1 /* i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.c -- loader hack for Mach-o i386
3    This file is part of the UPX executable compressor.
5    Copyright (C) 1996-2020 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
6    Copyright (C) 1996-2020 Laszlo Molnar
7    Copyright (C) 2000-2020 John F. Reiser
8    All Rights Reserved.
10    UPX and the UCL library are free software; you can redistribute them
11    and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
12    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
13    the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18    GNU General Public License for more details.
20    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21    along with this program; see the file COPYING.
22    If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
23    59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
25    Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer              Laszlo Molnar
26    <markus@oberhumer.com>               <ml1050@users.sourceforge.net>
28    John F. Reiser
29    <jreiser@users.sourceforge.net>
30  */
32 #define __WORDSIZE 32
33 #include <stdio.h>
34 #include <stdlib.h>
35 #include "include/darwin.h"
37 #ifndef DEBUG  /*{*/
38 #define DEBUG 0
39 #endif  /*}*/
41 /*************************************************************************
42 // configuration section
43 **************************************************************************/
45 // In order to make it much easier to move this code at runtime and execute
46 // it at an address different from it load address:  there must be no
47 // static data, and no string constants.
49 #if !DEBUG  /*{*/
50 #define DPRINTF(a) /* empty: no debug drivel */
51 #define DEBUG_STRCON(name, value) /* empty */
52 #else  /*}{ DEBUG */
53 extern int write(int, void const *, size_t);
54 #if 0
55 #include "stdarg.h"
56 #else
57 #define va_arg      __builtin_va_arg
58 #define va_end      __builtin_va_end
59 #define va_list     __builtin_va_list
60 #define va_start    __builtin_va_start
61 #endif
63 #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) /*{*/
64 #define PIC_STRING(value, var) \
65     __asm__ __volatile__ ( \
66         "call 0f; .asciz \"" value "\"; \
67       0: pop %0;" : "=r"(var) : \
68     )
69 #elif defined(__arm__)  /*}{*/
70 #define PIC_STRING(value, var) \
71     __asm__ __volatile__ ( \
72         "mov %0,pc; b 0f; \
73         .asciz \"" value "\"; .balign 4; \
74       0: " : "=r"(var) \
75     )
76 #elif defined(__mips__)  /*}{*/
77 #define PIC_STRING(value, var) \
78     __asm__ __volatile__ ( \
79         ".set noreorder; bal 0f; move %0,$31; .set reorder; \
80         .asciz \"" value "\"; .balign 4; \
81       0: " \
82         : "=r"(var) : : "ra" \
83     )
84 #endif  /*}*/
87 #define DEBUG_STRCON(name, strcon) \
88     static char const *name(void) { \
89         register char const *rv; PIC_STRING(strcon, rv); \
90         return rv; \
91     }
94 #ifdef __arm__  /*{*/
95 extern unsigned div10(unsigned);
96 #else  /*}{*/
97 static unsigned
div10(unsigned x)98 div10(unsigned x)
99 {
100     return x / 10u;
101 }
102 #endif  /*}*/
104 static int
unsimal(unsigned x,char * ptr,int n)105 unsimal(unsigned x, char *ptr, int n)
106 {
107     if (10<=x) {
108         unsigned const q = div10(x);
109         x -= 10 * q;
110         n = unsimal(q, ptr, n);
111     }
112     ptr[n] = '0' + x;
113     return 1+ n;
114 }
116 static int
decimal(int x,char * ptr,int n)117 decimal(int x, char *ptr, int n)
118 {
119     if (x < 0) {
120         x = -x;
121         ptr[n++] = '-';
122     }
123     return unsimal(x, ptr, n);
124 }
126 DEBUG_STRCON(STR_hex, "0123456789abcdef");
128 static int
heximal(unsigned long x,char * ptr,int n)129 heximal(unsigned long x, char *ptr, int n)
130 {
131     if (16<=x) {
132         n = heximal(x>>4, ptr, n);
133         x &= 0xf;
134     }
135     ptr[n] = STR_hex()[x];
136     return 1+ n;
137 }
140 #define DPRINTF(a) my_printf a
142 static int
my_printf(char const * fmt,...)143 my_printf(char const *fmt, ...)
144 {
145     char c;
146     int n= 0;
147     char *ptr;
148     char buf[20];
149     va_list va; va_start(va, fmt);
150     ptr= &buf[0];
151     while (0!=(c= *fmt++)) if ('%'!=c) goto literal;
152     else switch (c= *fmt++) {
153     default: {
154 literal:
155         n+= write(2, fmt-1, 1);
156     } break;
157     case 0: goto done;  /* early */
158     case 'u': {
159         n+= write(2, buf, unsimal(va_arg(va, unsigned), buf, 0));
160     } break;
161     case 'd': {
162         n+= write(2, buf, decimal(va_arg(va, int), buf, 0));
163     } break;
164     case 'p': {
165         buf[0] = '0';
166         buf[1] = 'x';
167         n+= write(2, buf, heximal((unsigned long)va_arg(va, void *), buf, 2));
168     } break;
169     case 'x': {
170         buf[0] = '0';
171         buf[1] = 'x';
172         n+= write(2, buf, heximal(va_arg(va, int), buf, 2));
173     } break;
174     }
175 done:
176     va_end(va);
177     return n;
178 }
179 #endif  /*}*/
182 /*************************************************************************
183 // "file" util
184 **************************************************************************/
186 typedef struct {
187     size_t size;  // must be first to match size[0] uncompressed size
188     void *buf;
189 } Extent;
191 DEBUG_STRCON(STR_xread, "xread %%p(%%x %%p) %%p %%x\\n")
192 DEBUG_STRCON(STR_xreadfail, "xreadfail %%p(%%x %%p) %%p %%x\\n")
194 static void
xread(Extent * x,void * buf,size_t count)195 xread(Extent *x, void *buf, size_t count)
196 {
197     unsigned char *p=x->buf, *q=buf;
198     size_t j;
199     DPRINTF((STR_xread(), x, x->size, x->buf, buf, count));
200     if (x->size < count) {
201         DPRINTF((STR_xreadfail(), x, x->size, x->buf, buf, count));
202         exit(127);
203     }
204     for (j = count; 0!=j--; ++p, ++q) {
205         *q = *p;
206     }
207     x->buf  += count;
208     x->size -= count;
209 }
212 /*************************************************************************
213 // util
214 **************************************************************************/
216 #if 1  //{  save space
217 #define ERR_LAB error: exit(127);
218 #define err_exit(a) goto error
219 #else  //}{  save debugging time
220 #define ERR_LAB /*empty*/
221 DEBUG_STRCON(STR_exit, "err_exit %%x\\n");
223 static void
err_exit(int a)224 err_exit(int a)
225 {
226     DPRINTF((STR_exit(), a));
227     (void)a;  // debugging convenience
228     exit(127);
229 }
230 #endif  //}
233 /*************************************************************************
234 // UPX & NRV stuff
235 **************************************************************************/
237 struct l_info { // 12-byte trailer for loader (after macho headers)
238     unsigned l_checksum;
239     unsigned l_magic;  // UPX_MAGIC_LE32
240     unsigned short l_lsize;
241     unsigned char l_version;
242     unsigned char l_format;
243 };
244 struct p_info { // 12-byte packed program header
245     unsigned p_progid;
246     unsigned p_filesize;
247     unsigned p_blocksize;
248 };
250 struct b_info { // 12-byte header before each compressed block
251     unsigned sz_unc;  // uncompressed_size
252     unsigned sz_cpr;  //   compressed_size
253     unsigned char b_method;  // compression algorithm
254     unsigned char b_ftid;  // filter id
255     unsigned char b_cto8;  // filter parameter
256     unsigned char b_unused;
257 };
259 typedef void f_unfilter(
260     nrv_byte *,  // also addvalue
261     nrv_uint,
262     unsigned cto8, // junk in high 24 bits
263     unsigned ftid
264 );
265 typedef int f_expand(
266     const nrv_byte *, nrv_uint,
267           nrv_byte *, nrv_uint *, unsigned );
269 DEBUG_STRCON(STR_unpackExtent,
270         "unpackExtent in=%%p(%%x %%p)  out=%%p(%%x %%p)  %%p %%p\\n");
271 DEBUG_STRCON(STR_err5, "sz_cpr=%%x  sz_unc=%%x  xo->size=%%x\\n");
273 static void
unpackExtent(Extent * const xi,Extent * const xo,f_expand * const f_decompress,f_unfilter * f_unf)274 unpackExtent(
275     Extent *const xi,  // input
276     Extent *const xo,  // output
277     f_expand *const f_decompress,
278     f_unfilter *f_unf
279 )
280 {
281     DPRINTF((STR_unpackExtent(),
282         xi, xi->size, xi->buf, xo, xo->size, xo->buf, f_decompress, f_unf));
283     while (xo->size) {
284         struct b_info h;
285         //   Note: if h.sz_unc == h.sz_cpr then the block was not
286         //   compressible and is stored in its uncompressed form.
288         // Read and check block sizes.
289         xread(xi, (unsigned char *)&h, sizeof(h));
290         if (h.sz_unc == 0) {                     // uncompressed size 0 -> EOF
291             if (h.sz_cpr != UPX_MAGIC_LE32)      // h.sz_cpr must be h->magic
292                 err_exit(2);
293             if (xi->size != 0)                 // all bytes must be written
294                 err_exit(3);
295             break;
296         }
297         if (h.sz_cpr <= 0) {
298             err_exit(4);
300         }
301         if (h.sz_cpr > h.sz_unc
302         ||  h.sz_unc > xo->size ) {
303             DPRINTF((STR_err5(), h.sz_cpr, h.sz_unc, xo->size));
304             err_exit(5);
305         }
306         // Now we have:
307         //   assert(h.sz_cpr <= h.sz_unc);
308         //   assert(h.sz_unc > 0 && h.sz_unc <= blocksize);
309         //   assert(h.sz_cpr > 0 && h.sz_cpr <= blocksize);
311         if (h.sz_cpr < h.sz_unc) { // Decompress block
312             nrv_uint out_len = h.sz_unc;  // EOF for lzma
313             int const j = (*f_decompress)(xi->buf, h.sz_cpr,
314                 xo->buf, &out_len, h.b_method);
315             if (j != 0 || out_len != (nrv_uint)h.sz_unc)
316                 err_exit(7);
317             if (h.b_ftid!=0 && f_unf) {  // have filter
318                 (*f_unf)(xo->buf, out_len, h.b_cto8, h.b_ftid);
319             }
320             xi->buf  += h.sz_cpr;
321             xi->size -= h.sz_cpr;
322         }
323         else { // copy literal block
324             xread(xi, xo->buf, h.sz_cpr);
325         }
326         xo->buf  += h.sz_unc;
327         xo->size -= h.sz_unc;
328     }
329 }
331 static void
upx_bzero(unsigned char * p,size_t len)332 upx_bzero(unsigned char *p, size_t len)
333 {
334     if (len) do {
335         *p++= 0;
336     } while (--len);
337 }
338 #define bzero upx_bzero
341 // The PF_* and PROT_* bits are {1,2,4}; the conversion table fits in 32 bits.
342 #define REP8(x) \
343     ((x)|((x)<<4)|((x)<<8)|((x)<<12)|((x)<<16)|((x)<<20)|((x)<<24)|((x)<<28))
344 #define EXP8(y) \
345     ((1&(y)) ? 0xf0f0f0f0 : (2&(y)) ? 0xff00ff00 : (4&(y)) ? 0xffff0000 : 0)
346 #define PF_TO_PROT(pf) \
348         ( (REP8(PROT_EXEC ) & EXP8(PF_X)) \
349          |(REP8(PROT_READ ) & EXP8(PF_R)) \
350          |(REP8(PROT_WRITE) & EXP8(PF_W)) \
351         ) >> ((pf & (PF_R|PF_W|PF_X))<<2) ))
353 typedef struct {
354     unsigned magic;
355     unsigned nfat_arch;
356 } Fat_header;
357 typedef struct {
358     unsigned cputype;
359     unsigned cpusubtype;
360     unsigned offset;
361     unsigned size;
362     unsigned align;  /* shift count (log base 2) */
363 } Fat_arch;
364     enum e8 {
365         FAT_MAGIC = 0xcafebabe,
366         FAT_CIGAM = 0xbebafeca
367     };
368     enum e9 {
369         CPU_TYPE_I386      =          7,
370         CPU_TYPE_AMD64     = 0x01000007,
371         CPU_TYPE_ARM       =         12,
372         CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   = 0x00000012,
373         CPU_TYPE_POWERPC64 = 0x01000012
374     };
376 typedef struct {
377     unsigned magic;
378     unsigned cputype;
379     unsigned cpysubtype;
380     unsigned filetype;
381     unsigned ncmds;
382     unsigned sizeofcmds;
383     unsigned flags;
384 } Mach_header;
385         enum e0 {
386             MH_MAGIC   =   0xfeedface,
387             MH_MAGIC64 = 1+0xfeedface
388         };
389         enum e2 {
390             MH_EXECUTE = 2
391         };
392         enum e3 {
393             MH_NOUNDEFS = 1
394         };
396 typedef struct {
397     unsigned cmd;
398     unsigned cmdsize;
399 } Mach_load_command;
400         enum e4 {
401             LC_REQ_DYLD      = 0x80000000,  // OR'ed ==> must not ignore
402             LC_SEGMENT       = 0x1,
403             LC_SEGMENT_64    = 0x19,
404             LC_THREAD        = 0x4,
405             LC_UNIXTHREAD    = 0x5,
406             LC_LOAD_DYLINKER = 0xe,
407             LC_MAIN          = (0x28|LC_REQ_DYLD)
408         };
410 typedef struct {
411     unsigned cmd;
412     unsigned cmdsize;
413     char segname[16];
414     uint32_t vmaddr;
415     uint32_t vmsize;
416     uint32_t fileoff;
417     uint32_t filesize;
418     unsigned maxprot;
419     unsigned initprot;
420     unsigned nsects;
421     unsigned flags;
422 } Mach_segment_command;
423         enum e5 {
424             VM_PROT_READ = 1,
425             VM_PROT_WRITE = 2,
426             VM_PROT_EXECUTE = 4
427         };
429 typedef struct {
430     char sectname[16];
431     char segname[16];
432     uint32_t addr;   /* memory address */
433     uint32_t size;   /* size in bytes */
434     unsigned offset; /* file offset */
435     unsigned align;  /* power of 2 */
436     unsigned reloff; /* file offset of relocation entries */
437     unsigned nreloc; /* number of relocation entries */
438     unsigned flags;  /* section type and attributes */
439     unsigned reserved1;  /* for offset or index */
440     unsigned reserved2;  /* for count or sizeof */
441 } Mach_section_command;
443 typedef struct {
444     uint32_t cmd;  // LC_MAIN;  MH_EXECUTE only
445     uint32_t cmdsize;  // 24
446     uint64_t entryoff;  // file offset of main() [expected in __TEXT]
447     uint64_t stacksize;  // non-default initial stack size
448 } Mach_main_command;
450 typedef struct {
451     uint32_t eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
452     uint32_t edi, esi, ebp;
453     uint32_t esp, ss;
454     uint32_t eflags;
455     uint32_t eip, cs;
456     uint32_t ds,es,fs,gs;
457 } Mach_i386_thread_state;
459 typedef struct {
460     unsigned cmd;            /* LC_THREAD or  LC_UNIXTHREAD */
461     unsigned cmdsize;        /* total size of this command */
462     unsigned flavor;
463     unsigned count;          /* sizeof(following_thread_state)/4 */
464     Mach_i386_thread_state state;
465 } Mach_thread_command;
466         enum e6 {
467             x86_THREAD_STATE32 = 1
468         };
469         enum e7 {
470             i386_THREAD_STATE_COUNT = sizeof(Mach_i386_thread_state)/4
471         };
473 typedef union {
474     unsigned offset;  /* from start of load command to string */
475 } Mach_lc_str;
477 #define MAP_FIXED     0x10
478 #define MAP_PRIVATE   0x02
479 #define MAP_ANON    0x1000
480 //#define MAP_ANON  0x20  // x86 DEBUG ONLY
481 #define PROT_READ      1
482 #define PROT_WRITE     2
483 #define PROT_EXEC      4
484 #define MAP_ANON_FD    -1
485 #define MAP_FAILED ((void *) -1)
487 extern void *mmap(void *, size_t, unsigned, unsigned, int, off_t);
488 ssize_t pread(int, void *, size_t, off_t);
489 extern void bswap(void *, unsigned);
492     "mmap  addr=%%p  len=%%p  prot=%%x  flags=%%x  fd=%%d  off=%%p\\n");
493 DEBUG_STRCON(STR_do_xmap,
494     "do_xmap  fdi=%%x  mhdr=%%p  xi=%%p(%%x %%p) f_unf=%%p\\n")
496 static uint32_t  // entry address
do_xmap(Mach_header const * const mhdr,off_t const fat_offset,Extent * const xi,int const fdi,Mach_header ** mhdrpp,f_expand * const f_decompress,f_unfilter * const f_unf)497 do_xmap(
498     Mach_header const *const mhdr,
499     off_t const fat_offset,
500     Extent *const xi,
501     int const fdi,
502     Mach_header **mhdrpp,
503     f_expand *const f_decompress,
504     f_unfilter *const f_unf
505 )
506 {
507     Mach_segment_command const *sc = (Mach_segment_command const *)(1+ mhdr);
508     Mach_segment_command const *segTEXT = 0;
509     uint32_t entry = 0;
510     unsigned long base = 0;
511     unsigned j;
513     DPRINTF((STR_do_xmap(),
514         fdi, mhdr, xi, (xi? xi->size: 0), (xi? xi->buf: 0), f_unf));
516     for ( j=0; j < mhdr->ncmds; ++j,
517         (sc = (Mach_segment_command const *)(sc->cmdsize + (void const *)sc))
518     ) if (LC_SEGMENT==sc->cmd && sc->vmsize!=0) {
519         Extent xo;
520         size_t mlen = xo.size = sc->filesize;
521         unsigned char  *addr = xo.buf  = base + (unsigned char *)sc->vmaddr;
522         unsigned char *haddr =     sc->vmsize +                        addr;
523         size_t frag = (int)(uint32_t)addr &~ PAGE_MASK;
524         addr -= frag;
525         mlen += frag;
527         if (0!=mlen) { // In particular, omitted for __PAGEZERO
528             // Decompressor can overrun the destination by 3 bytes.  [x86 only]
529             size_t const mlen3 = mlen + (xi ? 3 : 0);
530             unsigned const prot = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE;
531             unsigned const flags = (addr ? MAP_FIXED : 0) | MAP_PRIVATE |
532                         ((xi || 0==sc->filesize) ? MAP_ANON : 0);
533             int const fdm = ((0==sc->filesize) ? MAP_ANON_FD : fdi);
534             off_t const offset = sc->fileoff + fat_offset;
536             DPRINTF((STR_mmap(),       addr, mlen3, prot, flags, fdm, offset));
537             unsigned char *mapa = mmap(addr, mlen3, prot, flags, fdm, offset);
538             if (MAP_FAILED == mapa) {
539                 err_exit(8);
540             }
541             if (0 == addr) { // dyld auto-relocate
542                 base = (unsigned long)mapa;  // relocation constant
543             }
544             addr = mapa;
545         }
546         if (xi && 0!=sc->filesize) {
547             if (0==sc->fileoff /*&& 0!=mhdrpp*/) {
548                 segTEXT = sc;
549                 *mhdrpp = (Mach_header *)(void *)addr;
550             }
551             unpackExtent(xi, &xo, f_decompress, f_unf);
552         }
553         /*bzero(addr, frag);*/  // fragment at lo end
554         frag = (-mlen) &~ PAGE_MASK;  // distance to next page boundary
555         bzero(mlen+addr, frag);  // fragment at hi end
556         if (0!=mlen && 0!=mprotect(addr, mlen, sc->initprot)) {
557             err_exit(10);
559         }
560         addr += mlen + frag;  /* page boundary on hi end */
561         if (
562 #if defined(SIMULATE_ON_LINUX_EABI4)  /*{*/
563             0!=addr &&
564 #endif  /*}*/
565                         addr < haddr) { // need pages for .bss
566             if (0!=addr && addr != mmap(addr, haddr - addr, sc->initprot,
567                     MAP_FIXED | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON, MAP_ANON_FD, 0 ) ) {
568                 err_exit(9);
569             }
570         }
571         else if (xi) { // cleanup if decompressor overrun crosses page boundary
572             mlen = ~PAGE_MASK & (3+ mlen);
573             if (mlen<=3) { // page fragment was overrun buffer only
574                 munmap((char *)addr, mlen);
575             }
576         }
577     }
578     else if (LC_UNIXTHREAD==sc->cmd || LC_THREAD==sc->cmd) {
579         Mach_thread_command const *const thrc = (Mach_thread_command const *)sc;
580         if (x86_THREAD_STATE32      ==thrc->flavor
581         &&  i386_THREAD_STATE_COUNT ==thrc->count ) {
582             entry = thrc->state.eip + base;  // JMP
583         }
584     }
585     else if (LC_MAIN==sc->cmd) {
586         entry = ((Mach_main_command const *)sc)->entryoff;
587         if (segTEXT->fileoff <= entry && entry < segTEXT->filesize) {
588             entry += segTEXT->vmaddr;  // CALL
589         }
590         // XXX FIXME TODO: if entry not in segTEXT?
591         // XXX FIXME TODO: LC_MAIN is a CALL; LC_*THREAD is a JMP
592     }
593     return entry;
594 }
596 static off_t
fat_find(Fat_header * fh)597 fat_find(Fat_header *fh) // *fh suffers bswap()
598 {
599     Fat_arch *fa = (Fat_arch *)(1+ fh);
600     bswap(fh, sizeof(*fh) + (fh->nfat_arch>>24)*sizeof(*fa));
601     unsigned j;
602     for (j= 0; j < fh->nfat_arch; ++j, ++fa) {
603         if (CPU_TYPE_I386==fa->cputype) {
604             return fa->offset;  // should not be 0 because of header
605         }
606     }
607     return 0;
608 }
610 /*************************************************************************
611 // upx_main - called by our entry code
612 //
613 **************************************************************************/
615 DEBUG_STRCON(STR_upx_main,
616     "upx_main szc=%%x  f_dec=%%p  f_unf=%%p  "
617     "  xo=%%p(%%x %%p)  xi=%%p(%%x %%p)  mhdrpp=%%p\\n")
619 uint32_t // entry address
upx_main(struct l_info const * const li,size_t volatile sz_compressed,Mach_header * const mhdr,size_t const sz_mhdr,f_expand * const f_decompress,f_unfilter * const f_unf,Mach_header ** const mhdrpp)620 upx_main(
621     struct l_info const *const li,
622     size_t volatile sz_compressed,  // total length
623     Mach_header *const mhdr,  // temp char[sz_mhdr] for decompressing
624     size_t const sz_mhdr,
625     f_expand *const f_decompress,
626     f_unfilter *const f_unf,
627     Mach_header **const mhdrpp  // Out: *mhdrpp= &real Mach_header
628 )
629 {
630     uint32_t entry;
631     off_t fat_offset = 0;
632     Extent xi, xo, xi0;
633     xi.buf  = CONST_CAST(unsigned char *, 1+ (struct p_info const *)(1+ li));  // &b_info
634     xi.size = sz_compressed - (sizeof(struct l_info) + sizeof(struct p_info));
635     xo.buf  = (unsigned char *)mhdr;
636     xo.size = ((struct b_info const *)(void const *)xi.buf)->sz_unc;
637     xi0 = xi;
639     DPRINTF((STR_upx_main(),
640         sz_compressed, f_decompress, f_unf, &xo, xo.size, xo.buf,
641         &xi, xi.size, xi.buf, mhdrpp));
643     // Uncompress Macho headers
644     unpackExtent(&xi, &xo, f_decompress, 0);  // never filtered?
646     entry = do_xmap(mhdr, fat_offset, &xi0, MAP_ANON_FD, mhdrpp, f_decompress, f_unf);
648   { // Map dyld dynamic loader
649     Mach_load_command const *lc = (Mach_load_command const *)(1+ mhdr);
650     unsigned j;
652     for (j=0; j < mhdr->ncmds; ++j,
653         (lc = (Mach_load_command const *)(lc->cmdsize + (void const *)lc))
654     ) if (LC_LOAD_DYLINKER==lc->cmd) {
655         char const *const dyld_name = ((Mach_lc_str const *)(1+ lc))->offset +
656             (char const *)lc;
657         int const fdi = open(dyld_name, O_RDONLY, 0);
658         if (0 > fdi) {
659             err_exit(18);
660         }
661         for (;;) { // possibly 2 times for 'fat' binary
662             if (sz_mhdr!=pread(fdi, (void *)mhdr, sz_mhdr, fat_offset)) {
664                 err_exit(19);
665             }
666             switch (mhdr->magic) {
667             case MH_MAGIC: break;  // i686 on x86_64 ?
668             case MH_MAGIC64: break;
670             case FAT_CIGAM:
671             case FAT_MAGIC: {
672                 // stupid Apple: waste code and a page fault on EVERY execve
673                 fat_offset = fat_find((Fat_header *)mhdr);
674                 if (fat_offset) {
675                     continue;  // the 'for' loop
676                 }
677                 err_exit(20);  // no other choice
678             } break;
679             } // switch
680             break;
681         }
682         entry = do_xmap(mhdr, fat_offset, 0, fdi, 0, 0, 0);
683         close(fdi);
684         break;
685     }
686   }
688     return entry;
689 }
691 typedef struct {
692     uint32_t cmd;
693     uint32_t cmdsize;
694     uint32_t data[2];  // because cmdsize >= 16
695 } Mach_command;  // generic prefix
697 //
698 // Build on Mac OS X: (where gcc is really clang)
699 // gcc -o i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.exe \
700 //    -Os -fPIC -fno-stack-protector \
701 //    i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.c \
702 //    i386-darwin.macho-upxsubr.S \
703 //    -Wl,-pagezero_size,0x1000 \
704 //    -Wl,-no_pie \
705 //    -Wl,-no_uuid \
706 //    -Wl,-no_function_starts \
707 //    -Wl,-bind_at_load \
708 //    -Wl,-headerpad,0x400 \
709 //
710 //#    -Wl,-unexported_symbols_list unexport-upxload.txt \
711 //# strip -u -r i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.exe
713 // Makefile:
714 //# Compile i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.c on MacOS 10.9 (Mavericks) or later,
715 //# to get smaller code.  Then copy i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.o to MacOS 10.6.x,
716 //# and static link, to get runtime conventions straight [??]
717 //#\tgcc -m32 -c -I $PWD \
718 //#\t    -Os -fPIC -fno-stack-protector -fno-unwind-tables \
719 //#\t    i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.c
720 //
721 //i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.exe: Makefile
722 //i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.exe: start.S
723 //i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.exe: i386-darwin.macho-upxsubr.S
724 //i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.exe: i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.o
725 //\tgcc -c start.S i386-darwin.macho-upxsubr.S
726 //\tgcc -o $@ -I $PWD \
727 //\t    -O -nostartfiles -fno-stack-protector -fno-unwind-tables \
728 //\t    start.o \
729 //\t    i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.o \
730 //\t    i386-darwin.macho-upxsubr.o \
731 //\t    -Wl,-pagezero_size,0x1000 \
732 //\t    -Wl,-no_uuid \
733 //\t    -Wl,-bind_at_load \
734 //\t    -Wl,-headerpad,0x400
735 //\tstrip -u -r -S -x $@
736 //\totool -hl $@ >upxmain-new.otool
738 // History: Originally this file i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.c was the entry point
739 // of the compressed program.  The output i386-darwin.macho-upxmain.exe was used
740 // as a prototype for LC_* commands.  The start address was in LC_UNIXTHREAD.
741 // The decompressor upx_main() i386-darwin.macho-main.c itself was not compressed.
742 //
743 // Then MacOS 10.7 ("Lion") supported 64-bit x86_64, and things began to change.
744 // The start address (for anything except the dynamic linker) is in LC_MAIN.
745 // We still use LC_UNIXTHREAD because we are "dynamic linker".
746 // Because no program on MacOS uses brk(0), then the compressed program and stub
747 // could above the space for un-compressed program, saving a copy-and-relocate.
748 // The run-time decompression could be more like on Linux, using: macho-entry.S,
749 // macho-fold.S, macho-main.c
751 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])752 main(int argc, char *argv[])
753 {
754     // Entry via JMP (with no parameters) instead of CALL
755     asm("movl 1*4(%%ebp),%0; lea 2*4(%%ebp),%1" : "=r" (argc), "=r" (argv) : );
757     Mach_header const *mhdr0 = (Mach_header const *)((~0ul<<12) & (unsigned long)&main);
758     Mach_command const *ptr = (Mach_command const *)(1+ mhdr0);
759     f_unfilter *f_unf;
760     f_expand *f_exp;
761     char *payload;
762     size_t paysize;
764     unsigned j;
765     for (j=0; j < mhdr0->ncmds; ++j,
766             ptr = (Mach_command const *)(ptr->cmdsize + (char const *)ptr))
767     if (LC_SEGMENT==ptr->cmd) {
768         Mach_segment_command const *const seg = (Mach_segment_command const *)ptr;
769         // Compare 8 characters
770         if (*(uint64_t const *)(&"__LINKEDIT"[2]) == *(uint64_t const *)(&seg->segname[2])) {
771             f_unf = (f_unfilter *)(sizeof(unsigned short)             + seg->vmaddr);
772             f_exp = (f_expand *)(*(unsigned short const *)seg->vmaddr + seg->vmaddr);
773             unsigned const *q = (unsigned const *)seg->vmaddr;
774             while (!(paysize = *--q)) /*empty*/ ;
775             payload = (char *)(-paysize + (char const *)q);
776             break;
777         }
778     }
779     char mhdr[16384];
780     uint32_t entry = upx_main((struct l_info const *)payload, paysize,
781         (Mach_header *)mhdr, sizeof(mhdr),
782         f_exp, f_unf, (Mach_header **)&argv[-2]);
784     munmap(payload, paysize);  // leaving __LINKEDIT
785     argv[-1] = (char *)(long)argc;
786     asm("lea -2*4(%1),%%esp; jmp *%0" : : "r" (entry), "r" (argv));
787     return 0;
788 }
790 /* vim:set ts=4 sw=4 et: */