1##c_all.bat        Compile batch that calls the #c_*.bat files
2##c_d10x.bat       Compile batch for Delphi 10.x
3#c_tb2n.bat        Compile batch for t_base2n.pas
4#c_tb2na.bat       Compile batch for t_bas2na.pas
5#c_tb64.bat        Compile batch for t_base64.pas
6#c_tbita.bat       Compile batch for t_bitarr.pas
7#c_tbtyp.bat       Compile batch for t_btypes.pas
8#c_tcv.bat         Compile batch for t_cv.pas
9#c_tdat.bat        Compile batch for t_dates.pas
10#c_thrt.bat        Compile batch for t_hrt.pas
11#c_tsort.bat       Compile batch for t_sort.pas
12#c_tstat.bat       Compile batch for t_mstat.pas
13$log_utl.zip       Archive with log files of final tests done before release
14base2n.pas         Base 2**N conversion, 1 <= N <= 6
15bitarray.pas       Bit array context with max. 524160 bits
16btypes.pas         Common basic type definitions
17compvers.pas       Return compiler version as string or symbol
18copying_we.txt     WE's license
19dates.pas          Current date/time routines, Julian day numbers
20hrtimer.pas        High resolution timer routines with comp data type
21legal.txt          Legal notice (cryptography, software patents)
22manifest.utl       This file
23memh.pas           Basic portable heap memory allocation functions
24mem_util.pas       Utility procedures for Hex/Base64 and memory compare
25ministat.pas       Mini statistics unit: Accurate running values
26readme.utl         Description of the units
27sort.pas           General QuickSort, HeapSort, CombSort routines
28std.inc            Standard definitions and options
29tsc.pas            Access to Time Stamp Counter (RDTSC)
30t_bas2na.pas       32 bit test prog for Base2N/ansistring
31t_base2n.pas       Test prog for Base2N unit
32t_base64.pas       Test prog for mem_util/base64 string routines
33t_bitar3.pas       Test prog for bitarray (16 bit primes via sieving)
34t_btypes.pas       Test prog for BTypes unit
35t_cv.pas           Test prog for compvers unit
36t_dates.pas        Test prog for dates unit
37t_hrt.pas          Test prog for HRTimer/TSC
38t_mstat.pas        Test prog for ministat unit
39t_sort.pas         Test prog for sort unit
40util.cnt           Windows online help
41util.hlp           Windows online help
42util.pas           Program that uses all "util" units, use it for "Make"
43util.tph           BP7 IDE online help
44_tsc.asm           RDTSC helper routines for 16 bit
45_tsc.obj           Compiled _tsc.asm
46_comparm           Compile / log script for Raspberry Pi