1 /*
2  # This file is part of the Astrometry.net suite.
3  # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE
4  */
6 #include <math.h>
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include <stdlib.h>
9 #include <assert.h>
10 #include <sys/types.h>
11 #include <regex.h>
13 #include "os-features.h"
14 #include "keywords.h"
15 #include "mathutil.h"
16 #include "starutil.h"
17 #include "errors.h"
19 #define POGSON 2.51188643150958
20 #define LOGP   0.92103403719762
22 #define InlineDefine InlineDefineC
23 #include "starutil.inc"
24 #undef InlineDefine
radec_derivatives(double ra,double dec,double * dra,double * ddec)26 void radec_derivatives(double ra, double dec, double* dra, double* ddec) {
27     double cosd = cos(deg2rad(dec));
28     double cosra = cos(deg2rad(ra));
29     double sinra = sin(deg2rad(ra));
30     if (dra) {
31         dra[0] = cosd * -sinra;
32         dra[1] = cosd *  cosra;
33         dra[2] = 0.0;
34         normalize_3(dra);
35     }
36     if (ddec) {
37         double sind = sin(deg2rad(dec));
38         ddec[0] = -sind * cosra;
39         ddec[1] = -sind * sinra;
40         ddec[2] =  cosd;
41         normalize_3(ddec);
42     }
43 }
radecrange2xyzrange(double ralo,double declo,double rahi,double dechi,double * minxyz,double * maxxyz)45 void radecrange2xyzrange(double ralo, double declo, double rahi, double dechi,
46                          double* minxyz, double* maxxyz) {
47     double minmult, maxmult;
48     double uxlo, uxhi, uylo, uyhi;
49     // Dec only affects z, and is monotonic (z = sin(dec))
50     minxyz[2] = radec2z(0, declo);
51     maxxyz[2] = radec2z(0, dechi);
53     // min,max of cos(dec).  cos(dec) is concave down.
54     minmult = MIN(cos(deg2rad(declo)), cos(deg2rad(dechi)));
55     maxmult = MAX(cos(deg2rad(declo)), cos(deg2rad(dechi)));
56     if (declo < 0 && dechi > 0)
57         maxmult = 1.0;
58     // unscaled x (ie, cos(ra))
59     uxlo = MIN(cos(deg2rad(ralo)), cos(deg2rad(rahi)));
60     if (ralo < 180 && rahi > 180)
61         uxlo = -1.0;
62     uxhi = MAX(cos(deg2rad(ralo)), cos(deg2rad(rahi)));
63     minxyz[0] = MIN(uxlo * minmult, uxlo * maxmult);
64     maxxyz[0] = MAX(uxhi * minmult, uxhi * maxmult);
65     // unscaled y (ie, sin(ra))
66     uylo = MIN(sin(deg2rad(ralo)), sin(deg2rad(rahi)));
67     if (ralo < 270 && rahi > 270)
68         uylo = -1.0;
69     uyhi = MAX(sin(deg2rad(ralo)), sin(deg2rad(rahi)));
70     if (ralo < 90 && rahi > 90)
71         uyhi = -1.0;
72     minxyz[1] = MIN(uylo * minmult, uylo * maxmult);
73     maxxyz[1] = MAX(uyhi * minmult, uyhi * maxmult);
74 }
parse_hms_string(const char * str,int * sign,int * term1,int * term2,double * term3)77 static int parse_hms_string(const char* str,
78                             int* sign, int* term1, int* term2, double* term3) {
79     anbool matched;
80     regmatch_t matches[6];
81     int nmatches = 6;
82     regex_t re;
83     regmatch_t* m;
84     const char* s;
86     const char* restr =
87         "^([+-])?([[:digit:]]{1,2}):"
88         "([[:digit:]]{1,2}):"
89         "([[:digit:]]*(\\.[[:digit:]]*)?)$";
91     if (!str)
92         return 1;
94     if (regcomp(&re, restr, REG_EXTENDED)) {
95         ERROR("Failed to compile H:M:S regex \"%s\"", restr);
96         return -1;
97     }
98     matched = (regexec(&re, str, nmatches, matches, 0) == 0);
99     regfree(&re);
100     if (!matched)
101         return 1;
103     // sign
104     m = matches + 1;
105     s = str + m->rm_so;
106     if (m->rm_so == -1 || s[0] == '+')
107         *sign = 1;
108     else
109         *sign = -1;
110     // hrs / deg
111     m = matches + 2;
112     s = str + m->rm_so;
113     if (s[0] == '0')
114         s++;
115     *term1 = atoi(s);
116     // Min
117     m = matches + 3;
118     s = str + m->rm_so;
119     if (s[0] == '0')
120         s++;
121     *term2 = atoi(s);
122     // Sec
123     m = matches + 4;
124     s = str + m->rm_so;
125     *term3 = atof(s);
126     return 0;
127 }
atora(const char * str)129 double atora(const char* str) {
130     char* eptr;
131     double ra;
132     int sgn, hr, min;
133     double sec;
134     int rtn;
136     if (!str) {
137         //ERROR("Null string to atora()");
138         return HUGE_VAL;
139     }
140     rtn = parse_hms_string(str, &sgn, &hr, &min, &sec);
141     if (rtn == -1) {
142         ERROR("Failed to run regex");
143         return HUGE_VAL;
144     }
145     if (rtn == 0)
146         return sgn * hms2ra(hr, min, sec);
148     ra = strtod(str, &eptr);
149     if (eptr == str)
150         // no conversion
151         return HUGE_VAL;
152     return ra;
153 }
atodec(const char * str)155 double atodec(const char* str) {
156     char* eptr;
157     double dec;
158     int sgn, deg, min;
159     double sec;
160     int rtn;
162     rtn = parse_hms_string(str, &sgn, &deg, &min, &sec);
163     if (rtn == -1) {
164         ERROR("Failed to run regex");
165         return HUGE_VAL;
166     }
167     if (rtn == 0)
168         return dms2dec(sgn, deg, min, sec);
170     dec = strtod(str, &eptr);
171     if (eptr == str)
172         // no conversion
173         return HUGE_VAL;
174     return dec;
175 }
mag2flux(double mag)177 double mag2flux(double mag) {
178     return pow(POGSON, -mag);
179 }
flux2mag(double flux)181 double flux2mag(double flux) {
182     return -log(flux) * LOGP;
183 }
xyzarr2radecarr(const double * xyz,double * radec)185 inline void xyzarr2radecarr(const double* xyz, double *radec) {
186     xyz2radec(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], radec+0, radec+1);
187 }
distsq_between_radecdeg(double ra1,double dec1,double ra2,double dec2)189 double distsq_between_radecdeg(double ra1, double dec1,
190                                double ra2, double dec2) {
191     double xyz1[3];
192     double xyz2[3];
193     radecdeg2xyzarr(ra1, dec1, xyz1);
194     radecdeg2xyzarr(ra2, dec2, xyz2);
195     return distsq(xyz1, xyz2, 3);
196 }
arcsec_between_radecdeg(double ra1,double dec1,double ra2,double dec2)198 double arcsec_between_radecdeg(double ra1, double dec1,
199                                double ra2, double dec2) {
200     return distsq2arcsec(distsq_between_radecdeg(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2));
201 }
deg_between_radecdeg(double ra1,double dec1,double ra2,double dec2)203 double deg_between_radecdeg(double ra1, double dec1, double ra2, double dec2) {
204     return arcsec2deg(arcsec_between_radecdeg(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2));
205 }
project_equal_area(double x,double y,double z,double * projx,double * projy)207 void project_equal_area(double x, double y, double z, double* projx, double* projy) {
208     double Xp = x*sqrt(1./(1. + z));
209     double Yp = y*sqrt(1./(1. + z));
210     Xp = 0.5 * (1.0 + Xp);
211     Yp = 0.5 * (1.0 + Yp);
212     assert(Xp >= 0.0 && Xp <= 1.0);
213     assert(Yp >= 0.0 && Yp <= 1.0);
214     *projx = Xp;
215     *projy = Yp;
216 }
project_hammer_aitoff_x(double x,double y,double z,double * projx,double * projy)218 void project_hammer_aitoff_x(double x, double y, double z, double* projx, double* projy) {
219     double theta = atan(x/z);
220     double r = sqrt(x*x+z*z);
221     double zp, xp;
222     /* Hammer-Aitoff projection with x-z plane compressed to purely +z side
223      * of xz plane */
224     if (z < 0) {
225         if (x < 0) {
226             theta = theta - M_PI;
227         } else {
228             theta = M_PI + theta;
229         }
230     }
231     theta /= 2.0;
232     zp = r*cos(theta);
233     xp = r*sin(theta);
234     assert(zp >= -0.01);
235     project_equal_area(xp, y, zp, projx, projy);
236 }
238 /* makes a star object located uniformly at random within the limits given
239  on the sphere */
make_rand_star(double * star,double ramin,double ramax,double decmin,double decmax)240 void make_rand_star(double* star, double ramin, double ramax,
241                     double decmin, double decmax)
242 {
243     double decval, raval;
244     if (ramin < 0.0)
245         ramin = 0.0;
246     if (ramax > (2*M_PI))
247         ramax = 2 * M_PI;
248     if (decmin < -M_PI / 2.0)
249         decmin = -M_PI / 2.0;
250     if (decmax > M_PI / 2.0)
251         decmax = M_PI / 2.0;
253     decval = asin(uniform_sample(sin(decmin), sin(decmax)));
254     raval = uniform_sample(ramin, ramax);
255     star[0] = radec2x(raval, decval);
256     star[1] = radec2y(raval, decval);
257     star[2] = radec2z(raval, decval);
258 }
261 // RA in degrees to Mercator X coordinate [0, 1).
ra2mercx(double ra)262 inline double ra2mercx(double ra) {
263     double mx = ra / 360.0;
264     if (mx < 0.0 || mx > 1.0) {
265         mx = fmod(mx, 1.0);
266         if (mx < 0.0)
267             mx += 1.0;
268     }
269     return mx;
270 }
272 // Dec in degrees to Mercator Y coordinate [0, 1).
dec2mercy(double dec)273 inline double dec2mercy(double dec) {
274     return 0.5 + (asinh(tan(deg2rad(dec))) / (2.0 * M_PI));
275 }
hms2ra(int h,int m,double s)277 double hms2ra(int h, int m, double s) {
278     return 15.0 * (h + ((m + (s / 60.0)) / 60.0));
279 }
dms2dec(int sgn,int d,int m,double s)281 double dms2dec(int sgn, int d, int m, double s) {
282     return sgn * (d + ((m + (s / 60.0)) / 60.0));
283 }
285 // RA in degrees to H:M:S
ra2hms(double ra,int * h,int * m,double * s)286 inline void ra2hms(double ra, int* h, int* m, double* s) {
287     double rem;
288     ra = fmod(ra, 360.0);
289     if (ra < 0.0)
290         ra += 360.0;
291     rem = ra / 15.0;
292     *h = floor(rem);
293     // remaining (fractional) hours
294     rem -= *h;
295     // -> minutes
296     rem *= 60.0;
297     *m = floor(rem);
298     // remaining (fractional) minutes
299     rem -= *m;
300     // -> seconds
301     rem *= 60.0;
302     *s = rem;
303 }
305 // Dec in degrees to D:M:S
dec2dms(double dec,int * sign,int * d,int * m,double * s)306 void dec2dms(double dec, int* sign, int* d, int* m, double* s) {
307     double rem;
308     double flr;
309     *sign = (dec >= 0.0) ? 1 : -1;
310     dec *= (*sign);
311     flr = floor(dec);
312     *d = flr;
313     // remaining degrees:
314     rem = dec - flr;
315     // -> minutes
316     rem *= 60.0;
317     *m = floor(rem);
318     // remaining (fractional) minutes
319     rem -= *m;
320     // -> seconds
321     rem *= 60.0;
322     *s = rem;
323 }
ra2hmsstring(double ra,char * str)325 void ra2hmsstring(double ra, char* str) {
326     int h, m;
327     double s;
328     int ss;
329     int ds;
330     ra2hms(ra, &h, &m, &s);
332     // round to display to 3 decimal places
333     ss = (int)floor(s);
334     ds = (int)round((s - ss) * 1000.0);
335     if (ds >= 1000) {
336         ss++;
337         ds -= 1000;
338     }
339     if (ss >= 60) {
340         ss -= 60;
341         m += 1;
342     }
343     if (m >= 60) {
344         m -= 60;
345         h += 1;
346     }
347     sprintf(str, "%02i:%02i:%02i.%03i", h, m, ss, ds);
348 }
dec2dmsstring(double dec,char * str)350 void dec2dmsstring(double dec, char* str) {
351     int sign, d, m;
352     double s;
353     int ss, ds;
354     dec2dms(dec, &sign, &d, &m, &s);
355     ss = (int)floor(s);
356     ds = (int)round((s - ss) * 1000.0);
357     if (ds >= 1000) {
358         ss++;
359         ds -= 1000;
360     }
361     if (ss >= 60) {
362         ss -= 60;
363         m += 1;
364     }
365     if (m >= 60) {
366         m -= 60;
367         d += 1;
368     }
369     sprintf(str, "%c%02i:%02i:%02i.%03i", (sign==1 ? '+':'-'), d, m, ss, ds);
370 }