1 /*
2   This file is part of "fitsverify" and was imported from:
3     http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/ftools/fitsverify/
4  */
5 #ifndef _FVERIFY_H
6 #define _FVERIFY_H
8 #include <stdio.h>
9 #include <ctype.h>
10 #include <string.h>
11 #include <stdlib.h>
12 #include <math.h>
13 #include <limits.h>
14 #include "fitsio.h"
15 #define MAXERRORS  200
16 #define MAXWRNS  200
18 static char errmes[256];
19 static char comm[256];
20 extern int prhead;
21 extern int testdata;
22 extern int testfill;
23 extern int testcsum;
24 extern int totalhdu;		/* total number of hdu */
25 extern int err_report;
26 extern int heasarc_conv;
27 extern int prstat;
28 /********************************
29 *				*
30 *       Keywords 		*
31 *				*
32 ********************************/
34 typedef enum  {      STR_KEY,   /* string   key */
35 		     LOG_KEY, 	/* Logical key */
36 		     INT_KEY,	/* Integer key */
37 		     FLT_KEY,   /* Float key   */
38 		     CMI_KEY, 	/* Complex integer key */
39 		     CMF_KEY,	/* Complex float key */
40 		     COM_KEY,	/* history, comment, "  ", and end */
41 		     UNKNOWN	/* Unknown types */
42 		     } kwdtyp;
43 /* error number masks of  the keyword test */
44 #define 	BAD_STR			0X0001
45 #define		NO_TRAIL_QUOTE		0X0002
46 #define		BAD_NUM			0X0004
47 #define		LOWCASE_EXPO		0X0008
48 #define		NO_TRAIL_PAREN		0X0010
49 #define		NO_COMMA		0X0020
50 #define		TOO_MANY_COMMA		0X0040
51 #define		BAD_REAL		0X0080
52 #define		BAD_IMG			0X0100
53 #define         BAD_LOGICAL		0x0200
54 #define         NO_START_SLASH		0X0400
55 #define         BAD_COMMENT		0x0800
56 #define         UNKNOWN_TYPE		0x1000
58 /* keyword structure */
59 typedef struct {
60     char kname[FLEN_KEYWORD];	/* fits keyword name */
61     kwdtyp ktype;		/* fits keyword type */
62     char kvalue[FLEN_VALUE];	/* fits keyword name */
63     int kindex;			/* position at the header */
64     int goodkey;		/* good keyword flag (=1 good)*/
65 }FitsKey;
66 int fits_parse_card(FILE *out, int pos, char *card, char *kname, kwdtyp *ktype,
67 		    char *kvalue, char *kcomm);
68 void get_str(char **p, char *kvalue, unsigned long *stat);
69 void get_log(char **p, char *kvalue, unsigned long *stat);
70 void get_num(char **p, char *kvalue, kwdtyp *ktype, unsigned long *stat);
71 void get_cmp(char **p, char *kvalue, kwdtyp *ktype, unsigned long *stat);
72 int check_str(FitsKey* pkey, FILE *out);
73 int check_int(FitsKey* pkey, FILE *out);
74 int check_flt(FitsKey* pkey, FILE *out);
75 int check_cmi(FitsKey* pkey, FILE *out);
76 int check_cmf(FitsKey* pkey, FILE *out);
77 int check_log(FitsKey* pkey, FILE *out);
78 int check_fixed_int(char *card, FILE *out);
79 int check_fixed_log(char *card, FILE *out);
80 int check_fixed_str(char *card, FILE *out);
82 void get_unknown(char **p, char *kvalue, kwdtyp *ktype, unsigned long *stat);
83 void get_comm(char **p, char *kcomm, unsigned long *stat);
84 void pr_kval_err(FILE *out, int pos, char *keyname, char *keyval,
85       unsigned long stat);
87 /********************************
88 *				*
89 *       Headers  		*
90 *				*
91 ********************************/
92 typedef struct {
93     int	 hdutype; 		/* hdutype */
94     int	 hdunum; 		/* hdunum  */
95     int  isgroup;		/* random group flag */
96     int  istilecompressed;	/* tile compressed image */
97     int  gcount;		/* gcount  */
98     int  pcount;		/* pcount  */
99     int  bitpix;		/* pix number */
100     int  naxis;			/* number of the axis,used for image array*/
101     LONGLONG *naxes;		/* dimension of each axis,used for image array*/
102     int  ncols;			/* number of the columns, used for image only*/
103     char extname[FLEN_VALUE];		/* EXTENSION NAME */
104     int extver;			/* extension version */
105     char **datamax;		/* strings for the maximum of the data in a column */
106     char **datamin;		/* strings for the minimum of the data in a column */
107     char **tnull;	        /* number of NULL values */
108     int  nkeys; 		/* number of keys */
109     int  tkeys; 		/* total of the keys tested*/
110     int  heap;			/* heap */
111     FitsKey **kwds;		/* keywords list starting from the
112 				   last NAXISn keyword. The array
113 				   is sorted in the ascending alphabetical
114 				   order of keyword names. The last keyword END
115 				   and commentary keywords are  excluded.
116 				   The total number of element, tkey, is
117 				   nkeys - 4 - naxis - ncomm. */
118     int use_longstr;		/* flag indicates that the long string
119                                    convention is used */
120 }FitsHdu;
122 typedef struct {
123      char * name;
124      int index;
125 }ColName;
127 void verify_fits(char *infile, FILE *out);
128 void leave_early (FILE* out);
129 void close_err(FILE* out);
130 void init_hdu(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out, int hdunum, int hdutype,
131 	     FitsHdu *hduptr);
132 void test_hdu(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out, FitsHdu *hduptr);
133 void test_ext(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out, FitsHdu *hduptr);
134 void test_tbl(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out, FitsHdu *hduptr);
135 void test_array(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out, FitsHdu *hduptr);
136 void test_prm(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out, FitsHdu *hduptr);
137 void test_img_ext(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out, FitsHdu *hduptr);
138 void test_asc_ext(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out, FitsHdu *hduptr);
139 void test_bin_ext(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out, FitsHdu *hduptr);
140 void test_header(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out, FitsHdu *hduptr);
141 void key_match(char **strs, int nstr, char **pattern, int exact,
142 	       int *ikey, int *mkey);
143 void test_colnam(FILE *out, FitsHdu *hduptr);
144 void parse_vtform(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out, FitsHdu *hduptr,
145 	     int colnum, int *datacode, long *maxlen);
146 void print_title(FILE* out, int hdunum, int hdutype);
147 void print_header(FILE* out);
148 void print_summary(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out, FitsHdu *hduptr);
149 void close_hdu(FitsHdu *hduptr);
152 /********************************
153 *				*
154 *       Data 	  		*
155 *				*
156 ********************************/
158 void test_data(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out, FitsHdu *hduptr);
159 void test_agap(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out, FitsHdu *hduptr);
160 void test_checksum(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out);
161 int iterdata(long totaln, long offset, long firstn, long nrows,
162 	     int narrays, iteratorCol *iter_col, void *usrdata);
163 /********************************
164 *				*
165 *       Files   		*
166 *				*
167 ********************************/
168 typedef struct {
169     int	 hdutype; 		/* hdutype */
170     int	 hdunum; 		/* hdunum  */
171     char extname[FLEN_VALUE];	/* extension name, used for extension*/
172     int	 extver; 		/* extension version, used for extension */
173     int  errnum;			/* number of errors in this hdu */
174     int  wrnno;			/* number of warnning in this hdu */
175 }HduName;
176 int get_total_warn();
177 int get_total_err();
178 void init_hduname();
179 void set_hduname(int hdunum,int hdutype, char* extname,int  extver);
180 void set_hduerr(int hdunum);
181 void set_hdubasic(int hdunum,int hdutype);
182 int test_hduname(int hdunum1, int hdunum2);
183 void total_errors (int *totalerr, int * totalwrn);
184 void hdus_summary(FILE *out);
185 void destroy_hduname();
186 void test_end(fitsfile *infits, FILE *out);
187 void init_report(FILE *out, char *rootnam);
188 void close_report(FILE *out);
189 void update_parfile(int numerr, int numwrn);
192 /********************************
193 *				*
194 *       Miscellaneous	 	*
195 *				*
196 ********************************/
197 void print_fmt(FILE *out, char *temp, int nprompt);
198 int wrtout (FILE *out,char *comm);
199 int wrterr (FILE *out,char *comm, int severity);
200 int wrtwrn (FILE *out,char *comm, int heasarc);
201 int wrtferr(FILE *out, char* mess, int *status, int severity);
202 int wrtserr(FILE *out, char* mess, int *status, int severity);
203 void wrtsep (FILE *out,char fill, char *title, int nchar);
204 void num_err_wrn(int *num_err, int *num_wrn);
205 void reset_err_wrn();
206 int compkey (const void *key1, const void *key2);
207 int compcol (const void *col1, const void *col2);
208 int compcol (const void *col1, const void *col2);
209 int compstrp (const void *str1, const void *str2);
210 int compstre (const void *str1, const void *str2);
212 #endif