1 unit AES_CTR;
3 (*************************************************************************
5  DESCRIPTION   : AES CTR mode functions
6                  Because of buffering en/decrypting is associative
7                  User can supply a custom increment function
9  REQUIREMENTS  : TP5-7, D1-D7/D9-D10/D12, FPC, VP
13  MEMORY USAGE  : ---
15  DISPLAY MODE  : ---
17  REFERENCES    : [3] http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-38a/sp800-38a.pdf
18                  [1] http://csrc.nist.gov/fips/fips-197.pdf
20  REMARKS       : - If a predefined or user-supplied INCProc is used, it must
21                    be set before using AES_CTR_Seek.
22                  - AES_CTR_Seek may be time-consuming for user-defined
23                    INCProcs, because this function is called many times.
24                    See AES_CTR_Seek how to provide user-supplied short-cuts.
26  WARNING       : - CTR mode demands that the same key / initial CTR pair is
27                    never reused for encryption. This requirement is especially
28                    important for the CTR_Seek function. If different data is
29                    written to the same position there will be leakage of
30                    information about the plaintexts. Therefore CTR_Seek should
31                    normally be used for random reads only.
32                  - Default IncProc changed to IncMSBFull in V0.30, for old
33                    defaults call AES_SetIncProc(AES_IncMSBPart,.) after AES_CTR_Init
34                    or (less flexible) set DefaultIncMSBPart := true
36  Version  Date      Author      Modification
37  -------  --------  -------     ------------------------------------------
38  0.10     16.08.03  we          initial version
39  0.20     15.09.03  we          use IncProc, with IncLSB, IncMSB
40  0.21     20.09.03  we          fixed obscure FPC @ bug
41  0.22     21.09.03  we          functions, error codes
42  0.23     27.09.03  we          FPC/go32v2
43  0.24     03.10.03  we          3-para encr/decr
44  0.25     05.10.03  we          STD.INC, TP5-6
45  0.26     05.10.03  we          SetIncProc, Init without IncP
46  0.27     05.10.03  we          Bugfix for FPC: @ and IncProc
47  0.28     01.01.04  we          Handle full blocks first
48  0.30     11.06.04  we          4 IncProcs, default IncMSBFull
49  0.31     12.06.04  we          uses BLKSIZE constant
50  0.32     12.06.04  we          check for nil pointers
51  0.33     02.07.04  we          {$ifdef DLL} stdcall; {$endif}
52  0.34     30.11.04  we          AES_XorBlock, AESBLKSIZE
53  0.35     01.12.04  we          AES_ prefix for increment routines
54  0.36     09.07.06  we          Checked: D9-D10
55  0.37     23.06.07  we          Use conditional define FPC_ProcVar
56  0.38     21.06.08  we          Make IncProcs work with FPC -dDebug
57  0.39     16.11.08  we          Use Ptr2Inc, pByte from BTypes
58  0.40     19.06.10  we          Initial version of AES_CTR_Seek
59  0.41     20.06.10  we          AES_CTR_Seek: calculate IV if IncProc is known
60  0.42     20.06.10  we          AES_CTR_Seek64
61  0.43     21.06.10  we          AES_CTR_Seek: Fix loop for user-defined IncProcs
62  0.44     27.07.10  we          Longint ILen in AES_CTR_En/Decrypt
63  0.45     31.07.10  we          AES_CTR_Seek source moved to aes_seek.inc
64 **************************************************************************)
67 (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
68  (C) Copyright 2002-2010 Wolfgang Ehrhardt
70  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
71  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from
72  the use of this software.
74  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
75  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
76  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
78  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
79     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in
80     a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
81     appreciated but is not required.
83  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
84     misrepresented as being the original software.
86  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
89 {$i STD.INC}
91 interface
94 uses
95   BTypes, AES_Type, AES_Base, AES_Encr;
98 const
99   DefaultIncMSBPart: boolean = false;  {if true use AES_IncMSBPart as default}
102 {$ifdef CONST}
AES_CTR_Initnull103 function  AES_CTR_Init(const Key; KeyBits: word; const CTR: TAESBlock; var ctx: TAESContext): integer;
104   {-AES key expansion, error if inv. key size, encrypt CTR}
105   {$ifdef DLL} stdcall; {$endif}
106 {$else}
AES_CTR_Initnull107 function  AES_CTR_Init(var Key; KeyBits: word; var CTR: TAESBlock; var ctx: TAESContext): integer;
108   {-AES key expansion, error if inv. key size, encrypt CTR}
109 {$endif}
112 {$ifndef DLL}
AES_CTR_Seeknull113 function  AES_CTR_Seek({$ifdef CONST}const{$else}var{$endif} iCTR: TAESBlock;
114                        SOL, SOH: longint; var ctx: TAESContext): integer;
115   {-Setup ctx for random access crypto stream starting at 64 bit offset SOH*2^32+SOL,}
116   { SOH >= 0. iCTR is the initial CTR for offset 0, i.e. the same as in AES_CTR_Init.}
117 {$ifdef HAS_INT64}
AES_CTR_Seek64null118 function AES_CTR_Seek64(const iCTR: TAESBlock; SO: int64; var ctx: TAESContext): integer;
119   {-Setup ctx for random access crypto stream starting at 64 bit offset SO >= 0;}
120   { iCTR is the initial CTR value for offset 0, i.e. the same as in AES_CTR_Init.}
121 {$endif}
122 {$endif}
AES_CTR_Encryptnull125 function  AES_CTR_Encrypt(ptp, ctp: Pointer; ILen: longint; var ctx: TAESContext): integer;
126   {-Encrypt ILen bytes from ptp^ to ctp^ in CTR mode}
127   {$ifdef DLL} stdcall; {$endif}
AES_CTR_Decryptnull129 function  AES_CTR_Decrypt(ctp, ptp: Pointer; ILen: longint; var ctx: TAESContext): integer;
130   {-Decrypt ILen bytes from ctp^ to ptp^ in CTR mode}
131   {$ifdef DLL} stdcall; {$endif}
AES_SetIncProcnull133 function  AES_SetIncProc(IncP: TIncProc; var ctx: TAESContext): integer;
134   {-Set user supplied IncCTR proc}
135   {$ifdef DLL} stdcall; {$endif}
137 procedure AES_IncMSBFull(var CTR: TAESBlock);
138   {-Increment CTR[15]..CTR[0]}
139   {$ifdef DLL} stdcall; {$endif}
141 procedure AES_IncLSBFull(var CTR: TAESBlock);
142   {-Increment CTR[0]..CTR[15]}
143   {$ifdef DLL} stdcall; {$endif}
145 procedure AES_IncMSBPart(var CTR: TAESBlock);
146   {-Increment CTR[15]..CTR[8]}
147   {$ifdef DLL} stdcall; {$endif}
149 procedure AES_IncLSBPart(var CTR: TAESBlock);
150   {-Increment CTR[0]..CTR[7]}
151   {$ifdef DLL} stdcall; {$endif}
154 implementation
157 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
158 procedure AES_IncMSBPart(var CTR: TAESBlock);
159   {-Increment CTR[15]..CTR[8]}
160 var
161   j: integer;
162 begin
163   for j:=15 downto 8 do begin
164     if CTR[j]=$FF then CTR[j] := 0
165     else begin
166       inc(CTR[j]);
167       exit;
168     end;
169   end;
170 end;
173 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
174 procedure AES_IncLSBPart(var CTR: TAESBlock);
175   {-Increment CTR[0]..CTR[7]}
176 var
177   j: integer;
178 begin
179   for j:=0 to 7 do begin
180     if CTR[j]=$FF then CTR[j] := 0
181     else begin
182       inc(CTR[j]);
183       exit;
184     end;
185   end;
186 end;
189 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
190 procedure AES_IncMSBFull(var CTR: TAESBlock);
191   {-Increment CTR[15]..CTR[0]}
192 var
193   j: integer;
194 begin
195   for j:=15 downto 0 do begin
196     if CTR[j]=$FF then CTR[j] := 0
197     else begin
198       inc(CTR[j]);
199       exit;
200     end;
201   end;
202 end;
205 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
206 procedure AES_IncLSBFull(var CTR: TAESBlock);
207   {-Increment CTR[0]..CTR[15]}
208 var
209   j: integer;
210 begin
211   for j:=0 to 15 do begin
212     if CTR[j]=$FF then CTR[j] := 0
213     else begin
214       inc(CTR[j]);
215       exit;
216     end;
217   end;
218 end;
221 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
AES_SetIncProcnull222 function AES_SetIncProc(IncP: TIncProc; var ctx: TAESContext): integer;
223   {-Set user supplied IncCTR proc}
224 begin
225   AES_SetIncProc := AES_Err_MultipleIncProcs;
226   with ctx do begin
227     {$ifdef FPC_ProcVar}
228       if IncProc=nil then begin
229         IncProc := IncP;
230         AES_SetIncProc := 0;
231       end;
232     {$else}
233       if @IncProc=nil then begin
234         IncProc := IncP;
235         AES_SetIncProc := 0;
236       end;
237     {$endif}
238   end;
239 end;
242 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
243 {$ifdef CONST}
AES_CTR_Initnull244 function AES_CTR_Init(const Key; KeyBits: word; const CTR: TAESBlock; var ctx: TAESContext): integer;
245 {$else}
AES_CTR_Initnull246 function AES_CTR_Init(var Key; KeyBits: word; var CTR: TAESBlock; var ctx: TAESContext): integer;
247 {$endif}
248   {-AES key expansion, error if inv. key size, encrypt CTR}
249 var
250   err: integer;
251 begin
252   {AES key expansion, error if inv. key size}
253   err := AES_Init_Encr(Key, KeyBits, ctx);
254   if (err=0) and DefaultIncMSBPart then begin
255     {$ifdef FPC_ProcVar}
256       err := AES_SetIncProc(@AES_IncMSBPart, ctx);
257     {$else}
258       err := AES_SetIncProc(AES_IncMSBPart, ctx);
259     {$endif}
260   end;
261   if err=0 then begin
262     ctx.IV := CTR;
263     {encrypt CTR}
264     AES_Encrypt(ctx, CTR, ctx.buf);
265   end;
266   AES_CTR_Init := err;
267 end;
270 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
AES_CTR_Encryptnull271 function AES_CTR_Encrypt(ptp, ctp: Pointer; ILen: longint; var ctx: TAESContext): integer;
272   {-Encrypt ILen bytes from ptp^ to ctp^ in CTR mode}
273 begin
274   AES_CTR_Encrypt := 0;
276   if ctx.Decrypt<>0 then begin
277     AES_CTR_Encrypt := AES_Err_Invalid_Mode;
278     exit;
279   end;
281   {$ifdef BIT16}
282     if (ofs(ptp^)+ILen>$FFFF) or (ofs(ctp^)+ILen>$FFFF) then begin
283       AES_CTR_Encrypt := AES_Err_Invalid_16Bit_Length;
284       exit;
285     end;
286   {$endif}
288   if (ptp=nil) or (ctp=nil) then begin
289     if ILen>0 then begin
290       AES_CTR_Encrypt := AES_Err_NIL_Pointer; {nil pointer to block with nonzero length}
291       exit;
292     end;
293   end;
295   if ctx.blen=0 then begin
296     {Handle full blocks first}
297     while ILen>=AESBLKSIZE do with ctx do begin
298       {Cipher text = plain text xor encr(CTR), cf. [3] 6.5}
299       AES_XorBlock(PAESBlock(ptp)^, buf, PAESBlock(ctp)^);
300       inc(Ptr2Inc(ptp), AESBLKSIZE);
301       inc(Ptr2Inc(ctp), AESBLKSIZE);
302       dec(ILen, AESBLKSIZE);
303       {use AES_IncMSBFull if IncProc=nil}
304       {$ifdef FPC_ProcVar}
305         if IncProc=nil then AES_IncMSBFull(IV) else IncProc(IV);
306       {$else}
307         if @IncProc=nil then AES_IncMSBFull(IV) else IncProc(IV);
308       {$endif}
309       AES_Encrypt(ctx, IV, buf);
310     end;
311   end;
313   {Handle remaining bytes}
314   while ILen>0 do with ctx do begin
315     {Refill buffer with encrypted CTR}
316     if bLen>=AESBLKSIZE then begin
317       {use AES_IncMSBFull if IncProc=nil}
318       {$ifdef FPC_ProcVar}
319         if IncProc=nil then AES_IncMSBFull(IV) else IncProc(IV);
320       {$else}
321         if @IncProc=nil then AES_IncMSBFull(IV) else IncProc(IV);
322       {$endif}
323       AES_Encrypt(ctx, IV, buf);
324       bLen := 0;
325     end;
326     {Cipher text = plain text xor encr(CTR), cf. [3] 6.5}
327     pByte(ctp)^ := buf[bLen] xor pByte(ptp)^;
328     inc(bLen);
329     inc(Ptr2Inc(ptp));
330     inc(Ptr2Inc(ctp));
331     dec(ILen);
332   end;
333 end;
336 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
AES_CTR_Decryptnull337 function AES_CTR_Decrypt(ctp, ptp: Pointer; ILen: longint; var ctx: TAESContext): integer;
338   {-Decrypt ILen bytes from ctp^ to ptp^ in CTR mode}
339 begin
340   {Decrypt = encrypt for CTR mode}
341   AES_CTR_Decrypt := AES_CTR_Encrypt(ctp, ptp, ILen, ctx);
342 end;
345 {$ifndef DLL}
346   {$i aes_seek.inc}
347 {$endif}
350 end.