1-- LZMA.Decoding - Ada 95 translation of LzmaSpec.cpp, LZMA Reference Decoder 9.31
2-- LzmaSpec.cpp : 2013-07-28 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain
5--  Rework in 2016 by G. de Montmollin.
6--    - some confusing identifiers were changed:
7--        mostly, "range" was renamed "width", various names for probability data
8--        have been renamed "probs", different things called "pos" have been renamed
9--    - the whole probability model has been encapsulated
10--    - parts common to encoding were moved to the root LZMA package.
12-- Legal licensing note:
14--  Copyright (c) 2014 .. 2018 Gautier de Montmollin (Maintainer of the Ada version)
17--  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
18--  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
19--  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
20--  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
21--  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
22--  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
24--  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
25--  all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
35-- NB: this is the MIT License, as found on the site
36-- http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
38with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
39with Ada.Exceptions;                    use Ada.Exceptions;
41package body LZMA.Decoding is
43  type Byte_buffer is array(UInt32 range <>) of Byte;
44  type p_Byte_buffer is access Byte_buffer;
46  type Out_Window is record
47    buf       : p_Byte_buffer := null;
48    pos       : UInt32        := 0;
49    size      : UInt32;
50    is_full   : Boolean       := False;
51    total_pos : Unsigned      := 0;
52  end record;
54  procedure Create (o: in out Out_Window; new_dictionary_size: UInt32) is
55  begin
56    o.buf  := new Byte_buffer (0 .. new_dictionary_size - 1);
57    o.size := new_dictionary_size;
58  end Create;
60  type Range_Decoder is record
61    width     : UInt32  := 16#FFFF_FFFF#;  --  (*)
62    code      : UInt32  := 0;
63    corrupted : Boolean := False;
64  end record;
65  --  (*) called "range" in LZMA spec and "remaining width" in G.N.N. Martin's
66  --      article about range encoding.
68  procedure Init(o: in out Range_Decoder) is
69  begin
70    if Read_Byte /= 0 then
71      o.corrupted := True;
72    end if;
73    for i in 0..3 loop
74      o.code := Shift_Left(o.code, 8) or UInt32(Read_Byte);
75    end loop;
76    if o.code = o.width then
77      o.corrupted := True;
78    end if;
79  end Init;
81  procedure Decode_Properties(o: in out LZMA_Decoder_Info; b: Byte_buffer) is
82    d: Unsigned := Unsigned(b(b'First));
83  begin
84    if d >= 9 * 5 * 5 then
85      Raise_Exception(LZMA_Error'Identity, "Incorrect LZMA properties");
86      -- raise LZMA_Error with "Incorrect LZMA properties"; -- Ada 2005+
87    end if;
88    o.lc := Literal_context_bits_range(d mod 9);
89    d := d / 9;
90    o.lp := Literal_position_bits_range(d mod 5);
91    o.pb := Position_bits_range(d / 5);
92    o.dictSizeInProperties := 0;
93    for i in 0..3 loop
94      o.dictSizeInProperties := o.dictSizeInProperties +
95        UInt32(b(UInt32(i) + 1 + b'First)) * 2 ** (8 * i);
96    end loop;
97    o.dictionary_size := o.dictSizeInProperties;
98    if o.dictionary_size < Min_dictionary_size then
99      o.dictionary_size := Min_dictionary_size;
100    end if;
101  end Decode_Properties;
103  procedure Decode_Contents(o: in out LZMA_Decoder_Info; res: out LZMA_Result) is
104    state : State_range := 0;
105    --  Small stack of recent distances used for LZ. Required: initialized with zero values.
106    rep0, rep1, rep2, rep3 : UInt32 := 0;
107    pos_state: Pos_state_range;
108    --  Local copies of invariant properties.
109    unpack_size_def: constant Boolean:= o.unpackSizeDefined;
110    literal_pos_mask: constant UInt32:= 2 ** o.lp - 1;
111    lc: constant Literal_context_bits_range:= o.lc;
112    --
113    use type Data_Bytes_Count;
114    out_win : Out_Window;
115    --  Local range decoder
116    range_dec: Range_Decoder;
117    --  Entire probability model. Max lit prob index: 3,145,727.
118    probs: All_probabilities(last_lit_prob_index => 16#300# * 2 ** (o.lc + o.lp) - 1);
120    --  Normalize corresponds to G.N.N. Martin's revised algorithm's adding of
121    --  trailing digits - for encoding. Here we decode and know the encoded
122    --  data, brought by Read_Byte.
123    procedure Normalize is
124    pragma Inline(Normalize);
125    begin
126      --  Assertion: the width is large enough for the normalization to be needed
127      --  once per bit decoding. Worst case: width = 2**24 before; bound = (2**13) * (2**5-1)
128      --  new width's (leading binary digit) = 2**17; after normalization: 2**(17+8) = 2**25.
129      if range_dec.width < width_threshold then
130        range_dec.width := Shift_Left(range_dec.width, 8);
131        range_dec.code  := Shift_Left(range_dec.code, 8) or UInt32(Read_Byte);
132      end if;
133    end Normalize;
135    procedure Decode_Bit(prob: in out CProb; symbol: out Unsigned) is
136    pragma Inline(Decode_Bit);
137      cur_prob: constant CProb:= prob; -- Local copy
138      bound: constant UInt32:= Shift_Right(range_dec.width, Probability_model_bits) * UInt32(cur_prob);
139      --  See encoder for explanations about the maths.
140    begin
141      if range_dec.code < bound then
142        prob:= cur_prob + Shift_Right(Probability_model_count - cur_prob, Probability_change_bits);
143        range_dec.width := bound;
144        Normalize;
145        symbol := 0;
146      else
147        prob:= cur_prob - Shift_Right(cur_prob, Probability_change_bits);
148        range_dec.code  := range_dec.code - bound;
149        range_dec.width := range_dec.width - bound;
150        Normalize;
151        symbol := 1;
152      end if;
153    end Decode_Bit;
155    function Is_Empty return Boolean is
156    pragma Inline(Is_Empty);
157    begin
158      return out_win.pos = 0 and then not out_win.is_full;
159    end Is_Empty;
161    procedure Put_Byte(b: Byte) is
162    pragma Inline(Put_Byte);
163    begin
164      out_win.total_pos := out_win.total_pos + 1;
165      out_win.buf(out_win.pos):= b;
166      out_win.pos := out_win.pos + 1;
167      if out_win.pos = out_win.size then
168        out_win.pos := 0;
169        out_win.is_full := True;
170      end if;
171      Write_Byte(b);
172    end Put_Byte;
174    function Get_Byte(dist: UInt32) return Byte is
175    pragma Inline(Get_Byte);
176    begin
177      if dist <= out_win.pos then
178        return out_win.buf(out_win.pos - dist);
179      else
180        return out_win.buf(out_win.pos - dist + out_win.size);
181      end if;
182    end Get_Byte;
184    procedure Process_Literal is
185    pragma Inline(Process_Literal);
186      prev_byte    : Byte:= 0;
187      symbol       : Unsigned:= 1;
188      lit_state    : Integer;
189      probs_idx    : Integer;
190      bit_nomatch  : Unsigned;
191    begin
192      if o.unpackSize = 0 and then unpack_size_def then
193        Raise_Exception(
194          LZMA_Error'Identity,
195          "Decoded data will exceed expected data size (Process_Literal)"
196        );
197      end if;
198      --
199      if not Is_Empty then
200        prev_byte := Get_Byte(dist => 1);
201      end if;
202      lit_state :=
203        Integer(
204          Shift_Left(UInt32(out_win.total_pos) and literal_pos_mask, lc) +
205          Shift_Right(UInt32(prev_byte), 8 - lc)
206        );
207      probs_idx:= 16#300# * lit_state;
208      if state < 7 then
209        loop
210          Decode_Bit(probs.lit(probs_idx + Integer(symbol)), bit_nomatch);
211          symbol := (symbol + symbol) or bit_nomatch;
212          exit when symbol >= 16#100#;
213        end loop;
214      else
215        declare
216          --
217          --  The probabilities used for decoding this literal assume
218          --  that the current literal sequence resembles to the last
219          --  distance-length copied sequence.
220          --
221          match_byte     : UInt32 := UInt32(Get_Byte(dist => rep0 + 1));
222          match_bit      : UInt32;    -- either 0 or 16#100#
223          prob_idx_match : Integer;   -- either 0 (normal case without match), 16#100# or 16#200#
224          bit_a, bit_b   : Unsigned;
225        begin
226          loop
227            match_byte := match_byte + match_byte;
228            match_bit  := match_byte and 16#100#;
229            prob_idx_match:= Integer(16#100# + match_bit);
230            Decode_Bit(probs.lit(probs_idx + prob_idx_match + Integer(symbol)), bit_a);
231            symbol := (symbol + symbol) or bit_a;
232            exit when symbol >= 16#100#;
233            if match_bit /= Shift_Left(UInt32(bit_a), 8) then
234              --  No bit match, then give up byte match
235              loop
236                Decode_Bit(probs.lit(probs_idx + Integer(symbol)), bit_b);
237                symbol := (symbol + symbol) or bit_b;
238                exit when symbol >= 16#100#;
239              end loop;
240              exit;
241            end if;
242          end loop;
243        end;
244      end if;
245      Put_Byte(Byte(symbol - 16#100#)); -- The output of a simple literal happens here.
246      --
247      state := Update_State_Literal(state);
248      o.unpackSize:= o.unpackSize - 1;
249    end Process_Literal;
251    dict_size : constant UInt32:= o.dictionary_size;
253    function Is_Finished_OK return Boolean is
254    pragma Inline(Is_Finished_OK);
255    begin
256      return range_dec.code = 0;
257    end Is_Finished_OK;
259    type DL_Return_Code is (Normal, End_Of_Stream);
261    function Process_Distance_and_Length return DL_Return_Code is
262    pragma Inline(Process_Distance_and_Length);
263      --
264      procedure Bit_Tree_Decode(
265        prob     : in out CProb_array;
266        num_bits :        Positive;
267        m        :    out Unsigned)
268      is
269      pragma Inline(Bit_Tree_Decode);
270        a_bit: Unsigned;
271      begin
272        m:= 1;
273        for count in reverse 1 .. num_bits loop
274          Decode_Bit(prob(Integer(m) + prob'First), a_bit);
275          m:= m + m + a_bit;
276        end loop;
277        m:= m - 2**num_bits;
278      end Bit_Tree_Decode;
279      --
280      len: Unsigned:= 0;
281      --
282      procedure Copy_Match(dist: UInt32) is
283      pragma Inline(Copy_Match);
284        len32: constant UInt32:= UInt32(len);
285        --  Conversion to UInt64 needed for dictionary size > 2**32 - 273:
286        will_fill: constant Boolean:=
287          UInt64 (out_win.pos) + UInt64 (len32) >= UInt64 (out_win.size);
288        --
289        procedure Easy_case is
290        pragma Inline(Easy_case);
291          src_from, src_to: UInt32;
292          b1: Byte;
293        begin
294          --  The src and dest slices are within circular buffer bounds.
295          --  May overlap (len32 > dist), even several times.
296          src_from := out_win.pos - dist;
297          src_to   := out_win.pos - dist + len32 - 1;
298          --  We copy in forward order, with eventual overlapping(s)..
299          for i in src_from .. src_to loop
300            b1:= out_win.buf(i);
301            out_win.buf(i + dist):= b1;
302            Write_Byte(b1);
303          end loop;
304          out_win.pos := out_win.pos + len32;
305        end Easy_case;
306        --
307        procedure Modulo_case is
308        pragma Inline(Modulo_case);
309          b2, b3: Byte;
310        begin
311          -- src starts below 0 or dest goes beyond size-1
312          for count in reverse 1..len loop
313            if dist <= out_win.pos then
314              b2:= out_win.buf(out_win.pos - dist);
315              out_win.buf(out_win.pos):= b2;
316              out_win.pos := out_win.pos + 1;
317              if out_win.pos = out_win.size then
318                out_win.pos := 0;
319              end if;
320              Write_Byte(b2);
321            else
322              b3:= out_win.buf(out_win.size - dist + out_win.pos);
323              out_win.buf(out_win.pos):= b3;
324              out_win.pos := out_win.pos + 1;
325              if out_win.pos = out_win.size then
326                out_win.pos := 0;
327              end if;
328              Write_Byte(b3);
329            end if;
330          end loop;
331        end Modulo_case;
332      begin
333        out_win.is_full := will_fill or else out_win.is_full;
334        out_win.total_pos := out_win.total_pos + len;
335        if dist <= out_win.pos and not will_fill then
336          Easy_case;
337        else
338          Modulo_case;
339        end if;
340      end Copy_Match;
341      --
342      procedure Decode_Distance(dist: out UInt32) is
343      pragma Inline(Decode_Distance);
344        --
345        decode_direct: UInt32;
346        --
347        procedure Decode_Direct_Bits(num_bits : Natural) is
348        pragma Inline(Decode_Direct_Bits);
349          t: UInt32;
350        begin
351          decode_direct := 0;
352          for count in reverse 1..num_bits loop
353            range_dec.width := Shift_Right(range_dec.width, 1);
354            range_dec.code := range_dec.code - range_dec.width;
355            t := - Shift_Right(range_dec.code, 31);
356            range_dec.code := range_dec.code + (range_dec.width and t);
357            if range_dec.code = range_dec.width then
358              range_dec.corrupted := True;
359            end if;
360            Normalize;
361            decode_direct := decode_direct + decode_direct + t + 1;
362          end loop;
363        end Decode_Direct_Bits;
364        --
365        procedure Bit_Tree_Reverse_Decode(prob: in out CProb_array; num_bits: in Natural) is
366        pragma Inline(Bit_Tree_Reverse_Decode);
367          m: Unsigned := 1;
368          a_bit: Unsigned;
369        begin
370          for i in 0 .. num_bits-1 loop
371            Decode_Bit(prob(Integer(m) + prob'First), a_bit);
372            m := m + m + a_bit;
373            dist := dist or Shift_Left(UInt32(a_bit), i);
374          end loop;
375        end Bit_Tree_Reverse_Decode;
376        --
377        --  len has been set up previously by Decode_Length.
378        len_state     : constant Unsigned := Unsigned'Min(len, Len_to_pos_states - 1);
379        dist_slot     : Unsigned;
380        numDirectBits : Natural;
381        --
382      begin  --  Decode_Distance
383        Bit_Tree_Decode(probs.dist.slot_coder(len_state), Dist_slot_bits, dist_slot);
384        if dist_slot < Start_dist_model_index then
385          dist:= UInt32(dist_slot);
386          return;
387        end if;
388        numDirectBits := Natural(Shift_Right(UInt32(dist_slot), 1) - 1);
389        dist := Shift_Left(2 or (UInt32(dist_slot) and 1), numDirectBits);
390        if dist_slot < End_dist_model_index then
391          Bit_Tree_Reverse_Decode(
392            probs.dist.pos_coder(Integer(dist) - Integer(dist_slot) .. Pos_coder_range'Last),
393            numDirectBits
394          );
395        else
396          Decode_Direct_Bits(numDirectBits - Align_bits);
397          dist:= dist + Shift_Left(decode_direct, Align_bits);
398          Bit_Tree_Reverse_Decode(probs.dist.align_coder, Align_bits);
399        end if;
400      end Decode_Distance;
401      --
402      procedure Decode_Length(probs_len: in out Probs_for_LZ_Lengths) is
403      pragma Inline(Decode_Length);
404        choice: Unsigned;
405      begin
406        Decode_Bit(probs_len.choice_1, choice);
407        if choice = 0 then
408          Bit_Tree_Decode(probs_len.low_coder(pos_state), Len_low_bits, len);
409          --  final length is in 2 + [0..7]
410          return;
411        end if;
412        Decode_Bit(probs_len.choice_2, choice);
413        if choice = 0 then
414          Bit_Tree_Decode(probs_len.mid_coder(pos_state), Len_mid_bits, len);
415          len:= len + Len_low_symbols;
416          --  final length is in 2 + [8..15]
417          return;
418        end if;
419        Bit_Tree_Decode(probs_len.high_coder, Len_high_bits, len);
420        len:= len + Len_low_symbols + Len_mid_symbols;
421        --  final length is in 2 + [16..271]
422      end Decode_Length;
423      --
424      function Check_Distance return Boolean is
425      pragma Inline(Check_Distance);
426      begin
427        return rep0 <= out_win.pos or out_win.is_full;
428      end Check_Distance;
429      --
430      isError: Boolean;
431      dist: UInt32;
432      bit_a, bit_b, bit_c, bit_d, bit_e: Unsigned;
433      --
434    begin -- Process_Distance_and_Length
435      Decode_Bit(probs.switch.rep(state), bit_a);
436      if bit_a = Simple_match_choice then
437        --  "Simple Match"
438        rep3 := rep2;
439        rep2 := rep1;
440        rep1 := rep0;
441        Decode_Length(probs.len);
442        state := Update_State_Match(state);
443        Decode_Distance(dist => rep0);
444        if rep0 = end_of_stream_magic_distance then
445          if Is_Finished_OK then
446            return End_Of_Stream;
447          else
448            Raise_Exception(
449              LZMA_Error'Identity,
450              "Range decoder not finished on EOS marker (in Process_Distance_and_Length)"
451            );
452          end if;
453        end if;
454        if (o.unpackSize = 0 and then unpack_size_def) or
455            rep0 >= dict_size or not Check_Distance
456        then
457          Raise_Exception(
458            LZMA_Error'Identity,
459            "Decoded data will exceed expected data size (in Process_Distance_and_Length, #2)." &
460            "; Distance =" & UInt32'Image(rep0) &
461            "; Dictionary size =" & UInt32'Image(dict_size) &
462            "; Position =" & UInt32'Image(out_win.pos) &
463            "; Is window full ? " & Boolean'Image(out_win.is_full)
464          );
465        end if;
466      else
467        --  "Rep Match"
468        if o.unpackSize = 0 and then unpack_size_def then
469          Raise_Exception(
470            LZMA_Error'Identity,
471            "Decoded data will exceed expected data size (in Process_Distance_and_Length, #1)"
472          );
473        end if;
474        if Is_Empty then
475          Raise_Exception(
476            LZMA_Error'Identity,
477            "Output window buffer is empty (in Process_Distance_and_Length)"
478          );
479        end if;
480        Decode_Bit(probs.switch.rep_g0(state), bit_b);
481        if bit_b = The_distance_is_rep0_choice then
482          Decode_Bit(probs.switch.rep0_long(state, pos_state), bit_c);
483          if bit_c = The_length_is_1_choice then
484            state := Update_State_ShortRep(state);
485            Put_Byte(Get_Byte(dist => rep0 + 1));
486            o.unpackSize:= o.unpackSize - 1;
487            return Normal;  -- GdM: this way, we go to the next iteration (C++: continue)
488          end if;
489        else
490          Decode_Bit(probs.switch.rep_g1(state), bit_d);
491          if bit_d = The_distance_is_rep1_choice then
492            dist := rep1;
493          else
494            Decode_Bit(probs.switch.rep_g2(state), bit_e);
495            if bit_e = The_distance_is_rep2_choice then
496              dist := rep2;
497            else
498              dist := rep3;
499              rep3 := rep2;
500            end if;
501            rep2 := rep1;
502          end if;
503          rep1 := rep0;
504          rep0 := dist;
505        end if;
506        Decode_Length(probs.rep_len);
507        state := Update_State_Rep(state);
508      end if;
509      len := len + Min_match_length;
510      isError := False;
511      if o.unpackSize < Data_Bytes_Count(len) and then unpack_size_def then
512        len := Unsigned(o.unpackSize);
513        isError := True;
514      end if;
515      -- The LZ distance/length copy happens here.
516      Copy_Match(dist => rep0 + 1);
517      o.unpackSize:= o.unpackSize - Data_Bytes_Count(len);
518      if isError then
519        Raise_Exception(
520          LZMA_Error'Identity,
521          "Decoded data will exceed expected data size (in Process_Distance_and_Length, #3)"
522        );
523      end if;
524      return Normal;
525    end Process_Distance_and_Length;
527    bit_choice: Unsigned;
528    pos_bits_mask : constant UInt32 := 2 ** o.pb - 1;
529    size_defined_and_marker_not_mandatory: constant Boolean:=
530      unpack_size_def and not o.markerIsMandatory;
532    procedure Finalize is
533      procedure Dispose is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Byte_buffer, p_Byte_buffer);
534    begin
535      Dispose(out_win.buf);
536      o.range_dec_corrupted:= range_dec.corrupted;
537    end Finalize;
539  begin
540    Create(out_win, o.dictionary_size);
541    Init(range_dec);
542    loop
543      if o.unpackSize = 0
544        and then Is_Finished_OK
545        and then size_defined_and_marker_not_mandatory
546      then
547        res:= LZMA_finished_without_marker;
548        Finalize;
549        return;
550      end if;
551      pos_state := Pos_state_range(UInt32(out_win.total_pos) and pos_bits_mask);
552      Decode_Bit(probs.switch.match(state, pos_state), bit_choice);
553      --  LZ decoding happens here: either we have a new literal
554      --  in 1 byte, or we copy a slice of past data.
555      if bit_choice = Literal_choice then
556        Process_Literal;
557      else
558        case Process_Distance_and_Length is
559          when Normal =>
560            null;
561          when End_Of_Stream =>
562            res:= LZMA_finished_with_marker;
563            Finalize;
564            return;
565        end case;
566      end if;
567    end loop;
568  end Decode_Contents;
570  procedure Decode_Header(o: out LZMA_Decoder_Info; hints: LZMA_Hints) is
571    header: Byte_buffer(0..12);
572    b: Byte;
573    use type Data_Bytes_Count;
574    last_bit: Natural;
575  begin
576    o.unpackSize := 0;
577    o.unpackSizeDefined := False;
579    for i in header'Range loop
580      header(i):= Read_Byte;
581      exit when i = 4 and not hints.has_size;
582    end loop;
584    Decode_Properties(o, header);
586    if hints.has_size then
587      for i in UInt32'(0)..7 loop
588        b:= header(5 + i);
589        if b /= 16#FF# then
590          o.unpackSizeDefined := True;
591        end if;
592      end loop;
593      if o.unpackSizeDefined then
594        for i in UInt32'(0)..7 loop
595          b:= header(5 + i);
596          if b /= 0 then
597            for bit_pos in 0 .. 7 loop
598              if (b and Shift_Left(Byte'(1), bit_pos)) /= 0 then
599                last_bit:= bit_pos;
600              end if;
601            end loop;
602            last_bit:= last_bit + Natural(8 * i);
603            if last_bit > Data_Bytes_Count'Size - 1 then
604              Raise_Exception(
605                LZMA_Error'Identity,
606                "Indicated size bits for decoded data," &
607                Natural'Image(last_bit) &
608                ", exceeds the maximum file size bits," &
609                Natural'Image(Data_Bytes_Count'Size - 1)
610              );
611            else
612              o.unpackSize := o.unpackSize + Data_Bytes_Count(b) * 2 ** Natural(8 * i);
613            end if;
614          end if;
615        end loop;
616        o.unpackSize_as_defined:= o.unpackSize;
617      else
618        o.unpackSize:= Data_Bytes_Count'Last;
619      end if;
620    else
621      o.unpackSize:= hints.given_size;
622      o.unpackSizeDefined:= True;
623    end if;
624    o.markerIsMandatory := hints.marker_expected or not o.unpackSizeDefined;
625  end Decode_Header;
627  procedure Decode(info: out LZMA_Decoder_Info; hints: LZMA_Hints; res: out LZMA_Result) is
628  begin
629    Decode_Header (info, hints);
630    Decode_Contents (info, res);
631    if hints.fail_on_bad_range_code and info.range_dec_corrupted then
632      Raise_Exception (LZMA_Error'Identity, "Range decoder had a corrupted value (code = range)");
633    end if;
634  end Decode;
636  procedure Decompress(hints: LZMA_Hints) is
637    --  Technical informations are discarded in this version of Decompress.
638    info : LZMA_Decoder_Info;
639    res  : LZMA_Result;
640  begin
641    Decode (info, hints, res);
642  end Decompress;
644  function Literal_context_bits(info: LZMA_Decoder_Info) return Natural is
645  begin
646    return info.lc;
647  end Literal_context_bits;
649  function Literal_pos_bits(info: LZMA_Decoder_Info) return Natural is
650  begin
651    return info.lp;
652  end Literal_pos_bits;
654  function Pos_bits(info: LZMA_Decoder_Info) return Natural is
655  begin
656    return info.pb;
657  end Pos_bits;
659  function Unpack_size_defined(info: LZMA_Decoder_Info) return Boolean is
660  begin
661    return info.unpackSizeDefined;
662  end Unpack_size_defined;
664  function Unpack_size_as_defined(info: LZMA_Decoder_Info) return Data_Bytes_Count is
665  begin
666    return info.unpackSize_as_defined;
667  end Unpack_size_as_defined;
669  function Probability_model_size(info: LZMA_Decoder_Info) return Interfaces.Unsigned_32 is
670    probs: All_probabilities(last_lit_prob_index => 16#300# * 2 ** (info.lc + info.lp) - 1);
671  begin
672    return probs'Size / 8;
673  end Probability_model_size;
675  function Dictionary_size(info: LZMA_Decoder_Info) return Interfaces.Unsigned_32 is
676  begin
677    return info.dictionary_size;
678  end Dictionary_size;
680  function Dictionary_size_in_properties(info: LZMA_Decoder_Info) return Interfaces.Unsigned_32 is
681  begin
682    return info.dictSizeInProperties;
683  end Dictionary_size_in_properties;
685  function Range_decoder_corrupted(info: LZMA_Decoder_Info) return Boolean is
686  begin
687    return info.range_dec_corrupted;
688  end Range_decoder_corrupted;
690end LZMA.Decoding;