1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="topic" id="howto_setting_up_accerciser" xml:lang="ca">
4  <link type="guide" xref="index#getting_started"/>
5  <link type="next" xref="desktop_tree_view"/>
6  <title type="sort">2. How to install and run <app>Accerciser</app></title>
7  <title type="link">Configuració de l'<app>Accerciser</app></title>
8    <desc>Instal·lació i execució de l'<app>Accerciser</app> en el sistema</desc>
9    <credit type="author">
10      <name>Eitan Isaacson</name>
11      <email>eitan@ascender.com</email>
12    </credit>
13    <credit type="author">
14      <name>Peter Parente</name>
15      <email>pparent@us.ibm.com</email>
16    </credit>
17    <credit type="author">
18      <name>Aline Bessa</name>
19      <email>alibezz@gmail.com</email>
20    </credit>
21    <license>
22      <p>Creative Commons Compartir Igual 3.0</p>
23    </license>
25    <mal:credit xmlns:mal="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="translator copyright">
26      <mal:name>Joan Duran</mal:name>
27      <mal:email>jodufi@gmail.com</mal:email>
28      <mal:years>2007-2009</mal:years>
29    </mal:credit>
30  </info>
31  <title>Configuració de l'<app>Accerciser</app></title>
33    <p>
34      Check if your distribution has <app>Accerciser</app> already packaged.
35      If this is the case, you can install it via its package manager. Otherwise,
36      you can follow the section below to install <app>Accerciser</app> manually.
37    </p>
39    <section id="installing_accerciser_manually">
40      <title>Instal·lació manual de l'<app>Accerciser</app></title>
41       <p>
42        To install <app>Accerciser</app> manually, you will need to download it first. <app>Accerciser</app>'s
43        source code can either be downloaded from <link href="http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/accerciser/">the gnome.org
44        FTP site</link> or cloned from <link href="https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/accerciser">the gnome.org GIT repository</link>.
45      </p>
47      <note style="caution">
48        <p>
49         If you are not using GNOME 3, you may find that <app>Accerciser</app> version 3 or later is not compatible with your
50         environment.
51       </p>
52      </note>
55      <p>Després d'obtenir l'<app>Accerciser</app>, instal·leu-lo amb les ordres següents:</p>
56      <steps>
57        <item><p><cmd>cd accerciser</cmd></p></item>
58        <item><p><cmd>./autogen.sh # o ./configure si és la primera vegada que l'instal·leu</cmd></p></item>
59        <item><p><cmd>make</cmd></p></item>
60        <item><p><cmd>sudo make install # o make install com a usuari primari</cmd></p></item>
61      </steps>
62      <p>
63        If you find any problems installing <app>Accerciser</app> on your system, it is likely that some
64        of its dependencies are missing. Check <link href="https://live.gnome.org/Accerciser/#Requirements">
65        <app>Accerciser</app>'s wiki</link> to make sure you have all dependencies properly installed.
66      </p>
67    </section>
69    <section id="running_accerciser">
70      <title>Execució de l'<app>Accerciser</app></title>
71        <p>
72          To start <app>Accerciser</app>, type <cmd>accerciser</cmd> in a terminal window or
73          within the Run dialog and then press <key>Return</key>.
74        </p>
75        <p>
76          After that, you can use <app>Accerciser</app> to inspect any accessible item shown in the
77          <link xref="desktop_tree_view">Application Tree View</link>'s hierarchy. Select an item and investigate
78          it using one of <app>Accerciser</app>'s plugins.
79        </p>
80    </section>