1 unit img_utils;
2 {
3  DESCRIPTION     :  Unit providing routines related to handling images
7  EXTERNAL DATA   :  ---
9  MEMORY USAGE    :  ---
11  DISPLAY MODE    :  ---
13  REFERENCES      :  ---
15  REMARK          :  ---
17  Version  Date      Author      Modification
18  -------  --------  -------     ------------------------------------------
19  0.10     20101030  G.Tani      Initial version
20  0.11     20110816  G.Tani      Improved getting string with image details
21  0.12     20130215  G.Tani      Improced decorations, improved some cases of error handling if images are not correctly loaded
22  0.13     20130602  G.Tani      Code cleanup, fixed recognition of uncommon jpeg extensions
23  0.14     20140924  G.Tani      Fixes; Added conversion to TIFF, PPM, and XPM formats
24  0.15     20160718  G.Tani      Added code to show exe icons (Windows)
25  0.16     20170423  G.Tani      Fixed color modification modcolor, can now either make the color darker or lighter
26                                 Added proportional color modification modpropcolor
27                                 Added color darkness evaluation function evalcolor
28  0.17     20181206  G.Tani      Can now convert images to ico format
29  0.18     20190821  G.Tani      New resize_bitmap function
30  0.19     20191125  G.Tani      Improved and extended functions related to load and resize transparent bitmaps
32 (C) Copyright 2010 Giorgio Tani giorgio.tani.software@gmail.com
33 The program is released under GNU LGPL http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt
35     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
36     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
37     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
38     version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
40     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
41     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
43     Lesser General Public License for more details.
45     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
46     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
47     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
48 }
50 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
53 interface
55 uses {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}Windows,{$ENDIF} Classes, SysUtils, Forms, ExtCtrls, Graphics {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}, Shellapi, Activex{$ENDIF};
57 type
rListnull58    TFoundList = array of ansistring; //dynamic array of ansistring, each time a new file is found new space is allocated (function rList)
59    TFoundListBool = array of boolean;
60    TFoundListAges = array of dword;
61    TFoundListAttrib = array of dword;
62    TFoundListSizes = array of qword;
63    TFoundListArray64 = array of array [0..63] of byte;
64    TFileOfByte = File of Byte;
66 procedure setsize_bitmap(var abitmap:tbitmap; isize, deco:integer);
67 procedure loadlargeicon(srcbitmap:TBitmap; var destbitmap:Tbitmap; destsize:integer);
load_bitmapnull68 function load_bitmap(var abitmap:Tbitmap; s:ansistring; isize, deco:integer; var imginfo:ansistring):integer;
load_imagefiletopicturenull69 function load_imagefiletopicture(var apicture:Tpicture; s:ansistring):integer;
rotate_picturenull70 function rotate_picture(var apicture:Tpicture; rfun:ansistring): integer;
resize_picturenull71 function resize_picture(var apicture:Tpicture; wsize,hsize:integer): integer;
resize_bitmapnull72 function resize_bitmap(var abitmap:Tbitmap; wsize,hsize:integer): integer;
73 procedure get_pformscaling(var refsize, qscale,qscaleimages:integer);
setpbitmapnull74 function setpbitmap(var abitmap:TBitmap; virtualsize:integer):integer;
resize_bitmap_tobitmapnull75 function resize_bitmap_tobitmap(var srcbitmap,destbitmap:Tbitmap; wsize,hsize:integer): integer;
setpbitmap_tobitmapnull76 function setpbitmap_tobitmap(var srcbitmap,destbitmap:TBitmap; virtualsize:integer):integer;
getthemedbitmapnull77 function getthemedbitmap(var abitmap:TBitmap; imgname:ansistring):integer;
crop_picturenull78 function crop_picture(var apicture:Tpicture; ctop,cbottom,cleft,cright:integer): integer;
save_picturetoimagefilenull79 function save_picturetoimagefile(var apicture:Tpicture; s:ansistring):integer;
saveconvert_picturetoimagefilenull80 function saveconvert_picturetoimagefile(var apicture:Tpicture; s,convext:ansistring; convopt:integer):integer;
createnull81 //GUI theming function: create a darker shade of specified color
82 function modcolor(col:TColor; dr,dg,db:Single):TColor; //change each channel multiplying it to an independent modification parameter, until saturation of the channel (255)
modpropcolornull83 function modpropcolor(col:TColor; prop:integer):TColor; //change all channels of a color porportionally, creating lighter or darker shades of same color
evalcolornull84 function evalcolor(col:TColor):byte;//evaluate darkness of a color combining rgb channels 0 darkest 255 lightest
86 const
87 DECO_NONE = 0; //no decoration, use all available space for rendering the image
88 DECO_SHADOW = 1; //light frame around the image, plus shadow
89 DECO_FRAME = 2; //light frame 6px away from the image
90 DECO_BORDER = 3; //light frame around the full icon
91 DECO_SPACE = 4; //6 px empty border
93 var
94 relwindowcolor: TColor;
96 implementation
98 procedure autoscale_image(aform:Tform; var aimage:Timage; var ascale,iscale:double);
99 var
100   iwidth,iheight : Integer;
101   rect : TRect;
102 begin
103 with aform do
104    begin
105    iwidth:=aimage.Picture.Bitmap.Width;
106    iheight:=aimage.Picture.Bitmap.Height;
107    iscale:=iscale*ascale;
108    rect:=aimage.BoundsRect;
109    rect.Right:=rect.Left+Round(iwidth*iscale);
110    rect.Bottom:=rect.Top+Round(iheight*iscale);
111    aimage.BoundsRect:=rect;
112    aimage.Stretch:=True;
113    aimage.left:=(aform.width-aimage.width)div 2;
114    aimage.top:=(aform.height-aimage.height)div 2;
115    end;
116 end;
118 procedure autosize_image(aform:tform; var aimage:timage; var iscale:double);
119 var
120    wscale,hscale,ascale:double;
121 begin
122 with aform do
123    begin
124    iscale:=1.0;
125    if aimage.Picture.Bitmap.Width<>0 then wscale:=aform.Width / aimage.Picture.Bitmap.Width else wscale:=100;
126    if aimage.Picture.Bitmap.Height<>0 then hscale:=aform.Height / aimage.Picture.Bitmap.Height else hscale:=100;
127    if wscale<hscale then ascale:=wscale
128    else ascale:=hscale;
129    autoscale_image(aform, aimage, ascale, iscale);
130    end;
131 end;
load_image_autonull133 function load_image_auto(aform:Tform; var aimage:Timage; s:ansistring; var iscale:double):integer;
134 begin
135 load_image_auto:=-1;
136 Try
137 //iscale:=1.0;
138 aimage.Picture.LoadFromFile(s);
139 aform.Caption:=s;
140 //image_loaded:=1;
141 autosize_image(aform, aimage, iscale);
142 load_image_auto:=0;
143 Except
144 load_image_auto:=1;
145 end
146 end;
148 procedure scale_bitmap(var abitmap:tbitmap; isize, deco:integer; var ascale:double);
149 //scale image (keeping in account border size), place the bitmap centered in a square of given size
150 var
151   iwidth,iheight : Integer;
152   rect : TRect;
153   bbitmap:tbitmap;
154 begin
155    bbitmap:=tbitmap.Create;
156    bbitmap.width:=isize;
157    bbitmap.height:=isize;
158    bbitmap.Transparent:=false;
159    bbitmap.canvas.Brush.Color:=relwindowcolor;
160    if deco=DECO_BORDER then bbitmap.canvas.Pen.Color:=clbtnface
161    else bbitmap.canvas.Pen.Color:=relwindowcolor;
162    bbitmap.canvas.Rectangle(0,0,isize,isize);
164    iwidth:=abitmap.Width;
165    iheight:=abitmap.Height;
166    rect.Left := (isize-round(iwidth*ascale)) div 2;
167    rect.Top := (isize-round(iheight*ascale)) div 2;
168    rect.Right:=rect.Left+Round(iwidth*ascale);
169    rect.Bottom:=rect.Top+Round(iheight*ascale);
171    if deco=DECO_SHADOW then
172    begin
173    bbitmap.canvas.Brush.Color:=clnone;
174    bbitmap.canvas.Pen.Color:=clbtnface;
175    bbitmap.canvas.Rectangle(rect.Left-1,rect.Top-1,rect.Right+1,rect.Bottom+1);
176    bbitmap.canvas.Brush.Color:=$00c0c0c0;
177    bbitmap.canvas.Pen.Color:=$00e0e0e0;
178    bbitmap.canvas.Rectangle(rect.Left+1,rect.Top+1,rect.Right+2,rect.Bottom+2);
179    end;
181    if deco=DECO_FRAME then
182    begin
183    bbitmap.canvas.Brush.Color:=clnone;
184    bbitmap.canvas.Pen.Color:=clbtnface;
185    bbitmap.canvas.Rectangle(rect.Left-6,rect.Top-6,rect.Right+6,rect.Bottom+6);
186    end;
188    bbitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(rect, abitmap);
190    abitmap.Assign(bbitmap);
191    bbitmap.free;
192 end;
194 procedure setsize_bitmap(var abitmap:tbitmap; isize, deco:integer);
195 var
196    wscale,hscale,ascale:double;
197    csize:integer;
198 begin
199    case deco of
200        DECO_FRAME: csize:=isize-12;
201        DECO_BORDER: csize:=isize-12;
202        DECO_SHADOW: csize:=isize-4;
203    else csize:=isize; //let room for borders
204    end;
205    if abitmap.Width<>0 then wscale:=csize / abitmap.Width else wscale:=100;
206    if abitmap.Height<>0 then hscale:=csize / abitmap.Height else hscale:=100;
207    if wscale<hscale then ascale:=wscale
208    else ascale:=hscale;
209    if ascale>1 then ascale:=1;
210    scale_bitmap(abitmap, isize, deco, ascale)
211 end;
213 procedure getimageinfo(aimage:TImage; var imginfo:ansistring);
214 begin
215 try imginfo:=inttostr(aimage.Picture.Bitmap.Width)+'*'+inttostr(aimage.Picture.Bitmap.height)+'@';
216 except imginfo:=''; end;
217 case aimage.Picture.Bitmap.PixelFormat of
218     pfDevice: imginfo:=imginfo+'Device';
219     pf1bit: imginfo:=imginfo+'1';
220     pf4bit: imginfo:=imginfo+'4';
221     pf8bit: imginfo:=imginfo+'8';
222     pf15bit: imginfo:=imginfo+'15';
223     pf16bit: imginfo:=imginfo+'16';
224     pf24bit: imginfo:=imginfo+'24';
225     pf32bit: imginfo:=imginfo+'32';
226     pfCustom: imginfo:=imginfo+'Custom';
227 end;
228 end;
230 procedure loadlargeicon(srcbitmap:TBitmap; var destbitmap:Tbitmap; destsize:integer);
231 begin
232 destbitmap.Assign(srcbitmap);
233 setsize_bitmap(destbitmap,destsize,DECO_NONE);
234 destbitmap.TransparentColor:=$00FFFFFF;
235 destbitmap.Transparent:=true;
236 end;
load_bitmapnull238 function load_bitmap(var abitmap:Tbitmap; s:ansistring; isize, deco:integer; var imginfo:ansistring):integer;
239 var
240    aimage:TImage;
241 begin
242 load_bitmap:=-1;
243 Try
244 aimage:=TImage.Create(nil);
245 aimage.Parent:=nil;
246 aimage.Picture.LoadFromFile(s);
247 getimageinfo(aimage, imginfo);
248 abitmap.assign(aimage.Picture.Bitmap);
249 setsize_bitmap(abitmap, isize, deco);
250 aimage.free;
251 load_bitmap:=0;
252 Except
253 load_bitmap:=1;
254 end
255 end;
load_imagefiletopicturenull257 function load_imagefiletopicture(var apicture:Tpicture; s:ansistring):integer;
258 begin
259 load_imagefiletopicture:=-1;
260 Try
261 apicture:=Tpicture.Create;
262 apicture.LoadFromFile(s);
263 load_imagefiletopicture:=0;
264 Except
265 load_imagefiletopicture:=1;
266 end
267 end;
rotate_picturenull269 function rotate_picture(var apicture:Tpicture; rfun:ansistring): integer;
270 var
271    x,y: Integer;
272    rlh,rlw: Integer;
273    bpicture:Tpicture;
274 begin
275 result:=-1;
276 rlw:=apicture.Width;
277 rlh:=apicture.Height;
278 bpicture:=Tpicture.Create;
280 case rfun of
281    'right':
282    with bpicture do
283    begin
284    bitmap.Width:=rlh;
285    bitmap.Height:=rlw;
286    for x:=0 to rlw-1 do
287       for y:=0 to rlh-1 do
288          bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[rlh-y-1,x]:=apicture.bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[x,y];
289    end;
291    'left':
292    with bpicture do
293    begin
294    bitmap.Width:=rlh;
295    bitmap.Height:=rlw;
296    for x:=0 to rlw-1 do
297       for y:=0 to rlh-1 do
298          bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[y,rlw-x-1]:=apicture.bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[x,y];
299    end;
301    '180':
302    with bpicture do
303    begin
304    bitmap.Width:=rlw;
305    bitmap.Height:=rlh;
306    for x:=0 to rlw-1 do
307       for y:=0 to rlh-1 do
308          bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[rlw-x-1,rlh-y-1]:=apicture.bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[x,y];
309    end;
311    'flip':
312    with bpicture do
313    begin
314    bitmap.Width:=rlw;
315    bitmap.Height:=rlh;
316    for x:=0 to rlw-1 do
317       for y:=0 to rlh-1 do
318          bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[x,rlh-y-1]:=apicture.bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[x,y];
319    end;
321    'mirror':
322    with bpicture do
323    begin
324    bitmap.Width:=rlw;
325    bitmap.Height:=rlh;
326    for x:=0 to rlw-1 do
327       for y:=0 to rlh-1 do
328          bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[rlw-x-1,y]:=apicture.bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[x,y];
329    end;
330    end;
331 apicture.assign(bpicture);
332 bpicture.Free;
333 result:=1;
334 end;
resize_picturenull336 function resize_picture(var apicture:Tpicture; wsize,hsize:integer): integer;
337 var
338    rect : TRect;
339    bpicture:Tpicture;
340 begin
341 result:=-1;
342 bpicture:=tpicture.Create;
343 bpicture.bitmap.width:=wsize;
344 bpicture.bitmap.height:=hsize;
345 rect.Left := 0;
346 rect.Top := 0;
347 rect.Right:=wsize;
348 rect.Bottom:=hsize;
349 bpicture.bitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(rect, apicture.bitmap);
350 apicture.assign(bpicture);
351 bpicture.Free;
352 result:=1;
353 end;
resize_bitmapnull355 function resize_bitmap(var abitmap:Tbitmap; wsize,hsize:integer): integer; //resize transparent bitmap, works with 32bit bitmaps
356 var
357   rect : TRect;
358   bbitmap:tbitmap;
359 begin
360 result:=-1;
361 bbitmap:=tbitmap.Create;
363 bbitmap.PixelFormat:=abitmap.PixelFormat;
364 {$ELSE}
366 bbitmap.PixelFormat:=abitmap.PixelFormat;
367 {$ENDIF}
368 {$ENDIF}
369 bbitmap.width:=wsize;
370 bbitmap.height:=hsize;
372 bbitmap.Transparent:=true;
373 bbitmap.canvas.Brush.Color:=relwindowcolor;
374 bbitmap.canvas.Pen.Color:=clnone;
375 bbitmap.canvas.Rectangle(0,0,wsize,hsize);
376 {$ELSE}
378 bbitmap.Transparent:=true;
379 bbitmap.canvas.Brush.Color:=relwindowcolor;
380 bbitmap.canvas.Pen.Color:=clnone;
381 bbitmap.canvas.Rectangle(0,0,wsize,hsize);
382 {$ENDIF}
383 {$ENDIF}
384 rect.Left := 0;
385 rect.Top := 0;
386 rect.Right:=wsize;
387 rect.Bottom:=hsize;
388 bbitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(rect, abitmap);
389 abitmap.Assign(bbitmap);
390 bbitmap.free;
391 result:=0;
392 end;
394 procedure get_pformscaling(var refsize, qscale, qscaleimages:integer);
395 begin
396    if refsize<3 then refsize:=25;
397    qscale:=(100000*refsize) div 25000;
398    if qscale<110 then qscale:=100 //small icons = 16px
399    else
400       if qscale<135 then qscale:=125 //20
401       else
402          if qscale<165 then qscale:=150 //24
403          else
404             if qscale<220 then qscale:=200 //32
405             else
406                if qscale<270 then qscale:=250 //40
407                else
408                   if qscale<330 then qscale:=300 //48
409                   else
410                      if qscale<440 then qscale:=400 //64
411                      else
412                         if qscale<550 then qscale:=500 //80
413                         else
414                            if qscale<660 then qscale:=600 //96
415                            else
416                               if qscale<880 then qscale:=800 //128
417                               else qscale:=1000; //160
418 qscaleimages:=qscale;
419 case qscaleimages of //avoid some multiples that usually does not scale well, falling back to nearest smaller scaling factor
420    125: qscaleimages:=100;
421    250: qscaleimages:=200;
422 end;
423 end;
setpbitmapnull425 function setpbitmap(var abitmap:TBitmap; virtualsize:integer):integer;//wrapper for resize_bitmap for square icons
426 begin
427 result:=resize_bitmap(abitmap, virtualsize, virtualsize);
428 end;
resize_bitmap_tobitmapnull430 function resize_bitmap_tobitmap(var srcbitmap,destbitmap:Tbitmap; wsize,hsize:integer): integer; //copy transparent srcbitmap to destbitmap of new size, works with 32bit bitmaps
431 var
432    rect : TRect;
433 begin
434 result:=-1;
435 destbitmap.Clear;
436 destbitmap.PixelFormat:=srcbitmap.PixelFormat;
437 destbitmap.width:=wsize;
438 destbitmap.height:=hsize;
439 destbitmap.Transparent:=true;
440 rect.Left:=0;
441 rect.Top:=0;
442 rect.Right:=wsize;
443 rect.Bottom:=hsize;
444 destbitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(rect, srcbitmap);
445 result:=1;
446 end;
setpbitmap_tobitmapnull448 function setpbitmap_tobitmap(var srcbitmap,destbitmap:TBitmap; virtualsize:integer):integer;//wrapper for resize_bitmap for square icons
449 begin
450 result:=resize_bitmap_tobitmap(srcbitmap, destbitmap, virtualsize, virtualsize);
451 end;
getthemedbitmapnull453 function getthemedbitmap(var abitmap:TBitmap; imgname:ansistring):integer;
454 var
455    aimage:TImage;
456 begin
457 result:=-1;
458 aimage:=TImage.Create(nil); ;
459 aimage.Picture.LoadFromFile(imgname);
460 abitmap.Assign(aimage.Picture.Bitmap);
461 aimage.Free;
462 result:=1;
463 end;
crop_picturenull465 function crop_picture(var apicture:Tpicture; ctop,cbottom,cleft,cright:integer): integer;
466 var
467    x,y: Integer;
468    rlh,rlw: Integer;
469    bpicture:Tpicture;
470 begin
471 result:=-1;
472 rlw:=apicture.bitmap.Width;
473 rlh:=apicture.bitmap.Height;
474 bpicture:= Tpicture.Create;
475 with bpicture do
476    begin
477    bitmap.Width:=rlw-cleft-cright;
478    bitmap.Height:=rlh-ctop-cbottom;
479    for x:=0 to rlw-cleft-cright-1 do
480       for y:=0 to rlh-ctop-cbottom-1 do
481          bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[x,y]:=apicture.bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[x+cleft,y+ctop];
482    end;
483 apicture.assign(bpicture);
484 bpicture.Free;
485 result:=1;
486 end;
save_picturetoimagefilenull488 function save_picturetoimagefile(var apicture:Tpicture; s:ansistring):integer;
489 begin
490 try
491 save_picturetoimagefile:=-1;
492 apicture.SaveToFile(s);
493 apicture.Free;
494 save_picturetoimagefile:=0;
495 except
496 save_picturetoimagefile:=1;
497 try apicture.Free; except end;
498 end;
499 end;
saveconvert_picturetoimagefilenull501 function saveconvert_picturetoimagefile(var apicture:Tpicture; s,convext:ansistring; convopt:integer):integer;
502 var
503    ajpeg:TJpegImage;
504    atiff:TTiffImage;
505    apng:TPortableNetworkGraphic;
506    aico:TIcon;
507    appm:TPortableAnyMapGraphic;
508    axpm:TPixmap;
509 begin
510 try
511 saveconvert_picturetoimagefile:=-1;
512 convext:=LowerCase(convext);
513 case convext of
514 '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.jpe', '.jif', '.jfif', '.jfi', 'jpeg', 'jpg':
515    begin
516    ajpeg:=TJPEGImage.Create;
517    ajpeg.CompressionQuality:=convopt;
518    ajpeg.Assign(apicture.Bitmap);
519    ajpeg.SaveToFile(s+'.'+convext);
520    ajpeg.free;
521    end;
522 'tiff':
523    begin
524    atiff:=TTiffImage.Create;
525    atiff.Assign(apicture.Bitmap);
526    atiff.SaveToFile(s+'.'+convext);
527    atiff.free;
528    end;
529 'png':
530    begin
531    apng:=TPortableNetworkGraphic.Create;
532    apng.Assign(apicture.Bitmap);
533    apng.SaveToFile(s+'.'+convext);
534    apng.free;
535    end;
536 'ico':
537    begin
538    aico:=TIcon.Create;
539    aico.Assign(apicture.Bitmap);
540    aico.SaveToFile(s+'.'+convext);
541    aico.free;
542    end;
543 'ppm':
544    begin
545    appm:=TPortableAnyMapGraphic.Create;
546    appm.Assign(apicture.Bitmap);
547    appm.SaveToFile(s+'.'+convext);
548    appm.free;
549    end;
550 'xpm':
551    begin
552    axpm:=TPixmap.Create;
553    axpm.Assign(apicture.Bitmap);
554    axpm.SaveToFile(s+'.'+convext);
555    axpm.free;
556    end;
557 else apicture.SaveToFile(s+'.'+convext);
558 end;
559 apicture.Free;
560 saveconvert_picturetoimagefile:=0;
561 except
562 saveconvert_picturetoimagefile:=1;
563 try apicture.Free; except end;
564 end;
565 end;
modcolornull567 function modcolor(col:TColor; dr,dg,db:Single):TColor;
568 var
569   r, g, b: Byte;
570   rr,gg,bb:integer;
571 begin
572   col := ColorToRGB(col);
573   r := BYTE(col);
574   g := BYTE((WORD(col)) shr 8);
575   b := BYTE(col shr 16);
576   rr := trunc( r * dr); if rr>255 then rr:=255;
577   gg := trunc( g * dg); if gg>255 then gg:=255;
578   bb := trunc( b * db); if bb>255 then bb:=255;
579   r:=rr;
580   g:=gg;
581   b:=bb;
582   result := DWORD(((DWORD(BYTE(r))) or ((DWORD(WORD(g))) shl 8)) or ((DWORD(BYTE(b))) shl 16));
583 end;
modpropcolornull585 function modpropcolor(col:TColor; prop:integer):TColor;
586 var
587   r, g, b: Byte;
588   rr,gg,bb:integer;
589 begin
590   col := ColorToRGB(col);
591   r := BYTE(col);
592   g := BYTE((WORD(col)) shr 8);
593   b := BYTE(col shr 16);
594   if prop<-255 then prop:=-255;
595   if prop>255 then prop:=255;
596   if prop>=0 then
597      begin
598      rr := (255-r) * prop div 255;
599      gg := (255-g) * prop div 255;
600      bb := (255-b) * prop div 255;
601      end
602   else
603      begin
604      rr := (r) * prop div 255;
605      gg := (g) * prop div 255;
606      bb := (b) * prop div 255;
607      end;
608   r:=r+rr;
609   g:=g+gg;
610   b:=b+bb;
611   result := DWORD(((DWORD(BYTE(r))) or ((DWORD(WORD(g))) shl 8)) or ((DWORD(BYTE(b))) shl 16));
612 end;
evalcolornull614 function evalcolor(col:TColor):byte;
615 var
616   r, g, b: Byte;
617   cbtot: integer;
618 begin
619   col := ColorToRGB(col);
620   r := BYTE(col);
621   g := BYTE((WORD(col)) shr 8);
622   b := BYTE(col shr 16);
623   cbtot:=(r+g+b) div 3;
624   result := cbtot;
625 end;
627 end.