1 // Copyright 2016 The Draco Authors.
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
14 //
19 #include <math.h>
21 #include "draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_decoder.h"
22 #include "draco/compression/bit_coders/rans_bit_decoder.h"
23 #include "draco/core/varint_decoding.h"
24 #include "draco/core/vector_d.h"
25 #include "draco/draco_features.h"
26 #include "draco/mesh/corner_table.h"
28 namespace draco {
30 // Decoder for predictions of UV coordinates encoded by our specialized texture
31 // coordinate predictor. See the corresponding encoder for more details. Note
32 // that this predictor is not portable and should not be used anymore. See
33 // MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortableEncoder/Decoder for a portable version
34 // of this prediction scheme.
35 template <typename DataTypeT, class TransformT, class MeshDataT>
36 class MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder
37     : public MeshPredictionSchemeDecoder<DataTypeT, TransformT, MeshDataT> {
38  public:
39   using CorrType = typename MeshPredictionSchemeDecoder<DataTypeT, TransformT,
40                                                         MeshDataT>::CorrType;
MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder(const PointAttribute * attribute,const TransformT & transform,const MeshDataT & mesh_data,int version)41   MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder(const PointAttribute *attribute,
42                                        const TransformT &transform,
43                                        const MeshDataT &mesh_data, int version)
44       : MeshPredictionSchemeDecoder<DataTypeT, TransformT, MeshDataT>(
45             attribute, transform, mesh_data),
46         pos_attribute_(nullptr),
47         entry_to_point_id_map_(nullptr),
48         num_components_(0),
49         version_(version) {}
51   bool ComputeOriginalValues(const CorrType *in_corr, DataTypeT *out_data,
52                              int size, int num_components,
53                              const PointIndex *entry_to_point_id_map) override;
55   bool DecodePredictionData(DecoderBuffer *buffer) override;
GetPredictionMethod()57   PredictionSchemeMethod GetPredictionMethod() const override {
59   }
IsInitialized()61   bool IsInitialized() const override {
62     if (pos_attribute_ == nullptr) {
63       return false;
64     }
65     if (!this->mesh_data().IsInitialized()) {
66       return false;
67     }
68     return true;
69   }
GetNumParentAttributes()71   int GetNumParentAttributes() const override { return 1; }
GetParentAttributeType(int i)73   GeometryAttribute::Type GetParentAttributeType(int i) const override {
74     DRACO_DCHECK_EQ(i, 0);
75     (void)i;
76     return GeometryAttribute::POSITION;
77   }
SetParentAttribute(const PointAttribute * att)79   bool SetParentAttribute(const PointAttribute *att) override {
80     if (att == nullptr) {
81       return false;
82     }
83     if (att->attribute_type() != GeometryAttribute::POSITION) {
84       return false;  // Invalid attribute type.
85     }
86     if (att->num_components() != 3) {
87       return false;  // Currently works only for 3 component positions.
88     }
89     pos_attribute_ = att;
90     return true;
91   }
93  protected:
GetPositionForEntryId(int entry_id)94   Vector3f GetPositionForEntryId(int entry_id) const {
95     const PointIndex point_id = entry_to_point_id_map_[entry_id];
96     Vector3f pos;
97     pos_attribute_->ConvertValue(pos_attribute_->mapped_index(point_id),
98                                  &pos[0]);
99     return pos;
100   }
GetTexCoordForEntryId(int entry_id,const DataTypeT * data)102   Vector2f GetTexCoordForEntryId(int entry_id, const DataTypeT *data) const {
103     const int data_offset = entry_id * num_components_;
104     return Vector2f(static_cast<float>(data[data_offset]),
105                     static_cast<float>(data[data_offset + 1]));
106   }
108   void ComputePredictedValue(CornerIndex corner_id, const DataTypeT *data,
109                              int data_id);
111  private:
112   const PointAttribute *pos_attribute_;
113   const PointIndex *entry_to_point_id_map_;
114   std::unique_ptr<DataTypeT[]> predicted_value_;
115   int num_components_;
116   // Encoded / decoded array of UV flips.
117   std::vector<bool> orientations_;
118   int version_;
119 };
121 template <typename DataTypeT, class TransformT, class MeshDataT>
122 bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder<DataTypeT, TransformT, MeshDataT>::
ComputeOriginalValues(const CorrType * in_corr,DataTypeT * out_data,int,int num_components,const PointIndex * entry_to_point_id_map)123     ComputeOriginalValues(const CorrType *in_corr, DataTypeT *out_data,
124                           int /* size */, int num_components,
125                           const PointIndex *entry_to_point_id_map) {
126   num_components_ = num_components;
127   entry_to_point_id_map_ = entry_to_point_id_map;
128   predicted_value_ =
129       std::unique_ptr<DataTypeT[]>(new DataTypeT[num_components]);
130   this->transform().Init(num_components);
132   const int corner_map_size =
133       static_cast<int>(this->mesh_data().data_to_corner_map()->size());
134   for (int p = 0; p < corner_map_size; ++p) {
135     const CornerIndex corner_id = this->mesh_data().data_to_corner_map()->at(p);
136     ComputePredictedValue(corner_id, out_data, p);
138     const int dst_offset = p * num_components;
139     this->transform().ComputeOriginalValue(
140         predicted_value_.get(), in_corr + dst_offset, out_data + dst_offset);
141   }
142   return true;
143 }
145 template <typename DataTypeT, class TransformT, class MeshDataT>
146 bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder<DataTypeT, TransformT, MeshDataT>::
DecodePredictionData(DecoderBuffer * buffer)147     DecodePredictionData(DecoderBuffer *buffer) {
148   // Decode the delta coded orientations.
149   uint32_t num_orientations = 0;
150   if (buffer->bitstream_version() < DRACO_BITSTREAM_VERSION(2, 2)) {
151     if (!buffer->Decode(&num_orientations)) {
152       return false;
153     }
154   } else {
155     if (!DecodeVarint(&num_orientations, buffer)) {
156       return false;
157     }
158   }
159   if (num_orientations == 0) {
160     return false;
161   }
162   orientations_.resize(num_orientations);
163   bool last_orientation = true;
164   RAnsBitDecoder decoder;
165   if (!decoder.StartDecoding(buffer)) {
166     return false;
167   }
168   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_orientations; ++i) {
169     if (!decoder.DecodeNextBit()) {
170       last_orientation = !last_orientation;
171     }
172     orientations_[i] = last_orientation;
173   }
174   decoder.EndDecoding();
175   return MeshPredictionSchemeDecoder<DataTypeT, TransformT,
176                                      MeshDataT>::DecodePredictionData(buffer);
177 }
179 template <typename DataTypeT, class TransformT, class MeshDataT>
180 void MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder<DataTypeT, TransformT, MeshDataT>::
ComputePredictedValue(CornerIndex corner_id,const DataTypeT * data,int data_id)181     ComputePredictedValue(CornerIndex corner_id, const DataTypeT *data,
182                           int data_id) {
183   // Compute the predicted UV coordinate from the positions on all corners
184   // of the processed triangle. For the best prediction, the UV coordinates
185   // on the next/previous corners need to be already encoded/decoded.
186   const CornerIndex next_corner_id =
187       this->mesh_data().corner_table()->Next(corner_id);
188   const CornerIndex prev_corner_id =
189       this->mesh_data().corner_table()->Previous(corner_id);
190   // Get the encoded data ids from the next and previous corners.
191   // The data id is the encoding order of the UV coordinates.
192   int next_data_id, prev_data_id;
194   int next_vert_id, prev_vert_id;
195   next_vert_id =
196       this->mesh_data().corner_table()->Vertex(next_corner_id).value();
197   prev_vert_id =
198       this->mesh_data().corner_table()->Vertex(prev_corner_id).value();
200   next_data_id = this->mesh_data().vertex_to_data_map()->at(next_vert_id);
201   prev_data_id = this->mesh_data().vertex_to_data_map()->at(prev_vert_id);
203   if (prev_data_id < data_id && next_data_id < data_id) {
204     // Both other corners have available UV coordinates for prediction.
205     const Vector2f n_uv = GetTexCoordForEntryId(next_data_id, data);
206     const Vector2f p_uv = GetTexCoordForEntryId(prev_data_id, data);
207     if (p_uv == n_uv) {
208       // We cannot do a reliable prediction on degenerated UV triangles.
209       predicted_value_[0] = static_cast<int>(p_uv[0]);
210       predicted_value_[1] = static_cast<int>(p_uv[1]);
211       return;
212     }
214     // Get positions at all corners.
215     const Vector3f tip_pos = GetPositionForEntryId(data_id);
216     const Vector3f next_pos = GetPositionForEntryId(next_data_id);
217     const Vector3f prev_pos = GetPositionForEntryId(prev_data_id);
218     // Use the positions of the above triangle to predict the texture coordinate
219     // on the tip corner C.
220     // Convert the triangle into a new coordinate system defined by orthogonal
221     // bases vectors S, T, where S is vector prev_pos - next_pos and T is an
222     // perpendicular vector to S in the same plane as vector the
223     // tip_pos - next_pos.
224     // The transformed triangle in the new coordinate system is then going to
225     // be represented as:
226     //
227     //        1 ^
228     //          |
229     //          |
230     //          |   C
231     //          |  /  \
232     //          | /      \
233     //          |/          \
234     //          N--------------P
235     //          0              1
236     //
237     // Where next_pos point (N) is at position (0, 0), prev_pos point (P) is
238     // at (1, 0). Our goal is to compute the position of the tip_pos point (C)
239     // in this new coordinate space (s, t).
240     //
241     const Vector3f pn = prev_pos - next_pos;
242     const Vector3f cn = tip_pos - next_pos;
243     const float pn_norm2_squared = pn.SquaredNorm();
244     // Coordinate s of the tip corner C is simply the dot product of the
245     // normalized vectors |pn| and |cn| (normalized by the length of |pn|).
246     // Since both of these vectors are normalized, we don't need to perform the
247     // normalization explicitly and instead we can just use the squared norm
248     // of |pn| as a denominator of the resulting dot product of non normalized
249     // vectors.
250     float s, t;
251     // |pn_norm2_squared| can be exactly 0 when the next_pos and prev_pos are
252     // the same positions (e.g. because they were quantized to the same
253     // location).
254     if (version_ < DRACO_BITSTREAM_VERSION(1, 2) || pn_norm2_squared > 0) {
255       s = pn.Dot(cn) / pn_norm2_squared;
256       // To get the coordinate t, we can use formula:
257       //      t = |C-N - (P-N) * s| / |P-N|
258       // Do not use std::sqrt to avoid changes in the bitstream.
259       t = sqrt((cn - pn * s).SquaredNorm() / pn_norm2_squared);
260     } else {
261       s = 0;
262       t = 0;
263     }
265     // Now we need to transform the point (s, t) to the texture coordinate space
266     // UV. We know the UV coordinates on points N and P (N_UV and P_UV). Lets
267     // denote P_UV - N_UV = PN_UV. PN_UV is then 2 dimensional vector that can
268     // be used to define transformation from the normalized coordinate system
269     // to the texture coordinate system using a 3x3 affine matrix M:
270     //
271     //  M = | PN_UV[0]  -PN_UV[1]  N_UV[0] |
272     //      | PN_UV[1]   PN_UV[0]  N_UV[1] |
273     //      | 0          0         1       |
274     //
275     // The predicted point C_UV in the texture space is then equal to
276     // C_UV = M * (s, t, 1). Because the triangle in UV space may be flipped
277     // around the PN_UV axis, we also need to consider point C_UV' = M * (s, -t)
278     // as the prediction.
279     const Vector2f pn_uv = p_uv - n_uv;
280     const float pnus = pn_uv[0] * s + n_uv[0];
281     const float pnut = pn_uv[0] * t;
282     const float pnvs = pn_uv[1] * s + n_uv[1];
283     const float pnvt = pn_uv[1] * t;
284     Vector2f predicted_uv;
286     // When decoding the data, we already know which orientation to use.
287     const bool orientation = orientations_.back();
288     orientations_.pop_back();
289     if (orientation)
290       predicted_uv = Vector2f(pnus - pnvt, pnvs + pnut);
291     else
292       predicted_uv = Vector2f(pnus + pnvt, pnvs - pnut);
294     if (std::is_integral<DataTypeT>::value) {
295       // Round the predicted value for integer types.
296       if (std::isnan(predicted_uv[0])) {
297         predicted_value_[0] = INT_MIN;
298       } else {
299         predicted_value_[0] = static_cast<int>(floor(predicted_uv[0] + 0.5));
300       }
301       if (std::isnan(predicted_uv[1])) {
302         predicted_value_[1] = INT_MIN;
303       } else {
304         predicted_value_[1] = static_cast<int>(floor(predicted_uv[1] + 0.5));
305       }
306     } else {
307       predicted_value_[0] = static_cast<int>(predicted_uv[0]);
308       predicted_value_[1] = static_cast<int>(predicted_uv[1]);
309     }
310     return;
311   }
312   // Else we don't have available textures on both corners. For such case we
313   // can't use positions for predicting the uv value and we resort to delta
314   // coding.
315   int data_offset = 0;
316   if (prev_data_id < data_id) {
317     // Use the value on the previous corner as the prediction.
318     data_offset = prev_data_id * num_components_;
319   }
320   if (next_data_id < data_id) {
321     // Use the value on the next corner as the prediction.
322     data_offset = next_data_id * num_components_;
323   } else {
324     // None of the other corners have a valid value. Use the last encoded value
325     // as the prediction if possible.
326     if (data_id > 0) {
327       data_offset = (data_id - 1) * num_components_;
328     } else {
329       // We are encoding the first value. Predict 0.
330       for (int i = 0; i < num_components_; ++i) {
331         predicted_value_[i] = 0;
332       }
333       return;
334     }
335   }
336   for (int i = 0; i < num_components_; ++i) {
337     predicted_value_[i] = data[data_offset + i];
338   }
339 }
341 }  // namespace draco
344 #endif