1 #ifndef I1541_LOG_H
2 #define I1541_LOG_H
4 /** Declarations for the Logging module
5  * @file
6  */
8 /** @defgroup Logging Logging
9  * Library output facilities
10  *
11  * `#include <1541img/log.h>`
12  * @{
13  *
14  * This module contains functions to control how lib1541img will output
15  * informative, diagnostic and error messages.
16  *
17  * If you don't call any of the functions from this module, lib1541img will
18  * stay completely silent.
19  *
20  */
22 #include <stdio.h>
24 #include <1541img/decl.h>
26 /** The log level of a message
27  */
28 typedef enum LogLevel
29 {
30     L_FATAL,    /**< program execution can't continue */
31     L_ERROR,    /**< an error message, can't successfully complete */
32     L_WARNING,  /**< a warning message, something seems wrong */
33     L_INFO,     /**< an information message */
34     L_DEBUG     /**< a debugging message, very verbose */
35 } LogLevel;
37 /** Delegate for writing log messages from the library.
38  * @param level the log level of the message
39  * @param message the actual message
40  * @param data some additional data you might need internally
41  */
42 typedef void (*logwriter)(LogLevel level, const char *message, void *data);
44 /** Setup logging to a file.
45  * This will add a simple log writer appending to an opened file. You may
46  * supply one of the standard streams stdout or stderr here. For example,
47  * simple console output could be configured like this:
48  *
49  *     setFileLogger(stderr);
50  *
51  * @param file the file to write messages to
52  */
53 DECLEXPORT void setFileLogger(FILE *file);
55 /** Setup logging using your own function.
56  * @param writer your log writing function
57  * @param data some additional data to pass to your writing function
58  */
59 DECLEXPORT void setCustomLogger(logwriter writer, void *data);
61 /** Configure the maximum log level.
62  * lib1541img will suppress any messages less severe than the level given
63  * here. By default, DEBUG messages will be suppressed.
64  * @param level the maximum level to generate messages for
65  */
66 DECLEXPORT void setMaxLogLevel(LogLevel level);
68 /**@}*/
70 #endif