xref: /reactos/sdk/tools/spec2def/spec2def.c (revision e5813c46)
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <ctype.h>
4 #include <string.h>
5 #include <stdarg.h>
7 #ifdef _MSC_VER
8 #define strcasecmp(_String1, _String2) _stricmp(_String1, _String2)
9 #define strncasecmp(_String1, _String2, _MaxCount) _strnicmp(_String1, _String2, _MaxCount)
10 #endif
12 #define ARRAYSIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
14 typedef struct _STRING
15 {
16     const char *buf;
17     int len;
20 typedef struct
21 {
22     STRING strName;
23     STRING strTarget;
24     int nCallingConvention;
25     int nOrdinal;
26     int nStackBytes;
27     int nArgCount;
28     int anArgs[30];
29     unsigned int uFlags;
30     int nNumber;
31     unsigned nStartVersion;
32     unsigned nEndVersion;
33     int bVersionIncluded;
34 } EXPORT;
36 #if 0 // Debug helper function
37 void
38 PrintExport(EXPORT *pexp)
39 {
40     fprintf(stderr, "strName='%.*s'\n", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
41     fprintf(stderr, "strName='%.*s'\n", pexp->strTarget.len, pexp->strTarget.buf);
42     fprintf(stderr, "nCallingConvention=%u\n", pexp->nCallingConvention);
43     fprintf(stderr, "nOrdinal=%u\n", pexp->nOrdinal);
44     fprintf(stderr, "nStackBytes=%u\n", pexp->nStackBytes);
45     fprintf(stderr, "nArgCount=%u\n", pexp->nArgCount);
46     fprintf(stderr, "uFlags=0x%x\n", pexp->uFlags);
47     fprintf(stderr, "nNumber=%u\n", pexp->nNumber);
48     fprintf(stderr, "nStartVersion=%u\n", pexp->nStartVersion);
49     fprintf(stderr, "nEndVersion=%u\n", pexp->nEndVersion);
50     fprintf(stderr, "bVersionIncluded=%u\n", pexp->bVersionIncluded);
51 }
52 #endif
54 enum _ARCH
55 {
56     ARCH_X86,
57     ARCH_AMD64,
58     ARCH_IA64,
59     ARCH_ARM,
60     ARCH_PPC
61 };
63 typedef int (*PFNOUTLINE)(FILE *, EXPORT *);
64 int gbMSComp = 0;
65 int gbImportLib = 0;
66 int gbNotPrivateNoWarn = 0;
67 int gbTracing = 0;
68 int giArch = ARCH_X86;
69 char *pszArchString = "i386";
70 char *pszArchString2;
71 char *pszSourceFileName = NULL;
72 char *pszDllName = NULL;
73 char *gpszUnderscore = "";
74 int gbDebug;
75 unsigned guOsVersion = 0x502;
76 #define DbgPrint(...) (!gbDebug || fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__))
78 enum
79 {
80     FL_PRIVATE = 1,
81     FL_STUB = 2,
82     FL_NONAME = 4,
83     FL_ORDINAL = 8,
84     FL_NORELAY = 16,
85     FL_RET64 = 32,
86     FL_REGISTER = 64,
87 };
89 enum
90 {
91     CC_STDCALL,
92     CC_CDECL,
95     CC_EXTERN,
96     CC_STUB,
97 };
99 enum
100 {
101     ARG_LONG,
102     ARG_PTR,
103     ARG_STR,
104     ARG_WSTR,
105     ARG_DBL,
106     ARG_INT64,
107     ARG_INT128,
108     ARG_FLOAT
109 };
111 const char* astrCallingConventions[] =
112 {
113     "STDCALL",
114     "CDECL",
115     "FASTCALL",
116     "THISCALL",
117     "EXTERN"
118 };
120 /*
121  * List of OLE exports that should be PRIVATE and not be assigned an ordinal.
122  * In case these conditions are not met when linking with MS LINK.EXE, warnings
123  * LNK4104 and LNK4222 respectively are emitted.
124  */
125 static const char* astrOlePrivateExports[] =
126 {
127     "DllCanUnloadNow",
128     "DllGetClassObject",
129     "DllGetClassFactoryFromClassString",
130     "DllGetDocumentation",
131     "DllInitialize",
132     "DllInstall",
133     "DllRegisterServer",
134     "DllRegisterServerEx",
135     "DllRegisterServerExW",
136     "DllUnload",
137     "DllUnregisterServer",
138     "RasCustomDeleteEntryNotify",
139     "RasCustomDial",
140     "RasCustomDialDlg",
141     "RasCustomEntryDlg",
142 };
144 static
145 int
146 IsSeparator(char chr)
147 {
148     return ((chr <= ',' && chr != '$' && chr != '#') ||
149             (chr >= ':' && chr < '?') );
150 }
152 int
153 CompareToken(const char *token, const char *comparand)
154 {
155     while (*comparand)
156     {
157         if (*token != *comparand) return 0;
158         token++;
159         comparand++;
160     }
161     if (IsSeparator(comparand[-1])) return 1;
162     if (!IsSeparator(*token)) return 0;
163     return 1;
164 }
166 const char *
167 ScanToken(const char *token, char chr)
168 {
169     while (!IsSeparator(*token))
170     {
171         if (*token == chr) return token;
172         token++;
173     }
174     return 0;
175 }
177 const char *
178 NextLine(const char *pc)
179 {
180     while (*pc != 0)
181     {
182         if (pc[0] == '\n' && pc[1] == '\r') return pc + 2;
183         else if (pc[0] == '\n') return pc + 1;
184         pc++;
185     }
186     return pc;
187 }
189 int
190 TokenLength(const char *pc)
191 {
192     int length = 0;
194     while (!IsSeparator(*pc++)) length++;
196     return length;
197 }
199 const char *
200 NextToken(const char *pc)
201 {
202     /* Skip token */
203     while (!IsSeparator(*pc)) pc++;
205     /* Skip white spaces */
206     while (*pc == ' ' || *pc == '\t') pc++;
208     /* Check for end of line */
209     if (*pc == '\n' || *pc == '\r' || *pc == 0) return 0;
211     /* Check for comment */
212     if (*pc == '#' || *pc == ';') return 0;
214     return pc;
215 }
217 void
218 OutputHeader_stub(FILE *file)
219 {
220     fprintf(file, "/* This file is autogenerated, do not edit. */\n\n"
221             "#include <stubs.h>\n");
223     if (gbTracing)
224     {
225         fprintf(file, "#include <wine/debug.h>\n");
226         fprintf(file, "#include <inttypes.h>\n");
227         fprintf(file, "WINE_DECLARE_DEBUG_CHANNEL(relay);\n");
228     }
230     fprintf(file, "\n");
231 }
233 int
234 OutputLine_stub(FILE *file, EXPORT *pexp)
235 {
236     int i;
237     int bRelay = 0;
238     int bInPrototype = 0;
240     if (pexp->nCallingConvention != CC_STUB &&
241         (pexp->uFlags & FL_STUB) == 0)
242     {
243         /* Only relay trace stdcall C functions */
244         if (!gbTracing || (pexp->nCallingConvention != CC_STDCALL)
245                 || (pexp->uFlags & FL_NORELAY)
246                 || (pexp->strName.buf[0] == '?'))
247         {
248             return 0;
249         }
250         bRelay = 1;
251     }
253     /* Declare the "real" function */
254     if (bRelay)
255     {
256         fprintf(file, "extern ");
257         bInPrototype = 1;
258     }
260     do
261     {
262         if (pexp->uFlags & FL_REGISTER)
263         {
264             /* FIXME: Not sure this is right */
265             fprintf(file, "void ");
266         }
267         else if (pexp->uFlags & FL_RET64)
268         {
269             fprintf(file, "__int64 ");
270         }
271         else
272         {
273             fprintf(file, "int ");
274         }
276         if ((giArch == ARCH_X86) &&
277             pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL)
278         {
279             fprintf(file, "__stdcall ");
280         }
282         /* Check for C++ */
283         if (pexp->strName.buf[0] == '?')
284         {
285             fprintf(file, "stub_function%d(", pexp->nNumber);
286         }
287         else
288         {
289             if (!bRelay || bInPrototype)
290                 fprintf(file, "%.*s(", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
291             else
292                 fprintf(file, "$relaytrace$%.*s(", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
293         }
295         for (i = 0; i < pexp->nArgCount; i++)
296         {
297             if (i != 0) fprintf(file, ", ");
298             switch (pexp->anArgs[i])
299             {
300                 case ARG_LONG: fprintf(file, "long"); break;
301                 case ARG_PTR:  fprintf(file, "void*"); break;
302                 case ARG_STR:  fprintf(file, "char*"); break;
303                 case ARG_WSTR: fprintf(file, "wchar_t*"); break;
304                 case ARG_DBL:  fprintf(file, "double"); break;
305                 case ARG_INT64 :  fprintf(file, "__int64"); break;
306                 /* __int128 is not supported on x86, and int128 in spec files most often represents a GUID */
307                 case ARG_INT128 :  fprintf(file, "GUID"); break;
308                 case ARG_FLOAT: fprintf(file, "float"); break;
309             }
310             fprintf(file, " a%d", i);
311         }
313         if (bInPrototype)
314         {
315             fprintf(file, ");\n\n");
316         }
317     } while (bInPrototype--);
319     if (!bRelay)
320     {
321         fprintf(file, ")\n{\n\tDbgPrint(\"WARNING: calling stub %.*s(",
322                 pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
323     }
324     else
325     {
326         fprintf(file, ")\n{\n");
327         if (pexp->uFlags & FL_REGISTER)
328         {
329             /* No return value */
330         }
331         else if (pexp->uFlags & FL_RET64)
332         {
333             fprintf(file, "\t__int64 retval;\n");
334         }
335         else
336         {
337             fprintf(file, "\tint retval;\n");
338         }
339         fprintf(file, "\tif (TRACE_ON(relay))\n\t\tDPRINTF(\"%s: %.*s(",
340                 pszDllName, pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
341     }
343     for (i = 0; i < pexp->nArgCount; i++)
344     {
345         if (i != 0) fprintf(file, ",");
346         switch (pexp->anArgs[i])
347         {
348             case ARG_LONG: fprintf(file, "0x%%lx"); break;
349             case ARG_PTR:  fprintf(file, "0x%%p"); break;
350             case ARG_STR:  fprintf(file, "'%%s'"); break;
351             case ARG_WSTR: fprintf(file, "'%%ws'"); break;
352             case ARG_DBL:  fprintf(file, "%%f"); break;
353             case ARG_INT64: fprintf(file, "%%\"PRIx64\""); break;
354             case ARG_INT128: fprintf(file, "'%%s'"); break;
355             case ARG_FLOAT: fprintf(file, "%%f"); break;
356         }
357     }
358     fprintf(file, ")\\n\"");
360     for (i = 0; i < pexp->nArgCount; i++)
361     {
362         fprintf(file, ", ");
363         switch (pexp->anArgs[i])
364         {
365             case ARG_LONG: fprintf(file, "(long)a%d", i); break;
366             case ARG_PTR:  fprintf(file, "(void*)a%d", i); break;
367             case ARG_STR:  fprintf(file, "(char*)a%d", i); break;
368             case ARG_WSTR: fprintf(file, "(wchar_t*)a%d", i); break;
369             case ARG_DBL:  fprintf(file, "(double)a%d", i); break;
370             case ARG_INT64: fprintf(file, "(__int64)a%d", i); break;
371             case ARG_INT128: fprintf(file, "wine_dbgstr_guid(&a%d)", i); break;
372             case ARG_FLOAT: fprintf(file, "(float)a%d", i); break;
373         }
374     }
375     fprintf(file, ");\n");
377     if (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STUB)
378     {
379         fprintf(file, "\t__wine_spec_unimplemented_stub(\"%s\", __FUNCTION__);\n", pszDllName);
380     }
381     else if (bRelay)
382     {
383         if (pexp->uFlags & FL_REGISTER)
384         {
385             fprintf(file,"\t");
386         }
387         else
388         {
389             fprintf(file, "\tretval = ");
390         }
391         fprintf(file, "%.*s(", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
393         for (i = 0; i < pexp->nArgCount; i++)
394         {
395             if (i != 0) fprintf(file, ", ");
396             fprintf(file, "a%d", i);
397         }
398         fprintf(file, ");\n");
399     }
401     if (!bRelay)
402         fprintf(file, "\treturn 0;\n}\n\n");
403     else if ((pexp->uFlags & FL_REGISTER) == 0)
404     {
405         if (pexp->uFlags & FL_RET64)
406         {
407             fprintf(file, "\tif (TRACE_ON(relay))\n\t\tDPRINTF(\"%s: %.*s: retval = %%\"PRIx64\"\\n\", retval);\n",
408                     pszDllName, pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
409         }
410         else
411         {
412             fprintf(file, "\tif (TRACE_ON(relay))\n\t\tDPRINTF(\"%s: %.*s: retval = 0x%%lx\\n\", retval);\n",
413                     pszDllName, pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
414         }
415         fprintf(file, "\treturn retval;\n}\n\n");
416     }
418     return 1;
419 }
421 void
422 OutputHeader_asmstub(FILE *file, char *libname)
423 {
424     fprintf(file, "; File generated automatically, do not edit! \n\n");
426     if (giArch == ARCH_X86)
427     {
428         fprintf(file, ".586\n.model flat\n.code\n");
429     }
430     else if (giArch == ARCH_AMD64)
431     {
432         fprintf(file, ".code\n");
433     }
434     else if (giArch == ARCH_ARM)
435     {
436         fprintf(file, "    AREA |.text|,ALIGN=2,CODE,READONLY\n\n");
437     }
438 }
440 void
441 Output_stublabel(FILE *fileDest, char* pszSymbolName)
442 {
443     if (giArch == ARCH_ARM)
444     {
445         fprintf(fileDest,
446                 "\tEXPORT |%s| [FUNC]\n|%s|\n",
447                 pszSymbolName,
448                 pszSymbolName);
449     }
450     else
451     {
452         fprintf(fileDest,
453                 "PUBLIC %s\n%s: nop\n",
454                 pszSymbolName,
455                 pszSymbolName);
456     }
457 }
459 int
460 OutputLine_asmstub(FILE *fileDest, EXPORT *pexp)
461 {
462     char szNameBuffer[128];
464     /* Handle autoname */
465     if (pexp->strName.len == 1 && pexp->strName.buf[0] == '@')
466     {
467         sprintf(szNameBuffer, "%s_stub_ordinal%d",
468                 gpszUnderscore, pexp->nOrdinal);
469     }
470     else if (giArch != ARCH_X86)
471     {
472         /* Does the string already have stdcall decoration? */
473         const char *pcAt = ScanToken(pexp->strName.buf, '@');
474         if (pcAt && (pcAt < (pexp->strName.buf + pexp->strName.len)) &&
475             (pexp->strName.buf[0] == '_'))
476         {
477             /* Skip leading underscore and remove trailing decoration */
478             sprintf(szNameBuffer, "_stub_%.*s",
479                     (int)(pcAt - pexp->strName.buf - 1),
480                     pexp->strName.buf + 1);
481         }
482         else
483         {
484             sprintf(szNameBuffer, "_stub_%.*s",
485                     pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
486         }
487     }
488     else if (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL)
489     {
490         sprintf(szNameBuffer, "__stub_%.*s@%d",
491                 pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf, pexp->nStackBytes);
492     }
493     else if (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_FASTCALL)
494     {
495         sprintf(szNameBuffer, "@_stub_%.*s@%d",
496                 pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf, pexp->nStackBytes);
497     }
498     else if ((pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_CDECL) ||
499              (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_THISCALL) ||
500              (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_EXTERN) ||
501              (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STUB))
502     {
503         sprintf(szNameBuffer, "__stub_%.*s",
504                 pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
505     }
506     else
507     {
508         fprintf(stderr, "Invalid calling convention");
509         return 0;
510     }
512     Output_stublabel(fileDest, szNameBuffer);
514     return 1;
515 }
517 void
518 OutputHeader_def(FILE *file, char *libname)
519 {
520     fprintf(file,
521             "; File generated automatically, do not edit!\n\n"
522             "NAME %s\n\n"
523             "EXPORTS\n",
524             libname);
525 }
527 void
528 PrintName(FILE *fileDest, EXPORT *pexp, PSTRING pstr, int fDeco)
529 {
530     const char *pcName = pstr->buf;
531     int nNameLength = pstr->len;
532     const char* pcDot, *pcAt;
533     char namebuffer[19];
535     if ((nNameLength == 1) && (pcName[0] == '@'))
536     {
537         sprintf(namebuffer, "ordinal%d", pexp->nOrdinal);
538         pcName = namebuffer;
539         nNameLength = strlen(namebuffer);
540     }
542     /* Check for non-x86 first */
543     if (giArch != ARCH_X86)
544     {
545         /* Does the string already have stdcall decoration? */
546         pcAt = ScanToken(pcName, '@');
547         if (pcAt && (pcAt < (pcName + nNameLength)) && (pcName[0] == '_'))
548         {
549             /* Skip leading underscore and remove trailing decoration */
550             pcName++;
551             nNameLength = (int)(pcAt - pcName);
552         }
554         /* Print the undecorated function name */
555         fprintf(fileDest, "%.*s", nNameLength, pcName);
556     }
557     else if (fDeco &&
558         ((pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL) ||
559          (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_FASTCALL)))
560     {
561         /* Scan for a dll forwarding dot */
562         pcDot = ScanToken(pcName, '.');
563         if (pcDot)
564         {
565             /* First print the dll name, followed by a dot */
566             nNameLength = (int)(pcDot - pcName);
567             fprintf(fileDest, "%.*s.", nNameLength, pcName);
569             /* Now the actual function name */
570             pcName = pcDot + 1;
571             nNameLength = pexp->strTarget.len - nNameLength - 1;
572         }
574         /* Does the string already have decoration? */
575         pcAt = ScanToken(pcName, '@');
576         if (pcAt && (pcAt < (pcName + nNameLength)))
577         {
578             /* On GCC, we need to remove the leading stdcall underscore */
579             if (!gbMSComp && (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL))
580             {
581                 pcName++;
582                 nNameLength--;
583             }
585             /* Print the already decorated function name */
586             fprintf(fileDest, "%.*s", nNameLength, pcName);
587         }
588         else
589         {
590             /* Print the prefix, but skip it for (GCC && stdcall) */
591             if (gbMSComp || (pexp->nCallingConvention != CC_STDCALL))
592             {
593                 fprintf(fileDest, "%c", pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_FASTCALL ? '@' : '_');
594             }
596             /* Print the name with trailing decoration */
597             fprintf(fileDest, "%.*s@%d", nNameLength, pcName, pexp->nStackBytes);
598         }
599     }
600     else
601     {
602         /* Print the undecorated function name */
603         fprintf(fileDest, "%.*s", nNameLength, pcName);
604     }
605 }
607 void
608 OutputLine_def_MS(FILE *fileDest, EXPORT *pexp)
609 {
610     PrintName(fileDest, pexp, &pexp->strName, 0);
612     if (gbImportLib)
613     {
614         /* Redirect to a stub function, to get the right decoration in the lib */
615         fprintf(fileDest, "=_stub_");
616         PrintName(fileDest, pexp, &pexp->strName, 0);
617     }
618     else if (pexp->strTarget.buf)
619     {
620         if (pexp->strName.buf[0] == '?')
621         {
622             //fprintf(stderr, "warning: ignoring C++ redirection %.*s -> %.*s\n",
623             //        pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf, pexp->strTarget.len, pexp->strTarget.buf);
624         }
625         else
626         {
627             fprintf(fileDest, "=");
629             /* If the original name was decorated, use decoration in the forwarder as well */
630             if ((giArch == ARCH_X86) && ScanToken(pexp->strName.buf, '@') &&
631                 !ScanToken(pexp->strTarget.buf, '@') &&
632                 ((pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL) ||
633                 (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_FASTCALL)) )
634             {
635                 PrintName(fileDest, pexp, &pexp->strTarget, 1);
636             }
637             else
638             {
639                 /* Write the undecorated redirection name */
640                 fprintf(fileDest, "%.*s", pexp->strTarget.len, pexp->strTarget.buf);
641             }
642         }
643     }
644     else if (((pexp->uFlags & FL_STUB) || (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STUB)) &&
645              (pexp->strName.buf[0] == '?'))
646     {
647         /* C++ stubs are forwarded to C stubs */
648         fprintf(fileDest, "=stub_function%d", pexp->nNumber);
649     }
650     else if (gbTracing && ((pexp->uFlags & FL_NORELAY) == 0) && (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL) &&
651             (pexp->strName.buf[0] != '?'))
652     {
653         /* Redirect it to the relay-tracing trampoline */
654         fprintf(fileDest, "=$relaytrace$%.*s", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
655     }
656 }
658 void
659 OutputLine_def_GCC(FILE *fileDest, EXPORT *pexp)
660 {
661     int bTracing = 0;
662     /* Print the function name, with decoration for export libs */
663     PrintName(fileDest, pexp, &pexp->strName, gbImportLib);
664     DbgPrint("Generating def line for '%.*s'\n", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
666     /* Check if this is a forwarded export */
667     if (pexp->strTarget.buf)
668     {
669         int fIsExternal = !!ScanToken(pexp->strTarget.buf, '.');
670         DbgPrint("Got redirect '%.*s'\n", pexp->strTarget.len, pexp->strTarget.buf);
672         /* print the target name, don't decorate if it is external */
673         fprintf(fileDest, "=");
674         PrintName(fileDest, pexp, &pexp->strTarget, !fIsExternal);
675     }
676     else if (((pexp->uFlags & FL_STUB) || (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STUB)) &&
677              (pexp->strName.buf[0] == '?'))
678     {
679         /* C++ stubs are forwarded to C stubs */
680         fprintf(fileDest, "=stub_function%d", pexp->nNumber);
681     }
682     else if (gbTracing && ((pexp->uFlags & FL_NORELAY) == 0) &&
683              (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL) &&
684             (pexp->strName.buf[0] != '?'))
685     {
686         /* Redirect it to the relay-tracing trampoline */
687         char buf[256];
688         STRING strTarget;
689         fprintf(fileDest, "=");
690         sprintf(buf, "$relaytrace$%.*s", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
691         strTarget.buf = buf;
692         strTarget.len = pexp->strName.len + 12;
693         PrintName(fileDest, pexp, &strTarget, 1);
694         bTracing = 1;
695     }
697     /* Special handling for stdcall and fastcall */
698     if ((giArch == ARCH_X86) &&
699         ((pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_STDCALL) ||
700          (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_FASTCALL)))
701     {
702         /* Is this the import lib? */
703         if (gbImportLib)
704         {
705             /* Is the name in the spec file decorated? */
706             const char* pcDeco = ScanToken(pexp->strName.buf, '@');
707             if (pcDeco &&
708                 (pexp->strName.len > 1) &&
709                 (pcDeco < pexp->strName.buf + pexp->strName.len))
710             {
711                 /* Write the name including the leading @  */
712                 fprintf(fileDest, "==%.*s", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
713             }
714         }
715         else if ((!pexp->strTarget.buf) && !(bTracing))
716         {
717             /* Write a forwarder to the actual decorated symbol */
718             fprintf(fileDest, "=");
719             PrintName(fileDest, pexp, &pexp->strName, 1);
720         }
721     }
722 }
724 int
725 OutputLine_def(FILE *fileDest, EXPORT *pexp)
726 {
727     DbgPrint("OutputLine_def: '%.*s'...\n", pexp->strName.len, pexp->strName.buf);
728     fprintf(fileDest, " ");
730     if (gbMSComp)
731         OutputLine_def_MS(fileDest, pexp);
732     else
733         OutputLine_def_GCC(fileDest, pexp);
735     /* On GCC builds we force ordinals */
736     if ((pexp->uFlags & FL_ORDINAL) || (!gbMSComp && !gbImportLib))
737     {
738         fprintf(fileDest, " @%d", pexp->nOrdinal);
739     }
741     if (pexp->uFlags & FL_NONAME)
742     {
743         fprintf(fileDest, " NONAME");
744     }
746     /* Either PRIVATE or DATA */
747     if (pexp->uFlags & FL_PRIVATE)
748     {
749         fprintf(fileDest, " PRIVATE");
750     }
751     else if (pexp->nCallingConvention == CC_EXTERN)
752     {
753         fprintf(fileDest, " DATA");
754     }
756     fprintf(fileDest, "\n");
758     return 1;
759 }
761 void
762 Fatalv(
763     const char* filename,
764     unsigned nLine,
765     const char *pcLine,
766     const char *pc,
767     size_t errorlen,
768     const char *format,
769     va_list argptr)
770 {
771     unsigned i, errorpos, len;
772     const char* pcLineEnd;
774     /* Get the length of the line */
775     pcLineEnd = strpbrk(pcLine, "\r\n");
776     len = (unsigned)(pcLineEnd - pcLine);
778     if (pc == NULL)
779     {
780         pc = pcLine + len - 1;
781         errorlen = 1;
782     }
784     errorpos = (unsigned)(pc - pcLine);
786     /* Output the error message */
787     fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: (%s:%u:%u): ", filename, nLine, errorpos);
788     vfprintf(stderr, format, argptr);
789     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
791     /* Output the line with the error */
792     fprintf(stderr, "> %.*s\n", len, pcLine);
794     if (errorlen == 0)
795     {
796         errorlen = TokenLength(pc);
797     }
799     for (i = 0; i < errorpos + 2; i++)
800     {
801         fprintf(stderr, " ");
802     }
803     for (i = 0; i < errorlen; i++)
804     {
805         fprintf(stderr, "~");
806     }
807     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
808     exit(-1);
809 }
811 void
812 Fatal(
813     const char* filename,
814     unsigned nLine,
815     const char *pcLine,
816     const char *pc,
817     size_t errorlen,
818     const char *format,
819     ...)
820 {
821     va_list argptr;
823     va_start(argptr, format);
824     Fatalv(filename, nLine, pcLine, pc, errorlen, format, argptr);
825     va_end(argptr);
826 }
828 EXPORT *
829 ParseFile(char* pcStart, FILE *fileDest, unsigned *cExports)
830 {
831     EXPORT *pexports;
832     const char *pc, *pcLine;
833     int cLines, nLine;
834     EXPORT exp;
835     int included;
836     unsigned int i;
838     *cExports = 0;
840     //fprintf(stderr, "info: line %d, pcStart:'%.30s'\n", nLine, pcStart);
842     /* Count the lines */
843     for (cLines = 1, pcLine = pcStart; *pcLine; pcLine = NextLine(pcLine), cLines++)
844     {
845         /* Nothing */
846     }
848     /* Allocate an array of EXPORT structures */
849     pexports = malloc(cLines * sizeof(EXPORT));
850     if (pexports == NULL)
851     {
852         fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s: failed to allocate EXPORT array of %u elements\n", pszSourceFileName, cLines);
853         return NULL;
854     }
856     /* Loop all lines */
857     nLine = 1;
858     exp.nNumber = 0;
859     for (pcLine = pcStart; *pcLine; pcLine = NextLine(pcLine), nLine++)
860     {
861         pc = pcLine;
863         exp.strName.buf = NULL;
864         exp.strName.len = 0;
865         exp.strTarget.buf = NULL;
866         exp.strTarget.len = 0;
867         exp.nArgCount = 0;
868         exp.uFlags = 0;
869         exp.nNumber++;
870         exp.nStartVersion = 0;
871         exp.nEndVersion = 0xFFFFFFFF;
872         exp.bVersionIncluded = 1;
874         /* Skip white spaces */
875         while (*pc == ' ' || *pc == '\t') pc++;
877         /* Check for line break or comment */
878         if ((*pc == '\r') || (*pc == '\n') ||
879             (*pc == ';') || (*pc == '#'))
880         {
881             continue;
882         }
884         /* On EOF we are done */
885         if (*pc == 0)
886         {
887             return pexports;
888         }
890         /* Now we should get either an ordinal or @ */
891         if (*pc == '@')
892         {
893             exp.nOrdinal = -1;
894         }
895         else if ((*pc >= '0') && (*pc <= '9'))
896         {
897             char* end;
898             long int number = strtol(pc, &end, 10);
899             if ((*end != ' ') && (*end != '\t'))
900             {
901                 Fatal(pszSourceFileName, nLine, pcLine, end, 0, "Unexpected character(s) after ordinal");
902             }
904             if ((number < 0) || (number > 0xFFFE))
905             {
906                 Fatal(pszSourceFileName, nLine, pcLine, pc, 0, "Invalid value for ordinal");
907             }
909             exp.nOrdinal = number;
911             /* The import lib should contain the ordinal only if -ordinal was specified */
912             if (!gbImportLib)
913                 exp.uFlags |= FL_ORDINAL;
914         }
915         else
916         {
917             Fatal(pszSourceFileName, nLine, pcLine, pc, 0, "Expected '@' or ordinal");
918         }
920         /* Go to next token (type) */
921         if (!(pc = NextToken(pc)))
922         {
923             Fatal(pszSourceFileName, nLine, pcLine, pc, 1, "Unexpected end of line");
924         }
926         //fprintf(stderr, "info: Token:'%.*s'\n", TokenLength(pc), pc);
928         /* Now we should get the type */
929         if (CompareToken(pc, "stdcall"))
930         {
931             exp.nCallingConvention = CC_STDCALL;
932         }
933         else if (CompareToken(pc, "cdecl") ||
934                  CompareToken(pc, "varargs"))
935         {
936             exp.nCallingConvention = CC_CDECL;
937         }
938         else if (CompareToken(pc, "fastcall"))
939         {
940             exp.nCallingConvention = CC_FASTCALL;
941         }
942         else if (CompareToken(pc, "thiscall"))
943         {
944             exp.nCallingConvention = CC_THISCALL;
945         }
946         else if (CompareToken(pc, "extern"))
947         {
948             exp.nCallingConvention = CC_EXTERN;
949         }
950         else if (CompareToken(pc, "stub"))
951         {
952             exp.nCallingConvention = CC_STUB;
953         }
954         else
955         {
956             Fatal(pszSourceFileName, nLine, pcLine, pc, 0, "Invalid calling convention");
957         }
959         /* Go to next token (options or name) */
960         if (!(pc = NextToken(pc)))
961         {
962             Fatal(pszSourceFileName, nLine, pcLine, pc, 1, "Unexpected end of line");
963         }
965         /* Handle options */
966         included = 1;
967         while (*pc == '-')
968         {
969             if (CompareToken(pc, "-arch="))
970             {
971                 /* Default to not included */
972                 included = 0;
973                 pc += 5;
975                 /* Look if we are included */
976                 do
977                 {
978                     pc++;
979                     if (CompareToken(pc, pszArchString) ||
980                         CompareToken(pc, pszArchString2))
981                     {
982                         included = 1;
983                     }
985                     /* Skip to next arch or end */
986                     while (*pc > ',') pc++;
987                 } while (*pc == ',');
988             }
989             else if (CompareToken(pc, "-i386"))
990             {
991                 if (giArch != ARCH_X86) included = 0;
992             }
993             else if (CompareToken(pc, "-version="))
994             {
995                 const char *pcVersionStart = pc + 9;
997                 /* Default to not included */
998                 exp.bVersionIncluded = 0;
999                 pc += 8;
1001                 /* Look if we are included */
1002                 do
1003                 {
1004                     unsigned version, endversion;
1006                     /* Optionally skip leading '0x' */
1007                     pc++;
1008                     if ((pc[0] == '0') && (pc[1] == 'x')) pc += 2;
1010                     /* Now get the version number */
1011                     endversion = version = strtoul(pc, (char**)&pc, 16);
1013                     /* Check if it's a range */
1014                     if (pc[0] == '+')
1015                     {
1016                         endversion = 0xFFF;
1017                         pc++;
1018                     }
1019                     else if (pc[0] == '-')
1020                     {
1021                         /* Optionally skip leading '0x' */
1022                         pc++;
1023                         if ((pc[0] == '0') && (pc[1] == 'x')) pc += 2;
1024                         endversion = strtoul(pc, (char**)&pc, 16);
1025                     }
1027                     /* Check for degenerate range */
1028                     if (version > endversion)
1029                     {
1030                         Fatal(pszSourceFileName,
1031                               nLine,
1032                               pcLine,
1033                               pcVersionStart,
1034                               pc - pcVersionStart,
1035                               "Invalid version range");
1036                     }
1038                     exp.nStartVersion = version;
1039                     exp.nEndVersion = endversion;
1041                     /* Now compare the range with our version */
1042                     if ((guOsVersion >= version) &&
1043                         (guOsVersion <= endversion))
1044                     {
1045                         exp.bVersionIncluded = 1;
1046                     }
1048                     /* Skip to next arch or end */
1049                     while (*pc > ',') pc++;
1051                 } while (*pc == ',');
1052             }
1053             else if (CompareToken(pc, "-private"))
1054             {
1055                 exp.uFlags |= FL_PRIVATE;
1056             }
1057             else if (CompareToken(pc, "-noname"))
1058             {
1059                 exp.uFlags |= FL_ORDINAL | FL_NONAME;
1060             }
1061             else if (CompareToken(pc, "-ordinal"))
1062             {
1063                 exp.uFlags |= FL_ORDINAL;
1064                 /* GCC doesn't automatically import by ordinal if an ordinal
1065                  * is found in the def file. Force it. */
1066                 if (gbImportLib && !gbMSComp)
1067                     exp.uFlags |= FL_NONAME;
1068             }
1069             else if (CompareToken(pc, "-stub"))
1070             {
1071                 exp.uFlags |= FL_STUB;
1072             }
1073             else if (CompareToken(pc, "-norelay"))
1074             {
1075                 exp.uFlags |= FL_NORELAY;
1076             }
1077             else if (CompareToken(pc, "-ret64"))
1078             {
1079                 exp.uFlags |= FL_RET64;
1080             }
1081             else if (CompareToken(pc, "-register"))
1082             {
1083                 exp.uFlags |= FL_REGISTER;
1084             }
1085             else
1086             {
1087                 fprintf(stdout,
1088                         "INFO: %s line %d: Ignored option: '%.*s'\n",
1089                         pszSourceFileName,
1090                         nLine,
1091                         TokenLength(pc),
1092                         pc);
1093             }
1095             /* Go to next token */
1096             pc = NextToken(pc);
1097         }
1099         //fprintf(stderr, "info: Name:'%.10s'\n", pc);
1101         /* If arch didn't match ours, skip this entry */
1102         if (!included) continue;
1104         /* Get name */
1105         exp.strName.buf = pc;
1106         exp.strName.len = TokenLength(pc);
1107         //DbgPrint("Got name: '%.*s'\n", exp.strName.len, exp.strName.buf);
1109         /* Check for autoname */
1110         if ((exp.strName.len == 1) && (exp.strName.buf[0] == '@'))
1111         {
1112             exp.uFlags |= FL_ORDINAL | FL_NONAME;
1113         }
1115         /* Handle parameters */
1116         exp.nStackBytes = 0;
1117         if (exp.nCallingConvention != CC_EXTERN &&
1118             exp.nCallingConvention != CC_STUB)
1119         {
1120             /* Go to next token */
1121             if (!(pc = NextToken(pc)))
1122             {
1123                 Fatal(pszSourceFileName, nLine, pcLine, pc, 1, "Unexpected end of line");
1124             }
1126             /* Verify syntax */
1127             if (*pc++ != '(')
1128             {
1129                 Fatal(pszSourceFileName, nLine, pcLine, pc - 1, 0, "Expected '('");
1130             }
1132             /* Skip whitespaces */
1133             while (*pc == ' ' || *pc == '\t') pc++;
1135             exp.nStackBytes = 0;
1136             while (*pc >= '0')
1137             {
1138                 if (CompareToken(pc, "long"))
1139                 {
1140                     exp.nStackBytes += 4;
1141                     exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_LONG;
1142                 }
1143                 else if (CompareToken(pc, "double"))
1144                 {
1145                     exp.nStackBytes += 8;
1146                     exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_DBL;
1147                 }
1148                 else if (CompareToken(pc, "ptr"))
1149                 {
1150                     exp.nStackBytes += 4; // sizeof(void*) on x86
1151                     exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_PTR;
1152                 }
1153                 else if (CompareToken(pc, "str"))
1154                 {
1155                     exp.nStackBytes += 4; // sizeof(void*) on x86
1156                     exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_STR;
1157                 }
1158                 else if (CompareToken(pc, "wstr"))
1159                 {
1160                     exp.nStackBytes += 4; // sizeof(void*) on x86
1161                     exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_WSTR;
1162                 }
1163                 else if (CompareToken(pc, "int64"))
1164                 {
1165                     exp.nStackBytes += 8;
1166                     exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_INT64;
1167                 }
1168                 else if (CompareToken(pc, "int128"))
1169                 {
1170                     exp.nStackBytes += 16;
1171                     exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_INT128;
1172                 }
1173                 else if (CompareToken(pc, "float"))
1174                 {
1175                     exp.nStackBytes += 4;
1176                     exp.anArgs[exp.nArgCount] = ARG_FLOAT;
1177                 }
1178                 else
1179                 {
1180                     Fatal(pszSourceFileName, nLine, pcLine, pc, 0, "Unrecognized type");
1181                 }
1183                 exp.nArgCount++;
1185                 /* Go to next parameter */
1186                 if (!(pc = NextToken(pc)))
1187                 {
1188                     Fatal(pszSourceFileName, nLine, pcLine, pc, 1, "Unexpected end of line");
1189                 }
1190             }
1192             /* Check syntax */
1193             if (*pc++ != ')')
1194             {
1195                 Fatal(pszSourceFileName, nLine, pcLine, pc - 1, 0, "Expected ')'");
1196             }
1197         }
1199         /* Handle special stub cases */
1200         if (exp.nCallingConvention == CC_STUB)
1201         {
1202             /* Check for c++ mangled name */
1203             if (pc[0] == '?')
1204             {
1205                 //printf("Found c++ mangled name...\n");
1206                 //
1207             }
1208             else
1209             {
1210                 /* Check for stdcall name */
1211                 const char *p = ScanToken(pc, '@');
1212                 if (p && (p - pc < exp.strName.len))
1213                 {
1214                     int i;
1216                     /* Truncate the name to before the @ */
1217                     exp.strName.len = (int)(p - pc);
1218                     if (exp.strName.len < 1)
1219                     {
1220                         Fatal(pszSourceFileName, nLine, pcLine, p, 1, "Unexpected @");
1221                     }
1222                     exp.nStackBytes = atoi(p + 1);
1223                     exp.nArgCount =  exp.nStackBytes / 4;
1224                     exp.nCallingConvention = CC_STDCALL;
1225                     exp.uFlags |= FL_STUB;
1226                     for (i = 0; i < exp.nArgCount; i++)
1227                         exp.anArgs[i] = ARG_LONG;
1228                 }
1229             }
1230         }
1232         /* Get optional redirection */
1233         pc = NextToken(pc);
1234         if (pc)
1235         {
1236             exp.strTarget.buf = pc;
1237             exp.strTarget.len = TokenLength(pc);
1239             /* Check syntax (end of line) */
1240             if (NextToken(pc))
1241             {
1242                 Fatal(pszSourceFileName, nLine, pcLine, NextToken(pc), 0, "Excess token(s) at end of definition");
1243             }
1245             /* Don't relay-trace forwarded functions */
1246             exp.uFlags |= FL_NORELAY;
1247         }
1248         else
1249         {
1250             exp.strTarget.buf = NULL;
1251             exp.strTarget.len = 0;
1252         }
1254         /* Check for no-name without ordinal */
1255         if ((exp.uFlags & FL_ORDINAL) && (exp.nOrdinal == -1))
1256         {
1257             Fatal(pszSourceFileName, nLine, pcLine, pc, 0, "Ordinal export without ordinal");
1258         }
1260         /*
1261          * Check for special handling of OLE exports, only when MSVC
1262          * is not used, since otherwise this is handled by MS LINK.EXE.
1263          */
1264         if (!gbMSComp)
1265         {
1266             /* Check whether the current export is not PRIVATE, or has an ordinal */
1267             int bIsNotPrivate = (!gbNotPrivateNoWarn && /*gbImportLib &&*/ !(exp.uFlags & FL_PRIVATE));
1268             int bHasOrdinal = (exp.uFlags & FL_ORDINAL);
1270             /* Check whether the current export is an OLE export, in case any of these tests pass */
1271             if (bIsNotPrivate || bHasOrdinal)
1272             {
1273                 for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(astrOlePrivateExports); ++i)
1274                 {
1275                     if (strlen(astrOlePrivateExports[i]) == exp.strName.len &&
1276                         strncmp(exp.strName.buf, astrOlePrivateExports[i], exp.strName.len) == 0)
1277                     {
1278                         /* The current export is an OLE export: display the corresponding warning */
1279                         if (bIsNotPrivate)
1280                         {
1281                             fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %s line %d: Exported symbol '%.*s' should be PRIVATE\n",
1282                                     pszSourceFileName, nLine, exp.strName.len, exp.strName.buf);
1283                         }
1284                         if (bHasOrdinal)
1285                         {
1286                             fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %s line %d: exported symbol '%.*s' should not be assigned an ordinal\n",
1287                                     pszSourceFileName, nLine, exp.strName.len, exp.strName.buf);
1288                         }
1289                         break;
1290                     }
1291                 }
1292             }
1293         }
1295         pexports[*cExports] = exp;
1296         (*cExports)++;
1297         gbDebug = 0;
1298     }
1300     return pexports;
1301 }
1303 int
1304 ApplyOrdinals(EXPORT* pexports, unsigned cExports)
1305 {
1306     unsigned short i, j;
1307     char* used;
1309     /* Allocate a table to mark used ordinals */
1310     used = malloc(65536);
1311     if (used == NULL)
1312     {
1313         fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for ordinal use table\n");
1314         return -1;
1315     }
1316     memset(used, 0, 65536);
1318     /* Pass 1: mark the ordinals that are already used */
1319     for (i = 0; i < cExports; i++)
1320     {
1321         if (pexports[i].uFlags & FL_ORDINAL)
1322         {
1323             if (used[pexports[i].nOrdinal] != 0)
1324             {
1325                 fprintf(stderr, "Found duplicate ordinal: %u\n", pexports[i].nOrdinal);
1326                 return -1;
1327             }
1328             used[pexports[i].nOrdinal] = 1;
1329         }
1330     }
1332     /* Pass 2: apply available ordinals */
1333     for (i = 0, j = 1; i < cExports; i++)
1334     {
1335         if ((pexports[i].uFlags & FL_ORDINAL) == 0)
1336         {
1337             while (used[j] != 0)
1338                 j++;
1340             pexports[i].nOrdinal = j;
1341             used[j] = 1;
1342         }
1343     }
1345     free(used);
1346     return 0;
1347 }
1349 void usage(void)
1350 {
1351     printf("syntax: spec2def [<options> ...] <spec file>\n"
1352            "Possible options:\n"
1353            "  -h --help               print this help screen\n"
1354            "  -l=<file>               generate an asm lib stub\n"
1355            "  -d=<file>               generate a def file\n"
1356            "  -s=<file>               generate a stub file\n"
1357            "  --ms                    MSVC compatibility\n"
1358            "  -n=<name>               name of the dll\n"
1359            "  --implib                generate a def file for an import library\n"
1360            "  --no-private-warnings   suppress warnings about symbols that should be -private\n"
1361            "  -a=<arch>               set architecture to <arch> (i386, x86_64, arm)\n"
1362            "  --with-tracing          generate wine-like \"+relay\" trace trampolines (needs -s)\n");
1363 }
1365 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
1366 {
1367     size_t nFileSize;
1368     char *pszSource, *pszDefFileName = NULL, *pszStubFileName = NULL, *pszLibStubName = NULL;
1369     const char* pszVersionOption = "--version=0x";
1370     char achDllName[40];
1371     FILE *file;
1372     unsigned cExports = 0, i;
1373     EXPORT *pexports;
1375     if (argc < 2)
1376     {
1377         usage();
1378         return -1;
1379     }
1381     /* Read options */
1382     for (i = 1; i < (unsigned)argc && *argv[i] == '-'; i++)
1383     {
1384         if ((strcasecmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) ||
1385             (strcasecmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0))
1386         {
1387             usage();
1388             return 0;
1389         }
1390         else if (argv[i][1] == 'd' && argv[i][2] == '=')
1391         {
1392             pszDefFileName = argv[i] + 3;
1393         }
1394         else if (argv[i][1] == 'l' && argv[i][2] == '=')
1395         {
1396             pszLibStubName = argv[i] + 3;
1397         }
1398         else if (argv[i][1] == 's' && argv[i][2] == '=')
1399         {
1400             pszStubFileName = argv[i] + 3;
1401         }
1402         else if (argv[i][1] == 'n' && argv[i][2] == '=')
1403         {
1404             pszDllName = argv[i] + 3;
1405         }
1406         else if (strncasecmp(argv[i], pszVersionOption, strlen(pszVersionOption)) == 0)
1407         {
1408             guOsVersion = strtoul(argv[i] + strlen(pszVersionOption), NULL, 16);
1409         }
1410         else if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "--implib") == 0)
1411         {
1412             gbImportLib = 1;
1413         }
1414         else if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "--ms") == 0)
1415         {
1416             gbMSComp = 1;
1417         }
1418         else if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "--no-private-warnings") == 0)
1419         {
1420             gbNotPrivateNoWarn = 1;
1421         }
1422         else if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "--with-tracing") == 0)
1423         {
1424             if (!pszStubFileName)
1425             {
1426                 fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot use --with-tracing without -s option.\n");
1427                 return -1;
1428             }
1429             gbTracing = 1;
1430         }
1431         else if (argv[i][1] == 'a' && argv[i][2] == '=')
1432         {
1433             pszArchString = argv[i] + 3;
1434         }
1435         else
1436         {
1437             fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option: %s\n", argv[i]);
1438             return -1;
1439         }
1440     }
1442     if (strcasecmp(pszArchString, "i386") == 0)
1443     {
1444         giArch = ARCH_X86;
1445         gpszUnderscore = "_";
1446     }
1447     else if (strcasecmp(pszArchString, "x86_64") == 0) giArch = ARCH_AMD64;
1448     else if (strcasecmp(pszArchString, "ia64") == 0) giArch = ARCH_IA64;
1449     else if (strcasecmp(pszArchString, "arm") == 0) giArch = ARCH_ARM;
1450     else if (strcasecmp(pszArchString, "ppc") == 0) giArch = ARCH_PPC;
1452     if ((giArch == ARCH_AMD64) || (giArch == ARCH_IA64))
1453     {
1454         pszArchString2 = "win64";
1455     }
1456     else
1457         pszArchString2 = "win32";
1459     /* Set a default dll name */
1460     if (!pszDllName)
1461     {
1462         char *p1, *p2;
1463         size_t len;
1465         p1 = strrchr(argv[i], '\\');
1466         if (!p1) p1 = strrchr(argv[i], '/');
1467         p2 = p1 = p1 ? p1 + 1 : argv[i];
1469         /* walk up to '.' */
1470         while (*p2 != '.' && *p2 != 0) p2++;
1471         len = p2 - p1;
1472         if (len >= sizeof(achDllName) - 5)
1473         {
1474             fprintf(stderr, "name too long: %s\n", p1);
1475             return -2;
1476         }
1478         strncpy(achDllName, p1, len);
1479         strncpy(achDllName + len, ".dll", sizeof(achDllName) - len);
1480         pszDllName = achDllName;
1481     }
1483     /* Open input file */
1484     pszSourceFileName = argv[i];
1485     file = fopen(pszSourceFileName, "r");
1486     if (!file)
1487     {
1488         fprintf(stderr, "error: could not open file %s\n", pszSourceFileName);
1489         return -3;
1490     }
1492     /* Get file size */
1493     fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
1494     nFileSize = ftell(file);
1495     rewind(file);
1497     /* Allocate memory buffer */
1498     pszSource = malloc(nFileSize + 1);
1499     if (!pszSource)
1500     {
1501         fclose(file);
1502         return -4;
1503     }
1505     /* Load input file into memory */
1506     nFileSize = fread(pszSource, 1, nFileSize, file);
1507     fclose(file);
1509     /* Zero terminate the source */
1510     pszSource[nFileSize] = '\0';
1512     pexports = ParseFile(pszSource, file, &cExports);
1513     if (pexports == NULL)
1514     {
1515         fprintf(stderr, "error: could not parse file!\n");
1516         return -1;
1517     }
1519     if (!gbMSComp)
1520     {
1521         if (ApplyOrdinals(pexports, cExports) < 0)
1522         {
1523             fprintf(stderr, "error: could not apply ordinals!\n");
1524             return -1;
1525         }
1526     }
1528     if (pszDefFileName)
1529     {
1530         /* Open output file */
1531         file = fopen(pszDefFileName, "w");
1532         if (!file)
1533         {
1534             fprintf(stderr, "error: could not open output file %s\n", argv[i + 1]);
1535             return -5;
1536         }
1538         OutputHeader_def(file, pszDllName);
1540         for (i = 0; i < cExports; i++)
1541         {
1542             if (pexports[i].bVersionIncluded)
1543                  OutputLine_def(file, &pexports[i]);
1544         }
1546         fclose(file);
1547     }
1549     if (pszStubFileName)
1550     {
1551         /* Open output file */
1552         file = fopen(pszStubFileName, "w");
1553         if (!file)
1554         {
1555             fprintf(stderr, "error: could not open output file %s\n", argv[i + 1]);
1556             return -5;
1557         }
1559         OutputHeader_stub(file);
1561         for (i = 0; i < cExports; i++)
1562         {
1563             if (pexports[i].bVersionIncluded)
1564                 OutputLine_stub(file, &pexports[i]);
1565         }
1567         fclose(file);
1568     }
1570     if (pszLibStubName)
1571     {
1572         /* Open output file */
1573         file = fopen(pszLibStubName, "w");
1574         if (!file)
1575         {
1576             fprintf(stderr, "error: could not open output file %s\n", argv[i + 1]);
1577             return -5;
1578         }
1580         OutputHeader_asmstub(file, pszDllName);
1582         for (i = 0; i < cExports; i++)
1583         {
1584             if (pexports[i].bVersionIncluded)
1585                 OutputLine_asmstub(file, &pexports[i]);
1586         }
1588         fprintf(file, "\n    END\n");
1589         fclose(file);
1590     }
1592     free(pexports);
1594     return 0;
1595 }