xref: /386bsd/usr/src/games/chess/move.c (revision a2142627)
1 /* move generator hes@log-sv.se 890318
2    Modified: 890606 NEWMOVE Levels 1-6 for easier debugging */
3 #include "move.h"
4 #include "gnuchess.h"
6 short distdata[64][64];
7 short taxidata[64][64];
Initialize_dist()9 void Initialize_dist() {
10 register short a,b,d,di;
12   /* init taxi and dist data */
13   for(a=0;a<64;a++)
14     for(b=0;b<64;b++) {
15       d = abs(column[a]-column[b]);
16       di = abs(row[a]-row[b]);
17       taxidata[a][b] = d + di;
18       distdata[a][b] = (d > di ? d : di);
19     };
20 }
22 #if (NEWMOVE > 1)
23 struct sqdata posdata[3][8][64][64];
25 static short direc[8][8] = {
26     0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, /* no_piece = 0 */
27   -10,-11, -9,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, /* wpawn    = 1 */
28   -21,-19,-12, -8, 21, 19, 12,  8, /* knight   = 2 */
29   -11, -9, 11,  9,  0,  0,  0,  0, /* bishop   = 3 */
30   -10, -1, 10,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0, /* rook     = 4 */
31   -11, -9,-10, -1, 11,  9, 10,  1, /* queen    = 5 */
32   -11, -9,-10, -1, 11,  9, 10,  1, /* king     = 6 */
33     0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0};/* no_piece = 7 */
35 static short dc[3] = {-1,1,0};
37 static short max_steps [8] = {0,2,1,7,7,7,1,0};
39 static short unmap[120] = {
40   -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
41   -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
42   -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,-1,
43   -1, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,-1,
44   -1,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,-1,
45   -1,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,-1,
46   -1,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,-1,
47   -1,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,-1,
48   -1,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,-1,
49   -1,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,-1,
50   -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
51   -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
Initialize_moves()53 void Initialize_moves() {
54   short c,ptyp,po,p0,d,di,s;
55   struct sqdata *p;
56   short dest[8][8];
57   short steps[8];
58   short sorted[8];
60   /* init posdata */
61   for(c=0;c<3;c++)
62     for(ptyp=0;ptyp<8;ptyp++)
63       for(po=0;po<64;po++)
64 	for(p0=0;p0<64;p0++) {
65 	  posdata[c][ptyp][po][p0].nextpos = po;
66 	  posdata[c][ptyp][po][p0].nextdir = po;
67 	};
68   /* dest is a function of dir and step */
69   for(c=0;c<2;c++)
70     for(ptyp=1;ptyp<7;ptyp++)
71       for(po=21;po<99;po++)
72 	if (unmap[po] >= 0) {
73           p = posdata[c][ptyp][unmap[po]];
74 	  for(d=0;d<8;d++) {
75 	    dest[d][0] = unmap[po];
76 	    if (dc[c]*direc[ptyp][d] != 0) {
77 	      p0=po;
78 	      for(s=0;s<max_steps[ptyp];s++) {
79 		p0 = p0 + dc[c]*direc[ptyp][d];
80 		/* break if (off board) or
81 		   (pawns move two steps from home square) */
82 		if (unmap[p0] < 0 ||
83 		    (ptyp == pawn && s>0 && (d>0 || Stboard[unmap[po]] != ptyp)))
84 		  break;
85 		else
86 		  dest[d][s] = unmap[p0];
87 	      }
88 	    }
89 	    else s=0;
90 	    /* sort dest in number of steps order */
91 	    steps[d] = s;
92 	    for(di=d;di>0;di--)
93 	      if (steps[sorted[di-1]] < s)
94 		sorted[di] = sorted[di-1];
95 	      else
96 		break;
97 	    sorted[di] = d;
98 	  }
99 	  /* update posdata, pawns have two threads (capture and no capture) */
100 	  p0=unmap[po];
101 	  if (ptyp == pawn) {
102 	    for(s=0;s<steps[0];s++) {
103 	      p[p0].nextpos = dest[0][s];
104 	      p0 = dest[0][s];
105 	    }
106 	    p0=unmap[po];
107 	    for(d=1;d<3;d++) {
108 	      p[p0].nextdir = dest[d][0];
109 	      p0 = dest[d][0];
110 	    }
111 	  }
112 	  else {
113 	    p[p0].nextdir = dest[sorted[0]][0];
114 	    for(d=0;d<8;d++)
115 	      for(s=0;s<steps[sorted[d]];s++) {
116 		p[p0].nextpos = dest[sorted[d]][s];
117 		p0 = dest[sorted[d]][s];
118 		if (d < 7)
119 		  p[p0].nextdir = dest[sorted[d+1]][0];
120 		/* else is already initialised */
121 	      }
122 	  }
123 #ifdef DEBUG
124 	  printf("Ptyp:%d Position:%d\n{",ptyp,unmap[po]);
125 	  for(p0=0;p0<63;p0++) printf("%d,",p[p0].nextpos);
126 	  printf("%d};\n",p[63].nextpos);
127 	  for(p0=0;p0<63;p0++) printf("%d,",p[p0].nextdir);
128 	  printf("%d};\n",p[63].nextdir);
129 #endif DEBUG
130 	}
131 }
132 #endif
135 #if (NEWMOVE > 2)
SqAtakd(sq,side)136 int SqAtakd(sq,side)
137 short sq,side;
139 /*
140   See if any piece with color 'side' ataks sq. First check pawns
141   Then Queen, Bishop, Rook and King and last Knight.
142 */
144 {
145   register short u;
146   register struct sqdata *p;
148   p = posdata[1-side][pawn][sq];
149   u = p[sq].nextdir; /* follow captures thread */
150   while (u != sq) {
151     if (board[u] == pawn && color[u] == side) return(true);
152     u = p[u].nextdir;
153   }
154   /* king capture */
155   if (distance(sq,PieceList[side][0]) == 1) return(true);
156   /* try a queen bishop capture */
157   p = posdata[side][bishop][sq];
158   u = p[sq].nextpos;
159   while (u != sq) {
160     if (color[u] == neutral) {
161       u = p[u].nextpos;
162     }
163     else {
164       if (color[u] == side &&
165 	  (board[u] == queen || board[u] == bishop))
166 	return(true);
167       u = p[u].nextdir;
168     }
169   }
170   /* try a queen rook capture */
171   p = posdata[side][rook][sq];
172   u = p[sq].nextpos;
173   while (u != sq) {
174     if (color[u] == neutral) {
175       u = p[u].nextpos;
176     }
177     else {
178       if (color[u] == side &&
179 	  (board[u] == queen || board[u] == rook))
180 	return(true);
181       u = p[u].nextdir;
182     }
183   }
184   /* try a knight capture */
185   p = posdata[side][knight][sq];
186   u = p[sq].nextpos;
187   while (u != sq) {
188     if (color[u] == neutral) {
189       u = p[u].nextpos;
190     }
191     else {
192       if (color[u] == side && board[u] == knight) return(true);
193       u = p[u].nextdir;
194     }
195   }
196   return(false);
197 }
198 #endif
200 #if (NEWMOVE > 3)
BRscan(sq,s,mob)201 BRscan(sq,s,mob)
202 short sq,*s,*mob;
203 /*
204    Find Bishop and Rook mobility, XRAY attacks, and pins. Increment the
205    hung[] array if a pin is found.
206 */
207 {
208   register short u,piece,pin;
209   register struct sqdata *p;
210   short *Kf;
212   Kf = Kfield[c1];
213   *mob = 0;
214   piece = board[sq];
215   p = posdata[color[sq]][piece][sq];
216   u = p[sq].nextpos;
217   pin = -1; /* start new direction */
218   while (u != sq) {
219     *s += Kf[u];
220     if (color[u] == neutral) {
221       (*mob)++;
222       if (p[u].nextpos == p[u].nextdir) pin = -1; /* oops new direction */
223       u = p[u].nextpos;
224     }
225     else if (pin < 0) {
226       if (board[u] == pawn || board[u] == king)
227 	u = p[u].nextdir;
228       else {
229 	if (p[u].nextpos != p[u].nextdir)
230 	  pin = u; /* not on the edge and on to find a pin */
231 	u = p[u].nextpos;
232       }
233     }
234     else if (color[u] == c2 && (board[u] > piece || atk2[u] == 0))
235       {
236 	if (color[pin] == c2)
237 	  {
238 	    *s += PINVAL;
239 	    if (atk2[pin] == 0 ||
240 		atk1[pin] > control[board[pin]]+1)
241 	      ++hung[c2];
242 	  }
243 	else *s += XRAY;
244 	pin = -1; /* new direction */
245 	u = p[u].nextdir;
246       }
247     else {
248       pin = -1; /* new direction */
249       u = p[u].nextdir;
250     }
251   }
252 }
253 #endif
255 #if (NEWMOVE >= 5)
CaptureList(side,xside,ply)256 CaptureList(side,xside,ply)
257 short side,xside,ply;
258 {
259   register short u,sq;
260   register struct sqdata *p;
261   short i,piece,*PL;
262   struct leaf *node;
264   TrPnt[ply+1] = TrPnt[ply];
265   node = &Tree[TrPnt[ply]];
266   PL = PieceList[side];
267   for (i = 0; i <= PieceCnt[side]; i++)
268     {
269       sq = PL[i];
270       piece = board[sq];
271       p = posdata[side][piece][sq];
272       if (piece == pawn) {
273 	u = p[sq].nextdir; /* follow captures thread */
274 	while (u != sq) {
275 	  if (color[u] == xside) {
276             node->f = sq; node->t = u;
277             node->flags = capture;
278             if (u < 8 || u > 55)
279               {
280                 node->flags |= promote;
281                 node->score = valueQ;
282               }
283 	    else
284               node->score = value[board[u]] + svalue[board[u]] - piece;
285             ++node;
286             ++TrPnt[ply+1];
287            }
288 	  u = p[u].nextdir;
289 	}
290       }
291       else {
292 	u = p[sq].nextpos;
293 	while (u != sq) {
294           if (color[u] == neutral)
295           u = p[u].nextpos;
296           else {
297           if (color[u] == xside) {
298               node->f = sq; node->t = u;
299               node->flags = capture;
300               node->score = value[board[u]] + svalue[board[u]] - piece;
301               ++node;
302               ++TrPnt[ply+1];
303              }
304 	   u = p[u].nextdir;
305 	 }
306        }
307      }
308    }
309 }
310 #endif
312 #if (NEWMOVE > 5)
GenMoves(ply,sq,side,xside)313 GenMoves(ply,sq,side,xside)
314      short ply,sq,side,xside;
316 /*
317   Generate moves for a piece. The moves are taken from the
318   precalulated array posdata. If the board is free, next move
319   is choosen from nextpos else from nextdir.
320 */
322 {
323   register short u,piece;
324   register struct sqdata *p;
326   piece = board[sq];
327   p = posdata[side][piece][sq];
328   if (piece == pawn) {
329     u = p[sq].nextdir; /* follow captures thread */
330     while (u != sq) {
331       if (color[u] == xside) LinkMove(ply,sq,u,xside);
332       u = p[u].nextdir;
333     }
334     u = p[sq].nextpos; /* and follow no captures thread */
335     while (u != sq) {
336       if (color[u] == neutral && (u != sq+16 || color[u-8] == neutral)
337           && (u != sq-16 || color[u+8] == neutral)) {
338         LinkMove(ply,sq,u,xside);
339       }
340       u = p[u].nextpos;
341     }
342   }
343   else {
344     u = p[sq].nextpos;
345     while (u != sq) {
346       if (color[u] == neutral) {
347         LinkMove(ply,sq,u,xside);
348         u = p[u].nextpos;
349       }
350       else {
351         if (color[u] == xside) LinkMove(ply,sq,u,xside);
352 	u = p[u].nextdir;
353       }
354     }
355   }
356 }
357 #endif