1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3<TS version="2.1" language="it_IT">
5    <name>core</name>
6    <message>
7        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="110"/>
8        <source>(integer sec or &apos;auto&apos;) Barograph to GPS time diff</source>
9        <translation>(sec interi o &apos;auto&apos;) Differenza temporale tra barografo e GPS</translation>
10    </message>
11    <message>
12        <source>(USR input) Break segments into separate tracks</source>
13        <translation type="vanished">Ingresso USR: suddividi i segmenti in tracce separate</translation>
14    </message>
15    <message>
16        <source>(USR output) Merge into one segmented track</source>
17        <translation type="vanished">Uscita USR: unisci in una traccia segmentata</translation>
18    </message>
19    <message>
20        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="686"/>
21        <source>Ad-hoc closed icon name</source>
22        <translation>Nome ad-hoc icona chiusa</translation>
23    </message>
24    <message>
25        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="687"/>
26        <source>Ad-hoc open icon name</source>
27        <translation>Nome ad-hoc icona aperta</translation>
28    </message>
29    <message>
30        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="187"/>
31        <source>After output job done sleep n second(s)</source>
32        <translation>Attendi n secondi dopo il termine dell&apos;elaborazione</translation>
33    </message>
34    <message>
35        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="7"/>
36        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="17"/>
37        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="30"/>
38        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="38"/>
39        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="57"/>
40        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="71"/>
41        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="79"/>
42        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="87"/>
43        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="116"/>
44        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="127"/>
45        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="136"/>
46        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="144"/>
47        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="172"/>
48        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="195"/>
49        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="217"/>
50        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="260"/>
51        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="269"/>
52        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="277"/>
53        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="285"/>
54        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="293"/>
55        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="332"/>
56        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="340"/>
57        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="354"/>
58        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="362"/>
59        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="395"/>
60        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="408"/>
61        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="416"/>
62        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="434"/>
63        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="461"/>
64        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="491"/>
65        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="512"/>
66        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="526"/>
67        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="554"/>
68        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="571"/>
69        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="579"/>
70        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="616"/>
71        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="632"/>
72        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="640"/>
73        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="648"/>
74        <source>Allow whitespace synth. shortnames</source>
75        <translation>Permetti spazi nei nomi brevi sintetizzati</translation>
76    </message>
77    <message>
78        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="242"/>
79        <source>Altitudes are absolute and not clamped to ground</source>
80        <translation>Le quote sono assolute e non relative al terreno</translation>
81    </message>
82    <message>
83        <source>Append icon_descr to description</source>
84        <translation type="vanished">Aggiungi icon_descr alla descrizione</translation>
85    </message>
86    <message>
87        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="304"/>
88        <source>Base URL for link tag in output</source>
89        <translation>Url di base per i tag link in uscita</translation>
90    </message>
91    <message>
92        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="10"/>
93        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="20"/>
94        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="33"/>
95        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="41"/>
96        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="60"/>
97        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="74"/>
98        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="82"/>
99        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="90"/>
100        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="119"/>
101        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="130"/>
102        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="139"/>
103        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="147"/>
104        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="175"/>
105        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="220"/>
106        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="263"/>
107        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="272"/>
108        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="280"/>
109        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="288"/>
110        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="296"/>
111        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="335"/>
112        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="343"/>
113        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="357"/>
114        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="365"/>
115        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="398"/>
116        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="411"/>
117        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="419"/>
118        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="437"/>
119        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="464"/>
120        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="494"/>
121        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="515"/>
122        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="529"/>
123        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="574"/>
124        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="582"/>
125        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="619"/>
126        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="635"/>
127        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="643"/>
128        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="651"/>
129        <source>Basename prepended to URL on output</source>
130        <translation>Nome base anteposto all&apos;URL in uscita</translation>
131    </message>
132    <message>
133        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="153"/>
134        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="202"/>
135        <source>Bitmap of categories</source>
136        <translation>Bitmap delle categorie</translation>
137    </message>
138    <message>
139        <source>Category name (Cache)</source>
140        <translation type="vanished">Nome della categoria (cache)</translation>
141    </message>
142    <message>
143        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="201"/>
144        <source>Category number to use for written waypoints</source>
145        <translation>Numero categoria da usare per i punti d&apos;interesse scritti</translation>
146    </message>
147    <message>
148        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="50"/>
149        <source>Color for lines or mapnotes</source>
150        <translation>Colore per le linee o le note della mappa</translation>
151    </message>
152    <message>
153        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="198"/>
154        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="503"/>
155        <source>Command unit to power itself down</source>
156        <translation>Chiedi al dispositivo di spegnersi</translation>
157    </message>
158    <message>
159        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="254"/>
160        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="538"/>
161        <source>Complete date-free tracks with given date (YYYYMMDD).</source>
162        <translation>Completa le tracce senza data con la data fornita (AAAAMMGG).</translation>
163    </message>
164    <message>
165        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="189"/>
166        <source>Create unique waypoint names (default = yes)</source>
167        <translation>Crea punti d&apos;interesse con nomi univoci (predefinito: )</translation>
168    </message>
169    <message>
170        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="303"/>
171        <source>Create waypoints from geocache log entries</source>
172        <translation>Crea punti d&apos;interesse dagli elementi nel registro geocache</translation>
173    </message>
174    <message>
175        <source>Database name</source>
176        <translation type="vanished">Nome della banca dati</translation>
177    </message>
178    <message>
179        <source>Database name (filename)</source>
180        <translation type="vanished">Nome della banca dati (nome file)</translation>
181    </message>
182    <message>
183        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="482"/>
184        <source>Datum (default=NAD27)</source>
185        <translation>Datum (predefinito: NAD27)</translation>
186    </message>
187    <message>
188        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="663"/>
189        <source>Days after which points are considered old</source>
190        <translation>Giorni dopo i quali i punti sono considerati vecchi</translation>
191    </message>
192    <message>
193        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="540"/>
194        <source>Decimal seconds to pause between groups of strings</source>
195        <translation>Pausa (in decimi di secondo) tra gruppi di stringhe</translation>
196    </message>
197    <message>
198        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="181"/>
199        <source>Default category on output</source>
200        <translation>Categoria predefinita in uscita</translation>
201    </message>
202    <message>
203        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="152"/>
204        <source>Default category on output (1..16)</source>
205        <translation>Categoria predefinita in uscita (1... 16)</translation>
206    </message>
207    <message>
208        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="24"/>
209        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="168"/>
210        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="196"/>
211        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="208"/>
212        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="237"/>
213        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="381"/>
214        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="384"/>
215        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="387"/>
216        <source>Default icon name</source>
217        <translation>Nome dell&apos;icona predefinita</translation>
218    </message>
219    <message>
220        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="568"/>
221        <source>Default location</source>
222        <translation>Posizione predefinita</translation>
223    </message>
224    <message>
225        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="186"/>
226        <source>Default proximity</source>
227        <translation>Prossimità predefinita</translation>
228    </message>
229    <message>
230        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="188"/>
231        <source>Default speed</source>
232        <translation>Velocità predefinita</translation>
233    </message>
234    <message>
235        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="123"/>
236        <source>Default speed for waypoints (knots/hr)</source>
237        <translation>Velocità predefinita per i punti di interesse (nodi/ora)</translation>
238    </message>
239    <message>
240        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="324"/>
241        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="627"/>
242        <source>Degrees output as &apos;ddd&apos;, &apos;dmm&apos;(default) or &apos;dms&apos;</source>
243        <translation>Gradi in uscita come &apos;ggg&apos;, &apos;gmm&apos; (predefinito) o &apos;gms&apos;</translation>
244    </message>
245    <message>
246        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="499"/>
247        <source>Delete all routes</source>
248        <translation>Cancella tutte le rotte</translation>
249    </message>
250    <message>
251        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="498"/>
252        <source>Delete all track points</source>
253        <translation>Cancella tutti i punti traccia</translation>
254    </message>
255    <message>
256        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="391"/>
257        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="500"/>
258        <source>Delete all waypoints</source>
259        <translation>Cancella tutti i punti d&apos;interesse</translation>
260    </message>
261    <message>
262        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="248"/>
263        <source>Display labels on track and routepoints  (default = 1)</source>
264        <translation>Mostra le etichette su tracce e punti rotta (predefinito: 1)</translation>
265    </message>
266    <message>
267        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="161"/>
268        <source>Distance unit [m=metric, s=statute]</source>
269        <translation>Unità di lunghezza [m=metrico, s=statutario]</translation>
270    </message>
271    <message>
272        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="47"/>
273        <source>Do not add geocache data to description</source>
274        <translation>Non aggiungere dati geocache alla descrizione</translation>
275    </message>
276    <message>
277        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="1"/>
278        <source>Alan Map500 tracklogs (.trl)</source>
279        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
280    </message>
281    <message>
282        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="2"/>
283        <source>Alan Map500 waypoints and routes (.wpr)</source>
284        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
285    </message>
286    <message>
287        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="3"/>
288        <source>Brauniger IQ Series Barograph Download</source>
289        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
290    </message>
291    <message>
292        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="4"/>
293        <source>Bushnell GPS Trail file</source>
294        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
295    </message>
296    <message>
297        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="5"/>
298        <source>Bushnell GPS Waypoint file</source>
299        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
300    </message>
301    <message>
302        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="13"/>
303        <source>Cambridge/Winpilot glider software</source>
304        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
305    </message>
306    <message>
307        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="14"/>
308        <source>CarteSurTable data file</source>
309        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
310    </message>
311    <message>
312        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="15"/>
313        <source>Columbus/Visiontac V900 files (.csv)</source>
314        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
315    </message>
316    <message>
317        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="23"/>
318        <source>Comma separated values</source>
319        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
320    </message>
321    <message>
322        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="28"/>
323        <source>CompeGPS data files (.wpt/.trk/.rte)</source>
324        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
325    </message>
326    <message>
327        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="36"/>
328        <source>Data Logger iBlue747 csv</source>
329        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
330    </message>
331    <message>
332        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="44"/>
333        <source>Data Logger iBlue757 csv</source>
334        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
335    </message>
336    <message>
337        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="48"/>
338        <source>Do not add URLs to description</source>
339        <translation>Non aggiungere url alla descrizione</translation>
340    </message>
341    <message>
342        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="54"/>
343        <source>DeLorme .an1 (drawing) file</source>
344        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
345    </message>
346    <message>
347        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="55"/>
348        <source>DeLorme GPL</source>
349        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
350    </message>
351    <message>
352        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="63"/>
353        <source>DeLorme Street Atlas Plus</source>
354        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
355    </message>
356    <message>
357        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="69"/>
358        <source>DeLorme Street Atlas Route</source>
359        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
360    </message>
361    <message>
362        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="77"/>
363        <source>DeLorme XMap HH Native .WPT</source>
364        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
365    </message>
366    <message>
367        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="85"/>
368        <source>DeLorme XMap/SAHH 2006 Native .TXT</source>
369        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
370    </message>
371    <message>
372        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="93"/>
373        <source>DeLorme XMat HH Street Atlas USA .WPT (PPC)</source>
374        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
375    </message>
376    <message>
377        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="94"/>
378        <source>Destinator Itineraries (.dat)</source>
379        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
380    </message>
381    <message>
382        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="95"/>
383        <source>Destinator Points of Interest (.dat)</source>
384        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
385    </message>
386    <message>
387        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="96"/>
388        <source>Destinator TrackLogs (.dat)</source>
389        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
390    </message>
391    <message>
392        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="97"/>
393        <source>EasyGPS binary format</source>
394        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
395    </message>
396    <message>
397        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="98"/>
398        <source>Set waypoint name to source filename</source>
399        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
400    </message>
401    <message>
402        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="99"/>
403        <source>Time-frame (in seconds)</source>
404        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
405    </message>
406    <message>
407        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="100"/>
408        <source>Locate waypoint for tagging by this name</source>
409        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
410    </message>
411    <message>
412        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="101"/>
413        <source>!OVERWRITE! the original file. Default=N</source>
414        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
415    </message>
416    <message>
417        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="102"/>
418        <source>Embedded Exif-GPS data (.jpg)</source>
419        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
420    </message>
421    <message>
422        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="103"/>
423        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="234"/>
424        <source>Time zone ID</source>
425        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
426    </message>
427    <message>
428        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="104"/>
429        <source>Energympro GPS training watch</source>
430        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
431    </message>
432    <message>
433        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="105"/>
434        <source>Enigma binary waypoint file (.ert)</source>
435        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
436    </message>
437    <message>
438        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="106"/>
439        <source>Source for name field in .dbf</source>
440        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
441    </message>
442    <message>
443        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="107"/>
444        <source>Source for URL field in .dbf</source>
445        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
446    </message>
447    <message>
448        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="108"/>
449        <source>ESRI shapefile</source>
450        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
451    </message>
452    <message>
453        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="109"/>
454        <source>F90G Automobile DVR GPS log file</source>
455        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
456    </message>
457    <message>
458        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="111"/>
459        <source>FAI/IGC Flight Recorder Data Format</source>
460        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
461    </message>
462    <message>
463        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="112"/>
464        <source>Read all points even if latitude or longitude is missing</source>
465        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
466    </message>
467    <message>
468        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="113"/>
469        <source>Attempt to recovery data from corrupt file</source>
470        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
471    </message>
472    <message>
473        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="114"/>
474        <source>Flexible and Interoperable Data Transfer (FIT) Activity file</source>
475        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
476    </message>
477    <message>
478        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="122"/>
479        <source>FlySight GPS File</source>
480        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
481    </message>
482    <message>
483        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="125"/>
484        <source>Franson GPSGate Simulation</source>
485        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
486    </message>
487    <message>
488        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="133"/>
489        <source>Fugawi</source>
490        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
491    </message>
492    <message>
493        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="134"/>
494        <source>G7ToWin data files (.g7t)</source>
495        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
496    </message>
497    <message>
498        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="142"/>
499        <source>Garmin 301 Custom position and heartrate</source>
500        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
501    </message>
502    <message>
503        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="150"/>
504        <source>Garmin G1000 datalog input filter file</source>
505        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
506    </message>
507    <message>
508        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="151"/>
509        <source>Garmin Logbook XML</source>
510        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
511    </message>
512    <message>
513        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="156"/>
514        <source>Don&apos;t create waypoints for non-user points</source>
515        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
516    </message>
517    <message>
518        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="158"/>
519        <source>Garmin MapSource - gdb</source>
520        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
521    </message>
522    <message>
523        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="167"/>
524        <source>Garmin MapSource - txt (tab delimited)</source>
525        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
526    </message>
527    <message>
528        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="170"/>
529        <source>Garmin PCX5</source>
530        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
531    </message>
532    <message>
533        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="178"/>
534        <source>Garmin POI database</source>
535        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
536    </message>
537    <message>
538        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="182"/>
539        <source>Don&apos;t show gpi bitmap on device</source>
540        <translation>Non mostrare la bitmap gpi sul dispositivo</translation>
541    </message>
542    <message>
543        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="191"/>
544        <source>codec to use for writing strings</source>
545        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
546    </message>
547    <message>
548        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="192"/>
549        <source>language code to use for reading dual language files</source>
550        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
551    </message>
552    <message>
553        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="193"/>
554        <source>Garmin Points of Interest (.gpi)</source>
555        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
556    </message>
557    <message>
558        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="199"/>
559        <source>Erase existing courses when writing new ones</source>
560        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
561    </message>
562    <message>
563        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="203"/>
564        <source>Speed in bits per second of serial port (baud=9600)</source>
565        <translation type="unfinished">Velocità in bit/secondo della porta seriale (baud=4800) {9600)?}</translation>
566    </message>
567    <message>
568        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="204"/>
569        <source>Garmin serial/USB protocol</source>
570        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
571    </message>
572    <message>
573        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="205"/>
574        <source>Write course rather than history, default yes</source>
575        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
576    </message>
577    <message>
578        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="206"/>
579        <source>Sport: Biking (deflt), Running, MultiSport, Other</source>
580        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
581    </message>
582    <message>
583        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="207"/>
584        <source>Garmin Training Center (.tcx/.crs/.hst/.xml)</source>
585        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
586    </message>
587    <message>
588        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="210"/>
589        <source>Geocaching.com .loc</source>
590        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
591    </message>
592    <message>
593        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="211"/>
594        <source>Geogrid-Viewer ascii overlay file (.ovl)</source>
595        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
596    </message>
597    <message>
598        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="212"/>
599        <source>Geogrid-Viewer binary overlay file (.ovl)</source>
600        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
601    </message>
602    <message>
603        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="213"/>
604        <source>Geogrid-Viewer tracklogs (.log)</source>
605        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
606    </message>
607    <message>
608        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="214"/>
609        <source>Compact Output. Default is off.</source>
610        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
611    </message>
612    <message>
613        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="215"/>
614        <source>GeoJson</source>
615        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
616    </message>
617    <message>
618        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="223"/>
619        <source>GEOnet Names Server (GNS)</source>
620        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
621    </message>
622    <message>
623        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="225"/>
624        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="228"/>
625        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="315"/>
626        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="476"/>
627        <source>Only erase device data, do not download anything</source>
628        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
629    </message>
630    <message>
631        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="226"/>
632        <source>GlobalSat DG-100/BT-335 Download</source>
633        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
634    </message>
635    <message>
636        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="229"/>
637        <source>GlobalSat DG-200 Download</source>
638        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
639    </message>
640    <message>
641        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="230"/>
642        <source>list tracks</source>
643        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
644    </message>
645    <message>
646        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="231"/>
647        <source>get track</source>
648        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
649    </message>
650    <message>
651        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="232"/>
652        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="233"/>
653        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="442"/>
654        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="595"/>
655        <source>Dump raw data to this file</source>
656        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
657    </message>
658    <message>
659        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="235"/>
660        <source>GlobalSat GH625XT GPS training watch</source>
661        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
662    </message>
663    <message>
664        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="236"/>
665        <source>Google Directions XML</source>
666        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
667    </message>
668    <message>
669        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="243"/>
670        <source>Draw extrusion line from trackpoint to ground</source>
671        <translation>Disegna linee estruse dai punti traccia al terreno</translation>
672    </message>
673    <message>
674        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="155"/>
675        <source>Drop route points that do not have an equivalent waypoint (hidden points)</source>
676        <translation>Ometti i punti rotta che non hanno un punto di interesse equivalente (punti nascosti)</translation>
677    </message>
678    <message>
679        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="179"/>
680        <source>Enable alerts on speed or proximity distance</source>
681        <translation>Abilita avvisi su velocità o prossimità</translation>
682    </message>
683    <message>
684        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="322"/>
685        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="625"/>
686        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="678"/>
687        <source>Encrypt hints using ROT13</source>
688        <translation>Cripta le note usando ROT13</translation>
689    </message>
690    <message>
691        <source>Encrypt hints with ROT13</source>
692        <translation type="vanished">Cripta le note con ROT13</translation>
693    </message>
694    <message>
695        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="224"/>
696        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="227"/>
697        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="314"/>
698        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="425"/>
699        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="443"/>
700        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="475"/>
701        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="587"/>
702        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="692"/>
703        <source>Erase device data after download</source>
704        <translation>Cancella i dati dal dispositivo dopo lo scaricamento</translation>
705    </message>
706    <message>
707        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="238"/>
708        <source>Export linestrings for tracks and routes</source>
709        <translation>Esporta le linee stringa da tracce e rotte</translation>
710    </message>
711    <message>
712        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="239"/>
713        <source>Export placemarks for tracks and routes</source>
714        <translation>Esporta segnaposti da tracce e rotte</translation>
715    </message>
716    <message>
717        <source>Full path to XCSV style file</source>
718        <translation type="vanished">Percorso completo del file di stile XCSV</translation>
719    </message>
720    <message>
721        <source>Generate # points</source>
722        <translation type="vanished">N° punti da creare</translation>
723    </message>
724    <message>
725        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="660"/>
726        <source>Generate file with lat/lon for centering map</source>
727        <translation>Crea un file con lat/lon per centrare la mappa</translation>
728    </message>
729    <message>
730        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="26"/>
731        <source>Give points (waypoints/route points) a default radius (proximity)</source>
732        <translation>Raggio predefinito (prossimità) dei punti (d&apos;interesse/delle rotte)</translation>
733    </message>
734    <message>
735        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="12"/>
736        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="22"/>
737        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="35"/>
738        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="43"/>
739        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="62"/>
740        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="76"/>
741        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="84"/>
742        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="92"/>
743        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="121"/>
744        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="132"/>
745        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="141"/>
746        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="149"/>
747        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="160"/>
748        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="177"/>
749        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="222"/>
750        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="265"/>
751        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="274"/>
752        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="282"/>
753        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="290"/>
754        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="298"/>
755        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="337"/>
756        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="345"/>
757        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="359"/>
758        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="367"/>
759        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="400"/>
760        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="413"/>
761        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="421"/>
762        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="439"/>
763        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="466"/>
764        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="496"/>
765        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="517"/>
766        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="531"/>
767        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="576"/>
768        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="584"/>
769        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="621"/>
770        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="637"/>
771        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="645"/>
772        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="653"/>
773        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="672"/>
774        <source>GPS datum (def. WGS 84)</source>
775        <translation>Datum GPS (predefinito: WGS 84)</translation>
776    </message>
777    <message>
778        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="669"/>
779        <source>Height in pixels of map</source>
780        <translation>Altezza della mappa, in pixel</translation>
781    </message>
782    <message>
783        <source>Ignore event marker icons on read</source>
784        <translation type="vanished">Ignora le icone dei marcatori in fase di lettura</translation>
785    </message>
786    <message>
787        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="245"/>
788        <source>Include extended data for trackpoints (default = 1)</source>
789        <translation>Includi dati estesi sui punti traccia (predefinito: 1)</translation>
790    </message>
791    <message>
792        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="323"/>
793        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="626"/>
794        <source>Include groundspeak logs if present</source>
795        <translation>Includi registri groundspeak (se presenti)</translation>
796    </message>
797    <message>
798        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="157"/>
799        <source>Include major turn points (with description) from calculated route</source>
800        <translation>Includi i punti di svolta principali (con descrizione) dalla rotta calcolata</translation>
801    </message>
802    <message>
803        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="402"/>
804        <source>Include only via stations in route</source>
805        <translation>Includi solo stazioni intermedie nella rotta</translation>
806    </message>
807    <message>
808        <source>Include short name in bookmarks</source>
809        <translation type="vanished">Includi nomi brevi nei segnaposti</translation>
810    </message>
811    <message>
812        <source>Index of name field in .dbf</source>
813        <translation type="vanished">Indice del campo nome del .dbf</translation>
814    </message>
815    <message>
816        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="610"/>
817        <source>Index of route (if more than one in source)</source>
818        <translation>Indice della rotta (se nell&apos;origine ce  più d&apos;una)</translation>
819    </message>
820    <message>
821        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="468"/>
822        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="488"/>
823        <source>Index of route to write (if more than one in source)</source>
824        <translation>Indice della rotta da scrivere (se nell&apos;origine ce  più d&apos;una)</translation>
825    </message>
826    <message>
827        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="25"/>
828        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="612"/>
829        <source>Index of route/track to write (if more than one in source)</source>
830        <translation>Indice della rotta/traccia da scrivere (se nell&apos;origine ce  più d&apos;una)</translation>
831    </message>
832    <message>
833        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="657"/>
834        <source>Index of track (if more than one in source)</source>
835        <translation>Indice della traccia (se nell&apos;origine ce  più d&apos;una)</translation>
836    </message>
837    <message>
838        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="329"/>
839        <source>Index of track to write (if more than one in source)</source>
840        <translation>Indice della traccia da scrivere (se nell&apos;origine ce  più d&apos;una)</translation>
841    </message>
842    <message>
843        <source>Index of URL field in .dbf</source>
844        <translation type="vanished">Indice del campo url nel .dbf</translation>
845    </message>
846    <message>
847        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="246"/>
848        <source>Indicate direction of travel in track icons (default = 0)</source>
849        <translation>Indica la direzione di viaggio nelle icone di traccia (predefinito: 0)</translation>
850    </message>
851    <message>
852        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="605"/>
853        <source>Video position for which exact GPS time is known (hhmmss[.sss], default is 00:00:00,000)</source>
854        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
855    </message>
856    <message>
857        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="606"/>
858        <source>GPS time at position video_time (hhmmss[.sss], default is first timestamp of track)</source>
859        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
860    </message>
861    <message>
862        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="607"/>
863        <source>GPS date at position video_time (yyyymmdd, default is first timestamp of track)</source>
864        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
865    </message>
866    <message>
867        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="671"/>
868        <source>U.S. Census Bureau Tiger Mapping Service</source>
869        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
870    </message>
871    <message>
872        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="675"/>
873        <source>Write name(s) of format(s) from input session(s)</source>
874        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
875    </message>
876    <message>
877        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="676"/>
878        <source>Write filename(s) from input session(s)</source>
879        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
880    </message>
881    <message>
882        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="677"/>
883        <source>Universal csv with field structure in first line</source>
884        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
885    </message>
886    <message>
887        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="679"/>
888        <source>Vcard Output (for iPod)</source>
889        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
890    </message>
891    <message>
892        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="680"/>
893        <source>Version of VidaOne file to read or write (1 or 2)</source>
894        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
895    </message>
896    <message>
897        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="681"/>
898        <source>VidaOne GPS for Pocket PC (.gpb)</source>
899        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
900    </message>
901    <message>
902        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="682"/>
903        <source>Vito Navigator II tracks</source>
904        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
905    </message>
906    <message>
907        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="683"/>
908        <source>Vito SmartMap tracks (.vtt)</source>
909        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
910    </message>
911    <message>
912        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="684"/>
913        <source>Infrastructure closed icon name</source>
914        <translation>Nome icona per infrastrutture chiuse</translation>
915    </message>
916    <message>
917        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="685"/>
918        <source>Infrastructure open icon name</source>
919        <translation>Nome icona per infrastrutture aperte</translation>
920    </message>
921    <message>
922        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="64"/>
923        <source>Keep turns if simplify filter is used</source>
924        <translation>Mantieni le svolte se si usa il filtro di semplificazione</translation>
925    </message>
926    <message>
927        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="194"/>
928        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="301"/>
929        <source>Length of generated shortnames</source>
930        <translation>Lunghezza dei nomi brevi generati</translation>
931    </message>
932    <message>
933        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="27"/>
934        <source>Length of generated shortnames (default 16)</source>
935        <translation>Lunghezza dei nomi brevi generati (predefinito: 16)</translation>
936    </message>
937    <message>
938        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="241"/>
939        <source>Line color, specified in hex AABBGGRR</source>
940        <translation>Colore delle linee, indicato in esadecimale AABBVVRR</translation>
941    </message>
942    <message>
943        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="9"/>
944        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="19"/>
945        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="32"/>
946        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="40"/>
947        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="59"/>
948        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="73"/>
949        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="81"/>
950        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="89"/>
951        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="118"/>
952        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="129"/>
953        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="138"/>
954        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="146"/>
955        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="174"/>
956        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="219"/>
957        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="262"/>
958        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="271"/>
959        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="279"/>
960        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="287"/>
961        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="295"/>
962        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="334"/>
963        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="342"/>
964        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="356"/>
965        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="364"/>
966        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="397"/>
967        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="410"/>
968        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="418"/>
969        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="436"/>
970        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="463"/>
971        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="493"/>
972        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="514"/>
973        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="528"/>
974        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="556"/>
975        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="573"/>
976        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="581"/>
977        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="618"/>
978        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="634"/>
979        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="642"/>
980        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="650"/>
981        <source>Make synth. shortnames unique</source>
982        <translation>Crea nomi brevi sintetizzati univoci</translation>
983    </message>
984    <message>
985        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="244"/>
986        <source>Write KML track (default = 0)</source>
987        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
988    </message>
989    <message>
990        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="247"/>
991        <source>Units used when writing comments (&apos;s&apos;tatute, &apos;m&apos;etric,&apos; &apos;n&apos;autical, &apos;a&apos;viation)</source>
992        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
993    </message>
994    <message>
995        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="250"/>
996        <source>Rotate colors for tracks and routes (default automatic)</source>
997        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
998    </message>
999    <message>
1000        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="251"/>
1001        <source>Precision of coordinates, number of decimals</source>
1002        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1003    </message>
1004    <message>
1005        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="252"/>
1006        <source>Google Earth (Keyhole) Markup Language</source>
1007        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1008    </message>
1009    <message>
1010        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="253"/>
1011        <source>Google Navigator Tracklines (.trl)</source>
1012        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1013    </message>
1014    <message>
1015        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="255"/>
1016        <source>The maximum speed (km/h) traveling from waypoint to waypoint.</source>
1017        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1018    </message>
1019    <message>
1020        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="256"/>
1021        <source>The minimum speed (km/h) traveling from waypoint to waypoint. Set &gt;0 to remove duplicate waypoints</source>
1022        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1023    </message>
1024    <message>
1025        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="257"/>
1026        <source>Cleanup common errors in trackdata</source>
1027        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1028    </message>
1029    <message>
1030        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="258"/>
1031        <source>GoPal GPS track log (.trk)</source>
1032        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1033    </message>
1034    <message>
1035        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="266"/>
1036        <source>GPS Tracking Key Pro text</source>
1037        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1038    </message>
1039    <message>
1040        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="267"/>
1041        <source>GPS TrackMaker</source>
1042        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1043    </message>
1044    <message>
1045        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="275"/>
1046        <source>GPSBabel arc filter file</source>
1047        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1048    </message>
1049    <message>
1050        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="283"/>
1051        <source>GpsDrive Format</source>
1052        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1053    </message>
1054    <message>
1055        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="291"/>
1056        <source>GpsDrive Format for Tracks</source>
1057        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1058    </message>
1059    <message>
1060        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="299"/>
1061        <source>GPSman</source>
1062        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1063    </message>
1064    <message>
1065        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="300"/>
1066        <source>gpsutil</source>
1067        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1068    </message>
1069    <message>
1070        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="306"/>
1071        <source>Add info (depth) as Humminbird extension</source>
1072        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1073    </message>
1074    <message>
1075        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="307"/>
1076        <source>Add info (depth) as Garmin extension</source>
1077        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1078    </message>
1079    <message>
1080        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="308"/>
1081        <source>Precision of elevations, number of decimals</source>
1082        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1083    </message>
1084    <message>
1085        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="309"/>
1086        <source>GPX XML</source>
1087        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1088    </message>
1089    <message>
1090        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="310"/>
1091        <source>HikeTech</source>
1092        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1093    </message>
1094    <message>
1095        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="311"/>
1096        <source>Holux (gm-100) .wpo Format</source>
1097        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1098    </message>
1099    <message>
1100        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="313"/>
1101        <source>Holux M-241 (MTK based) Binary File Format</source>
1102        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1103    </message>
1104    <message>
1105        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="316"/>
1106        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="427"/>
1107        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="477"/>
1108        <source>Enable logging after download</source>
1109        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1110    </message>
1111    <message>
1112        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="318"/>
1113        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="479"/>
1114        <source>Size of blocks in KB to request from device</source>
1115        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1116    </message>
1117    <message>
1118        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="319"/>
1119        <source>Holux M-241 (MTK based) download</source>
1120        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1121    </message>
1122    <message>
1123        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="320"/>
1124        <source>Honda/Acura Navigation System VP Log File Format</source>
1125        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1126    </message>
1127    <message>
1128        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="326"/>
1129        <source>HTML Output</source>
1130        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1131    </message>
1132    <message>
1133        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="327"/>
1134        <source>Humminbird tracks (.ht)</source>
1135        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1136    </message>
1137    <message>
1138        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="328"/>
1139        <source>Humminbird waypoints and routes (.hwr)</source>
1140        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1141    </message>
1142    <message>
1143        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="330"/>
1144        <source>IGN Rando track files</source>
1145        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1146    </message>
1147    <message>
1148        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="338"/>
1149        <source>iGo Primo points of interest (.upoi)</source>
1150        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1151    </message>
1152    <message>
1153        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="346"/>
1154        <source>iGO2008 points of interest (.upoi)</source>
1155        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1156    </message>
1157    <message>
1158        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="347"/>
1159        <source>Track identification number</source>
1160        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1161    </message>
1162    <message>
1163        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="348"/>
1164        <source>Track title</source>
1165        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1166    </message>
1167    <message>
1168        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="349"/>
1169        <source>Track description</source>
1170        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1171    </message>
1172    <message>
1173        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="350"/>
1174        <source>IGO8 .trk</source>
1175        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1176    </message>
1177    <message>
1178        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="351"/>
1179        <source>Jelbert GeoTagger data file</source>
1180        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1181    </message>
1182    <message>
1183        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="352"/>
1184        <source>Jogmap.de XML format</source>
1185        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1186    </message>
1187    <message>
1188        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="360"/>
1189        <source>Kompass (DAV) Track (.tk)</source>
1190        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1191    </message>
1192    <message>
1193        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="368"/>
1194        <source>Kompass (DAV) Waypoints (.wp)</source>
1195        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1196    </message>
1197    <message>
1198        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="369"/>
1199        <source>(USR input) Ignore event marker icons on read</source>
1200        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1201    </message>
1202    <message>
1203        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="370"/>
1204        <source>(USR output) Treat waypoints as icons on write</source>
1205        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1206    </message>
1207    <message>
1208        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="371"/>
1209        <source>(USR output) Merge into one segmented trail</source>
1210        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1211    </message>
1212    <message>
1213        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="372"/>
1214        <source>(USR input) Break segments into separate trails</source>
1215        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1216    </message>
1217    <message>
1218        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="373"/>
1219        <source>(USR output) Write version</source>
1220        <oldsource>(USR input) Read version</oldsource>
1221        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1222    </message>
1223    <message>
1224        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="374"/>
1225        <source>(USR output) Output file title string</source>
1226        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1227    </message>
1228    <message>
1229        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="375"/>
1230        <source>(USR output) Device serial number</source>
1231        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1232    </message>
1233    <message>
1234        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="376"/>
1235        <source>(USR output) Output file content description</source>
1236        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1237    </message>
1238    <message>
1239        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="377"/>
1240        <source>Lowrance USR</source>
1241        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1242    </message>
1243    <message>
1244        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="378"/>
1245        <source>Magellan Explorist Geocaching</source>
1246        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1247    </message>
1248    <message>
1249        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="379"/>
1250        <source>MapSend version TRK file to generate (3,4)</source>
1251        <translation>Versione del file TRK di MapSend da generare (3, 4)</translation>
1252    </message>
1253    <message>
1254        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="380"/>
1255        <source>Magellan Mapsend</source>
1256        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1257    </message>
1258    <message>
1259        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="383"/>
1260        <source>Magellan SD files (as for eXplorist)</source>
1261        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1262    </message>
1263    <message>
1264        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="386"/>
1265        <source>Magellan SD files (as for Meridian)</source>
1266        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1267    </message>
1268    <message>
1269        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="392"/>
1270        <source>Magellan serial protocol</source>
1271        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1272    </message>
1273    <message>
1274        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="393"/>
1275        <source>MagicMaps IK3D project file (.ikt)</source>
1276        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1277    </message>
1278    <message>
1279        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="401"/>
1280        <source>Mainnav</source>
1281        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1282    </message>
1283    <message>
1284        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="403"/>
1285        <source>Map&amp;Guide &apos;TourExchangeFormat&apos; XML</source>
1286        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1287    </message>
1288    <message>
1289        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="404"/>
1290        <source>MapAsia track file (.tr7)</source>
1291        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1292    </message>
1293    <message>
1294        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="405"/>
1295        <source>Mapbar (China) navigation track for Sonim Xp3300</source>
1296        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1297    </message>
1298    <message>
1299        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="406"/>
1300        <source>Mapfactor Navigator</source>
1301        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1302    </message>
1303    <message>
1304        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="414"/>
1305        <source>Mapopolis.com Mapconverter CSV</source>
1306        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1307    </message>
1308    <message>
1309        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="422"/>
1310        <source>MapTech Exchange Format</source>
1311        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1312    </message>
1313    <message>
1314        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="423"/>
1315        <source>Speed in bits per second of serial port (autodetect=0)</source>
1316        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1317    </message>
1318    <message>
1319        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="424"/>
1320        <source>Download logged fixes</source>
1321        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1322    </message>
1323    <message>
1324        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="426"/>
1325        <source>Show device status</source>
1326        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1327    </message>
1328    <message>
1329        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="428"/>
1330        <source>MediaTek Locus</source>
1331        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1332    </message>
1333    <message>
1334        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="429"/>
1335        <source>Write items &apos;locked&apos; [default no]</source>
1336        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1337    </message>
1338    <message>
1339        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="430"/>
1340        <source>Write items &apos;visible&apos; [default yes]</source>
1341        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1342    </message>
1343    <message>
1344        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="431"/>
1345        <source>Write files with internal version [n]</source>
1346        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1347    </message>
1348    <message>
1349        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="432"/>
1350        <source>Memory-Map Navigator overlay files (.mmo)</source>
1351        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1352    </message>
1353    <message>
1354        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="440"/>
1355        <source>Microsoft Streets and Trips 2002-2007</source>
1356        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1357    </message>
1358    <message>
1359        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="441"/>
1360        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="590"/>
1361        <source>Baud rate used for download</source>
1362        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1363    </message>
1364    <message>
1365        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="444"/>
1366        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="593"/>
1367        <source>First sector to be read from the device</source>
1368        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1369    </message>
1370    <message>
1371        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="445"/>
1372        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="591"/>
1373        <source>Baud rate used to init device (0=autodetect)</source>
1374        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1375    </message>
1376    <message>
1377        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="446"/>
1378        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="594"/>
1379        <source>Last sector to be read from the device (-1: smart read everything)</source>
1380        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1381    </message>
1382    <message>
1383        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="447"/>
1384        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="596"/>
1385        <source>Disable output (useful with erase)</source>
1386        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1387    </message>
1388    <message>
1389        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="448"/>
1390        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="592"/>
1391        <source>Number of sectors to read at once (0=use single sector mode)</source>
1392        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1393    </message>
1394    <message>
1395        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="449"/>
1396        <source>POI for Home Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]</source>
1397        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1398    </message>
1399    <message>
1400        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="450"/>
1401        <source>POI for Car Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]</source>
1402        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1403    </message>
1404    <message>
1405        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="451"/>
1406        <source>POI for Boat Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]</source>
1407        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1408    </message>
1409    <message>
1410        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="452"/>
1411        <source>POI for Heart Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]</source>
1412        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1413    </message>
1414    <message>
1415        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="453"/>
1416        <source>POI for Bar Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]</source>
1417        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1418    </message>
1419    <message>
1420        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="456"/>
1421        <source>MiniHomer, a skyTraq Venus 6 based logger (download tracks, waypoints and get/set POI)</source>
1422        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1423    </message>
1424    <message>
1425        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="457"/>
1426        <source>Garmin Mobile XT ([ATRK]/STRK)</source>
1427        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1428    </message>
1429    <message>
1430        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="458"/>
1431        <source>Track name processing option ([0]-nrm/1-ign)</source>
1432        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1433    </message>
1434    <message>
1435        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="459"/>
1436        <source>Mobile Garmin XT Track files</source>
1437        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1438    </message>
1439    <message>
1440        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="467"/>
1441        <source>Motoactiv CSV</source>
1442        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1443    </message>
1444    <message>
1445        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="472"/>
1446        <source>Motorrad Routenplaner (Map&amp;Guide) .bcr files</source>
1447        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1448    </message>
1449    <message>
1450        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="474"/>
1451        <source>MTK Logger (iBlue 747,...) Binary File Format</source>
1452        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1453    </message>
1454    <message>
1455        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="480"/>
1456        <source>MTK Logger (iBlue 747,Qstarz BT-1000,...) download</source>
1457        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1458    </message>
1459    <message>
1460        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="481"/>
1461        <source>MyNav TRC format</source>
1462        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1463    </message>
1464    <message>
1465        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="483"/>
1466        <source>National Geographic Topo .tpg (waypoints)</source>
1467        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1468    </message>
1469    <message>
1470        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="484"/>
1471        <source>National Geographic Topo 2.x .tpo</source>
1472        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1473    </message>
1474    <message>
1475        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="485"/>
1476        <source>National Geographic Topo 3.x/4.x .tpo</source>
1477        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1478    </message>
1479    <message>
1480        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="487"/>
1481        <source>Navicache.com XML</source>
1482        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1483    </message>
1484    <message>
1485        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="489"/>
1486        <source>Navigon Mobile Navigator .rte files</source>
1487        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1488    </message>
1489    <message>
1490        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="497"/>
1491        <source>Navigon Waypoints</source>
1492        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1493    </message>
1494    <message>
1495        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="501"/>
1496        <source>Clear the datalog</source>
1497        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1498    </message>
1499    <message>
1500        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="502"/>
1501        <source>Read from datalogger buffer</source>
1502        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1503    </message>
1504    <message>
1505        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="504"/>
1506        <source>NaviGPS GT-11/BGT-11 Download</source>
1507        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1508    </message>
1509    <message>
1510        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="505"/>
1511        <source>NaviGPS GT-31/BGT-31 datalogger (.sbp)</source>
1512        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1513    </message>
1514    <message>
1515        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="506"/>
1516        <source>NaviGPS GT-31/BGT-31 SiRF binary logfile (.sbn)</source>
1517        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1518    </message>
1519    <message>
1520        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="507"/>
1521        <source>&apos;wp&apos; - Create waypoint file , &apos;rte&apos; - Create route file</source>
1522        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1523    </message>
1524    <message>
1525        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="508"/>
1526        <source>&apos;n&apos; - Keep the existing wp name, &apos;y&apos; - rename waypoints</source>
1527        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1528    </message>
1529    <message>
1530        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="509"/>
1531        <source>Naviguide binary route file (.twl)</source>
1532        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1533    </message>
1534    <message>
1535        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="510"/>
1536        <source>Navitel binary track (.bin)</source>
1537        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1538    </message>
1539    <message>
1540        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="518"/>
1541        <source>Navitrak DNA marker format</source>
1542        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1543    </message>
1544    <message>
1545        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="524"/>
1546        <source>NetStumbler Summary File (text)</source>
1547        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1548    </message>
1549    <message>
1550        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="532"/>
1551        <source>NIMA/GNIS Geographic Names File</source>
1552        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1553    </message>
1554    <message>
1555        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="541"/>
1556        <source>Append realtime positioning data to the output file instead of truncating</source>
1557        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1558    </message>
1559    <message>
1560        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="544"/>
1561        <source>Accept position fixes in gpgga marked invalid</source>
1562        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1563    </message>
1564    <message>
1565        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="545"/>
1566        <source>NMEA 0183 sentences</source>
1567        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1568    </message>
1569    <message>
1570        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="546"/>
1571        <source>Compact binary representation</source>
1572        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1573    </message>
1574    <message>
1575        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="547"/>
1576        <source>Nokia Landmark Exchange</source>
1577        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1578    </message>
1579    <message>
1580        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="550"/>
1581        <source>Use this value as custom created_by value</source>
1582        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1583    </message>
1584    <message>
1585        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="551"/>
1586        <source>OpenStreetMap data files</source>
1587        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1588    </message>
1589    <message>
1590        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="560"/>
1591        <source>Unit used in altitude values</source>
1592        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1593    </message>
1594    <message>
1595        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="561"/>
1596        <source>Unit used in proximity values</source>
1597        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1598    </message>
1599    <message>
1600        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="562"/>
1601        <source>codec to use for reading and writing strings (default windows-1252)</source>
1602        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1603    </message>
1604    <message>
1605        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="563"/>
1606        <source>OziExplorer</source>
1607        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1608    </message>
1609    <message>
1610        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="564"/>
1611        <source>PocketFMS breadcrumbs</source>
1612        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1613    </message>
1614    <message>
1615        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="565"/>
1616        <source>PocketFMS flightplan (.xml)</source>
1617        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1618    </message>
1619    <message>
1620        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="566"/>
1621        <source>PocketFMS waypoints (.txt)</source>
1622        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1623    </message>
1624    <message>
1625        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="567"/>
1626        <source>Qstarz BL-1000</source>
1627        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1628    </message>
1629    <message>
1630        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="569"/>
1631        <source>Raymarine Waypoint File (.rwf)</source>
1632        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1633    </message>
1634    <message>
1635        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="577"/>
1636        <source>Ricoh GPS Log File</source>
1637        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1638    </message>
1639    <message>
1640        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="585"/>
1641        <source>See You flight analysis data</source>
1642        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1643    </message>
1644    <message>
1645        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="586"/>
1646        <source>Skymap / KMD150 ascii files</source>
1647        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1648    </message>
1649    <message>
1650        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="588"/>
1651        <source>Set location finder target location as lat,lng</source>
1652        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1653    </message>
1654    <message>
1655        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="589"/>
1656        <source>Configure logging parameter as tmin:tmax:dmin:dmax</source>
1657        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1658    </message>
1659    <message>
1660        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="454"/>
1661        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="597"/>
1662        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="602"/>
1663        <source>Seconds that GPS time tracks UTC (0: best guess)</source>
1664        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1665    </message>
1666    <message>
1667        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="455"/>
1668        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="598"/>
1669        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="603"/>
1670        <source>GPS week rollover period we&apos;re in (-1: best guess)</source>
1671        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1672    </message>
1673    <message>
1674        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="599"/>
1675        <source>SkyTraq Venus based loggers (download)</source>
1676        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1677    </message>
1678    <message>
1679        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="600"/>
1680        <source>First sector to be read from the file</source>
1681        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1682    </message>
1683    <message>
1684        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="601"/>
1685        <source>Last sector to be read from the file (-1: read till empty sector)</source>
1686        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1687    </message>
1688    <message>
1689        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="604"/>
1690        <source>SkyTraq Venus based loggers Binary File Format</source>
1691        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1692    </message>
1693    <message>
1694        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="608"/>
1695        <source>Format for subtitles</source>
1696        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1697    </message>
1698    <message>
1699        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="609"/>
1700        <source>SubRip subtitles for video mapping (.srt)</source>
1701        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1702    </message>
1703    <message>
1704        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="611"/>
1705        <source>Suunto Trek Manager (STM) .sdf files</source>
1706        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1707    </message>
1708    <message>
1709        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="613"/>
1710        <source>Suunto Trek Manager (STM) WaypointPlus files</source>
1711        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1712    </message>
1713    <message>
1714        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="614"/>
1715        <source>Swiss Map 25/50/100 (.xol)</source>
1716        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1717    </message>
1718    <message>
1719        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="622"/>
1720        <source>Tab delimited fields useful for OpenOffice</source>
1721        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1722    </message>
1723    <message>
1724        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="623"/>
1725        <source>Teletype [ Get Jonathon Johnson to describe</source>
1726        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1727    </message>
1728    <message>
1729        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="630"/>
1730        <source>Textual Output</source>
1731        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1732    </message>
1733    <message>
1734        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="638"/>
1735        <source>TomTom Itineraries (.itn)</source>
1736        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1737    </message>
1738    <message>
1739        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="646"/>
1740        <source>TomTom Places Itineraries (.itn)</source>
1741        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1742    </message>
1743    <message>
1744        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="654"/>
1745        <source>TomTom POI file (.asc)</source>
1746        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1747    </message>
1748    <message>
1749        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="655"/>
1750        <source>TomTom POI file (.ov2)</source>
1751        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1752    </message>
1753    <message>
1754        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="656"/>
1755        <source>TopoMapPro Places File</source>
1756        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1757    </message>
1758    <message>
1759        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="658"/>
1760        <source>TrackLogs digital mapping (.trl)</source>
1761        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1762    </message>
1763    <message>
1764        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="661"/>
1765        <source>Margin for map.  Degrees or percentage</source>
1766        <translation>Margine della mappa. Gradi o percentuale</translation>
1767    </message>
1768    <message>
1769        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="665"/>
1770        <source>Marker type for new points</source>
1771        <translation>Tipo di marcatore per i punti nuovi</translation>
1772    </message>
1773    <message>
1774        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="702"/>
1775        <source>Yahoo Geocode API data</source>
1776        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1777    </message>
1778    <message>
1779        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="664"/>
1780        <source>Marker type for old points</source>
1781        <translation>Tipo di marcatore per i punti vecchi</translation>
1782    </message>
1783    <message>
1784        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="667"/>
1785        <source>Marker type for unfound points</source>
1786        <translation>Tipo di marcatore per i punti non trovati</translation>
1787    </message>
1788    <message>
1789        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="533"/>
1790        <source>Max length of waypoint name to write</source>
1791        <translation>Lunghezza massima dei nomi dei punti d&apos;interesse da scrivere</translation>
1792    </message>
1793    <message>
1794        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="382"/>
1795        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="385"/>
1796        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="388"/>
1797        <source>Max number of comments to write (maxcmts=200)</source>
1798        <translation>Numero massimo di commenti da scrivere (maxcmts=200)</translation>
1799    </message>
1800    <message>
1801        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="662"/>
1802        <source>Max shortname length when used with -s</source>
1803        <translation>Lunghezza massima dei nomi brevi quando si usa -s</translation>
1804    </message>
1805    <message>
1806        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="6"/>
1807        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="16"/>
1808        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="29"/>
1809        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="37"/>
1810        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="56"/>
1811        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="70"/>
1812        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="78"/>
1813        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="86"/>
1814        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="115"/>
1815        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="126"/>
1816        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="135"/>
1817        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="143"/>
1818        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="171"/>
1819        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="216"/>
1820        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="259"/>
1821        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="268"/>
1822        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="276"/>
1823        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="284"/>
1824        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="292"/>
1825        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="331"/>
1826        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="339"/>
1827        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="353"/>
1828        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="361"/>
1829        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="394"/>
1830        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="407"/>
1831        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="415"/>
1832        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="433"/>
1833        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="460"/>
1834        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="490"/>
1835        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="511"/>
1836        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="525"/>
1837        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="553"/>
1838        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="570"/>
1839        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="578"/>
1840        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="615"/>
1841        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="631"/>
1842        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="639"/>
1843        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="647"/>
1844        <source>Max synthesized shortname length</source>
1845        <translation>Lunghezza massima dei nomi brevi sintetizzati</translation>
1846    </message>
1847    <message>
1848        <source>Merge output with existing file</source>
1849        <translation type="vanished">Unisci la destinazione con un file esistente</translation>
1850    </message>
1851    <message>
1852        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="312"/>
1853        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="317"/>
1854        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="473"/>
1855        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="478"/>
1856        <source>MTK compatible CSV output file</source>
1857        <translation>File di destinazione CVS compatibile con MTK</translation>
1858    </message>
1859    <message>
1860        <source>Name of the &apos;unassigned&apos; category</source>
1861        <translation type="vanished">Nome della categoria &apos;Non assegnato&apos;</translation>
1862    </message>
1863    <message>
1864        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="469"/>
1865        <source>New name for the route</source>
1866        <translation>Nuovo nome della rotta</translation>
1867    </message>
1868    <message>
1869        <source>No separator lines between waypoints</source>
1870        <translation type="vanished">Nessuna linea di separazione tra punti d&apos;interesse</translation>
1871    </message>
1872    <message>
1873        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="302"/>
1874        <source>No whitespace in generated shortnames</source>
1875        <translation>Nessuno spazio nei nomi brevi generati</translation>
1876    </message>
1877    <message>
1878        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="519"/>
1879        <source>Non-stealth encrypted icon name</source>
1880        <translation>Nome dell&apos;icona non nascosta/codificata</translation>
1881    </message>
1882    <message>
1883        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="520"/>
1884        <source>Non-stealth non-encrypted icon name</source>
1885        <translation>Nome dell&apos;icona non nascosta/non codificata</translation>
1886    </message>
1887    <message>
1888        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="389"/>
1889        <source>Numeric value of bitrate (baud=4800)</source>
1890        <translation>Valore numerico del bitrate (baud=4800)</translation>
1891    </message>
1892    <message>
1893        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="209"/>
1894        <source>Omit Placer name</source>
1895        <translation>Ometti nome localizzatore</translation>
1896    </message>
1897    <message>
1898        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="65"/>
1899        <source>Only read turns; skip all other points</source>
1900        <translation>Leggi solo le svolte; tralascia tutti gli altri punti</translation>
1901    </message>
1902    <message>
1903        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="321"/>
1904        <source>Path to HTML style sheet</source>
1905        <translation>Percorso del foglio di stile html</translation>
1906    </message>
1907    <message>
1908        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="163"/>
1909        <source>Precision of coordinates</source>
1910        <translation>Precisione delle coordinate</translation>
1911    </message>
1912    <message>
1913        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="559"/>
1914        <source>Proximity distance</source>
1915        <translation>Distanza di prossimità</translation>
1916    </message>
1917    <message>
1918        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="53"/>
1919        <source>Radius for circles</source>
1920        <translation>Raggio dei cerchi</translation>
1921    </message>
1922    <message>
1923        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="470"/>
1924        <source>Radius of our big earth (default 6371000 meters)</source>
1925        <translation>Raggio della Terra (predefinito: 6371000 metri)</translation>
1926    </message>
1927    <message>
1928        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="67"/>
1929        <source>Read control points as waypoint/route/none</source>
1930        <translation>Leggi i punti di controllo come punti di interesse/rotte/nessuno</translation>
1931    </message>
1932    <message>
1933        <source>Read/Write date format (i.e. DDMMYYYY)</source>
1934        <translation type="vanished">Formato data in lettura/scrittura (per es. DDMMYYYY)</translation>
1935    </message>
1936    <message>
1937        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="159"/>
1938        <source>Read/Write date format (i.e. yyyy/mm/dd)</source>
1939        <translation>Formato data in lettura/scrittura (per es. yyyy/mm/dd)</translation>
1940    </message>
1941    <message>
1942        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="535"/>
1943        <source>Read/write GPGGA sentences</source>
1944        <translation>Leggi/scrivi frasi GPGGA</translation>
1945    </message>
1946    <message>
1947        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="537"/>
1948        <source>Read/write GPGSA sentences</source>
1949        <translation>Leggi/scrivi frasi GPGSA</translation>
1950    </message>
1951    <message>
1952        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="534"/>
1953        <source>Read/write GPRMC sentences</source>
1954        <translation>Leggi/scrivi frasi GPRMC</translation>
1955    </message>
1956    <message>
1957        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="536"/>
1958        <source>Read/write GPVTG sentences</source>
1959        <translation>Leggi/scrivi frasi GPVTG</translation>
1960    </message>
1961    <message>
1962        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="165"/>
1963        <source>Read/Write time format (i.e. HH:mm:ss xx)</source>
1964        <translation>Formato ora in lettura/scrittura (per es. HH:mm:ss xx)</translation>
1965    </message>
1966    <message>
1967        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="249"/>
1968        <source>Retain at most this number of position points  (0 = unlimited)</source>
1969        <translation>Mantieni almeno questo numero di punti posizione (0 = illimitati)</translation>
1970    </message>
1971    <message>
1972        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="197"/>
1973        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="539"/>
1974        <source>Return current position as a waypoint</source>
1975        <translation>Ritorna la posizione corrente sotto forma di punto d&apos;interesse</translation>
1976    </message>
1977    <message>
1978        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="46"/>
1979        <source>Road type changes</source>
1980        <translation>Modifiche al tipo di strada</translation>
1981    </message>
1982    <message>
1983        <source>Set waypoint name to source filename.</source>
1984        <translation type="vanished">Imposta il nome del punto di interesse col nome del file di origine</translation>
1985    </message>
1986    <message>
1987        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="523"/>
1988        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="688"/>
1989        <source>Shortname is MAC address</source>
1990        <translation>Il nome breve è un indirizzo MAC</translation>
1991    </message>
1992    <message>
1993        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="542"/>
1994        <source>Speed in bits per second of serial port (baud=4800)</source>
1995        <translation>Velocità in bit/secondo della porta seriale (baud=4800)</translation>
1996    </message>
1997    <message>
1998        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="124"/>
1999        <source>Split input into separate files</source>
2000        <translation>Suddividi l&apos;ingresso in più file separati</translation>
2001    </message>
2002    <message>
2003        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="66"/>
2004        <source>Split into multiple routes at turns</source>
2005        <translation>Suddividi in più rotte alle svolte</translation>
2006    </message>
2007    <message>
2008        <source>Starting seed of the internal number generator</source>
2009        <translation type="vanished">Seme iniziale del generatore interno di numeri</translation>
2010    </message>
2011    <message>
2012        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="521"/>
2013        <source>Stealth encrypted icon name</source>
2014        <translation>Nome dell&apos;icona nascosta/codificata</translation>
2015    </message>
2016    <message>
2017        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="522"/>
2018        <source>Stealth non-encrypted icon name</source>
2019        <translation>Nome dell&apos;icona nascosta/non codificata</translation>
2020    </message>
2021    <message>
2022        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="689"/>
2023        <source>WiFiFoFum 2.0 for PocketPC XML</source>
2024        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2025    </message>
2026    <message>
2027        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="690"/>
2028        <source>Wintec TES file</source>
2029        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2030    </message>
2031    <message>
2032        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="691"/>
2033        <source>Wintec WBT-100/200 Binary File Format</source>
2034        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2035    </message>
2036    <message>
2037        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="693"/>
2038        <source>Wintec WBT-100/200 GPS Download</source>
2039        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2040    </message>
2041    <message>
2042        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="694"/>
2043        <source>Wintec WBT-201/G-Rays 2 Binary File Format</source>
2044        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2045    </message>
2046    <message>
2047        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="695"/>
2048        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="698"/>
2049        <source>Appends the input to a backup file</source>
2050        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2051    </message>
2052    <message>
2053        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="696"/>
2054        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="699"/>
2055        <source>Only waypoints that are not the backup file</source>
2056        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2057    </message>
2058    <message>
2059        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="697"/>
2060        <source>XAiOX iTrackU Logger</source>
2061        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2062    </message>
2063    <message>
2064        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="700"/>
2065        <source>XAiOX iTrackU Logger Binary File Format</source>
2066        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2067    </message>
2068    <message>
2069        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="701"/>
2070        <source>String to separate concatenated address fields (default=&quot;, &quot;)</source>
2071        <translation>Stringa per separare i campi indirizzo concatenati (predefinito: &quot;, &quot;)</translation>
2072    </message>
2073    <message>
2074        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="659"/>
2075        <source>Suppress labels on generated pins</source>
2076        <translation>Ometti le etichette sugli spilli generati</translation>
2077    </message>
2078    <message>
2079        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="486"/>
2080        <source>Suppress retired geocaches</source>
2081        <translation>Ometti i geocache obsoleti</translation>
2082    </message>
2083    <message>
2084        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="624"/>
2085        <source>Suppress separator lines between waypoints</source>
2086        <translation>Ometti le linee di separazione tra punti d&apos;interesse</translation>
2087    </message>
2088    <message>
2089        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="390"/>
2090        <source>Suppress use of handshaking in name of speed</source>
2091        <translation>Ometti l&apos;uso dell&apos;handshake per aumentare la velocità</translation>
2092    </message>
2093    <message>
2094        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="666"/>
2095        <source>Suppress whitespace in generated shortnames</source>
2096        <translation>Ometti gli spazi nei nomi brevi generati</translation>
2097    </message>
2098    <message>
2099        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="49"/>
2100        <source>Symbol to use for point data</source>
2101        <translation>Simbolo da usare per i punti</translation>
2102    </message>
2103    <message>
2104        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="200"/>
2105        <source>Sync GPS time to computer time</source>
2106        <translation>Sincronizza l&apos;ora del GPS con quella del computer</translation>
2107    </message>
2108    <message>
2109        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="68"/>
2110        <source>Synthesize track times</source>
2111        <translation>Sintetizza gli orari delle tracce</translation>
2112    </message>
2113    <message>
2114        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="305"/>
2115        <source>Target GPX version for output</source>
2116        <translation>Versione GPX del file di destinazione</translation>
2117    </message>
2118    <message>
2119        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="164"/>
2120        <source>Temperature unit [c=Celsius, f=Fahrenheit]</source>
2121        <translation>Unità di temperatura [c=Celsius, f=Fahrenheit]</translation>
2122    </message>
2123    <message>
2124        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="670"/>
2125        <source>The icon description is already the marker</source>
2126        <translation>La descrizione dell&apos;icona è già il segnaposto</translation>
2127    </message>
2128    <message>
2129        <source>Treat waypoints as icons on write</source>
2130        <translation type="vanished">Considera i punti d&apos;interesse come icone in fase di scrittura</translation>
2131    </message>
2132    <message>
2133        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="45"/>
2134        <source>Type of .an1 file</source>
2135        <translation>Tipo del file .an1</translation>
2136    </message>
2137    <message>
2138        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="325"/>
2139        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="628"/>
2140        <source>Units for altitude (f)eet or (m)etres</source>
2141        <translation>Unità di misura della quota [m: metri, f: piedi]</translation>
2142    </message>
2143    <message>
2144        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="190"/>
2145        <source>Units used for names with @speed (&apos;s&apos;tatute or &apos;m&apos;etric)</source>
2146        <translation>Untià di misura per nomi con @speed [m: metrico, s: statutario]</translation>
2147    </message>
2148    <message>
2149        <source>Units used when writing comments (&apos;s&apos;tatute or &apos;m&apos;etric)</source>
2150        <translation type="vanished">Unità da usare quando si scrivono i commenti [m: metrico, s: statutario]</translation>
2151    </message>
2152    <message>
2153        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="8"/>
2154        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="18"/>
2155        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="31"/>
2156        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="39"/>
2157        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="58"/>
2158        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="72"/>
2159        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="80"/>
2160        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="88"/>
2161        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="117"/>
2162        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="128"/>
2163        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="137"/>
2164        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="145"/>
2165        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="173"/>
2166        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="218"/>
2167        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="261"/>
2168        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="270"/>
2169        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="278"/>
2170        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="286"/>
2171        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="294"/>
2172        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="333"/>
2173        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="341"/>
2174        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="355"/>
2175        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="363"/>
2176        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="396"/>
2177        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="409"/>
2178        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="417"/>
2179        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="435"/>
2180        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="462"/>
2181        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="492"/>
2182        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="513"/>
2183        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="527"/>
2184        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="555"/>
2185        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="572"/>
2186        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="580"/>
2187        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="617"/>
2188        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="633"/>
2189        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="641"/>
2190        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="649"/>
2191        <source>UPPERCASE synth. shortnames</source>
2192        <translation>Nomi brevi sintetizzati in MAIUSCOLO</translation>
2193    </message>
2194    <message>
2195        <source>Use depth values on output (default is ignore)</source>
2196        <translation type="vanished">Usa i valori di profondità nella destinazione (predefinito: ignora)</translation>
2197    </message>
2198    <message>
2199        <source>Use proximity values on output (default is ignore)</source>
2200        <translation type="vanished">Usa i valori di prossimità nella destinazione (predefinito: ignora)</translation>
2201    </message>
2202    <message>
2203        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="11"/>
2204        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="21"/>
2205        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="34"/>
2206        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="42"/>
2207        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="61"/>
2208        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="75"/>
2209        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="83"/>
2210        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="91"/>
2211        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="120"/>
2212        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="131"/>
2213        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="140"/>
2214        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="148"/>
2215        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="176"/>
2216        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="221"/>
2217        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="264"/>
2218        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="273"/>
2219        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="281"/>
2220        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="289"/>
2221        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="297"/>
2222        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="336"/>
2223        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="344"/>
2224        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="358"/>
2225        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="366"/>
2226        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="399"/>
2227        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="412"/>
2228        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="420"/>
2229        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="438"/>
2230        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="465"/>
2231        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="471"/>
2232        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="495"/>
2233        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="516"/>
2234        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="530"/>
2235        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="575"/>
2236        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="583"/>
2237        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="620"/>
2238        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="636"/>
2239        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="644"/>
2240        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="652"/>
2241        <source>Use shortname instead of description</source>
2242        <translation>Usa il nome breve invece della descrizione</translation>
2243    </message>
2244    <message>
2245        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="180"/>
2246        <source>Use specified bitmap on output</source>
2247        <translation>Usa la bitmap specificata nella destinazione</translation>
2248    </message>
2249    <message>
2250        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="154"/>
2251        <source>Version of gdb file to generate (1..3)</source>
2252        <translation>Versione del file gdb da generare (1... 3)</translation>
2253    </message>
2254    <message>
2255        <source>Version of mapsource file to generate (3,4,5)</source>
2256        <translation type="vanished">Versione del file MapSource da generare (3, 4, 5)</translation>
2257    </message>
2258    <message>
2259        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="558"/>
2260        <source>Waypoint background color</source>
2261        <translation>Colore di sfondo dei punti d&apos;interesse</translation>
2262    </message>
2263    <message>
2264        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="557"/>
2265        <source>Waypoint foreground color</source>
2266        <translation>Colore dei punti d&apos;interesse</translation>
2267    </message>
2268    <message>
2269        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="52"/>
2270        <source>Waypoint type</source>
2271        <translation>Tipo dei punti d&apos;interesse</translation>
2272    </message>
2273    <message>
2274        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="668"/>
2275        <source>Width in pixels of map</source>
2276        <translation>Larghezza della mappa, in pixel</translation>
2277    </message>
2278    <message>
2279        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="240"/>
2280        <source>Width of lines, in pixels</source>
2281        <translation>Larghezza delle linee, in pixel</translation>
2282    </message>
2283    <message>
2284        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="549"/>
2285        <source>Write additional node tag key/value pairs</source>
2286        <translation>Scrivi coppie addizionali di tag chiave/valore per i nodi</translation>
2287    </message>
2288    <message>
2289        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="548"/>
2290        <source>Write additional way tag key/value pairs</source>
2291        <translation>Scrivi coppie addizionali di tag chiave/valore per le vie</translation>
2292    </message>
2293    <message>
2294        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="552"/>
2295        <source>Write all tracks into one file</source>
2296        <translation>Scrivi tutte le tracce in un solo file</translation>
2297    </message>
2298    <message>
2299        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="183"/>
2300        <source>Write description to address field</source>
2301        <translation>Scrivi la descrizione nel campo indirizzo</translation>
2302    </message>
2303    <message>
2304        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="629"/>
2305        <source>Write each waypoint in a separate file</source>
2306        <translation>Scrivi ciascun punto d&apos;interesse in un file separato</translation>
2307    </message>
2308    <message>
2309        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="184"/>
2310        <source>Write notes to address field</source>
2311        <translation>Scrivi le note nel campo indirizzo</translation>
2312    </message>
2313    <message>
2314        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="185"/>
2315        <source>Write position to address field</source>
2316        <translation>Scrivi la posizione del campo indirizzo</translation>
2317    </message>
2318    <message>
2319        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="162"/>
2320        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="673"/>
2321        <source>Write position using this grid.</source>
2322        <translation>Scrivi la posizione usando questa griglia.</translation>
2323    </message>
2324    <message>
2325        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="166"/>
2326        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="674"/>
2327        <source>Write timestamps with offset x to UTC time</source>
2328        <translation>Scrivi date e ore con scostamento X rispetto al tempo UTC</translation>
2329    </message>
2330    <message>
2331        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="169"/>
2332        <source>Write tracks compatible with Carto Exploreur</source>
2333        <translation>Scrivi tracce compatibili con Carto Exploreur</translation>
2334    </message>
2335    <message>
2336        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="543"/>
2337        <source>Write tracks for Gisteq Phototracker</source>
2338        <translation>Scrivi tracce per Gisteq Phototracker</translation>
2339    </message>
2340    <message>
2341        <location filename="core_strings.h" line="51"/>
2342        <source>Zoom level to reduce points</source>
2343        <translation>Livello di zoom per ridurre i punti</translation>
2344    </message>