1/* 2 * Copyright (C) 2003 Robert Shearman 3 * 4 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 5 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public 6 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 7 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 8 * 9 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 11 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU 12 * Lesser General Public License for more details. 13 * 14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 15 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software 16 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 17 */ 18 19import "objidl.idl"; 20 21/* trick widl into thinking that it knows the DirectDraw types 22 * as there is no IDL file for them (yet) */ 23cpp_quote("#if 0") 24interface IDirectDraw; 25typedef void DDSURFACEDESC,DDCAPS; 26typedef DWORD RGBQUAD; 27typedef LONGLONG REFERENCE_TIME; 28typedef struct 29{ 30 DWORD biSize; 31 LONG biWidth; 32 LONG biHeight; 33 WORD biPlanes; 34 WORD biBitCount; 35 DWORD biCompression; 36 DWORD biSizeImage; 37 LONG biXPelsPerMeter; 38 LONG biYPelsPerMeter; 39 DWORD biClrUsed; 40 DWORD biClrImportant; 41} BITMAPINFOHEADER, *PBITMAPINFOHEADER, *LPBITMAPINFOHEADER; 42cpp_quote("#endif") 43 44cpp_quote("#include <ddraw.h>") 45 46cpp_quote("#define AMDDS_NONE 0x00") 47cpp_quote("#define AMDDS_DCIPS 0x01") 48cpp_quote("#define AMDDS_PS 0x02") 49cpp_quote("#define AMDDS_RGBOVR 0x04") 50cpp_quote("#define AMDDS_YUVOVR 0x08") 51cpp_quote("#define AMDDS_RGBOFF 0x10") 52cpp_quote("#define AMDDS_YUVOFF 0x20") 53cpp_quote("#define AMDDS_RGBFLP 0x40") 54cpp_quote("#define AMDDS_YUVFLP 0x80") 55cpp_quote("#define AMDDS_ALL 0xFF") 56cpp_quote("#define AMDDS_DEFAULT AMDDS_ALL") 57 58cpp_quote("#define AMDDS_YUV (AMDDS_YUVOFF | AMDDS_YUVOVR | AMDDS_YUVFLP)") 59cpp_quote("#define AMDDS_RGB (AMDDS_RGBOFF | AMDDS_RGBOVR | AMDDS_RGBFLP)") 60cpp_quote("#define AMDSS_PRIMARY (AMDDS_DCIPS | AMDDS_PS)") 61 62[ 63 object, 64 /* uuid(36d39eb0-dd75-11ce-bf0e-00aa0055595a) conflicts with uuids.h */ 65 pointer_default(unique), 66 local 67] 68interface IDirectDrawVideo : IUnknown 69{ 70 HRESULT GetSwitches([out] DWORD * pSwitches); 71 HRESULT SetSwitches([in] DWORD Switches); 72 HRESULT GetCaps([out] DDCAPS * pCaps); 73 HRESULT GetEmulatedCaps([out] DDCAPS *pCaps); 74 HRESULT GetSurfaceDesc([out] DDSURFACEDESC * pSurfaceDesc); 75 HRESULT GetFourCCCodes([out] DWORD * pCount, [out] DWORD * pCodes); 76 HRESULT SetDirectDraw([in] IDirectDraw *ddraw); 77 HRESULT GetDirectDraw([out] IDirectDraw **ddraw); 78 HRESULT GetSurfaceType([out] DWORD * pSurfaceType); 79 HRESULT SetDefault(); 80 HRESULT UseScanLine([in] long UseScanLine); 81 HRESULT CanUseScanLine([out] long * UseScanLine); 82 HRESULT UseOverlayStretch([in] long UseOverlayStretch); 83 HRESULT CanUseOverlayStretch([out] long * UseOverlayStretch); 84 HRESULT UseWhenFullScreen([in] long UseWhenFullScreen); 85 HRESULT WillUseFullScreen([out] long * UseWhenFullScreen); 86} 87 88[ 89 object, 90 /* uuid(1bd0ecb0-f8e2-11ce-aac6-0020af0b99a3) conflicts with uuids.h */ 91 pointer_default(unique), 92 local 93] 94interface IQualProp : IUnknown 95{ 96 [propget] HRESULT FramesDroppedInRenderer([out] int * pcFrames); 97 [propget] HRESULT FramesDrawn([out] int * pcFramesDrawn); 98 [propget] HRESULT AvgFrameRate([out] int * piAvgFrameRate); 99 [propget] HRESULT Jitter([out] int * iJitter); 100 [propget] HRESULT AvgSyncOffset([out] int * piAvg); 101 [propget] HRESULT DevSyncOffset([out] int * piDev); 102} 103 104[ 105 object, 106 /* uuid(dd1d7110-7836-11cf-bf47-00aa0055595a) conflicts with uuids.h */ 107 pointer_default(unique) 108] 109interface IFullScreenVideo : IUnknown 110{ 111 HRESULT CountModes([out] long * pModes); 112 HRESULT GetModeInfo([in] long Mode, [out] long * pWidth, [out] long * pHeight, [out] long * pDepth); 113 HRESULT GetCurrentMode([out] long * pMode); 114 HRESULT IsModeAvailable([in] long Mode); 115 HRESULT IsModeEnabled([in] long Mode); 116 HRESULT SetEnabled([in] long Mode, [in] long bEnabled); 117 HRESULT GetClipFactor([out] long * pClipFactor); 118 HRESULT SetClipFactor([in] long ClipFactor); 119 HRESULT SetMessageDrain([in] HWND hwnd); 120 HRESULT GetMessageDrain([out] HWND * hwnd); 121 HRESULT SetMonitor([in] long Monitor); 122 HRESULT GetMonitor([out] long * Monitor); 123 HRESULT HideOnDeactivate([in] long Hide); 124 HRESULT IsHideOnDeactivate(); 125 HRESULT SetCaption([in] BSTR strCaption); 126 HRESULT GetCaption([out] BSTR * pstrCaption); 127 HRESULT SetDefault(); 128} 129 130[ 131 object, 132 /* uuid(53479470-f1dd-11cf-bc42-00aa00ac74f6) conflicts with uuids.h */ 133 pointer_default(unique), 134 local 135] 136interface IFullScreenVideoEx : IFullScreenVideo 137{ 138 HRESULT SetAcceleratorTable([in] HWND hwnd, [in] HACCEL hAccel); 139 HRESULT GetAcceleratorTable([out] HWND * phwnd, [out] HACCEL * phAccel); 140 HRESULT KeepPixelAspectRatio([in] long KeepAspect); 141 /* FIXME: not sure is this next method is an [out] */ 142 HRESULT IsKeepPixelAspectRatio([out] long * pKeepAspect); 143} 144 145[ 146 object, 147 /* uuid(61ded640-e912-11ce-a099-00aa00479a58) conflicts with uuids.h */ 148 pointer_default(unique), 149 local 150] 151interface IBaseVideoMixer : IUnknown 152{ 153 HRESULT SetLeadPin([in] int iPin); 154 HRESULT GetLeadPin([out] int * piPin); 155 HRESULT GetInputPinCount([out] int * piPinCount); 156 HRESULT IsUsingClock([out] int * pbValue); 157 HRESULT SetUsingClock([in] int bValue); 158 HRESULT GetClockPeriod([out] int * pbValue); 159 HRESULT SetClockPeriod([in] int bValue); 160} 161 162#define iPALETTE_COLORS 256 163#define iMASK_COLORS 3 164 165cpp_quote("#define iPALETTE_COLORS 256") 166cpp_quote("#define iEGA_COLORS 16") 167cpp_quote("#define iMASK_COLORS 3") 168cpp_quote("#define iTRUECOLOR 16") 169cpp_quote("#define iRED 0") 170cpp_quote("#define iGREEN 1") 171cpp_quote("#define iBLUE 2") 172cpp_quote("#define iPALETTE 8") 173cpp_quote("#define iMAXBITS 8") 174 175typedef struct tag_TRUECOLORINFO 176{ 177 DWORD dwBitMasks[iMASK_COLORS]; 178 RGBQUAD bmiColors[iPALETTE_COLORS]; 179} TRUECOLORINFO; 180 181typedef struct tagVIDEOINFOHEADER 182{ 183 RECT rcSource; 184 RECT rcTarget; 185 DWORD dwBitRate; 186 DWORD dwBitErrorRate; 187 REFERENCE_TIME AvgTimePerFrame; 188 189 BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader; 190} VIDEOINFOHEADER; 191 192typedef struct tagVIDEOINFO 193{ 194 RECT rcSource; 195 RECT rcTarget; 196 DWORD dwBitRate; 197 DWORD dwBitErrorRate; 198 REFERENCE_TIME AvgTimePerFrame; 199 200 BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader; 201 202 union 203 { 204 RGBQUAD bmiColors[iPALETTE_COLORS]; 205 DWORD dwBitMasks[iMASK_COLORS]; 206 TRUECOLORINFO TrueColorInfo; 207 }; 208} VIDEOINFO; 209 210typedef struct tagMPEG1VIDEOINFO 211{ 212 VIDEOINFOHEADER hdr; 213 DWORD dwStartTimeCode; 214 DWORD cbSequenceHeader; 215 BYTE bSequenceHeader[1]; 216} MPEG1VIDEOINFO; 217 218cpp_quote("#define MAX_SIZE_MPEG1_SEQUENCE_INFO 140") 219cpp_quote("#define MPEG1_SEQUENCE_INFO(pv) ((const BYTE *)(pv)->bSequenceHeader)") 220 221typedef struct tagAnalogVideoInfo 222{ 223 RECT rcSource; 224 RECT rcTarget; 225 DWORD dwActiveWidth; 226 DWORD dwActiveHeight; 227 REFERENCE_TIME AvgTimePerFrame; 228} ANALOGVIDEOINFO; 229 230typedef enum 231{ 232 AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP_STEP = 0x01, 233 AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP_CANCEL = 0x02, 234 AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP_CANSTEP = 0x03, 235 AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP_CANSTEPMULTIPLE = 0x04 236} AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP; 237 238typedef struct _AM_FRAMESTEP_STEP 239{ 240 DWORD dwFramesToStep; 241} AM_FRAMESTEP_STEP; 242