1<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="topic" id="quick_select_plugin">
2  <info>
3    <link type="guide" xref="index#examining_a11y" />
4    <title type="sort">5. Quick Select Plugin</title>
5    <link type="next" xref="api_browser_plugin" />
6    <desc>
7      Locating the object you need
8    </desc>
9    <credit type="author">
10      <name>Eitan Isaacson</name>
11      <email>eitan@ascender.com</email>
12    </credit>
13    <credit type="author">
14      <name>Peter Parente</name>
15      <email>pparent@us.ibm.com</email>
16    </credit>
17    <credit type="author">
18      <name>Aline Bessa</name>
19      <email>alibezz@gmail.com</email>
20    </credit>
21    <license>
22      <p>Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0</p>
23    </license>
24  </info>
25  <title> Quick Select Plugin</title>
26  <p>
27    The Quick Select Plugin does not provide a visible interface like the other default <app>Accerciser</app> plugins -
28    instead, it adds facilities for quickly selecting items in the <link xref="desktop_tree_view">Application Tree View</link> via
29    global hotkeys. Originally, these hotkeys were part of <app>Accerciser</app>'s core code, turning into the Quick
30    Select Plugin later.
31  </p>
32  <p>
33    The Quick Select Plugin provides two global hotkeys. Pressing <keyseq><key>ctrl</key><key>alt</key><key>a</key></keyseq>
34    selects the last focused accessible widget in the Application Tree View. Pressing <keyseq><key>ctrl</key><key>alt</key><key>/</key></keyseq>
35    selects the accessible widget under the pointer in the Application Tree View and highlights it in the target application.
36  </p>