1 2function(configure_host_tools HOST_TOOLS_DIR) 3 file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${HOST_TOOLS_DIR}) 4 5 message(STATUS "Configuring host tools...") 6 # cmake sets CC and CXX when those languages are enabled 7 # so we need to clear them here 8 execute_process(COMMAND 9 ${CMAKE_COMMAND} 10 -E env --unset=CC --unset=CXX 11 ${CMAKE_COMMAND} 12 -G "${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" 13 -DARCH:STRING=${ARCH} 14 ${USE_CLANG_CL_ARG} 15 ${REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR} 16 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${HOST_TOOLS_DIR} 17 RESULT_VARIABLE _host_config_result 18 OUTPUT_VARIABLE _host_config_log 19 ERROR_VARIABLE _host_config_log) 20 21 # Show cmake output only if host-tools breaks 22 if(NOT _host_config_result EQUAL 0) 23 message("\nHost tools log:") 24 message("${_host_config_log}") 25 message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to configure host tools") 26 endif() 27 28 set_property(SOURCE host_tools PROPERTY SYMBOLIC 1) 29 30 # Make a host-tools target so it'll be built when needed 31 # custom target + symbolic output prevents cmake from running 32 # the command multiple times per build 33 add_custom_command( 34 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build ${HOST_TOOLS_DIR} 35 OUTPUT host_tools) 36 add_custom_target(build-host-tools ALL DEPENDS host_tools) 37 38 include(${HOST_TOOLS_DIR}/ImportExecutables.cmake) 39 include(${HOST_TOOLS_DIR}/TargetList.cmake) 40 41 foreach(_target ${NATIVE_TARGETS}) 42 add_dependencies(native-${_target} build-host-tools) 43 endforeach() 44 45endfunction() 46 47function(setup_host_tools) 48 if(WITH_HOST_TOOLS) 49 # Use pre-built tools, required for cross compiling with msvc 50 # as only one target architecture is available at a time 51 find_path(HOST_TOOLS_DIR 52 NAMES ImportExecutables.cmake 53 HINTS ${WITH_HOST_TOOLS} ${REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR}/${WITH_HOST_TOOLS} 54 NO_CMAKE_PATH 55 NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH) 56 message(STATUS "Using prebuilt host tools: ${HOST_TOOLS_DIR}") 57 include(${HOST_TOOLS_DIR}/ImportExecutables.cmake) 58 else() 59 # Build host-tools. Changes to tool sources will rebuild targets 60 # using that tool 61 set(HOST_TOOLS_DIR ${REACTOS_BINARY_DIR}/host-tools) 62 configure_host_tools(${HOST_TOOLS_DIR}) 63 endif() 64 65endfunction() 66