last confirmed valid page?
122                     //
123                     if (!--Length)
124                     {
125                         //
126                         // Sanity check that we didn't go out of bounds
127                         //
128                         ASSERT(i != MmPhysicalMemoryBlock->NumberOfRuns);
130                         //
131                         // Loop until all PFN entries have been processed
132                         //
133                         EndPfn = Pfn1 - SizeInPages + 1;
134                         do
135                         {
136                             //
137                             // This PFN is now a used page, set it up
138                             //
139                             MI_SET_USAGE(MI_USAGE_CONTINOUS_ALLOCATION);
140                             MI_SET_PROCESS2("Kernel Driver");
141                             MiUnlinkFreeOrZeroedPage(Pfn1);
142                             Pfn1->u3.e2.ReferenceCount = 1;
143                             Pfn1->u2.ShareCount = 1;
144                             Pfn1->u3.e1.PageLocation = ActiveAndValid;
145                             Pfn1->u3.e1.StartOfAllocation = 0;
146                             Pfn1->u3.e1.EndOfAllocation = 0;
147                             Pfn1->u3.e1.PrototypePte = 0;
148                             Pfn1->u4.VerifierAllocation = 0;
149                             Pfn1->PteAddress = (PVOID)0xBAADF00D;
151                             //
152                             // Check if this is the last PFN, otherwise go on
153                             //
154                             if (Pfn1 == EndPfn) break;
155                             Pfn1--;
156                         } while (TRUE);
158                         //
159                         // Mark the first and last PFN so we can find them later
160                         //
161                         Pfn1->u3.e1.StartOfAllocation = 1;
162                         (Pfn1 + SizeInPages - 1)->u3.e1.EndOfAllocation = 1;
164                         //
165                         // Now it's safe to let go of the PFN lock
166                         //
167                         MiReleasePfnLock(OldIrql);
169                         //
170                         // Quick sanity check that the last PFN is consistent
171                         //
172                         EndPfn = Pfn1 + SizeInPages;
173                         ASSERT(EndPfn == MI_PFN_ELEMENT(Page + 1));
175                         //
176                         // Compute the first page, and make sure it's consistent
177                         //
178                         Page = Page - SizeInPages + 1;
179                         ASSERT(Pfn1 == MI_PFN_ELEMENT(Page));
180                         ASSERT(Page != 0);
182                         /* Enable APCs and return the page */
183                         KeLeaveGuardedRegion();
184                         return Page;
185                     }
187                     //
188                     // Keep going. The purpose of this loop is to reconfirm that
189                     // after acquiring the PFN lock these pages are still usable
190                     //
191                     Pfn1++;
192                     Page++;
193                 } while (TRUE);
195                 //
196                 // If we got here, something changed while we hadn't acquired
197                 // the PFN lock yet, so we'll have to restart
198                 //
199                 MiReleasePfnLock(OldIrql);
200                 Length = 0;
201             }
202         }
203     } while (++i != MmPhysicalMemoryBlock->NumberOfRuns);
205     //
206     // And if we get here, it means no suitable physical memory runs were found
207     //
208     KeLeaveGuardedRegion();
209     return 0;
210 }
214 MiCheckForContiguousMemory(IN PVOID BaseAddress,
215                            IN PFN_NUMBER BaseAddressPages,
216                            IN PFN_NUMBER SizeInPages,
217                            IN PFN_NUMBER LowestPfn,
218                            IN PFN_NUMBER HighestPfn,
219                            IN PFN_NUMBER BoundaryPfn,
220                            IN MI_PFN_CACHE_ATTRIBUTE CacheAttribute)
221 {
222     PMMPTE StartPte, EndPte;
223     PFN_NUMBER PreviousPage = 0, Page, HighPage, BoundaryMask, Pages = 0;
225     //
226     // Okay, first of all check if the PFNs match our restrictions
227     //
228     if (LowestPfn > HighestPfn) return NULL;
229     if (LowestPfn + SizeInPages <= LowestPfn) return NULL;
230     if (LowestPfn + SizeInPages - 1 > HighestPfn) return NULL;
231     if (BaseAddressPages < SizeInPages) return NULL;
233     //
234     // This is the last page we need to get to and the boundary requested
235     //
236     HighPage = HighestPfn + 1 - SizeInPages;
237     BoundaryMask = ~(BoundaryPfn - 1);
239     //
240     // And here's the PTEs for this allocation. Let's go scan them.
241     //
242     StartPte = MiAddressToPte(BaseAddress);
243     EndPte = StartPte + BaseAddressPages;
244     while (StartPte < EndPte)
245     {
246         //
247         // Get this PTE's page number
248         //
249         ASSERT (StartPte->u.Hard.Valid == 1);
250         Page = PFN_FROM_PTE(StartPte);
252         //
253         // Is this the beginning of our adventure?
254         //
255         if (!Pages)
256         {
257             //
258             // Check if this PFN is within our range
259             //
260             if ((Page >= LowestPfn) && (Page <= HighPage))
261             {
262                 //
263                 // It is! Do you care about boundary (alignment)?
264                 //
265                 if (!(BoundaryPfn) ||
266                     (!((Page ^ (Page + SizeInPages - 1)) & BoundaryMask)))
267                 {
268                     //
269                     // You don't care, or you do care but we deliver
270                     //
271                     Pages++;
272                 }
273             }
275             //
276             // Have we found all the pages we need by now?
277             // Incidently, this means you only wanted one page
278             //
279             if (Pages == SizeInPages)
280             {
281                 //
282                 // Mission complete
283                 //
284                 return MiPteToAddress(StartPte);
285             }
286         }
287         else
288         {
289             //
290             // Have we found a page that doesn't seem to be contiguous?
291             //
292             if (Page != (PreviousPage + 1))
293             {
294                 //
295                 // Ah crap, we have to start over
296                 //
297                 Pages = 0;
298                 continue;
299             }
301             //
302             // Otherwise, we're still in the game. Do we have all our pages?
303             //
304             if (++Pages == SizeInPages)
305             {
306                 //
307                 // We do! This entire range was contiguous, so we'll return it!
308                 //
309                 return MiPteToAddress(StartPte - Pages + 1);
310             }
311         }
313         //
314         // Try with the next PTE, remember this PFN
315         //
316         PreviousPage = Page;
317         StartPte++;
318         continue;
319     }
321     //
322     // All good returns are within the loop...
323     //
324     return NULL;
325 }
329 MiFindContiguousMemory(IN PFN_NUMBER LowestPfn,
330                        IN PFN_NUMBER HighestPfn,
331                        IN PFN_NUMBER BoundaryPfn,
332                        IN PFN_NUMBER SizeInPages,
333                        IN MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE CacheType)
334 {
335     PFN_NUMBER Page;
336     PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress;
337     PMMPFN Pfn1, EndPfn;
338     PMMPTE PointerPte;
339     PVOID BaseAddress;
340     PAGED_CODE();
341     ASSERT(SizeInPages != 0);
343     //
344     // Our last hope is to scan the free page list for contiguous pages
345     //
346     Page = MiFindContiguousPages(LowestPfn,
347                                  HighestPfn,
348                                  BoundaryPfn,
349                                  SizeInPages,
350                                  CacheType);
351     if (!Page) return NULL;
353     //
354     // We'll just piggyback on the I/O memory mapper
355     //
356     PhysicalAddress.QuadPart = Page << PAGE_SHIFT;
357     BaseAddress = MmMapIoSpace(PhysicalAddress, SizeInPages << PAGE_SHIFT, CacheType);
358     ASSERT(BaseAddress);
360     /* Loop the PFN entries */
361     Pfn1 = MiGetPfnEntry(Page);
362     EndPfn = Pfn1 + SizeInPages;
363     PointerPte = MiAddressToPte(BaseAddress);
364     do
365     {
366         /* Write the PTE address */
367         Pfn1->PteAddress = PointerPte;
368         Pfn1->u4.PteFrame = PFN_FROM_PTE(MiAddressToPte(PointerPte++));
369     } while (++Pfn1 < EndPfn);
371     /* Return the address */
372     return BaseAddress;
373 }
377 MiAllocateContiguousMemory(IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes,
378                            IN PFN_NUMBER LowestAcceptablePfn,
379                            IN PFN_NUMBER HighestAcceptablePfn,
380                            IN PFN_NUMBER BoundaryPfn,
381                            IN MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE CacheType)
382 {
383     PVOID BaseAddress;
384     PFN_NUMBER SizeInPages;
385     MI_PFN_CACHE_ATTRIBUTE CacheAttribute;
387     //
388     // Verify count and cache type
389     //
390     ASSERT(NumberOfBytes != 0);
391     ASSERT(CacheType <= MmWriteCombined);
393     //
394     // Compute size requested
395     //
396     SizeInPages = BYTES_TO_PAGES(NumberOfBytes);
398     //
399     // Convert the cache attribute and check for cached requests
400     //
401     CacheAttribute = MiPlatformCacheAttributes[FALSE][CacheType];
402     if (CacheAttribute == MiCached)
403     {
404         //
405         // Because initial nonpaged pool is supposed to be contiguous, go ahead
406         // and try making a nonpaged pool allocation first.
407         //
408         BaseAddress = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPoolCacheAligned,
409                                             NumberOfBytes,
410                                             'mCmM');
411         if (BaseAddress)
412         {
413             //
414             // Now make sure it's actually contiguous (if it came from expansion
415             // it might not be).
416             //
417             if (MiCheckForContiguousMemory(BaseAddress,
418                                            SizeInPages,
419                                            SizeInPages,
420                                            LowestAcceptablePfn,
421                                            HighestAcceptablePfn,
422                                            BoundaryPfn,
423                                            CacheAttribute))
424             {
425                 //
426                 // Sweet, we're in business!
427                 //
428                 return BaseAddress;
429             }
431             //
432             // No such luck
433             //
434             ExFreePoolWithTag(BaseAddress, 'mCmM');
435         }
436     }
438     //
439     // According to MSDN, the system won't try anything else if you're higher
440     // than APC level.
441     //
442     if (KeGetCurrentIrql() > APC_LEVEL) return NULL;
444     //
445     // Otherwise, we'll go try to find some
446     //
447     return MiFindContiguousMemory(LowestAcceptablePfn,
448                                   HighestAcceptablePfn,
449                                   BoundaryPfn,
450                                   SizeInPages,
451                                   CacheType);
452 }
454 VOID
456 MiFreeContiguousMemory(IN PVOID BaseAddress)
457 {
458     KIRQL OldIrql;
459     PFN_NUMBER PageFrameIndex, LastPage, PageCount;
460     PMMPFN Pfn1, StartPfn;
461     PMMPTE PointerPte;
462     PAGED_CODE();
464     //
465     // First, check if the memory came from initial nonpaged pool, or expansion
466     //
467     if (((BaseAddress >= MmNonPagedPoolStart) &&
468          (BaseAddress < (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)MmNonPagedPoolStart +
469                                 MmSizeOfNonPagedPoolInBytes))) ||
470         ((BaseAddress >= MmNonPagedPoolExpansionStart) &&
471          (BaseAddress < MmNonPagedPoolEnd)))
472     {
473         //
474         // It did, so just use the pool to free this
475         //
476         ExFreePoolWithTag(BaseAddress, 'mCmM');
477         return;
478     }
480     /* Get the PTE and frame number for the allocation*/
481     PointerPte = MiAddressToPte(BaseAddress);
482     PageFrameIndex = PFN_FROM_PTE(PointerPte);
484     //
485     // Now get the PFN entry for this, and make sure it's the correct one
486     //
487     Pfn1 = MiGetPfnEntry(PageFrameIndex);
488     if ((!Pfn1) || (Pfn1->u3.e1.StartOfAllocation == 0))
489     {
490         //
491         // This probably means you did a free on an address that was in between
492         //
493         KeBugCheckEx(BAD_POOL_CALLER,
494                      0x60,
495                      (ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress,
496                      0,
497                      0);
498     }
500     //
501     // Now this PFN isn't the start of any allocation anymore, it's going out
502     //
503     StartPfn = Pfn1;
504     Pfn1->u3.e1.StartOfAllocation = 0;
506     /* Loop the PFNs until we find the one that marks the end of the allocation */
507     do
508     {
509         /* Make sure these are the pages we setup in the allocation routine */
510         ASSERT(Pfn1->u3.e2.ReferenceCount == 1);
511         ASSERT(Pfn1->u2.ShareCount == 1);
512         ASSERT(Pfn1->PteAddress == PointerPte);
513         ASSERT(Pfn1->u3.e1.PageLocation == ActiveAndValid);
514         ASSERT(Pfn1->u4.VerifierAllocation == 0);
515         ASSERT(Pfn1->u3.e1.PrototypePte == 0);
517         /* Set the special pending delete marker */
518         MI_SET_PFN_DELETED(Pfn1);
520         /* Keep going for assertions */
521         PointerPte++;
522     } while (Pfn1++->u3.e1.EndOfAllocation == 0);
524     //
525     // Found it, unmark it
526     //
527     Pfn1--;
528     Pfn1->u3.e1.EndOfAllocation = 0;
530     //
531     // Now compute how many pages this represents
532     //
533     PageCount = (ULONG)(Pfn1 - StartPfn + 1);
535     //
536     // So we can know how much to unmap (recall we piggyback on I/O mappings)
537     //
538     MmUnmapIoSpace(BaseAddress, PageCount << PAGE_SHIFT);
540     //
541     // Lock the PFN database
542     //
543     OldIrql = MiAcquirePfnLock();
545     //
546     // Loop all the pages
547     //
548     LastPage = PageFrameIndex + PageCount;
549     Pfn1 = MiGetPfnEntry(PageFrameIndex);
550     do
551     {
552         /* Decrement the share count and move on */
553         MiDecrementShareCount(Pfn1++, PageFrameIndex++);
554     } while (PageFrameIndex < LastPage);
556     //
557     // Release the PFN lock
558     //
559     MiReleasePfnLock(OldIrql);
560 }
562 /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/
564 /*
565  * @implemented
566  */
569 MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache(IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes,
570                                        IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS LowestAcceptableAddress OPTIONAL,
571                                        IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS HighestAcceptableAddress,
572                                        IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS BoundaryAddressMultiple OPTIONAL,
573                                        IN MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE CacheType OPTIONAL)
574 {
575     PFN_NUMBER LowestPfn, HighestPfn, BoundaryPfn;
577     //
578     // Verify count and cache type
579     //
580     ASSERT(NumberOfBytes != 0);
581     ASSERT(CacheType <= MmWriteCombined);
583     //
584     // Convert the lowest address into a PFN
585     //
586     LowestPfn = (PFN_NUMBER)(LowestAcceptableAddress.QuadPart >> PAGE_SHIFT);
587     if (BYTE_OFFSET(LowestAcceptableAddress.LowPart)) LowestPfn++;
589     //
590     // Convert and validate the boundary address into a PFN
591     //
592     if (BYTE_OFFSET(BoundaryAddressMultiple.LowPart)) return NULL;
593     BoundaryPfn = (PFN_NUMBER)(BoundaryAddressMultiple.QuadPart >> PAGE_SHIFT);
595     //
596     // Convert the highest address into a PFN
597     //
598     HighestPfn = (PFN_NUMBER)(HighestAcceptableAddress.QuadPart >> PAGE_SHIFT);
599     if (HighestPfn > MmHighestPhysicalPage) HighestPfn = MmHighestPhysicalPage;
601     //
602     // Validate the PFN bounds
603     //
604     if (LowestPfn > HighestPfn) return NULL;
606     //
607     // Let the contiguous memory allocator handle it
608     //
609     return MiAllocateContiguousMemory(NumberOfBytes,
610                                       LowestPfn,
611                                       HighestPfn,
612                                       BoundaryPfn,
613                                       CacheType);
614 }
616 /*
617  * @implemented
618  */
621 MmAllocateContiguousMemory(IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes,
622                            IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS HighestAcceptableAddress)
623 {
624     PFN_NUMBER HighestPfn;
626     //
627     // Verify byte count
628     //
629     ASSERT(NumberOfBytes != 0);
631     //
632     // Convert and normalize the highest address into a PFN
633     //
634     HighestPfn = (PFN_NUMBER)(HighestAcceptableAddress.QuadPart >> PAGE_SHIFT);
635     if (HighestPfn > MmHighestPhysicalPage) HighestPfn = MmHighestPhysicalPage;
637     //
638     // Let the contiguous memory allocator handle it
639     //
640     return MiAllocateContiguousMemory(NumberOfBytes, 0, HighestPfn, 0, MmCached);
641 }
643 /*
644  * @implemented
645  */
646 VOID
648 MmFreeContiguousMemory(IN PVOID BaseAddress)
649 {
650     //
651     // Let the contiguous memory allocator handle it
652     //
653     MiFreeContiguousMemory(BaseAddress);
654 }
656 /*
657  * @implemented
658  */
659 VOID
661 MmFreeContiguousMemorySpecifyCache(IN PVOID BaseAddress,
662                                    IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes,
663                                    IN MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE CacheType)
664 {
665     //
666     // Just call the non-cached version (there's no cache issues for freeing)
667     //
668     MiFreeContiguousMemory(BaseAddress);
669 }
671 /* EOF */