xref: /reactos/sdk/tools/widl/proxy.c (revision 7e069ccd)
1 /*
2  * IDL Compiler
3  *
4  * Copyright 2002 Ove Kaaven
5  * Copyright 2004 Mike McCormack
6  *
7  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
9  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
18  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
20  */
22 #include "config.h"
23 #include "wine/port.h"
25 #include <stdio.h>
26 #include <stdlib.h>
27 #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
28 # include <unistd.h>
29 #endif
30 #include <string.h>
31 #include <ctype.h>
33 #include "widl.h"
34 #include "utils.h"
35 #include "parser.h"
36 #include "header.h"
37 #include "typegen.h"
38 #include "expr.h"
40 static FILE* proxy;
41 static int indent = 0;
43 static void print_proxy( const char *format, ... ) __attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2)));
44 static void print_proxy( const char *format, ... )
45 {
46   va_list va;
47   va_start( va, format );
48   print( proxy, indent, format, va );
49   va_end( va );
50 }
52 static void write_stubdescproto(void)
53 {
54   print_proxy( "static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;\n");
55   print_proxy( "\n");
56 }
58 static void write_stubdesc(int expr_eval_routines)
59 {
60   print_proxy( "static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =\n{\n");
61   indent++;
62   print_proxy( "0,\n");
63   print_proxy( "NdrOleAllocate,\n");
64   print_proxy( "NdrOleFree,\n");
65   print_proxy( "{0}, 0, 0, %s, 0,\n", expr_eval_routines ? "ExprEvalRoutines" : "0");
66   print_proxy( "__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,\n");
67   print_proxy( "1, /* -error bounds_check flag */\n");
68   print_proxy( "0x%x, /* Ndr library version */\n", get_stub_mode() == MODE_Oif ? 0x50002 : 0x10001);
69   print_proxy( "0,\n");
70   print_proxy( "0x50100a4, /* MIDL Version 5.1.164 */\n");
71   print_proxy( "0,\n");
72   print_proxy("%s,\n", list_empty(&user_type_list) ? "0" : "UserMarshalRoutines");
73   print_proxy( "0,  /* notify & notify_flag routine table */\n");
74   print_proxy( "1,  /* Flags */\n");
75   print_proxy( "0,  /* Reserved3 */\n");
76   print_proxy( "0,  /* Reserved4 */\n");
77   print_proxy( "0   /* Reserved5 */\n");
78   indent--;
79   print_proxy( "};\n");
80   print_proxy( "\n");
81 }
83 static void init_proxy(const statement_list_t *stmts)
84 {
85   if (proxy) return;
86   if(!(proxy = fopen(proxy_name, "w")))
87     error("Could not open %s for output\n", proxy_name);
88   print_proxy( "/*** Autogenerated by WIDL %s from %s - Do not edit ***/\n", PACKAGE_VERSION, input_name);
89   print_proxy( "\n");
90   print_proxy( "#define __midl_proxy\n\n");
92   print_proxy( "#ifdef __REACTOS__\n");
93   print_proxy( "#define WIN32_NO_STATUS\n");
94   print_proxy( "#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN\n");
95   print_proxy( "#endif\n\n");
97   print_proxy( "#include \"objbase.h\"\n");
98   print_proxy( "\n");
99   print_proxy( "#ifndef DECLSPEC_HIDDEN\n");
100   print_proxy( "#define DECLSPEC_HIDDEN\n");
101   print_proxy( "#endif\n");
102   print_proxy( "\n");
103 }
105 static void clear_output_vars( const var_list_t *args )
106 {
107   const var_t *arg;
109   if (!args) return;
110   LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( arg, args, const var_t, entry )
111   {
112       if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_IN)) continue;
113       if (!is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_OUT)) continue;
114       if (is_ptr(arg->type))
115       {
116           if (type_get_type(type_pointer_get_ref(arg->type)) == TYPE_BASIC) continue;
117           if (type_get_type(type_pointer_get_ref(arg->type)) == TYPE_ENUM) continue;
118       }
119       print_proxy( "if (%s) MIDL_memset( %s, 0, ", arg->name, arg->name );
120       if (is_array(arg->type) && type_array_has_conformance(arg->type))
121       {
122           write_expr( proxy, type_array_get_conformance(arg->type), 1, 1, NULL, NULL, "" );
123           fprintf( proxy, " * " );
124       }
125       fprintf( proxy, "sizeof( *%s ));\n", arg->name );
126   }
127 }
129 static int need_delegation(const type_t *iface)
130 {
131     const type_t *parent = type_iface_get_inherit( iface );
132     return parent && type_iface_get_inherit(parent) && (parent->ignore || is_local( parent->attrs ));
133 }
135 static int get_delegation_indirect(const type_t *iface, const type_t ** delegate_to)
136 {
137   const type_t * cur_iface;
138   for (cur_iface = iface; cur_iface != NULL; cur_iface = type_iface_get_inherit(cur_iface))
139     if (need_delegation(cur_iface))
140     {
141       if(delegate_to)
142         *delegate_to = type_iface_get_inherit(cur_iface);
143       return 1;
144     }
145   return 0;
146 }
148 static int need_delegation_indirect(const type_t *iface)
149 {
150   return get_delegation_indirect(iface, NULL);
151 }
153 static void free_variable( const var_t *arg, const char *local_var_prefix )
154 {
155   unsigned int type_offset = arg->typestring_offset;
156   type_t *type = arg->type;
158   write_parameter_conf_or_var_exprs(proxy, indent, local_var_prefix, PHASE_FREE, arg, FALSE);
160   switch (typegen_detect_type(type, arg->attrs, TDT_IGNORE_STRINGS))
161   {
162   case TGT_ENUM:
163   case TGT_BASIC:
164     break;
166   case TGT_STRUCT:
167     if (get_struct_fc(type) != FC_STRUCT)
168       print_proxy("/* FIXME: %s code for %s struct type 0x%x missing */\n", __FUNCTION__, arg->name, get_struct_fc(type) );
169     break;
172   case TGT_POINTER:
173   case TGT_ARRAY:
174     print_proxy( "NdrClearOutParameters( &__frame->_StubMsg, ");
175     fprintf(proxy, "&__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[%u], ", type_offset );
176     fprintf(proxy, "(void *)%s );\n", arg->name );
177     break;
179   default:
180     print_proxy("/* FIXME: %s code for %s type %d missing */\n", __FUNCTION__, arg->name, type_get_type(type) );
181   }
182 }
184 static void proxy_free_variables( var_list_t *args, const char *local_var_prefix )
185 {
186   const var_t *arg;
188   if (!args) return;
189   LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( arg, args, const var_t, entry )
190     if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_OUT))
191     {
192       free_variable( arg, local_var_prefix );
193       fprintf(proxy, "\n");
194     }
195 }
197 static void gen_proxy(type_t *iface, const var_t *func, int idx,
198                       unsigned int proc_offset)
199 {
200   var_t *retval = type_function_get_retval(func->type);
201   int has_ret = !is_void(retval->type);
202   int has_full_pointer = is_full_pointer_function(func);
203   const char *callconv = get_attrp(func->type->attrs, ATTR_CALLCONV);
204   const var_list_t *args = type_get_function_args(func->type);
205   if (!callconv) callconv = "STDMETHODCALLTYPE";
207   indent = 0;
208   if (is_interpreted_func( iface, func ))
209   {
210       if (get_stub_mode() == MODE_Oif && !is_callas( func->attrs )) return;
211       write_type_decl_left(proxy, retval->type);
212       print_proxy( " %s %s_%s_Proxy(\n", callconv, iface->name, get_name(func));
213       write_args(proxy, args, iface->name, 1, TRUE);
214       print_proxy( ")\n");
215       write_client_call_routine( proxy, iface, func, "Object", proc_offset );
216       return;
217   }
218   print_proxy( "static void __finally_%s_%s_Proxy( struct __proxy_frame *__frame )\n",
219                iface->name, get_name(func) );
220   print_proxy( "{\n");
221   indent++;
222   if (has_full_pointer) write_full_pointer_free(proxy, indent, func);
223   print_proxy( "NdrProxyFreeBuffer( __frame->This, &__frame->_StubMsg );\n" );
224   indent--;
225   print_proxy( "}\n");
226   print_proxy( "\n");
228   write_type_decl_left(proxy, retval->type);
229   print_proxy( " %s %s_%s_Proxy(\n", callconv, iface->name, get_name(func));
230   write_args(proxy, args, iface->name, 1, TRUE);
231   print_proxy( ")\n");
232   print_proxy( "{\n");
233   indent ++;
234   print_proxy( "struct __proxy_frame __f, * const __frame = &__f;\n" );
235   /* local variables */
236   if (has_ret) {
237     print_proxy( "%s", "" );
238     write_type_decl(proxy, retval->type, retval->name);
239     fprintf( proxy, ";\n" );
240   }
241   print_proxy( "RPC_MESSAGE _RpcMessage;\n" );
242   if (has_ret) {
243     if (decl_indirect(retval->type))
244         print_proxy("void *_p_%s = &%s;\n", retval->name, retval->name);
245   }
246   print_proxy( "\n");
248   print_proxy( "RpcExceptionInit( __proxy_filter, __finally_%s_%s_Proxy );\n", iface->name, get_name(func) );
249   print_proxy( "__frame->This = This;\n" );
251   if (has_full_pointer)
252     write_full_pointer_init(proxy, indent, func, FALSE);
254   /* FIXME: trace */
255   clear_output_vars( type_get_function_args(func->type) );
257   print_proxy( "RpcTryExcept\n" );
258   print_proxy( "{\n" );
259   indent++;
260   print_proxy( "NdrProxyInitialize(This, &_RpcMessage, &__frame->_StubMsg, &Object_StubDesc, %d);\n", idx);
261   write_pointer_checks( proxy, indent, func );
263   print_proxy( "RpcTryFinally\n" );
264   print_proxy( "{\n" );
265   indent++;
267   write_remoting_arguments(proxy, indent, func, "", PASS_IN, PHASE_BUFFERSIZE);
269   print_proxy( "NdrProxyGetBuffer(This, &__frame->_StubMsg);\n" );
271   write_remoting_arguments(proxy, indent, func, "", PASS_IN, PHASE_MARSHAL);
273   print_proxy( "NdrProxySendReceive(This, &__frame->_StubMsg);\n" );
274   fprintf(proxy, "\n");
275   print_proxy( "__frame->_StubMsg.BufferStart = _RpcMessage.Buffer;\n" );
276   print_proxy( "__frame->_StubMsg.BufferEnd   = __frame->_StubMsg.BufferStart + _RpcMessage.BufferLength;\n\n" );
278   print_proxy("if ((_RpcMessage.DataRepresentation & 0xffff) != NDR_LOCAL_DATA_REPRESENTATION)\n");
279   indent++;
280   print_proxy("NdrConvert( &__frame->_StubMsg, &__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format[%u]);\n", proc_offset );
281   indent--;
282   fprintf(proxy, "\n");
284   write_remoting_arguments(proxy, indent, func, "", PASS_OUT, PHASE_UNMARSHAL);
286   if (has_ret)
287   {
288       if (decl_indirect(retval->type))
289           print_proxy("MIDL_memset(&%s, 0, sizeof(%s));\n", retval->name, retval->name);
290       else if (is_ptr(retval->type) || is_array(retval->type))
291           print_proxy("%s = 0;\n", retval->name);
292       write_remoting_arguments(proxy, indent, func, "", PASS_RETURN, PHASE_UNMARSHAL);
293   }
295   indent--;
296   print_proxy( "}\n");
297   print_proxy( "RpcFinally\n" );
298   print_proxy( "{\n" );
299   indent++;
300   print_proxy( "__finally_%s_%s_Proxy( __frame );\n", iface->name, get_name(func) );
301   indent--;
302   print_proxy( "}\n");
303   print_proxy( "RpcEndFinally\n" );
304   indent--;
305   print_proxy( "}\n" );
306   print_proxy( "RpcExcept(__frame->_StubMsg.dwStubPhase != PROXY_SENDRECEIVE)\n" );
307   print_proxy( "{\n" );
308   if (has_ret) {
309     indent++;
310     proxy_free_variables( type_get_function_args(func->type), "" );
311     print_proxy( "_RetVal = NdrProxyErrorHandler(RpcExceptionCode());\n" );
312     indent--;
313   }
314   print_proxy( "}\n" );
315   print_proxy( "RpcEndExcept\n" );
317   if (has_ret) {
318     print_proxy( "return _RetVal;\n" );
319   }
320   indent--;
321   print_proxy( "}\n");
322   print_proxy( "\n");
323 }
325 static void gen_stub(type_t *iface, const var_t *func, const char *cas,
326                      unsigned int proc_offset)
327 {
328   const var_t *arg;
329   int has_ret = !is_void(type_function_get_rettype(func->type));
330   int has_full_pointer = is_full_pointer_function(func);
332   if (is_interpreted_func( iface, func )) return;
334   indent = 0;
335   print_proxy( "struct __frame_%s_%s_Stub\n{\n", iface->name, get_name(func));
336   indent++;
337   print_proxy( "__DECL_EXCEPTION_FRAME\n" );
338   print_proxy( "MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE _StubMsg;\n");
339   print_proxy( "%s * _This;\n", iface->name );
340   declare_stub_args( proxy, indent, func );
341   indent--;
342   print_proxy( "};\n\n" );
344   print_proxy( "static void __finally_%s_%s_Stub(", iface->name, get_name(func) );
345   print_proxy( " struct __frame_%s_%s_Stub *__frame )\n{\n", iface->name, get_name(func) );
346   indent++;
347   write_remoting_arguments(proxy, indent, func, "__frame->", PASS_OUT, PHASE_FREE);
348   if (has_full_pointer)
349     write_full_pointer_free(proxy, indent, func);
350   indent--;
351   print_proxy( "}\n\n" );
353   print_proxy( "void __RPC_STUB %s_%s_Stub(\n", iface->name, get_name(func));
354   indent++;
355   print_proxy( "IRpcStubBuffer* This,\n");
356   print_proxy( "IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,\n");
357   print_proxy( "PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,\n");
358   print_proxy( "DWORD* _pdwStubPhase)\n");
359   indent--;
360   print_proxy( "{\n");
361   indent++;
362   print_proxy( "struct __frame_%s_%s_Stub __f, * const __frame = &__f;\n\n",
363                iface->name, get_name(func) );
365   print_proxy("__frame->_This = (%s*)((CStdStubBuffer*)This)->pvServerObject;\n\n", iface->name);
367   /* FIXME: trace */
369   print_proxy("NdrStubInitialize(_pRpcMessage, &__frame->_StubMsg, &Object_StubDesc, _pRpcChannelBuffer);\n");
370   fprintf(proxy, "\n");
371   print_proxy( "RpcExceptionInit( 0, __finally_%s_%s_Stub );\n", iface->name, get_name(func) );
373   write_parameters_init(proxy, indent, func, "__frame->");
375   print_proxy("RpcTryFinally\n");
376   print_proxy("{\n");
377   indent++;
378   if (has_full_pointer)
379     write_full_pointer_init(proxy, indent, func, TRUE);
380   print_proxy("if ((_pRpcMessage->DataRepresentation & 0xffff) != NDR_LOCAL_DATA_REPRESENTATION)\n");
381   indent++;
382   print_proxy("NdrConvert( &__frame->_StubMsg, &__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format[%u]);\n", proc_offset );
383   indent--;
384   fprintf(proxy, "\n");
386   write_remoting_arguments(proxy, indent, func, "__frame->", PASS_IN, PHASE_UNMARSHAL);
387   fprintf(proxy, "\n");
389   assign_stub_out_args( proxy, indent, func, "__frame->" );
391   print_proxy("*_pdwStubPhase = STUB_CALL_SERVER;\n");
392   fprintf(proxy, "\n");
393   print_proxy( "%s", has_ret ? "__frame->_RetVal = " : "" );
394   if (cas) fprintf(proxy, "%s_%s_Stub", iface->name, cas);
395   else fprintf(proxy, "__frame->_This->lpVtbl->%s", get_name(func));
396   fprintf(proxy, "(__frame->_This");
398   if (type_get_function_args(func->type))
399   {
400       LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( arg, type_get_function_args(func->type), const var_t, entry )
401           fprintf(proxy, ", %s__frame->%s", is_array(arg->type) && !type_array_is_decl_as_ptr(arg->type) ? "*" :"" , arg->name);
402   }
403   fprintf(proxy, ");\n");
404   fprintf(proxy, "\n");
405   print_proxy("*_pdwStubPhase = STUB_MARSHAL;\n");
406   fprintf(proxy, "\n");
408   write_remoting_arguments(proxy, indent, func, "__frame->", PASS_OUT, PHASE_BUFFERSIZE);
410   if (!is_void(type_function_get_rettype(func->type)))
411     write_remoting_arguments(proxy, indent, func, "__frame->", PASS_RETURN, PHASE_BUFFERSIZE);
413   print_proxy("NdrStubGetBuffer(This, _pRpcChannelBuffer, &__frame->_StubMsg);\n");
415   write_remoting_arguments(proxy, indent, func, "__frame->", PASS_OUT, PHASE_MARSHAL);
416   fprintf(proxy, "\n");
418   /* marshall the return value */
419   if (!is_void(type_function_get_rettype(func->type)))
420     write_remoting_arguments(proxy, indent, func, "__frame->", PASS_RETURN, PHASE_MARSHAL);
422   indent--;
423   print_proxy("}\n");
424   print_proxy("RpcFinally\n");
425   print_proxy("{\n");
426   indent++;
427   print_proxy( "__finally_%s_%s_Stub( __frame );\n", iface->name, get_name(func) );
428   indent--;
429   print_proxy("}\n");
430   print_proxy("RpcEndFinally\n");
432   print_proxy("_pRpcMessage->BufferLength = __frame->_StubMsg.Buffer - (unsigned char *)_pRpcMessage->Buffer;\n");
433   indent--;
435   print_proxy("}\n");
436   print_proxy("\n");
437 }
439 static void gen_stub_thunk( type_t *iface, const var_t *func, unsigned int proc_offset )
440 {
441     int has_ret = !is_void( type_function_get_rettype( func->type ));
442     const var_t *arg, *callas = is_callas( func->attrs );
443     const var_list_t *args = type_get_function_args( func->type );
445     indent = 0;
446     print_proxy( "void __RPC_API %s_%s_Thunk( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg )\n",
447                  iface->name, get_name(func) );
448     print_proxy( "{\n");
449     indent++;
450     write_func_param_struct( proxy, iface, func->type,
451                              "*pParamStruct = (struct _PARAM_STRUCT *)pStubMsg->StackTop", has_ret );
452     print_proxy( "%s%s_%s_Stub( pParamStruct->This",
453                  has_ret ? "pParamStruct->_RetVal = " : "", iface->name, callas->name );
454     indent++;
455     if (args) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( arg, args, const var_t, entry )
456     {
457         fprintf( proxy, ",\n%*spParamStruct->%s", 4 * indent, "", arg->name );
458     }
459     fprintf( proxy, " );\n" );
460     indent--;
461     indent--;
462     print_proxy( "}\n\n");
463 }
465 int count_methods(const type_t *iface)
466 {
467     const statement_t *stmt;
468     int count = 0;
470     if (type_iface_get_inherit(iface))
471         count = count_methods(type_iface_get_inherit(iface));
473     STATEMENTS_FOR_EACH_FUNC(stmt, type_iface_get_stmts(iface)) {
474         const var_t *func = stmt->u.var;
475         if (!is_callas(func->attrs)) count++;
476     }
477     return count;
478 }
480 static const statement_t * get_callas_source(const type_t * iface, const var_t * def)
481 {
482   const statement_t * source;
483   STATEMENTS_FOR_EACH_FUNC( source, type_iface_get_stmts(iface)) {
484     const var_t * cas = is_callas(source->u.var->attrs );
485     if (cas && !strcmp(def->name, cas->name))
486       return source;
487   }
488   return NULL;
489 }
491 #ifdef __REACTOS__ /* r57019 / c3be8a3 */
492 static int write_proxy_procformatstring_offsets( const type_t *iface, int skip )
493 #else
494 static void write_proxy_procformatstring_offsets( const type_t *iface, int skip )
495 #endif
496 {
497     const statement_t *stmt;
498     int i = 0;
500     if (type_iface_get_inherit(iface))
501         i = write_proxy_procformatstring_offsets( type_iface_get_inherit(iface), need_delegation(iface));
502     else
503         return 0;
505     STATEMENTS_FOR_EACH_FUNC( stmt, type_iface_get_stmts(iface) )
506     {
507         const var_t *func = stmt->u.var;
508         int missing = 0;
510         if (is_callas(func->attrs)) continue;
511         if (is_local(func->attrs))
512         {
513             const statement_t * callas_source = get_callas_source(iface, func);
514             if (!callas_source)
515                 missing = 1;
516             else
517                 func = callas_source->u.var;
518         }
519         if (skip || missing)
520             print_proxy( "(unsigned short)-1,  /* %s::%s */\n", iface->name, get_name(func));
521         else
522             print_proxy( "%u,  /* %s::%s */\n", func->procstring_offset, iface->name, get_name(func));
523         i++;
524     }
525 #ifdef __REACTOS__ /* r57019 / c3be8a3 */
526     return i;
527 #endif
528 }
530 static int write_proxy_methods(type_t *iface, int skip)
531 {
532   const statement_t *stmt;
533   int i = 0;
535   if (type_iface_get_inherit(iface))
536     i = write_proxy_methods(type_iface_get_inherit(iface),
537                             need_delegation(iface));
538   STATEMENTS_FOR_EACH_FUNC(stmt, type_iface_get_stmts(iface)) {
539     const var_t *func = stmt->u.var;
540     if (!is_callas(func->attrs)) {
541       if (skip || (is_local(func->attrs) && !get_callas_source(iface, func)))
542           print_proxy( "0,  /* %s::%s */\n", iface->name, get_name(func));
543       else if (is_interpreted_func( iface, func ) &&
544                !is_local( func->attrs ) &&
545                type_iface_get_inherit(iface))
546           print_proxy( "(void *)-1,  /* %s::%s */\n", iface->name, get_name(func));
547       else
548           print_proxy( "%s_%s_Proxy,\n", iface->name, get_name(func));
549       i++;
550     }
551   }
552   return i;
553 }
555 static int write_stub_methods(type_t *iface, int skip)
556 {
557   const statement_t *stmt;
558   int i = 0;
560   if (type_iface_get_inherit(iface))
561     i = write_stub_methods(type_iface_get_inherit(iface), need_delegation(iface));
562   else
563     return i; /* skip IUnknown */
565   STATEMENTS_FOR_EACH_FUNC(stmt, type_iface_get_stmts(iface)) {
566     const var_t *func = stmt->u.var;
567     if (!is_callas(func->attrs)) {
568       int missing = 0;
569       const char * fname = get_name(func);
570       if(is_local(func->attrs)) {
571         const statement_t * callas_source = get_callas_source(iface, func);
572         if(!callas_source)
573           missing = 1;
574         else
575           fname = get_name(callas_source->u.var);
576       }
577       if (i) fprintf(proxy,",\n");
578       if (skip || missing) print_proxy("STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION");
579       else if (is_interpreted_func( iface, func ))
580           print_proxy( "(PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION)%s", get_stub_mode() == MODE_Oif ? "NdrStubCall2" : "NdrStubCall" );
581       else print_proxy( "%s_%s_Stub", iface->name, fname);
582       i++;
583     }
584   }
585   return i;
586 }
588 static void write_thunk_methods( type_t *iface, int skip )
589 {
590     const statement_t *stmt;
592     if (type_iface_get_inherit( iface ))
593         write_thunk_methods( type_iface_get_inherit(iface), need_delegation(iface) );
594     else
595         return; /* skip IUnknown */
597     STATEMENTS_FOR_EACH_FUNC( stmt, type_iface_get_stmts(iface) )
598     {
599         var_t *func = stmt->u.var;
600         const statement_t * callas_source = NULL;
602         if (is_callas(func->attrs)) continue;
603         if (is_local(func->attrs)) callas_source = get_callas_source(iface, func);
605         if (!skip && callas_source && is_interpreted_func( iface, func ))
606             print_proxy( "%s_%s_Thunk,\n", iface->name, get_name(callas_source->u.var) );
607         else
608             print_proxy( "0, /* %s::%s */\n", iface->name, get_name(func) );
609     }
610 }
612 static void write_proxy(type_t *iface, unsigned int *proc_offset)
613 {
614   int count;
615   const statement_t *stmt;
616   int first_func = 1;
617   int needs_stub_thunks = 0;
618   int needs_inline_stubs = need_inline_stubs( iface ) || need_delegation( iface );
620   STATEMENTS_FOR_EACH_FUNC(stmt, type_iface_get_stmts(iface)) {
621     var_t *func = stmt->u.var;
622     if (first_func) {
623       fprintf(proxy, "/*****************************************************************************\n");
624       fprintf(proxy, " * %s interface\n", iface->name);
625       fprintf(proxy, " */\n");
626       first_func = 0;
627     }
628     if (!is_local(func->attrs)) {
629       const var_t *cas = is_callas(func->attrs);
630       const char *cname = cas ? cas->name : NULL;
631       int idx = func->type->details.function->idx;
632       if (cname) {
633           const statement_t *stmt2;
634           STATEMENTS_FOR_EACH_FUNC(stmt2, type_iface_get_stmts(iface)) {
635               const var_t *m = stmt2->u.var;
636               if (!strcmp(m->name, cname))
637               {
638                   idx = m->type->details.function->idx;
639                   break;
640               }
641           }
642       }
643       func->procstring_offset = *proc_offset;
644       gen_proxy(iface, func, idx, *proc_offset);
645       gen_stub(iface, func, cname, *proc_offset);
646       if (cas && is_interpreted_func( iface, func ))
647       {
648           needs_stub_thunks = 1;
649           gen_stub_thunk(iface, func, *proc_offset);
650       }
651       *proc_offset += get_size_procformatstring_func( iface, func );
652     }
653   }
655   count = count_methods(iface);
657   print_proxy( "static const unsigned short %s_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =\n", iface->name );
658   print_proxy( "{\n" );
659   indent++;
660 #ifdef __REACTOS__ /* r57019 / c3be8a3 */
661   if (write_proxy_procformatstring_offsets( iface, 0 ) == 0)
662   {
663       print_proxy( "0\n" );
664   }
665 #else
666   write_proxy_procformatstring_offsets( iface, 0 );
667 #endif
668   indent--;
669   print_proxy( "};\n\n" );
671   /* proxy info */
672   if (get_stub_mode() == MODE_Oif)
673   {
674       print_proxy( "static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO %s_ProxyInfo =\n", iface->name );
675       print_proxy( "{\n" );
676       indent++;
677       print_proxy( "&Object_StubDesc,\n" );
678       print_proxy( "__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,\n" );
679       print_proxy( "&%s_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],\n", iface->name );
680       print_proxy( "0,\n" );
681       print_proxy( "0,\n" );
682       print_proxy( "0\n" );
683       indent--;
684       print_proxy( "};\n\n" );
685   }
687   /* proxy vtable */
688   print_proxy( "static %sCINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(%d) _%sProxyVtbl =\n",
689                (get_stub_mode() != MODE_Os || need_delegation_indirect(iface)) ? "" : "const ",
690                count, iface->name);
691   print_proxy( "{\n");
692   indent++;
693   print_proxy( "{\n");
694   indent++;
695   if (get_stub_mode() == MODE_Oif) print_proxy( "&%s_ProxyInfo,\n", iface->name );
696   print_proxy( "&IID_%s,\n", iface->name);
697   indent--;
698   print_proxy( "},\n");
699   print_proxy( "{\n");
700   indent++;
701   write_proxy_methods(iface, FALSE);
702   indent--;
703   print_proxy( "}\n");
704   indent--;
705   print_proxy( "};\n\n");
707   /* stub thunk table */
708   if (needs_stub_thunks)
709   {
710       print_proxy( "static const STUB_THUNK %s_StubThunkTable[] =\n", iface->name);
711       print_proxy( "{\n");
712       indent++;
713       write_thunk_methods( iface, 0 );
714       indent--;
715       print_proxy( "};\n\n");
716   }
718   /* server info */
719   print_proxy( "static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO %s_ServerInfo =\n", iface->name );
720   print_proxy( "{\n" );
721   indent++;
722   print_proxy( "&Object_StubDesc,\n" );
723   print_proxy( "0,\n" );
724   print_proxy( "__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,\n" );
725   print_proxy( "&%s_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],\n", iface->name );
726   if (needs_stub_thunks)
727       print_proxy( "&%s_StubThunkTable[-3],\n", iface->name );
728   else
729       print_proxy( "0,\n" );
730   print_proxy( "0,\n" );
731   print_proxy( "0,\n" );
732   print_proxy( "0\n" );
733   indent--;
734   print_proxy( "};\n\n" );
736   /* stub vtable */
737   if (needs_inline_stubs)
738   {
739       print_proxy( "static const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION %s_table[] =\n", iface->name);
740       print_proxy( "{\n");
741       indent++;
742 #ifdef __REACTOS__ /* r57019 / c3be8a3 */
743       if (write_stub_methods(iface, FALSE) == 0)
744       {
745           fprintf(proxy, "0");
746       }
747 #else
748       write_stub_methods(iface, FALSE);
749 #endif
750       fprintf(proxy, "\n");
751       indent--;
752       fprintf(proxy, "};\n\n");
753   }
754   print_proxy( "static %sCInterfaceStubVtbl _%sStubVtbl =\n",
755                need_delegation_indirect(iface) ? "" : "const ", iface->name);
756   print_proxy( "{\n");
757   indent++;
758   print_proxy( "{\n");
759   indent++;
760   print_proxy( "&IID_%s,\n", iface->name);
761   print_proxy( "&%s_ServerInfo,\n", iface->name );
762   print_proxy( "%d,\n", count);
763   if (needs_inline_stubs) print_proxy( "&%s_table[-3]\n", iface->name );
764   else print_proxy( "0\n" );
765   indent--;
766   print_proxy( "},\n");
767   print_proxy( "{\n");
768   indent++;
769   print_proxy( "%s_%s\n",
770                iface->details.iface->async_iface == iface ? "CStdAsyncStubBuffer" : "CStdStubBuffer",
771                need_delegation_indirect(iface) ? "DELEGATING_METHODS" : "METHODS");
772   indent--;
773   print_proxy( "}\n");
774   indent--;
775   print_proxy( "};\n");
776   print_proxy( "\n");
777 }
779 static int does_any_iface(const statement_list_t *stmts, type_pred_t pred)
780 {
781   const statement_t *stmt;
783   if (stmts)
784     LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(stmt, stmts, const statement_t, entry)
785     {
786       if (stmt->type == STMT_TYPE && type_get_type(stmt->u.type) == TYPE_INTERFACE)
787       {
788         if (pred(stmt->u.type))
789           return TRUE;
790       }
791     }
793   return FALSE;
794 }
796 int need_proxy(const type_t *iface)
797 {
798     if (!is_object( iface )) return 0;
799     if (is_local( iface->attrs )) return 0;
800     if (is_attr( iface->attrs, ATTR_DISPINTERFACE )) return 0;
801     return 1;
802 }
804 int need_stub(const type_t *iface)
805 {
806   return !is_object(iface) && !is_local(iface->attrs);
807 }
809 int need_proxy_file(const statement_list_t *stmts)
810 {
811     return does_any_iface(stmts, need_proxy);
812 }
814 int need_proxy_delegation(const statement_list_t *stmts)
815 {
816     return does_any_iface(stmts, need_delegation);
817 }
819 int need_inline_stubs(const type_t *iface)
820 {
821     const statement_t *stmt;
823     if (get_stub_mode() == MODE_Os) return 1;
825     STATEMENTS_FOR_EACH_FUNC( stmt, type_iface_get_stmts(iface) )
826     {
827         const var_t *func = stmt->u.var;
828         if (is_local( func->attrs )) continue;
829         if (!is_interpreted_func( iface, func )) return 1;
830     }
831     return 0;
832 }
834 static int need_proxy_and_inline_stubs(const type_t *iface)
835 {
836     const statement_t *stmt;
838     if (!need_proxy( iface )) return 0;
839     if (get_stub_mode() == MODE_Os) return 1;
841     STATEMENTS_FOR_EACH_FUNC( stmt, type_iface_get_stmts(iface) )
842     {
843         const var_t *func = stmt->u.var;
844         if (is_local( func->attrs )) continue;
845         if (!is_interpreted_func( iface, func )) return 1;
846     }
847     return 0;
848 }
850 int need_stub_files(const statement_list_t *stmts)
851 {
852   return does_any_iface(stmts, need_stub);
853 }
855 int need_inline_stubs_file(const statement_list_t *stmts)
856 {
857   return does_any_iface(stmts, need_inline_stubs);
858 }
860 static void write_proxy_stmts(const statement_list_t *stmts, unsigned int *proc_offset)
861 {
862   const statement_t *stmt;
863   if (stmts) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( stmt, stmts, const statement_t, entry )
864   {
865     if (stmt->type == STMT_TYPE && type_get_type(stmt->u.type) == TYPE_INTERFACE)
866     {
867       type_t *iface = stmt->u.type;
868       if (need_proxy(iface))
869       {
870         write_proxy(iface, proc_offset);
871         if (iface->details.iface->async_iface)
872           write_proxy(iface->details.iface->async_iface, proc_offset);
873       }
874     }
875   }
876 }
878 static int cmp_iid( const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2 )
879 {
880     const type_t * const *iface1 = ptr1;
881     const type_t * const *iface2 = ptr2;
882     const UUID *uuid1 = get_attrp( (*iface1)->attrs, ATTR_UUID );
883     const UUID *uuid2 = get_attrp( (*iface2)->attrs, ATTR_UUID );
884     return memcmp( uuid1, uuid2, sizeof(UUID) );
885 }
887 static void build_iface_list( const statement_list_t *stmts, type_t **ifaces[], int *count )
888 {
889     const statement_t *stmt;
891     if (!stmts) return;
892     LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( stmt, stmts, const statement_t, entry )
893     {
894         if (stmt->type == STMT_TYPE && type_get_type(stmt->u.type) == TYPE_INTERFACE)
895         {
896             type_t *iface = stmt->u.type;
897             if (type_iface_get_inherit(iface) && need_proxy(iface))
898             {
899                 *ifaces = xrealloc( *ifaces, (*count + 1) * sizeof(**ifaces) );
900                 (*ifaces)[(*count)++] = iface;
901                 if (iface->details.iface->async_iface)
902                 {
903                     iface = iface->details.iface->async_iface;
904                     *ifaces = xrealloc( *ifaces, (*count + 1) * sizeof(**ifaces) );
905                     (*ifaces)[(*count)++] = iface;
906                 }
907             }
908         }
909     }
910 }
912 static type_t **sort_interfaces( const statement_list_t *stmts, int *count )
913 {
914     type_t **ifaces = NULL;
916     *count = 0;
917     build_iface_list( stmts, &ifaces, count );
918     qsort( ifaces, *count, sizeof(*ifaces), cmp_iid );
919     return ifaces;
920 }
922 static void write_proxy_routines(const statement_list_t *stmts)
923 {
924   int expr_eval_routines;
925   unsigned int proc_offset = 0;
926   char *file_id = proxy_token;
927   int i, count, have_baseiid = 0;
928   unsigned int table_version;
929   type_t **interfaces;
930   const type_t * delegate_to;
932   print_proxy( "#ifndef __REDQ_RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__\n");
933   print_proxy( "#define __REQUIRED_RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ %u\n", get_stub_mode() == MODE_Oif ? 475 : 440);
934   print_proxy( "#endif\n");
935   print_proxy( "\n");
936   if (get_stub_mode() == MODE_Oif) print_proxy( "#define USE_STUBLESS_PROXY\n");
937   print_proxy( "#include \"rpcproxy.h\"\n");
938   print_proxy( "#ifndef __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__\n");
939   print_proxy( "#error This code needs a newer version of rpcproxy.h\n");
940   print_proxy( "#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */\n");
941   print_proxy( "\n");
942   print_proxy( "#include \"%s\"\n", header_name);
943   print_proxy( "\n");
945   if (does_any_iface(stmts, need_proxy_and_inline_stubs))
946   {
947       write_exceptions( proxy );
948       print_proxy( "\n");
949       print_proxy( "struct __proxy_frame\n");
950       print_proxy( "{\n");
951       print_proxy( "    __DECL_EXCEPTION_FRAME\n");
952       print_proxy( "    MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE _StubMsg;\n");
953       print_proxy( "    void             *This;\n");
954       print_proxy( "};\n");
955       print_proxy( "\n");
956       print_proxy("static int __proxy_filter( struct __proxy_frame *__frame )\n");
957       print_proxy( "{\n");
958       print_proxy( "    return (__frame->_StubMsg.dwStubPhase != PROXY_SENDRECEIVE);\n");
959       print_proxy( "}\n");
960       print_proxy( "\n");
961   }
963   write_formatstringsdecl(proxy, indent, stmts, need_proxy);
964   write_stubdescproto();
965   write_proxy_stmts(stmts, &proc_offset);
967   expr_eval_routines = write_expr_eval_routines(proxy, proxy_token);
968   if (expr_eval_routines)
969       write_expr_eval_routine_list(proxy, proxy_token);
970   write_user_quad_list(proxy);
971   write_stubdesc(expr_eval_routines);
973   print_proxy( "#if !defined(__RPC_WIN%u__)\n", pointer_size == 8 ? 64 : 32);
974   print_proxy( "#error Invalid build platform for this proxy.\n");
975   print_proxy( "#endif\n");
976   print_proxy( "\n");
977   write_procformatstring(proxy, stmts, need_proxy);
978   write_typeformatstring(proxy, stmts, need_proxy);
980   interfaces = sort_interfaces(stmts, &count);
981   fprintf(proxy, "static const CInterfaceProxyVtbl* const _%s_ProxyVtblList[] =\n", file_id);
982   fprintf(proxy, "{\n");
983   for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
984       fprintf(proxy, "    (const CInterfaceProxyVtbl*)&_%sProxyVtbl,\n", interfaces[i]->name);
985   fprintf(proxy, "    0\n");
986   fprintf(proxy, "};\n");
987   fprintf(proxy, "\n");
989   fprintf(proxy, "static const CInterfaceStubVtbl* const _%s_StubVtblList[] =\n", file_id);
990   fprintf(proxy, "{\n");
991   for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
992       fprintf(proxy, "    &_%sStubVtbl,\n", interfaces[i]->name);
993   fprintf(proxy, "    0\n");
994   fprintf(proxy, "};\n");
995   fprintf(proxy, "\n");
997   fprintf(proxy, "static PCInterfaceName const _%s_InterfaceNamesList[] =\n", file_id);
998   fprintf(proxy, "{\n");
999   for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
1000       fprintf(proxy, "    \"%s\",\n", interfaces[i]->name);
1001   fprintf(proxy, "    0\n");
1002   fprintf(proxy, "};\n");
1003   fprintf(proxy, "\n");
1005   for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
1006       if ((have_baseiid = get_delegation_indirect( interfaces[i], NULL ))) break;
1008   if (have_baseiid)
1009   {
1010       fprintf(proxy, "static const IID * _%s_BaseIIDList[] =\n", file_id);
1011       fprintf(proxy, "{\n");
1012       for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
1013       {
1014           if (get_delegation_indirect(interfaces[i], &delegate_to))
1015               fprintf( proxy, "    &IID_%s,  /* %s */\n", delegate_to->name, interfaces[i]->name );
1016           else
1017               fprintf( proxy, "    0,\n" );
1018       }
1019       fprintf(proxy, "    0\n");
1020       fprintf(proxy, "};\n");
1021       fprintf(proxy, "\n");
1022   }
1024   fprintf(proxy, "static int __stdcall _%s_IID_Lookup(const IID* pIID, int* pIndex)\n", file_id);
1025   fprintf(proxy, "{\n");
1026   fprintf(proxy, "    int low = 0, high = %d;\n", count - 1);
1027   fprintf(proxy, "\n");
1028   fprintf(proxy, "    while (low <= high)\n");
1029   fprintf(proxy, "    {\n");
1030   fprintf(proxy, "        int pos = (low + high) / 2;\n");
1031   fprintf(proxy, "        int res = IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID(_%s, pIID, pos);\n", file_id);
1032   fprintf(proxy, "        if (!res) { *pIndex = pos; return 1; }\n");
1033   fprintf(proxy, "        if (res > 0) low = pos + 1;\n");
1034   fprintf(proxy, "        else high = pos - 1;\n");
1035   fprintf(proxy, "    }\n");
1036   fprintf(proxy, "    return 0;\n");
1037   fprintf(proxy, "}\n");
1038   fprintf(proxy, "\n");
1040   table_version = get_stub_mode() == MODE_Oif ? 2 : 1;
1041   for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
1042   {
1043       if (interfaces[i]->details.iface->async_iface != interfaces[i]) continue;
1044       if (table_version != 6)
1045       {
1046           fprintf(proxy, "static const IID *_AsyncInterfaceTable[] =\n");
1047           fprintf(proxy, "{\n");
1048           table_version = 6;
1049       }
1050       fprintf(proxy, "    &IID_%s,\n", interfaces[i]->name);
1051       fprintf(proxy, "    (IID*)(LONG_PTR)-1,\n");
1052   }
1053   if (table_version == 6)
1054   {
1055       fprintf(proxy, "    0\n");
1056       fprintf(proxy, "};\n");
1057       fprintf(proxy, "\n");
1058   }
1060   fprintf(proxy, "const ExtendedProxyFileInfo %s_ProxyFileInfo DECLSPEC_HIDDEN =\n", file_id);
1061   fprintf(proxy, "{\n");
1062   fprintf(proxy, "    (const PCInterfaceProxyVtblList*)_%s_ProxyVtblList,\n", file_id);
1063   fprintf(proxy, "    (const PCInterfaceStubVtblList*)_%s_StubVtblList,\n", file_id);
1064   fprintf(proxy, "    _%s_InterfaceNamesList,\n", file_id);
1065   if (have_baseiid) fprintf(proxy, "    _%s_BaseIIDList,\n", file_id);
1066   else fprintf(proxy, "    0,\n");
1067   fprintf(proxy, "    _%s_IID_Lookup,\n", file_id);
1068   fprintf(proxy, "    %d,\n", count);
1069   fprintf(proxy, "    %u,\n", table_version);
1070   fprintf(proxy, "    %s,\n", table_version == 6 ? "_AsyncInterfaceTable" : "0");
1071   fprintf(proxy, "    0,\n");
1072   fprintf(proxy, "    0,\n");
1073   fprintf(proxy, "    0\n");
1074   fprintf(proxy, "};\n");
1075 }
1077 void write_proxies(const statement_list_t *stmts)
1078 {
1079   if (!do_proxies) return;
1080   if (do_everything && !need_proxy_file(stmts)) return;
1082   init_proxy(stmts);
1083   if(!proxy) return;
1085   write_proxy_routines( stmts );
1086   fclose(proxy);
1087 }