xref: /386bsd/usr/X386/man/man3/XtMapWidget.3x (revision a2142627)
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XtMapWidget 3Xt "Release 3" "X Version 11" "XT FUNCTIONS"
XtMapWidget, XtSetMappedWhenManaged, XtUnmapWidget - map and unmap widgets

Widget w\^;

void XtSetMappedWhenManaged(w, map_when_managed)

Widget w;

Boolean map_when_managed;


Widget w\^;

map_when_managed 1i
Specifies a Boolean value that indicates the new value of the map_when_managed field.
w 1i
Specifies the widget.
If the widget is realized and managed and if the new value of map_when_managed is .ZN True , .ZN XtSetMappedWhenManaged maps the window. If the widget is realized and managed and if the new value of map_when_managed is .ZN False , it unmaps the window. .ZN XtSetMappedWhenManaged is a convenience function that is equivalent to (but slightly faster than) calling .ZN XtSetValues and setting the new value for the mappedWhenManaged resource. As an alternative to using .ZN XtSetMappedWhenManaged to control mapping, a client may set mapped_when_managed to .ZN False and use .ZN XtMapWidget and .ZN XtUnmapWidget explicitly.

