xref: /reactos/win32ss/w32ksvc32.h (revision cf4bb8fc)
1     // SVC_(<NAME>, <ARG_COUNT>)
2     //
3     // Funcs order should match Windows 2003 Service Pack 2
4     // Note: these MUST be indented for the ARM assembler!
5     //
6     SVC_(GdiAbortDoc, 1)
7     SVC_(GdiAbortPath, 1)
8     SVC_(GdiAddFontResourceW, 6)
9     SVC_(GdiAddRemoteFontToDC, 4)
10     SVC_(GdiAddFontMemResourceEx, 5)
11     SVC_(GdiRemoveMergeFont, 2)
12     SVC_(GdiAddRemoteMMInstanceToDC, 3)
13     SVC_(GdiAlphaBlend, 12)
14     SVC_(GdiAngleArc, 6)
15     SVC_(GdiAnyLinkedFonts, 0)
16     SVC_(GdiFontIsLinked, 1)
17     SVC_(GdiArcInternal, 10)
18     SVC_(GdiBeginPath, 1)
19     SVC_(GdiBitBlt, 11)
20     SVC_(GdiCancelDC, 1)
21     SVC_(GdiCheckBitmapBits, 8)
22     SVC_(GdiCloseFigure, 1)
23     SVC_(GdiClearBitmapAttributes, 2)
24     SVC_(GdiClearBrushAttributes, 2)
25     SVC_(GdiColorCorrectPalette, 6)
26     SVC_(GdiCombineRgn, 4)
27     SVC_(GdiCombineTransform, 3)
28     SVC_(GdiComputeXformCoefficients, 1)
29     SVC_(GdiConsoleTextOut, 4)
30     SVC_(GdiConvertMetafileRect, 2)
31     SVC_(GdiCreateBitmap, 5)
32     SVC_(GdiCreateClientObj, 1)
33     SVC_(GdiCreateColorSpace, 1)
34     SVC_(GdiCreateColorTransform, 8)
35     SVC_(GdiCreateCompatibleBitmap, 3)
36     SVC_(GdiCreateCompatibleDC, 1)
37     SVC_(GdiCreateDIBBrush, 6)
38     SVC_(GdiCreateDIBitmapInternal, 11)
39     SVC_(GdiCreateDIBSection, 9)
40     SVC_(GdiCreateEllipticRgn, 4)
41     SVC_(GdiCreateHalftonePalette, 1)
42     SVC_(GdiCreateHatchBrushInternal, 3)
43     SVC_(GdiCreateMetafileDC, 1)
44     SVC_(GdiCreatePaletteInternal, 2)
45     SVC_(GdiCreatePatternBrushInternal, 3)
46     SVC_(GdiCreatePen, 4)
47     SVC_(GdiCreateRectRgn, 4)
48     SVC_(GdiCreateRoundRectRgn, 6)
49     SVC_(GdiCreateServerMetaFile, 6)
50     SVC_(GdiCreateSolidBrush, 2)
51     SVC_(GdiD3dContextCreate, 4)
52     SVC_(GdiD3dContextDestroy, 1)
53     SVC_(GdiD3dContextDestroyAll, 1)
54     SVC_(GdiD3dValidateTextureStageState, 1)
55     SVC_(GdiD3dDrawPrimitives2, 7)
56     SVC_(GdiDdGetDriverState, 1)
57     SVC_(GdiDdAddAttachedSurface, 3)
58     SVC_(GdiDdAlphaBlt, 3)
59     SVC_(GdiDdAttachSurface, 2)
60     SVC_(GdiDdBeginMoCompFrame, 2)
61     SVC_(GdiDdBlt, 3)
62     SVC_(GdiDdCanCreateSurface, 2)
63     SVC_(GdiDdCanCreateD3DBuffer, 2)
64     SVC_(GdiDdColorControl, 2)
65     SVC_(GdiDdCreateDirectDrawObject, 1)
66     SVC_(GdiDdCreateSurface, 8)
67     SVC_(GdiDdCreateD3DBuffer, 8)
68     SVC_(GdiDdCreateMoComp, 2)
69     SVC_(GdiDdCreateSurfaceObject, 6)
70     SVC_(GdiDdDeleteDirectDrawObject, 1)
71     SVC_(GdiDdDeleteSurfaceObject, 1)
72     SVC_(GdiDdDestroyMoComp, 2)
73     SVC_(GdiDdDestroySurface, 2)
74     SVC_(GdiDdDestroyD3DBuffer, 1)
75     SVC_(GdiDdEndMoCompFrame, 2)
76     SVC_(GdiDdFlip, 5)
77     SVC_(GdiDdFlipToGDISurface, 2)
78     SVC_(GdiDdGetAvailDriverMemory, 2)
79     SVC_(GdiDdGetBltStatus, 2)
80     SVC_(GdiDdGetDC, 2)
81     SVC_(GdiDdGetDriverInfo, 2)
82     SVC_(GdiDdGetDxHandle, 3)
83     SVC_(GdiDdGetFlipStatus, 2)
84     SVC_(GdiDdGetInternalMoCompInfo, 2)
85     SVC_(GdiDdGetMoCompBuffInfo, 2)
86     SVC_(GdiDdGetMoCompGuids, 2)
87     SVC_(GdiDdGetMoCompFormats, 2)
88     SVC_(GdiDdGetScanLine, 2)
89     SVC_(GdiDdLock, 3)
90     SVC_(GdiDdLockD3D, 2)
91     SVC_(GdiDdQueryDirectDrawObject, 11)
92     SVC_(GdiDdQueryMoCompStatus, 2)
93     SVC_(GdiDdReenableDirectDrawObject, 2)
94     SVC_(GdiDdReleaseDC, 1)
95     SVC_(GdiDdRenderMoComp, 2)
96     SVC_(GdiDdResetVisrgn, 2)
97     SVC_(GdiDdSetColorKey, 2)
98     SVC_(GdiDdSetExclusiveMode, 2)
99     SVC_(GdiDdSetGammaRamp, 3)
100     SVC_(GdiDdCreateSurfaceEx, 3)
101     SVC_(GdiDdSetOverlayPosition, 3)
102     SVC_(GdiDdUnattachSurface, 2)
103     SVC_(GdiDdUnlock, 2)
104     SVC_(GdiDdUnlockD3D, 2)
105     SVC_(GdiDdUpdateOverlay, 3)
106     SVC_(GdiDdWaitForVerticalBlank, 2)
107     SVC_(GdiDvpCanCreateVideoPort, 2)
108     SVC_(GdiDvpColorControl, 2)
109     SVC_(GdiDvpCreateVideoPort, 2)
110     SVC_(GdiDvpDestroyVideoPort, 2)
111     SVC_(GdiDvpFlipVideoPort, 4)
112     SVC_(GdiDvpGetVideoPortBandwidth, 2)
113     SVC_(GdiDvpGetVideoPortField, 2)
114     SVC_(GdiDvpGetVideoPortFlipStatus, 2)
115     SVC_(GdiDvpGetVideoPortInputFormats, 2)
116     SVC_(GdiDvpGetVideoPortLine, 2)
117     SVC_(GdiDvpGetVideoPortOutputFormats, 2)
118     SVC_(GdiDvpGetVideoPortConnectInfo, 2)
119     SVC_(GdiDvpGetVideoSignalStatus, 2)
120     SVC_(GdiDvpUpdateVideoPort, 4)
121     SVC_(GdiDvpWaitForVideoPortSync, 2)
122     SVC_(GdiDvpAcquireNotification, 3)
123     SVC_(GdiDvpReleaseNotification, 2)
124     SVC_(GdiDxgGenericThunk, 6)
125     SVC_(GdiDeleteClientObj, 1)
126     SVC_(GdiDeleteColorSpace, 1)
127     SVC_(GdiDeleteColorTransform, 2)
128     SVC_(GdiDeleteObjectApp, 1)
129     SVC_(GdiDescribePixelFormat, 4)
130     SVC_(GdiGetPerBandInfo, 2)
131     SVC_(GdiDoBanding, 4)
132     SVC_(GdiDoPalette, 6)
133     SVC_(GdiDrawEscape, 4)
134     SVC_(GdiEllipse, 5)
135     SVC_(GdiEnableEudc, 1)
136     SVC_(GdiEndDoc, 1)
137     SVC_(GdiEndPage, 1)
138     SVC_(GdiEndPath, 1)
139     SVC_(GdiEnumFontChunk, 5)
140     SVC_(GdiEnumFontClose, 1)
141     SVC_(GdiEnumFontOpen, 7)
142     SVC_(GdiEnumObjects, 4)
143     SVC_(GdiEqualRgn, 2)
144     SVC_(GdiEudcLoadUnloadLink, 7)
145     SVC_(GdiExcludeClipRect, 5)
146     SVC_(GdiExtCreatePen, 11)
147     SVC_(GdiExtCreateRegion, 3)
148     SVC_(GdiExtEscape, 8)
149     SVC_(GdiExtFloodFill, 5)
150     SVC_(GdiExtGetObjectW, 3)
151     SVC_(GdiExtSelectClipRgn, 3)
152     SVC_(GdiExtTextOutW, 9)
153     SVC_(GdiFillPath, 1)
154     SVC_(GdiFillRgn, 3)
155     SVC_(GdiFlattenPath, 1)
156     SVC_(GdiFlush, 0)
157     SVC_(GdiForceUFIMapping, 2)
158     SVC_(GdiFrameRgn, 5)
159     SVC_(GdiFullscreenControl, 5)
160     SVC_(GdiGetAndSetDCDword, 4)
161     SVC_(GdiGetAppClipBox, 2)
162     SVC_(GdiGetBitmapBits, 3)
163     SVC_(GdiGetBitmapDimension, 2)
164     SVC_(GdiGetBoundsRect, 3)
165     SVC_(GdiGetCharABCWidthsW, 6)
166     SVC_(GdiGetCharacterPlacementW, 6)
167     SVC_(GdiGetCharSet, 1)
168     SVC_(GdiGetCharWidthW, 6)
169     SVC_(GdiGetCharWidthInfo, 2)
170     SVC_(GdiGetColorAdjustment, 2)
171     SVC_(GdiGetColorSpaceforBitmap, 1)
172     SVC_(GdiGetDCDword, 3)
173     SVC_(GdiGetDCforBitmap, 1)
174     SVC_(GdiGetDCObject, 2)
175     SVC_(GdiGetDCPoint, 3)
176     SVC_(GdiGetDeviceCaps, 2)
177     SVC_(GdiGetDeviceGammaRamp, 2)
178     SVC_(GdiGetDeviceCapsAll, 2)
179     SVC_(GdiGetDIBitsInternal, 9)
180     SVC_(GdiGetETM, 2)
181     SVC_(GdiGetEudcTimeStampEx, 3)
182     SVC_(GdiGetFontData, 5)
183     SVC_(GdiGetFontResourceInfoInternalW, 7)
184     SVC_(GdiGetGlyphIndicesW, 5)
185     SVC_(GdiGetGlyphIndicesWInternal, 6)
186     SVC_(GdiGetGlyphOutline, 8)
187     SVC_(GdiGetKerningPairs, 3)
188     SVC_(GdiGetLinkedUFIs, 3)
189     SVC_(GdiGetMiterLimit, 2)
190     SVC_(GdiGetMonitorID, 3)
191     SVC_(GdiGetNearestColor, 2)
192     SVC_(GdiGetNearestPaletteIndex, 2)
193     SVC_(GdiGetObjectBitmapHandle, 2)
194     SVC_(GdiGetOutlineTextMetricsInternalW, 4)
195     SVC_(GdiGetPath, 4)
196     SVC_(GdiGetPixel, 3)
197     SVC_(GdiGetRandomRgn, 3)
198     SVC_(GdiGetRasterizerCaps, 2)
199     SVC_(GdiGetRealizationInfo, 3)
200     SVC_(GdiGetRegionData, 3)
201     SVC_(GdiGetRgnBox, 2)
202     SVC_(GdiGetServerMetaFileBits, 7)
203     SVC_(GdiGetSpoolMessage, 4)
204     SVC_(GdiGetStats, 5)
205     SVC_(GdiGetStockObject, 1)
206     SVC_(GdiGetStringBitmapW, 5)
207     SVC_(GdiGetSystemPaletteUse, 1)
208     SVC_(GdiGetTextCharsetInfo, 3)
209     SVC_(GdiGetTextExtent, 5)
210     SVC_(GdiGetTextExtentExW, 8)
211     SVC_(GdiGetTextFaceW, 4)
212     SVC_(GdiGetTextMetricsW, 3)
213     SVC_(GdiGetTransform, 3)
214     SVC_(GdiGetUFI, 6)
215     SVC_(GdiGetEmbUFI, 7)
216     SVC_(GdiGetUFIPathname, 10)
217     SVC_(GdiGetEmbedFonts, 0)
218     SVC_(GdiChangeGhostFont, 2)
219     SVC_(GdiAddEmbFontToDC, 2)
220     SVC_(GdiGetFontUnicodeRanges, 2)
221     SVC_(GdiGetWidthTable, 7)
222     SVC_(GdiGradientFill, 6)
223     SVC_(GdiHfontCreate, 5)
224     SVC_(GdiIcmBrushInfo, 8)
225     SVC_(GdiInit, 0)
226     SVC_(GdiInitSpool, 0)
227     SVC_(GdiIntersectClipRect, 5)
228     SVC_(GdiInvertRgn, 2)
229     SVC_(GdiLineTo, 3)
230     SVC_(GdiMakeFontDir, 5)
231     SVC_(GdiMakeInfoDC, 2)
232     SVC_(GdiMaskBlt, 13)
233     SVC_(GdiModifyWorldTransform, 3)
234     SVC_(GdiMonoBitmap, 1)
235     SVC_(GdiMoveTo, 4)
236     SVC_(GdiOffsetClipRgn, 3)
237     SVC_(GdiOffsetRgn, 3)
238     SVC_(GdiOpenDCW, 7)
239     SVC_(GdiPatBlt, 6)
240     SVC_(GdiPolyPatBlt, 5)
241     SVC_(GdiPathToRegion, 1)
242     SVC_(GdiPlgBlt, 11)
243     SVC_(GdiPolyDraw, 4)
244     SVC_(GdiPolyPolyDraw, 5)
245     SVC_(GdiPolyTextOutW, 4)
246     SVC_(GdiPtInRegion, 3)
247     SVC_(GdiPtVisible, 3)
248     SVC_(GdiQueryFonts, 3)
249     SVC_(GdiQueryFontAssocInfo, 1)
250     SVC_(GdiRectangle, 5)
251     SVC_(GdiRectInRegion, 2)
252     SVC_(GdiRectVisible, 2)
253     SVC_(GdiRemoveFontResourceW, 6)
254     SVC_(GdiRemoveFontMemResourceEx, 1)
255     SVC_(GdiResetDC, 5)
256     SVC_(GdiResizePalette, 2)
257     SVC_(GdiRestoreDC, 2)
258     SVC_(GdiRoundRect, 7)
259     SVC_(GdiSaveDC, 1)
260     SVC_(GdiScaleViewportExtEx, 6)
261     SVC_(GdiScaleWindowExtEx, 6)
262     SVC_(GdiSelectBitmap, 2)
263     SVC_(GdiSelectBrush, 2)
264     SVC_(GdiSelectClipPath, 2)
265     SVC_(GdiSelectFont, 2)
266     SVC_(GdiSelectPen, 2)
267     SVC_(GdiSetBitmapAttributes, 2)
268     SVC_(GdiSetBitmapBits, 3)
269     SVC_(GdiSetBitmapDimension, 4)
270     SVC_(GdiSetBoundsRect, 3)
271     SVC_(GdiSetBrushAttributes, 2)
272     SVC_(GdiSetBrushOrg, 4)
273     SVC_(GdiSetColorAdjustment, 2)
274     SVC_(GdiSetColorSpace, 2)
275     SVC_(GdiSetDeviceGammaRamp, 2)
276     SVC_(GdiSetDIBitsToDeviceInternal, 16)
277     SVC_(GdiSetFontEnumeration, 1)
278     SVC_(GdiSetFontXform, 3)
279     SVC_(GdiSetIcmMode, 3)
280     SVC_(GdiSetLinkedUFIs, 3)
281     SVC_(GdiSetMagicColors, 3)
282     SVC_(GdiSetMetaRgn, 1)
283     SVC_(GdiSetMiterLimit, 3)
284     SVC_(GdiGetDeviceWidth, 1)
285     SVC_(GdiMirrorWindowOrg, 1)
286     SVC_(GdiSetLayout, 3)
287     SVC_(GdiSetPixel, 4)
288     SVC_(GdiSetPixelFormat, 2)
289     SVC_(GdiSetRectRgn, 5)
290     SVC_(GdiSetSystemPaletteUse, 2)
291     SVC_(GdiSetTextJustification, 3)
292     SVC_(GdiSetupPublicCFONT, 3)
293     SVC_(GdiSetVirtualResolution, 5)
294     SVC_(GdiSetSizeDevice, 3)
295     SVC_(GdiStartDoc, 4)
296     SVC_(GdiStartPage, 1)
297     SVC_(GdiStretchBlt, 12)
298     SVC_(GdiStretchDIBitsInternal, 16)
299     SVC_(GdiStrokeAndFillPath, 1)
300     SVC_(GdiStrokePath, 1)
301     SVC_(GdiSwapBuffers, 1)
302     SVC_(GdiTransformPoints, 5)
303     SVC_(GdiTransparentBlt, 11)
304     SVC_(GdiUnloadPrinterDriver, 2)
305     SVC_(GdiUnmapMemFont, 1)
306     SVC_(GdiUnrealizeObject, 1)
307     SVC_(GdiUpdateColors, 1)
308     SVC_(GdiWidenPath, 1)
309     SVC_(UserActivateKeyboardLayout, 2)
310     SVC_(UserAlterWindowStyle, 3)
311     SVC_(UserAssociateInputContext, 3)
312     SVC_(UserAttachThreadInput, 3)
313     SVC_(UserBeginPaint, 2)
314     SVC_(UserBitBltSysBmp, 8)
315     SVC_(UserBlockInput, 1)
316     SVC_(UserBuildHimcList, 4)
317     SVC_(UserBuildHwndList, 7)
318     SVC_(UserBuildNameList, 4)
319     SVC_(UserBuildPropList, 4)
320     SVC_(UserCallHwnd, 2)
321     SVC_(UserCallHwndLock, 2)
322     SVC_(UserCallHwndOpt, 2)
323     SVC_(UserCallHwndParam, 3)
324     SVC_(UserCallHwndParamLock, 3)
325     SVC_(UserCallMsgFilter, 2)
326     SVC_(UserCallNextHookEx, 4)
327     SVC_(UserCallNoParam, 1)
328     SVC_(UserCallOneParam, 2)
329     SVC_(UserCallTwoParam, 3)
330     SVC_(UserChangeClipboardChain, 2)
331     SVC_(UserChangeDisplaySettings, 4)
332     SVC_(UserCheckImeHotKey, 2)
333     SVC_(UserCheckMenuItem, 3)
334     SVC_(UserChildWindowFromPointEx, 4)
335     SVC_(UserClipCursor, 1)
336     SVC_(UserCloseClipboard, 0)
337     SVC_(UserCloseDesktop, 1)
338     SVC_(UserCloseWindowStation, 1)
339     SVC_(UserConsoleControl, 3)
340     SVC_(UserConvertMemHandle, 2)
341     SVC_(UserCopyAcceleratorTable, 3)
342     SVC_(UserCountClipboardFormats, 0)
343     SVC_(UserCreateAcceleratorTable, 2)
344     SVC_(UserCreateCaret, 4)
345     SVC_(UserCreateDesktop, 5)
346     SVC_(UserCreateInputContext, 1)
347     SVC_(UserCreateLocalMemHandle, 4)
348     SVC_(UserCreateWindowEx, 15)
349     SVC_(UserCreateWindowStation, 7)
350     SVC_(UserDdeGetQualityOfService, 3)
351     SVC_(UserDdeInitialize, 5)
352     SVC_(UserDdeSetQualityOfService, 3)
353     SVC_(UserDeferWindowPos, 8)
354     SVC_(UserDefSetText, 2)
355     SVC_(UserDeleteMenu, 3)
356     SVC_(UserDestroyAcceleratorTable, 1)
357     SVC_(UserDestroyCursor, 2)
358     SVC_(UserDestroyInputContext, 1)
359     SVC_(UserDestroyMenu, 1)
360     SVC_(UserDestroyWindow, 1)
361     SVC_(UserDisableThreadIme, 1)
362     SVC_(UserDispatchMessage, 1)
363     SVC_(UserDragDetect, 3)
364     SVC_(UserDragObject, 5)
365     SVC_(UserDrawAnimatedRects, 4)
366     SVC_(UserDrawCaption, 4)
367     SVC_(UserDrawCaptionTemp, 7)
368     SVC_(UserDrawIconEx, 11)
369     SVC_(UserDrawMenuBarTemp, 5)
370     SVC_(UserEmptyClipboard, 0)
371     SVC_(UserEnableMenuItem, 3)
372     SVC_(UserEnableScrollBar, 3)
373     SVC_(UserEndDeferWindowPosEx, 2)
374     SVC_(UserEndMenu, 0)
375     SVC_(UserEndPaint, 2)
376     SVC_(UserEnumDisplayDevices, 4)
377     SVC_(UserEnumDisplayMonitors, 5) /* FIXME: 4 on XP/2k3 */
378     SVC_(UserEnumDisplaySettings, 4)
379     SVC_(UserEvent, 1)
380     SVC_(UserExcludeUpdateRgn, 2)
381     SVC_(UserFillWindow, 4)
382     SVC_(UserFindExistingCursorIcon, 3)
383     SVC_(UserFindWindowEx, 5)
384     SVC_(UserFlashWindowEx, 1)
385     SVC_(UserGetAltTabInfo, 6)
386     SVC_(UserGetAncestor, 2)
387     SVC_(UserGetAppImeLevel, 1)
388     SVC_(UserGetAsyncKeyState, 1)
389     SVC_(UserGetAtomName, 2)
390     SVC_(UserGetCaretBlinkTime, 0)
391     SVC_(UserGetCaretPos, 1)
392     SVC_(UserGetClassInfo, 5)
393     SVC_(UserGetClassName, 3)
394     SVC_(UserGetClipboardData, 2)
395     SVC_(UserGetClipboardFormatName, 3)
396     SVC_(UserGetClipboardOwner, 0)
397     SVC_(UserGetClipboardSequenceNumber, 0)
398     SVC_(UserGetClipboardViewer, 0)
399     SVC_(UserGetClipCursor, 1)
400     SVC_(UserGetComboBoxInfo, 2)
401     SVC_(UserGetControlBrush, 3)
402     SVC_(UserGetControlColor, 4)
403     SVC_(UserGetCPD, 3)
404     SVC_(UserGetCursorFrameInfo, 4)
405     SVC_(UserGetCursorInfo, 1)
406     SVC_(UserGetDC, 1)
407     SVC_(UserGetDCEx, 3)
408     SVC_(UserGetDoubleClickTime, 0)
409     SVC_(UserGetForegroundWindow, 0)
410     SVC_(UserGetGuiResources, 2)
411     SVC_(UserGetGUIThreadInfo, 2)
412     SVC_(UserGetIconInfo, 6)
413     SVC_(UserGetIconSize, 4)
414     SVC_(UserGetImeHotKey, 4)
415     SVC_(UserGetImeInfoEx, 2)
416     SVC_(UserGetInternalWindowPos, 3)
417     SVC_(UserGetKeyboardLayoutList, 2)
418     SVC_(UserGetKeyboardLayoutName, 1)
419     SVC_(UserGetKeyboardState, 1)
420     SVC_(UserGetKeyNameText, 3)
421     SVC_(UserGetKeyState, 1)
422     SVC_(UserGetListBoxInfo, 1)
423     SVC_(UserGetMenuBarInfo, 4)
424     SVC_(UserGetMenuIndex, 2)
425     SVC_(UserGetMenuItemRect, 4)
426     SVC_(UserGetMessage, 4)
427     SVC_(UserGetMouseMovePointsEx, 5)
428     SVC_(UserGetObjectInformation, 5)
429     SVC_(UserGetOpenClipboardWindow, 0)
430     SVC_(UserGetPriorityClipboardFormat, 2)
431     SVC_(UserGetProcessWindowStation, 0)
432     SVC_(UserGetRawInputBuffer, 3)
433     SVC_(UserGetRawInputData, 5)
434     SVC_(UserGetRawInputDeviceInfo, 4)
435     SVC_(UserGetRawInputDeviceList, 3)
436     SVC_(UserGetRegisteredRawInputDevices, 3)
437     SVC_(UserGetScrollBarInfo, 3)
438     SVC_(UserGetSystemMenu, 2)
439     SVC_(UserGetThreadDesktop, 2)
440     SVC_(UserGetThreadState, 1)
441     SVC_(UserGetTitleBarInfo, 2)
442     SVC_(UserGetUpdateRect, 3)
443     SVC_(UserGetUpdateRgn, 3)
444     SVC_(UserGetWindowDC, 1)
445     SVC_(UserGetWindowPlacement, 2)
446     SVC_(UserGetWOWClass, 2)
447     SVC_(UserHardErrorControl, 3)
448     SVC_(UserHideCaret, 1)
449     SVC_(UserHiliteMenuItem, 4)
450     SVC_(UserImpersonateDdeClientWindow, 2)
451     SVC_(UserInitialize, 3)
452     SVC_(UserInitializeClientPfnArrays, 4)
453     SVC_(UserInitTask, 12)
454     SVC_(UserInternalGetWindowText, 3)
455     SVC_(UserInvalidateRect, 3)
456     SVC_(UserInvalidateRgn, 3)
457     SVC_(UserIsClipboardFormatAvailable, 1)
458     SVC_(UserKillTimer, 2)
459     SVC_(UserLoadKeyboardLayoutEx, 7)
460     SVC_(UserLockWindowStation, 1)
461     SVC_(UserLockWindowUpdate, 1)
462     SVC_(UserLockWorkStation, 0)
463     SVC_(UserMapVirtualKeyEx, 4)
464     SVC_(UserMenuItemFromPoint, 4)
465     SVC_(UserMessageCall, 7)
466     SVC_(UserMinMaximize, 3)
467     SVC_(UserMNDragLeave, 0)
468     SVC_(UserMNDragOver, 2)
469     SVC_(UserModifyUserStartupInfoFlags, 2)
470     SVC_(UserMoveWindow, 6)
471     SVC_(UserNotifyIMEStatus, 3)
472     SVC_(UserNotifyProcessCreate, 4)
473     SVC_(UserNotifyWinEvent, 4)
474     SVC_(UserOpenClipboard, 2)
475     SVC_(UserOpenDesktop, 3)
476     SVC_(UserOpenInputDesktop, 3)
477     SVC_(UserOpenWindowStation, 2)
478     SVC_(UserPaintDesktop, 1)
479     SVC_(UserPeekMessage, 5)
480     SVC_(UserPostMessage, 4)
481     SVC_(UserPostThreadMessage, 4)
482     SVC_(UserPrintWindow, 3)
483     SVC_(UserProcessConnect, 3)
484     SVC_(UserQueryInformationThread, 4)
485     SVC_(UserQueryInputContext, 2)
486     SVC_(UserQuerySendMessage, 1)
487     SVC_(UserQueryWindow, 2)
488     SVC_(UserRealChildWindowFromPoint, 3)
489     SVC_(UserRealInternalGetMessage, 6)
490     SVC_(UserRealWaitMessageEx, 2)
491     SVC_(UserRedrawWindow, 4)
492     SVC_(UserRegisterClassExWOW, 7)
493     SVC_(UserRegisterUserApiHook, 4)
494     SVC_(UserRegisterHotKey, 4)
495     SVC_(UserRegisterRawInputDevices, 3)
496     SVC_(UserRegisterTasklist, 1)
497     SVC_(UserRegisterWindowMessage, 1)
498     SVC_(UserRemoveMenu, 3)
499     SVC_(UserRemoveProp, 2)
500     SVC_(UserResolveDesktop, 4)
501     SVC_(UserResolveDesktopForWOW, 1)
502     SVC_(UserSBGetParms, 4)
503     SVC_(UserScrollDC, 7)
504     SVC_(UserScrollWindowEx, 8)
505     SVC_(UserSelectPalette, 3)
506     SVC_(UserSendInput, 3)
507     SVC_(UserSetActiveWindow, 1)
508     SVC_(UserSetAppImeLevel, 2)
509     SVC_(UserSetCapture, 1)
510     SVC_(UserSetClassLong, 4)
511     SVC_(UserSetClassWord, 3)
512     SVC_(UserSetClipboardData, 3)
513     SVC_(UserSetClipboardViewer, 1)
514     SVC_(UserSetConsoleReserveKeys, 2)
515     SVC_(UserSetCursor, 1)
516     SVC_(UserSetCursorContents, 2)
517     SVC_(UserSetCursorIconData, 4)
518     SVC_(UserSetFocus, 1)
519     SVC_(UserSetImeHotKey, 5)
520     SVC_(UserSetImeInfoEx, 1)
521     SVC_(UserSetImeOwnerWindow, 2)
522     SVC_(UserSetInformationProcess, 4)
523     SVC_(UserSetInformationThread, 4)
524     SVC_(UserSetInternalWindowPos, 4)
525     SVC_(UserSetKeyboardState, 1)
526     SVC_(UserSetLogonNotifyWindow, 1)
527     SVC_(UserSetMenu, 3)
528     SVC_(UserSetMenuContextHelpId, 2)
529     SVC_(UserSetMenuDefaultItem, 3)
530     SVC_(UserSetMenuFlagRtoL, 1)
531     SVC_(UserSetObjectInformation, 4)
532     SVC_(UserSetParent, 2)
533     SVC_(UserSetProcessWindowStation, 1)
534     SVC_(UserSetProp, 3)
535     SVC_(UserSetScrollInfo, 4)
536     SVC_(UserSetShellWindowEx, 2)
537     SVC_(UserSetSysColors, 4)
538     SVC_(UserSetSystemCursor, 2)
539     SVC_(UserSetSystemMenu, 2)
540     SVC_(UserSetSystemTimer, 4)
541     SVC_(UserSetThreadDesktop, 1)
542     SVC_(UserSetThreadLayoutHandles, 2)
543     SVC_(UserSetThreadState, 2)
544     SVC_(UserSetTimer, 4)
545     SVC_(UserSetWindowFNID, 2)
546     SVC_(UserSetWindowLong, 4)
547 #ifdef _WIN64
548     SVC_(UserSetWindowLongPtr, 4)
549 #endif // _WIN64
550     SVC_(UserSetWindowPlacement, 2)
551     SVC_(UserSetWindowPos, 7)
552     SVC_(UserSetWindowRgn, 3)
553     SVC_(UserSetWindowsHookAW, 3)
554     SVC_(UserSetWindowsHookEx, 6)
555     SVC_(UserSetWindowStationUser, 4)
556     SVC_(UserSetWindowWord, 3)
557     SVC_(UserSetWinEventHook, 8)
558     SVC_(UserShowCaret, 1)
559     SVC_(UserShowScrollBar, 3)
560     SVC_(UserShowWindow, 2)
561     SVC_(UserShowWindowAsync, 2)
562     SVC_(UserSoundSentry, 0)
563     SVC_(UserSwitchDesktop, 1)
564     SVC_(UserSystemParametersInfo, 4)
565     SVC_(UserTestForInteractiveUser, 1)
566     SVC_(UserThunkedMenuInfo, 2)
567     SVC_(UserThunkedMenuItemInfo, 6)
568     SVC_(UserToUnicodeEx, 7)
569     SVC_(UserTrackMouseEvent, 1)
570     SVC_(UserTrackPopupMenuEx, 6)
571     SVC_(UserCalcMenuBar, 5)
572     SVC_(UserPaintMenuBar, 6)
573     SVC_(UserTranslateAccelerator, 3)
574     SVC_(UserTranslateMessage, 2)
575     SVC_(UserUnhookWindowsHookEx, 1)
576     SVC_(UserUnhookWinEvent, 1)
577     SVC_(UserUnloadKeyboardLayout, 1)
578     SVC_(UserUnlockWindowStation, 1)
579     SVC_(UserUnregisterClass, 3)
580     SVC_(UserUnregisterUserApiHook, 0)
581     SVC_(UserUnregisterHotKey, 2)
582     SVC_(UserUpdateInputContext, 3)
583     SVC_(UserUpdateInstance, 3)
584     SVC_(UserUpdateLayeredWindow, 10)
585     SVC_(UserGetLayeredWindowAttributes, 4)
586     SVC_(UserSetLayeredWindowAttributes, 4)
587     SVC_(UserUpdatePerUserSystemParameters, 2)
588     SVC_(UserUserHandleGrantAccess, 3)
589     SVC_(UserValidateHandleSecure, 1)
590     SVC_(UserValidateRect, 2)
591     SVC_(UserValidateTimerCallback, 1)
592     SVC_(UserVkKeyScanEx, 3)
593     SVC_(UserWaitForInputIdle, 3)
594     SVC_(UserWaitForMsgAndEvent, 1)
595     SVC_(UserWaitMessage, 0)
596     SVC_(UserWin32PoolAllocationStats, 6)
597     SVC_(UserWindowFromPoint, 2)
598     SVC_(UserYieldTask, 0)
599     SVC_(UserRemoteConnect, 3)
600     SVC_(UserRemoteRedrawRectangle, 4)
601     SVC_(UserRemoteRedrawScreen, 0)
602     SVC_(UserRemoteStopScreenUpdates, 0)
603     SVC_(UserCtxDisplayIOCtl, 3)
604     SVC_(GdiEngAssociateSurface, 3)
605     SVC_(GdiEngCreateBitmap, 6)
606     SVC_(GdiEngCreateDeviceSurface, 4)
607     SVC_(GdiEngCreateDeviceBitmap, 4)
608     SVC_(GdiEngCreatePalette, 6)
609     SVC_(GdiEngComputeGlyphSet, 3)
610     SVC_(GdiEngCopyBits, 6)
611     SVC_(GdiEngDeletePalette, 1)
612     SVC_(GdiEngDeleteSurface, 1)
613     SVC_(GdiEngEraseSurface, 3)
614     SVC_(GdiEngUnlockSurface, 1)
615     SVC_(GdiEngLockSurface, 1)
616     SVC_(GdiEngBitBlt, 11)
617     SVC_(GdiEngStretchBlt, 11)
618     SVC_(GdiEngPlgBlt, 11)
619     SVC_(GdiEngMarkBandingSurface, 1)
620     SVC_(GdiEngStrokePath, 8)
621     SVC_(GdiEngFillPath, 7)
622     SVC_(GdiEngStrokeAndFillPath, 10)
623     SVC_(GdiEngPaint, 5)
624     SVC_(GdiEngLineTo, 9)
625     SVC_(GdiEngAlphaBlend, 7)
626     SVC_(GdiEngGradientFill, 10)
627     SVC_(GdiEngTransparentBlt, 8)
628     SVC_(GdiEngTextOut, 10)
629     SVC_(GdiEngStretchBltROP, 13)
630     SVC_(GdiXLATEOBJ_cGetPalette, 4)
631     SVC_(GdiXLATEOBJ_iXlate, 2)
632     SVC_(GdiXLATEOBJ_hGetColorTransform, 1)
633     SVC_(GdiCLIPOBJ_bEnum, 3)
634     SVC_(GdiCLIPOBJ_cEnumStart, 5)
635     SVC_(GdiCLIPOBJ_ppoGetPath, 1)
636     SVC_(GdiEngDeletePath, 1)
637     SVC_(GdiEngCreateClip, 0)
638     SVC_(GdiEngDeleteClip, 1)
639     SVC_(GdiBRUSHOBJ_ulGetBrushColor, 1)
640     SVC_(GdiBRUSHOBJ_pvAllocRbrush, 2)
641     SVC_(GdiBRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush, 1)
642     SVC_(GdiBRUSHOBJ_hGetColorTransform, 1)
643     SVC_(GdiXFORMOBJ_bApplyXform, 5)
644     SVC_(GdiXFORMOBJ_iGetXform, 2)
645     SVC_(GdiFONTOBJ_vGetInfo, 3)
646     SVC_(GdiFONTOBJ_pxoGetXform, 1)
647     SVC_(GdiFONTOBJ_cGetGlyphs, 5)
648     SVC_(GdiFONTOBJ_pifi, 1)
649     SVC_(GdiFONTOBJ_pfdg, 1)
650     SVC_(GdiFONTOBJ_pQueryGlyphAttrs, 2)
651     SVC_(GdiFONTOBJ_pvTrueTypeFontFile, 2)
652     SVC_(GdiFONTOBJ_cGetAllGlyphHandles, 2)
653     SVC_(GdiSTROBJ_bEnum, 3)
654     SVC_(GdiSTROBJ_bEnumPositionsOnly, 3)
655     SVC_(GdiSTROBJ_bGetAdvanceWidths, 4)
656     SVC_(GdiSTROBJ_vEnumStart, 1)
657     SVC_(GdiSTROBJ_dwGetCodePage, 1)
658     SVC_(GdiPATHOBJ_vGetBounds, 2)
659     SVC_(GdiPATHOBJ_bEnum, 2)
660     SVC_(GdiPATHOBJ_vEnumStart, 1)
661     SVC_(GdiPATHOBJ_vEnumStartClipLines, 4)
662     SVC_(GdiPATHOBJ_bEnumClipLines, 3)
663     SVC_(GdiGetDhpdev, 1)
664     SVC_(GdiEngCheckAbort, 1)
665     SVC_(GdiHT_Get8BPPFormatPalette, 4)
666     SVC_(GdiHT_Get8BPPMaskPalette, 6)
667     SVC_(GdiUpdateTransform, 1)
668     SVC_(GdiSetPUMPDOBJ, 4)
669     SVC_(GdiBRUSHOBJ_DeleteRbrush, 2)
670     SVC_(GdiUMPDEngFreeUserMem, 1)
671     SVC_(GdiDrawStream, 3)
672 #if DBG
673     // Checked Build only
674     SVC_(UserDbgWin32HeapFail, 2)
675     SVC_(UserDbgWin32HeapStat, 2)
676     SVC_(UserSetDbgTag, 2)
677     SVC_(UserSetDbgTagCount, 1)
678     SVC_(UserSetRipFlags, 1)
679 #endif //DBG
680     //Stray syscalls (must be placed here to be correct for both checked/free builds)
681     SVC_(GdiMakeObjectXferable, 2)
682     SVC_(DxEngGetRedirectionBitmap, 1)
683     // ReactOS-specific syscalls (must be at the end to not interfere!)
684     SVC_(GdiSetViewportOrgEx, 4)
685     SVC_(GdiSetWindowOrgEx, 4)
686     SVC_(GdiGetFontFamilyInfo, 4)
687     SVC_(GdiOffsetViewportOrgEx, 4)
688     SVC_(GdiOffsetWindowOrgEx, 4)
689     SVC_(UserGetMonitorInfo, 2)
690     SVC_(UserMonitorFromPoint, 3)
691     SVC_(UserMonitorFromRect, 2)
692     SVC_(UserMonitorFromWindow, 2)
693     SVC_(UserSetScrollBarInfo, 3)
694 // For Wine DX
695     SVC_(GdiDdDDICreateDCFromMemory, 1)
696     SVC_(GdiDdDDIDestroyDCFromMemory, 1)