xref: /reactos/sdk/lib/3rdparty/libmpg123/format.c (revision cdf90707)
1 /*
2 	format: routines to deal with audio (output) format
4 	copyright 2008-20 by the mpg123 project - free software under the terms of the LGPL 2.1
5 	see COPYING and AUTHORS files in distribution or http://mpg123.org
6 	initially written by Thomas Orgis, starting with parts of the old audio.c, with only faintly manage to show now
8 	A Major change from mpg123 <= 1.18 is that all encodings are only really
9 	disabled when done so via specific build configuration. Otherwise, the
10 	missing support of decoders to produce a certain format is augmented by
11 	postprocessing that converts the samples. This means happily creating
12 	data with higher resolution from less accurate decoder output.
14 	The main point is to still offer float encoding when the decoding core uses
15 	a fixed point representation that has only 16 bit output. Actually, that's
16 	the only point: A fixed-point build needs to create float from 16 bit, also
17 	32 or 24 bit from the same source. That's all there is to it: Everything else
18 	is covered by fallback synth functions. It may be a further step to check if
19 	there are cases where conversion in postprocessing works well enough to omit
20 	a certain specialized decoder ... but usually, they are justified by some
21 	special way to get from float to integer to begin with.
23 	I won't cover the case of faking double output with float/s16 decoders here.
24 	Double precision output is a thing for experimental builds anyway. Mostly
25 	theoretical and without a point.
26 */
28 #include "mpg123lib_intern.h"
29 #include "sample.h"
30 #include "debug.h"
32 /* static int chans[NUM_CHANNELS] = { 1 , 2 }; */
33 static const long my_rates[MPG123_RATES] = /* only the standard rates */
34 {
35 	 8000, 11025, 12000,
36 	16000, 22050, 24000,
37 	32000, 44100, 48000,
38 };
40 static const int my_encodings[MPG123_ENCODINGS] =
41 {
42 	MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16,
44 	MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_32,
46 	MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_24,
48 	/* Floating point range, see below. */
49 	MPG123_ENC_FLOAT_32,
50 	MPG123_ENC_FLOAT_64,
51 	/* 8 bit range, see below. */
52 	MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_8,
54 	MPG123_ENC_ULAW_8,
55 	MPG123_ENC_ALAW_8
56 };
58 /* Make that match the above table.
59    And yes, I still don't like this kludgy stuff. */
60 /* range[0] <= i < range[1] for forced floating point */
61 static const int enc_float_range[2] = { 6, 8 };
62 /* same for 8 bit encodings */
63 static const int enc_8bit_range[2] = { 8, 12 };
64 // for 24 bit quality (24 and 32 bit integers)
65 static const int enc_24bit_range[2] = { 2, 6 };
66 // for completeness, the 16 bits
67 static const int enc_16bit_range[2] = { 0, 2};
69 /*
70 	Only one type of float is supported.
71 	Actually, double is a very special experimental case not occuring in normal
72 	builds. Might actually get rid of it.
74 	Remember here: Also with REAL_IS_FIXED, I want to be able to produce float
75 	output (f32) via post-processing.
76 */
77 # ifdef REAL_IS_DOUBLE
78 #  define MPG123_FLOAT_ENC MPG123_ENC_FLOAT_64
79 # else
80 #  define MPG123_FLOAT_ENC MPG123_ENC_FLOAT_32
81 # endif
83 /* The list of actually possible encodings. */
84 static const int good_encodings[] =
85 {
86 #ifndef NO_16BIT
87 	MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16,
89 #endif
90 #ifndef NO_32BIT
91 	MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_32,
93 	MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_24,
95 #endif
96 #ifndef NO_REAL
98 #endif
99 #ifndef NO_8BIT
100 	MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_8,
102 	MPG123_ENC_ULAW_8,
103 	MPG123_ENC_ALAW_8
104 #endif
105 };
107 /* Check if encoding is a valid one in this build.
108    ...lazy programming: linear search. */
109 static int good_enc(const int enc)
110 {
111 	size_t i;
112 	for(i=0; i<sizeof(good_encodings)/sizeof(int); ++i)
113 	if(enc == good_encodings[i]) return TRUE;
115 	return FALSE;
116 }
118 void attribute_align_arg mpg123_rates(const long **list, size_t *number)
119 {
120 	if(list   != NULL) *list   = my_rates;
121 	if(number != NULL) *number = sizeof(my_rates)/sizeof(long);
122 }
124 /* Now that's a bit tricky... One build of the library knows only a subset of the encodings. */
125 void attribute_align_arg mpg123_encodings(const int **list, size_t *number)
126 {
127 	if(list   != NULL) *list   = good_encodings;
128 	if(number != NULL) *number = sizeof(good_encodings)/sizeof(int);
129 }
131 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_encsize(int encoding)
132 {
133 	return MPG123_SAMPLESIZE(encoding);
134 }
136 /*	char audio_caps[NUM_CHANNELS][MPG123_RATES+1][MPG123_ENCODINGS]; */
138 static int rate2num(mpg123_pars *mp, long r)
139 {
140 	int i;
141 	for(i=0;i<MPG123_RATES;i++) if(my_rates[i] == r) return i;
142 #ifndef NO_NTOM
143 	if(mp && mp->force_rate != 0 && mp->force_rate == r) return MPG123_RATES;
144 #endif
146 	return -1;
147 }
149 static int enc2num(int encoding)
150 {
151 	int i;
152 	for(i=0;i<MPG123_ENCODINGS;++i)
153 	if(my_encodings[i] == encoding) return i;
155 	return -1;
156 }
158 static int cap_fit(mpg123_pars *p, struct audioformat *nf, int f0, int f2)
159 {
160 	int i;
161 	int c  = nf->channels-1;
162 	int rn = rate2num(p, nf->rate);
163 	if(rn >= 0)	for(i=f0;i<f2;i++)
164 	{
165 		if(p->audio_caps[c][rn][i])
166 		{
167 			nf->encoding = my_encodings[i];
168 			return 1;
169 		}
170 	}
171 	return 0;
172 }
174 static int imin(int a, int b)
175 {
176 	return a < b ? a : b;
177 }
179 static int imax(int a, int b)
180 {
181 	return a > b ? a : b;
182 }
184 // Find a possible encoding with given rate and channel count,
185 // try differing channel count, too.
186 // This updates the given format and returns TRUE if an encoding
187 // was found.
188 static int enc_chan_fit( mpg123_pars *p, long rate, struct audioformat *nnf
189 ,	int f0, int f2, int try_float )
190 {
191 #define ENCRANGE(range) imax(f0, range[0]), imin(f2, range[1])
192 	struct audioformat nf = *nnf;
193 	nf.rate = rate;
194 	if(cap_fit(p, &nf, ENCRANGE(enc_16bit_range)))
195 		goto eend;
196 	if(cap_fit(p, &nf, ENCRANGE(enc_24bit_range)))
197 		goto eend;
198 	if(try_float &&
199 		cap_fit(p, &nf, ENCRANGE(enc_float_range)))
200 		goto eend;
201 	if(cap_fit(p, &nf, ENCRANGE(enc_8bit_range)))
202 		goto eend;
204 	/* try again with different stereoness */
205 	if(nf.channels == 2 && !(p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_STEREO)) nf.channels = 1;
206 	else if(nf.channels == 1 && !(p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_MONO)) nf.channels = 2;
208 	if(cap_fit(p, &nf, ENCRANGE(enc_16bit_range)))
209 		goto eend;
210 	if(cap_fit(p, &nf, ENCRANGE(enc_24bit_range)))
211 		goto eend;
212 	if(try_float &&
213 		cap_fit(p, &nf, ENCRANGE(enc_float_range)))
214 		goto eend;
215 	if(cap_fit(p, &nf, ENCRANGE(enc_8bit_range)))
216 		goto eend;
217 	return FALSE;
218 eend:
219 	*nnf = nf;
220 	return TRUE;
221 #undef ENCRANGE
222 }
224 /* match constraints against supported audio formats, store possible setup in frame
225   return: -1: error; 0: no format change; 1: format change */
226 int frame_output_format(mpg123_handle *fr)
227 {
228 	struct audioformat nf;
229 	int f0=0;
230 	int f2=MPG123_ENCODINGS+1; // Include all encodings by default.
231 	mpg123_pars *p = &fr->p;
232 	int try_float = (p->flags & MPG123_FLOAT_FALLBACK) ? 0 : 1;
233 	/* initialize new format, encoding comes later */
234 	nf.channels = fr->stereo;
236 	// I intended the forcing stuff to be weaved into the format support table,
237 	// but this probably will never happen, as this would change library behaviour.
238 	// One could introduce an additional effective format table that takes for
239 	// forcings into account, but that would have to be updated on any flag
240 	// change. Tedious.
241 	if(p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_8BIT)
242 	{
243 		f0 = enc_8bit_range[0];
244 		f2 = enc_8bit_range[1];
245 	}
246 	if(p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_FLOAT)
247 	{
248 		try_float = 1;
249 		f0 = enc_float_range[0];
250 		f2 = enc_float_range[1];
251 	}
253 	/* force stereo is stronger */
254 	if(p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_MONO)   nf.channels = 1;
255 	if(p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_STEREO) nf.channels = 2;
257 	// Strategy update: Avoid too early triggering of the NtoM decoder.
258 	// Main target is the native rate, with any encoding.
259 	// Then, native rate with any channel count and any encoding.
260 	// Then, it's down_sample from native rate.
261 	// As last resort: NtoM rate.
262 	// So the priority is 1. rate 2. channels 3. encoding.
263 	// As encodings go, 16 bit is tranditionally preferred as efficient choice.
264 	// Next in line are wider float and integer encodings, then 8 bit as
265 	// last resort.
267 #ifndef NO_NTOM
268 	if(p->force_rate)
269 	{
270 		if(enc_chan_fit(p, p->force_rate, &nf, f0, f2, try_float))
271 			goto end;
272 		// Keep the order consistent if float is considered fallback only.
273 		if(!try_float &&
274 			enc_chan_fit(p, p->force_rate, &nf, f0, f2, TRUE))
275 				goto end;
277 		merror( "Unable to set up output format! Constraints: %s%s%liHz."
278 		,	( p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_STEREO ? "stereo, " :
279 				(p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_MONO ? "mono, " : "") )
280 		,	( p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_FLOAT ? "float, " :
281 				(p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_8BIT ? "8bit, " : "") )
282 		,	p->force_rate );
283 /*		if(NOQUIET && p->verbose <= 1) print_capabilities(fr); */
285 		fr->err = MPG123_BAD_OUTFORMAT;
286 		return -1;
287 	}
288 #endif
289 	// Native decoder rate first.
290 	if(enc_chan_fit(p, frame_freq(fr)>>p->down_sample, &nf, f0, f2, try_float))
291 		goto end;
292 	// Then downsamplings.
293 	if(p->flags & MPG123_AUTO_RESAMPLE && p->down_sample < 2)
294 	{
295 		if(enc_chan_fit( p, frame_freq(fr)>>(p->down_sample+1), &nf
296 		,	f0, f2, try_float ))
297 			goto end;
298 		if(p->down_sample < 1 && enc_chan_fit( p, frame_freq(fr)>>2, &nf
299 		,	f0, f2, try_float ))
300 			goto end;
301 	}
302 	// And again the whole deal with float fallback.
303 	if(!try_float)
304 	{
305 		if(enc_chan_fit(p, frame_freq(fr)>>p->down_sample, &nf, f0, f2, TRUE))
306 			goto end;
307 		// Then downsamplings.
308 		if(p->flags & MPG123_AUTO_RESAMPLE && p->down_sample < 2)
309 		{
310 			if(enc_chan_fit( p, frame_freq(fr)>>(p->down_sample+1), &nf
311 			,	f0, f2, TRUE ))
312 				goto end;
313 			if(p->down_sample < 1 && enc_chan_fit( p, frame_freq(fr)>>2, &nf
314 			,	f0, f2, TRUE ))
315 				goto end;
316 		}
317 	}
318 #ifndef NO_NTOM
319 	// Try to find any rate that works and resample using NtoM hackery.
320 	if(  p->flags & MPG123_AUTO_RESAMPLE && fr->p.down_sample == 0)
321 	{
322 		int i;
323 		int rn = rate2num(p, frame_freq(fr));
324 		int rrn;
325 		if(rn < 0) return 0;
326 		/* Try higher rates first. */
327 		for(rrn=rn+1; rrn<MPG123_RATES; ++rrn)
328 			if(enc_chan_fit(p, my_rates[rrn], &nf, f0, f2, try_float))
329 				goto end;
330 		/* Then lower rates. */
331 		for(i=f0;i<f2;i++) for(rrn=rn-1; rrn>=0; --rrn)
332 			if(enc_chan_fit(p, my_rates[rrn], &nf, f0, f2, try_float))
333 				goto end;
334 		// And again for float fallback.
335 		if(!try_float)
336 		{
337 			/* Try higher rates first. */
338 			for(rrn=rn+1; rrn<MPG123_RATES; ++rrn)
339 				if(enc_chan_fit(p, my_rates[rrn], &nf, f0, f2, TRUE))
340 					goto end;
341 			/* Then lower rates. */
342 			for(i=f0;i<f2;i++) for(rrn=rn-1; rrn>=0; --rrn)
343 				if(enc_chan_fit(p, my_rates[rrn], &nf, f0, f2, TRUE))
344 					goto end;
345 		}
346 	}
347 #endif
349 	/* Here is the _bad_ end. */
350 	merror( "Unable to set up output format! Constraints: %s%s%li, %li or %liHz."
351 	,	( p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_STEREO ? "stereo, " :
352 			(p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_MONO ? "mono, " : "") )
353 	,	( p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_FLOAT ? "float, " :
354 			(p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_8BIT ? "8bit, " : "") )
355 	,	frame_freq(fr),  frame_freq(fr)>>1, frame_freq(fr)>>2 );
356 /*	if(NOQUIET && p->verbose <= 1) print_capabilities(fr); */
358 	fr->err = MPG123_BAD_OUTFORMAT;
359 	return -1;
361 end: /* Here is the _good_ end. */
362 	/* we had a successful match, now see if there's a change */
363 	if(nf.rate == fr->af.rate && nf.channels == fr->af.channels && nf.encoding == fr->af.encoding)
364 	{
365 		debug2("Old format with %i channels, and FORCE_MONO=%li", nf.channels, p->flags & MPG123_FORCE_MONO);
366 		return 0; /* the same format as before */
367 	}
368 	else /* a new format */
369 	{
370 		debug1("New format with %i channels!", nf.channels);
371 		fr->af.rate = nf.rate;
372 		fr->af.channels = nf.channels;
373 		fr->af.encoding = nf.encoding;
374 		/* Cache the size of one sample in bytes, for ease of use. */
375 		fr->af.encsize = mpg123_encsize(fr->af.encoding);
376 		if(fr->af.encsize < 1)
377 		{
378 			error1("Some unknown encoding??? (%i)", fr->af.encoding);
380 			fr->err = MPG123_BAD_OUTFORMAT;
381 			return -1;
382 		}
383 		/* Set up the decoder synth format. Might differ. */
384 #ifdef NO_SYNTH32
385 		/* Without high-precision synths, 16 bit signed is the basis for
386 		   everything higher than 8 bit. */
387 		if(fr->af.encsize > 2)
388 		fr->af.dec_enc = MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16;
389 		else
390 		{
391 #endif
392 			switch(fr->af.encoding)
393 			{
394 #ifndef NO_32BIT
395 			case MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_24:
396 			case MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_24:
397 			case MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_32:
398 				fr->af.dec_enc = MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_32;
399 			break;
400 #endif
401 #ifndef NO_16BIT
402 			case MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_16:
403 				fr->af.dec_enc = MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16;
404 			break;
405 #endif
406 			default:
407 				fr->af.dec_enc = fr->af.encoding;
408 			}
409 #ifdef NO_SYNTH32
410 		}
411 #endif
412 		fr->af.dec_encsize = mpg123_encsize(fr->af.dec_enc);
413 		return 1;
414 	}
415 }
417 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_format_none(mpg123_handle *mh)
418 {
419 	int r;
420 	if(mh == NULL) return MPG123_BAD_HANDLE;
422 	r = mpg123_fmt_none(&mh->p);
423 	if(r != MPG123_OK){ mh->err = r; r = MPG123_ERR; }
425 	return r;
426 }
428 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_fmt_none(mpg123_pars *mp)
429 {
430 	if(mp == NULL) return MPG123_BAD_PARS;
432 	if(PVERB(mp,3)) fprintf(stderr, "Note: Disabling all formats.\n");
434 	memset(mp->audio_caps,0,sizeof(mp->audio_caps));
435 	return MPG123_OK;
436 }
438 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_format_all(mpg123_handle *mh)
439 {
440 	int r;
441 	if(mh == NULL) return MPG123_BAD_HANDLE;
443 	r = mpg123_fmt_all(&mh->p);
444 	if(r != MPG123_OK){ mh->err = r; r = MPG123_ERR; }
446 	return r;
447 }
449 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_fmt_all(mpg123_pars *mp)
450 {
451 	size_t rate, ch, enc;
452 	if(mp == NULL) return MPG123_BAD_PARS;
454 	if(PVERB(mp,3)) fprintf(stderr, "Note: Enabling all formats.\n");
456 	for(ch=0;   ch   < NUM_CHANNELS;     ++ch)
457 	for(rate=0; rate < MPG123_RATES+1;   ++rate)
458 	for(enc=0;  enc  < MPG123_ENCODINGS; ++enc)
459 	mp->audio_caps[ch][rate][enc] = good_enc(my_encodings[enc]) ? 1 : 0;
461 	return MPG123_OK;
462 }
464 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_format2(mpg123_handle *mh, long rate, int channels, int encodings)
465 {
466 	int r;
467 	if(mh == NULL) return MPG123_BAD_HANDLE;
468 	r = mpg123_fmt2(&mh->p, rate, channels, encodings);
469 	if(r != MPG123_OK){ mh->err = r; r = MPG123_ERR; }
471 	return r;
472 }
474 // Keep old behaviour.
475 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_format(mpg123_handle *mh, long rate, int channels, int encodings)
476 {
477 	int r;
478 	if(mh == NULL) return MPG123_BAD_HANDLE;
479 	r = mpg123_fmt(&mh->p, rate, channels, encodings);
480 	if(r != MPG123_OK){ mh->err = r; r = MPG123_ERR; }
482 	return r;
483 }
485 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_fmt2(mpg123_pars *mp, long rate, int channels, int encodings)
486 {
487 	int ie, ic, ratei, r1, r2;
488 	int ch[2] = {0, 1};
489 	if(mp == NULL) return MPG123_BAD_PARS;
490 	if(!(channels & (MPG123_MONO|MPG123_STEREO))) return MPG123_BAD_CHANNEL;
492 	if(PVERB(mp,3)) fprintf(stderr, "Note: Want to enable format %li/%i for encodings 0x%x.\n", rate, channels, encodings);
494 	if(!(channels & MPG123_STEREO)) ch[1] = 0;     /* {0,0} */
495 	else if(!(channels & MPG123_MONO)) ch[0] = 1; /* {1,1} */
496 	if(rate)
497 	{
498 		r1 = rate2num(mp, rate);
499 		r2 = r1+1;
500 	}
501 	else
502 	{
503 		r1 = 0;
504 		r2 = MPG123_RATES+1; /* including forced rate */
505 	}
507 	if(r1 < 0) return MPG123_BAD_RATE;
509 	/* now match the encodings */
510 	for(ratei = r1; ratei < r2; ++ratei)
511 	for(ic = 0; ic < 2; ++ic)
512 	{
513 		for(ie = 0; ie < MPG123_ENCODINGS; ++ie)
514 		if(good_enc(my_encodings[ie]) && ((my_encodings[ie] & encodings) == my_encodings[ie]))
515 		mp->audio_caps[ch[ic]][ratei][ie] = 1;
517 		if(ch[0] == ch[1]) break; /* no need to do it again */
518 	}
520 	return MPG123_OK;
521 }
523 // Keep old behaviour, error on rate=0.
524 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_fmt(mpg123_pars *mp, long rate, int channels, int encodings)
525 {
526 	return (rate == 0)
527 	?	MPG123_BAD_RATE
528 	:	mpg123_fmt2(mp, rate, channels, encodings);
529 }
531 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_format_support(mpg123_handle *mh, long rate, int encoding)
532 {
533 	if(mh == NULL) return 0;
534 	else return mpg123_fmt_support(&mh->p, rate, encoding);
535 }
537 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_fmt_support(mpg123_pars *mp, long rate, int encoding)
538 {
539 	int ch = 0;
540 	int ratei, enci;
541 	ratei = rate2num(mp, rate);
542 	enci  = enc2num(encoding);
543 	if(mp == NULL || ratei < 0 || enci < 0) return 0;
544 	if(mp->audio_caps[0][ratei][enci]) ch |= MPG123_MONO;
545 	if(mp->audio_caps[1][ratei][enci]) ch |= MPG123_STEREO;
546 	return ch;
547 }
549 /* Call this one to ensure that any valid format will be something different than this. */
550 void invalidate_format(struct audioformat *af)
551 {
552 	af->encoding = 0;
553 	af->rate     = 0;
554 	af->channels = 0;
555 }
557 /* Number of bytes the decoder produces. */
558 off_t decoder_synth_bytes(mpg123_handle *fr, off_t s)
559 {
560 	return s * fr->af.dec_encsize * fr->af.channels;
561 }
563 /* Samples/bytes for output buffer after post-processing. */
564 /* take into account: channels, bytes per sample -- NOT resampling!*/
565 off_t samples_to_bytes(mpg123_handle *fr , off_t s)
566 {
567 	return s * fr->af.encsize * fr->af.channels;
568 }
570 off_t bytes_to_samples(mpg123_handle *fr , off_t b)
571 {
572 	return b / fr->af.encsize / fr->af.channels;
573 }
575 /* Number of bytes needed for decoding _and_ post-processing. */
576 off_t outblock_bytes(mpg123_handle *fr, off_t s)
577 {
578 	int encsize = (fr->af.encoding & MPG123_ENC_24)
579 	? 4 /* Intermediate 32 bit. */
580 	: (fr->af.encsize > fr->af.dec_encsize
581 		? fr->af.encsize
582 		: fr->af.dec_encsize);
583 	return s * encsize * fr->af.channels;
584 }
586 #ifndef NO_32BIT
588 /* Remove every fourth byte, facilitating conversion from 32 bit to 24 bit integers.
589    This has to be aware of endianness, of course. */
590 static void chop_fourth_byte(struct outbuffer *buf)
591 {
592 	unsigned char *wpos = buf->data;
593 	unsigned char *rpos = buf->data;
594 	size_t blocks = buf->fill/4;
595 	size_t i;
596 	for(i=0; i<blocks; ++i,wpos+=3,rpos+=4)
597 		DROP4BYTE(wpos, rpos)
598 	buf->fill = wpos-buf->data;
599 }
601 static void conv_s32_to_u32(struct outbuffer *buf)
602 {
603 	size_t i;
604 	int32_t  *ssamples = (int32_t*)  buf->data;
605 	uint32_t *usamples = (uint32_t*) buf->data;
606 	size_t count = buf->fill/sizeof(int32_t);
608 	for(i=0; i<count; ++i)
609 		usamples[i] = CONV_SU32(ssamples[i]);
610 }
612 #endif
615 /* We always assume that whole numbers are written!
616    partials will be cut out. */
618 static const char *bufsizeerr = "Fatal: Buffer too small for postprocessing!";
621 #ifndef NO_16BIT
623 static void conv_s16_to_u16(struct outbuffer *buf)
624 {
625 	size_t i;
626 	int16_t  *ssamples = (int16_t*) buf->data;
627 	uint16_t *usamples = (uint16_t*)buf->data;
628 	size_t count = buf->fill/sizeof(int16_t);
630 	for(i=0; i<count; ++i)
631 		usamples[i] = CONV_SU16(ssamples[i]);
632 }
634 #ifndef NO_REAL
635 static void conv_s16_to_f32(struct outbuffer *buf)
636 {
637 	ssize_t i;
638 	int16_t *in = (int16_t*) buf->data;
639 	float  *out = (float*)   buf->data;
640 	size_t count = buf->fill/sizeof(int16_t);
641 	/* Does that make any sense? In x86, there is an actual instruction to divide
642 	   float by integer ... but then, if we have that FPU, we don't really need
643 	   fixed point decoder hacks ...? */
644 	float scale = 1./SHORT_SCALE;
646 	if(buf->size < count*sizeof(float))
647 	{
648 		error1("%s", bufsizeerr);
649 		return;
650 	}
652 	/* Work from the back since output is bigger. */
653 	for(i=count-1; i>=0; --i)
654 	out[i] = (float)in[i] * scale;
656 	buf->fill = count*sizeof(float);
657 }
658 #endif
660 #ifndef NO_32BIT
661 static void conv_s16_to_s32(struct outbuffer *buf)
662 {
663 	ssize_t i;
664 	int16_t  *in = (int16_t*) buf->data;
665 	int32_t *out = (int32_t*) buf->data;
666 	size_t count = buf->fill/sizeof(int16_t);
668 	if(buf->size < count*sizeof(int32_t))
669 	{
670 		error1("%s", bufsizeerr);
671 		return;
672 	}
674 	/* Work from the back since output is bigger. */
675 	for(i=count-1; i>=0; --i)
676 	{
677 		out[i] = in[i];
678 		/* Could just shift bytes, but would have to mess with sign bit. */
679 		out[i] *= S32_RESCALE;
680 	}
682 	buf->fill = count*sizeof(int32_t);
683 }
684 #endif
685 #endif
687 #include "swap_bytes_impl.h"
689 void swap_endian(struct outbuffer *buf, int block)
690 {
691 	size_t count;
693 	if(block >= 2)
694 	{
695 		count = buf->fill/(unsigned int)block;
696 		swap_bytes(buf->data, (size_t)block, count);
697 	}
698 }
700 void postprocess_buffer(mpg123_handle *fr)
701 {
702 	/*
703 		This caters for the final output formats that are never produced by
704 		decoder synth directly (wide unsigned and 24 bit formats) or that are
705 		missing because of limited decoder precision (16 bit synth but 32 or
706 		24 bit output).
707 	*/
708 	switch(fr->af.dec_enc)
709 	{
710 #ifndef NO_32BIT
711 	case MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_32:
712 		switch(fr->af.encoding)
713 		{
714 		case MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_32:
715 			conv_s32_to_u32(&fr->buffer);
716 		break;
717 		case MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_24:
718 			conv_s32_to_u32(&fr->buffer);
719 			chop_fourth_byte(&fr->buffer);
720 		break;
721 		case MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_24:
722 			chop_fourth_byte(&fr->buffer);
723 		break;
724 		}
725 	break;
726 #endif
727 #ifndef NO_16BIT
728 	case MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16:
729 		switch(fr->af.encoding)
730 		{
731 		case MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_16:
732 			conv_s16_to_u16(&fr->buffer);
733 		break;
734 #ifndef NO_REAL
735 		case MPG123_ENC_FLOAT_32:
736 			conv_s16_to_f32(&fr->buffer);
737 		break;
738 #endif
739 #ifndef NO_32BIT
740 		case MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_32:
741 			conv_s16_to_s32(&fr->buffer);
742 		break;
743 		case MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_32:
744 			conv_s16_to_s32(&fr->buffer);
745 			conv_s32_to_u32(&fr->buffer);
746 		break;
747 		case MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_24:
748 			conv_s16_to_s32(&fr->buffer);
749 			conv_s32_to_u32(&fr->buffer);
750 			chop_fourth_byte(&fr->buffer);
751 		break;
752 		case MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_24:
753 			conv_s16_to_s32(&fr->buffer);
754 			chop_fourth_byte(&fr->buffer);
755 		break;
756 #endif
757 		}
758 	break;
759 #endif
760 	}
761 	if(fr->p.flags & MPG123_FORCE_ENDIAN)
762 	{
763 		if(
765 			!(
766 #endif
767 				fr->p.flags & MPG123_BIG_ENDIAN
769 			)
770 #endif
771 		)
772 			swap_endian(&fr->buffer, mpg123_encsize(fr->af.encoding));
773 	}
774 }