xref: /reactos/sdk/lib/crt/conio/getche.c (revision dc0433f0)
1 /*
2  * COPYRIGHT:   See COPYING in the top level directory
3  * 		Copyright (C) 1994 DJ Delorie, see COPYING.DJ for details
4  * PROJECT:     ReactOS system libraries
5  * FILE:        lib/sdk/crt/conio/getche.c
6  * PURPOSE:     Reads a character from stdin
7  * PROGRAMER:   DJ Delorie
8 				Ariadne
10  *              28/12/98: Created
11  */
13 #include <precomp.h>
15 int _getche(void)
16 {
17   if (char_avail)
18     /*
19      * We don't know, wether the ungot char was already echoed
20      * we assume yes (for example in cscanf, probably the only
21      * place where ungetch is ever called.
22      * There is no way to check for this really, because
23      * ungetch could have been called with a character that
24      * hasn't been got by a conio function.
25      * We don't echo again.
26      */
27     return(_getch());
28   return (_putch(_getch()));
29 }