1 //==============================================================================
2 //
3 //  This file is part of GPSTk, the GPS Toolkit.
4 //
5 //  The GPSTk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 //  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
7 //  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or
8 //  any later version.
9 //
10 //  The GPSTk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 //  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 //
15 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 //  License along with GPSTk; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18 //
19 //  This software was developed by Applied Research Laboratories at the
20 //  University of Texas at Austin.
21 //  Copyright 2004-2020, The Board of Regents of The University of Texas System
22 //
23 //==============================================================================
25 //==============================================================================
26 //
27 //  This software was developed by Applied Research Laboratories at the
28 //  University of Texas at Austin, under contract to an agency or agencies
29 //  within the U.S. Department of Defense. The U.S. Government retains all
30 //  rights to use, duplicate, distribute, disclose, or release this software.
31 //
32 //  Pursuant to DoD Directive 523024
33 //
34 //  DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: This software has been approved for public
35 //                            release, distribution is unlimited.
36 //
37 //==============================================================================
38 /**
39  * @file OrbElem.cpp
40  * OrbElem data encapsulated in engineering terms
41  */
43 #include "OrbElem.hpp"
44 #include "StringUtils.hpp"
45 #include "CGCS2000Ellipsoid.hpp"
46 #include "EllipsoidModel.hpp"
47 #include "GPSEllipsoid.hpp"
48 #include "YDSTime.hpp"
49 #include "CivilTime.hpp"
50 #include "TimeSystem.hpp"
51 #include "TimeString.hpp"
52 #include "MathBase.hpp"
55 namespace gpstk
56 {
57    using namespace std;
58    using namespace gpstk;
OrbElem()59    OrbElem::OrbElem()
60          : Cuc(0.0), Cus(0.0), Crc(0.0), Crs(0.0), Cic(0.0), Cis(0.0), M0(0.0),
61            dn(0.0), dndot(0.0), ecc(0.0), A(0.0), Adot(0.0), OMEGA0(0.0),
62            i0(0.0), w(0.0), OMEGAdot(0.0), idot(0.0), af0(0.0), af1(0.0),
63            af2(0.0), ctToc(CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME)
64    {
65       ctToc.setTimeSystem(TimeSystem::GPS);
66       beginValid.setTimeSystem(TimeSystem::GPS);
67       endValid.setTimeSystem(TimeSystem::GPS);
68    }
isValid(const CommonTime & ct) const70    bool OrbElem::isValid(const CommonTime& ct) const
71    {
72       if (!dataLoaded())
73       {
74          InvalidRequest exc("Required data not stored.");
75          GPSTK_THROW(exc);
76       }
77       if (ct >= beginValid && ct <= endValid) return(true);
78       return(false);
79    }
isSameData(const OrbElem * right) const82    bool OrbElem::isSameData(const OrbElem* right) const
83    {
84       if (!OrbElemBase::isSameData(right))   return false;
85       if (Cuc            != right->Cuc)      return false;
86       if (Cus            != right->Cus)      return false;
87       if (Crc            != right->Crc)      return false;
88       if (Crs            != right->Crs)      return false;
89       if (Cic            != right->Cic)      return false;
90       if (Cis            != right->Cis)      return false;
91       if (M0             != right->M0)       return false;
92       if (dn             != right->dn)       return false;
93       if (dndot          != right->dndot)    return false;
94       if (ecc            != right->ecc)      return false;
95       if (A              != right->A)        return false;
96       if (Adot           != right->Adot)     return false;
97       if (OMEGA0         != right->OMEGA0)   return false;
98       if (i0             != right->i0)       return false;
99       if (w              != right->w)        return false;
100       if (OMEGAdot       != right->OMEGAdot) return false;
101       if (idot           != right->idot)     return false;
102       if (ctToc          != right->ctToc)    return false;
103       if (af0            != right->af0)      return false;
104       if (af1            != right->af1)      return false;
105       if (af2            != right->af2)      return false;
106       return true;
107    }
compare(const OrbElem * right) const109    std::list<std::string> OrbElem::compare(const OrbElem* right) const
110    {
111       std::list<std::string> retList = OrbElemBase::compare(right);
112       if (Cuc            != right->Cuc)      retList.push_back("Cuc");
113       if (Cus            != right->Cus)      retList.push_back("Cus");
114       if (Crc            != right->Crc)      retList.push_back("Crc");
115       if (Crs            != right->Crs)      retList.push_back("Crs");
116       if (Cic            != right->Cic)      retList.push_back("Cic");
117       if (Cis            != right->Cis)      retList.push_back("Cis");
118       if (M0             != right->M0)       retList.push_back("M0");
119       if (dn             != right->dn)       retList.push_back("dn");
120       if (dndot          != right->dndot)    retList.push_back("dndot");
121       if (ecc            != right->ecc)      retList.push_back("ecc");
122       if (A              != right->A)        retList.push_back("A");
123       if (Adot           != right->Adot)     retList.push_back("Adot");
124       if (OMEGA0         != right->OMEGA0)   retList.push_back("OMEGA0");
125       if (i0             != right->i0)       retList.push_back("i0");
126       if (w              != right->w)        retList.push_back("w");
127       if (OMEGAdot       != right->OMEGAdot) retList.push_back("OMEGAdot");
128       if (idot           != right->idot)     retList.push_back("idot");
129       if (ctToc          != right->ctToc)    retList.push_back("ctToc");
130       if (af0            != right->af0)      retList.push_back("af0");
131       if (af1            != right->af1)      retList.push_back("af1");
132       if (af2            != right->af2)      retList.push_back("af2");
133       return retList;
134    }
svClockBias(const CommonTime & t) const136    double OrbElem::svClockBias(const CommonTime& t) const
137    {
138       if (!dataLoaded())
139       {
140          InvalidRequest exc("Required data not stored.");
141          GPSTK_THROW(exc);
142       }
143       double dtc,elaptc;
144       elaptc = t - ctToc;
145       dtc = af0 + elaptc * ( af1 + elaptc * af2 );
146       return dtc;
147    }
svClockBiasM(const CommonTime & t) const149    double OrbElem::svClockBiasM(const CommonTime& t) const
150    {
151       if (!dataLoaded())
152       {
153          InvalidRequest exc("Required data not stored.");
154          GPSTK_THROW(exc);
155       }
156       double ret = svClockBias(t);
157       ret = ret*C_MPS;
158       return (ret);
159    }
svClockDrift(const CommonTime & t) const161    double OrbElem::svClockDrift(const CommonTime& t) const
162    {
163       if (!dataLoaded())
164       {
165          InvalidRequest exc("Required data not stored.");
166          GPSTK_THROW(exc);
167       }
168       double drift,elaptc;
169       elaptc = t - ctToc;
170       drift = af1 + elaptc * af2;
171       return drift;
172    }
174       // Implements equations of motion as defined in IS-GPS-200.
175       // This code has its origins in 1980's FORTRAN code that has
176       // been ported to C, then C++, then became part of the toolkit.
177       // The original code was based on IS-GPS-200 Table 20-IV.
178       // In July 2013, the code was modified to conform to Table 30-II
179       // which includes additional time-dependent terms (A(dot)
180       // and delta n(dot)) that are in CNAV but not in LNAV.  These
181       // changes should be backward compatible with LNAV as long as the
182       // Adot and dndot variables are appropriately set to 0.0 by the
183       // LNAV loaders.
svXvt(const CommonTime & t) const184    Xvt OrbElem::svXvt(const CommonTime& t) const
185    {
186       if (!dataLoaded())
187       {
188          InvalidRequest exc("Required data not stored.");
189          GPSTK_THROW(exc);
190       }
191       Xvt sv;
193       GPSWeekSecond gpsws = (ctToe);
194       double ToeSOW = gpsws.sow;
195       double ea;              // eccentric anomaly //
196       double delea;           // delta eccentric anomaly during iteration */
197       double elapte;          // elapsed time since Toe
198          //double elaptc;          // elapsed time since Toc
199       double q,sinea,cosea;
200       double GSTA,GCTA;
201       double amm;
202       double meana;           // mean anomaly
203       double F,G;             // temporary real variables
204       double alat,talat,c2al,s2al,du,dr,di,U,R,truea,AINC;
205       double ANLON,cosu,sinu,xip,yip,can,san,cinc,sinc;
206       double xef,yef,zef,dek,dlk,div,domk,duv,drv;
207       double dxp,dyp,vxef,vyef,vzef;
209          // Several GNSSs use this algorithm.  In some cases the physical
210          // constants need to be different.
211       EllipsoidModel *ell;
212       if (satID.system==SatelliteSystem::BeiDou)
213          ell = new CGCS2000Ellipsoid();
214       else
215          ell = new GPSEllipsoid();
217          // Compute time since ephemeris & clock epochs
218       elapte = t - ctToe;
219       double sqrtgm = SQRT(ell->gm());
221          // Compute A at time of interest
222       double Ak = A + Adot * elapte;
224       double twoPI = 2.0e0 * PI;
225       double lecc;               // eccentricity
226       double tdrinc;            // dt inclination
228       lecc = ecc;
229       tdrinc = idot;
231          // Compute mean motion
232       double dnA = dn + 0.5 * dndot * elapte;
233       double Ahalf = SQRT(A);
234       amm  = (sqrtgm / (A*Ahalf)) + dnA;  // NOT Ak because this equation
235                                           // specifies A0, not Ak.
237          // In-plane angles
238          //     meana - Mean anomaly
239          //     ea    - Eccentric anomaly
240          //     truea - True anomaly
242       meana = M0 + elapte * amm;
243       meana = fmod(meana, twoPI);
245       ea = meana + lecc * ::sin(meana);
247       int loop_cnt = 1;
248       do  {
249          F = meana - ( ea - lecc * ::sin(ea));
250          G = 1.0 - lecc * ::cos(ea);
251          delea = F/G;
252          ea = ea + delea;
253          loop_cnt++;
254       } while ( (fabs(delea) > 1.0e-11 ) && (loop_cnt <= 20) );
256          // Compute clock corrections
257       sv.relcorr = svRelativity(t);
258       sv.clkbias = svClockBias(t);
259       sv.clkdrift = svClockDrift(t);
260          // This appear to be only a string for naming
261       sv.frame = ReferenceFrame::WGS84;
263          // Compute true anomaly
264       q     = SQRT( 1.0e0 - lecc*lecc);
265       sinea = ::sin(ea);
266       cosea = ::cos(ea);
267       G     = 1.0e0 - lecc * cosea;
269          //  G*SIN(TA) AND G*COS(TA)
270       GSTA  = q * sinea;
271       GCTA  = cosea - lecc;
273          //  True anomaly
274       truea = atan2 ( GSTA, GCTA );
276          // Argument of lat and correction terms (2nd harmonic)
277       alat  = truea + w;
278       talat = 2.0e0 * alat;
279       c2al  = ::cos( talat );
280       s2al  = ::sin( talat );
282       du  = c2al * Cuc +  s2al * Cus;
283       dr  = c2al * Crc +  s2al * Crs;
284       di  = c2al * Cic +  s2al * Cis;
286          // U = updated argument of lat, R = radius, AINC = inclination
287       U    = alat + du;
288       R    = Ak*G  + dr;
289       AINC = i0 + tdrinc * elapte  +  di;
291          //  Longitude of ascending node (ANLON)
292       ANLON = OMEGA0 + (OMEGAdot - ell->angVelocity()) *
293          elapte - ell->angVelocity() * ToeSOW;
295          // In plane location
296       cosu = ::cos( U );
297       sinu = ::sin( U );
299       xip  = R * cosu;
300       yip  = R * sinu;
302          //  Angles for rotation to earth fixed
303       can  = ::cos( ANLON );
304       san  = ::sin( ANLON );
305       cinc = ::cos( AINC  );
306       sinc = ::sin( AINC  );
308          // Earth fixed - meters
309       xef  =  xip*can  -  yip*cinc*san;
310       yef  =  xip*san  +  yip*cinc*can;
311       zef  =              yip*sinc;
313       sv.x[0] = xef;
314       sv.x[1] = yef;
315       sv.x[2] = zef;
317          // Compute velocity of rotation coordinates
318       dek = amm / G;
319       dlk = amm * q / (G*G);
320       div = tdrinc - 2.0e0 * dlk *
321          ( Cic  * s2al - Cis * c2al );
322       domk = OMEGAdot - ell->angVelocity();
323       duv = dlk*(1.e0+ 2.e0 * (Cus*c2al - Cuc*s2al) );
324       drv = Ak * lecc * dek * sinea - 2.e0 * dlk *
325          ( Crc * s2al - Crs * c2al ) + Adot * G;
327       dxp = drv*cosu - R*sinu*duv;
328       dyp = drv*sinu + R*cosu*duv;
330          // Calculate velocities
331       vxef = dxp*can - xip*san*domk - dyp*cinc*san
332          + yip*( sinc*san*div - cinc*can*domk);
333       vyef = dxp*san + xip*can*domk + dyp*cinc*can
334          - yip*( sinc*can*div + cinc*san*domk);
335       vzef = dyp*sinc + yip*cinc*div;
337          // Move results into output variables
338       sv.v[0] = vxef;
339       sv.v[1] = vyef;
340       sv.v[2] = vzef;
341       sv.health = isHealthy() ? Xvt::Healthy : Xvt::Unhealthy;
342       delete ell;
344       return sv;
345    }
svRelativity(const CommonTime & t) const347    double OrbElem::svRelativity(const CommonTime& t) const
348    {
349       if (!dataLoaded())
350       {
351          InvalidRequest exc("Required data not stored.");
352          GPSTK_THROW(exc);
353       }
355          // Several GNSSs use this algorithm.  In some cases the physical
356          // constants need to be different.
357       EllipsoidModel *ell;
358       if (satID.system==SatelliteSystem::BeiDou)
359          ell = new CGCS2000Ellipsoid();
360       else
361          ell = new GPSEllipsoid();
363       double twoPI  = 2.0e0 * PI;
364       double sqrtgm = SQRT(ell->gm());
365       delete ell;
366       double elapte = t - ctToe;
368          // Compute A at time of interest
369       double Ak = A + Adot * elapte;
371       double dnA = dn + 0.5 * dndot * elapte;
372       double Ahalf = SQRT(A);
373       double amm    = (sqrtgm / (A*Ahalf)) + dnA;// NOT Ak because this equation
374                                                  // specifies A0, not Ak.
375       double meana,F,G,delea;
377       meana = M0 + elapte * amm;
378       meana = fmod(meana, twoPI);
379       double ea = meana + ecc * ::sin(meana);
381       int loop_cnt = 1;
382       do {
383          F     = meana - ( ea - ecc * ::sin(ea));
384          G     = 1.0 - ecc * ::cos(ea);
385          delea = F/G;
386          ea    = ea + delea;
387          loop_cnt++;
388       } while ( (ABS(delea) > 1.0e-11 ) && (loop_cnt <= 20) );
390          // Use Ak as we are interested in semi-major axis at this moment.
391       double dtr = REL_CONST * ecc * SQRT(Ak) * ::sin(ea);
392       return dtr;
393    }
shortcut(ostream & os,const long HOW)395    void OrbElem::shortcut(ostream & os, const long HOW )
396    {
397       short DOW, hour, min, sec;
398       long SOD, SOW;
399       short SOH;
401       SOW = static_cast<long>( HOW );
402       DOW = static_cast<short>( SOW / SEC_PER_DAY );
403       SOD = SOW - static_cast<long>( DOW * SEC_PER_DAY );
404       hour = static_cast<short>( SOD/3600 );
406       SOH = static_cast<short>( SOD - (hour*3600) );
407       min = SOH/60;
409       sec = SOH - min * 60;
410       switch (DOW)
411       {
412          case 0: os << "Sun-0"; break;
413          case 1: os << "Mon-1"; break;
414          case 2: os << "Tue-2"; break;
415          case 3: os << "Wed-3"; break;
416          case 4: os << "Thu-4"; break;
417          case 5: os << "Fri-5"; break;
418          case 6: os << "Sat-6"; break;
419          default: break;
420       }
422       os << ":" << setfill('0')
423          << setw(2) << hour
424          << ":" << setw(2) << min
425          << ":" << setw(2) << sec
426          << setfill(' ');
427    }
timeDisplay(ostream & os,const CommonTime & t)430    void OrbElem::timeDisplay( ostream & os, const CommonTime& t )
431    {
432       os.setf(ios::dec, ios::basefield);
433          // Convert to CommonTime struct from GPS wk,SOW to M/D/Y, H:M:S.
434       GPSWeekSecond dummyTime;
435       dummyTime = GPSWeekSecond(t);
436       os << setw(4) << dummyTime.week << "(";
437       os << setw(4) << (dummyTime.week & 0x03FF) << ")  ";
438       os << setw(6) << setfill(' ') << dummyTime.sow << "   ";
440       switch (dummyTime.getDayOfWeek())
441       {
442          case 0: os << "Sun-0"; break;
443          case 1: os << "Mon-1"; break;
444          case 2: os << "Tue-2"; break;
445          case 3: os << "Wed-3"; break;
446          case 4: os << "Thu-4"; break;
447          case 5: os << "Fri-5"; break;
448          case 6: os << "Sat-6"; break;
449          default: break;
450       }
451       os << printTime(t,"   %3j   %5.0s   %02m/%02d/%04Y   %02H:%02M:%02S");
452    }
dumpBody(ostream & s) const454    void OrbElem::dumpBody(ostream& s) const
455    {
456       if (!dataLoaded())
457       {
458          InvalidRequest exc("Required data not stored.");
459          GPSTK_THROW(exc);
460       }
461       const ios::fmtflags oldFlags = s.flags();
462       size_t precision = 8;
464       s.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
465       s.setf(ios::right, ios::adjustfield);
466       s.setf(ios::uppercase);
467       s.precision(0);
468       s.fill(' ');
470       s << endl;
471       s << "           TIMES OF INTEREST"
472         << endl << endl;
473       s << "              Week(10bt)     SOW     DOW   UTD     SOD"
474         << "   MM/DD/YYYY   HH:MM:SS\n";
475       s << "Begin Valid:  ";
476       timeDisplay(s, beginValid);
477       s << endl;
478       s << "Clock Epoch:  ";
479       timeDisplay(s, ctToc);
480       s << endl;
481       s << "Eph Epoch:    ";
482       timeDisplay(s, ctToe);
483       s << endl;
484       s << "End Valid:    ";
485       timeDisplay(s, endValid);
487       s.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);
488       s.precision(precision);
489       s.fill(' ');
490       unsigned fw = precision + 8;
492       s << endl
493         << endl
494         << "           CLOCK PARAMETERS"
495         << endl
496         << endl
497         << "Bias T0:     " << setw(fw) << af0 << " sec" << endl
498         << "Drift:       " << setw(fw) << af1 << " sec/sec" << endl
499         << "Drift rate:  " << setw(fw) << af2 << " sec/(sec**2)" << endl;
501       s << endl
502         << "           ORBIT PARAMETERS"
503         << endl
504         << endl
505         << "Semi-major axis:       " << setw(fw) <<  A     << " m       "
506         << setw(fw) << Adot  << "   m/sec" << endl
507         << "Motion correction:     " << setw(fw) <<  dn    << " rad/sec "
508         << setw(fw) << dndot << " rad/(sec**2)" << endl
509         << "Eccentricity:          " << setw(fw) << ecc << endl
510         << "Arg of perigee:        " << setw(fw) << w << " rad" << endl
511         << "Mean anomaly at epoch: " << setw(fw) << M0 << " rad" << endl
512         << "Right ascension:       " << setw(fw) << OMEGA0 << " rad     "
513         << setw(fw) << OMEGAdot << " rad/sec" << endl
514         << "Inclination:           " << setw(fw) << i0     << " rad     "
515         << setw(fw) << idot << " rad/sec" << endl;
517       s << endl
518         << "           HARMONIC CORRECTIONS"
519         << endl
520         << endl
521         << "Radial        Sine: " << setw(fw) << Crs << " m    Cosine: "
522         << setw(fw) << Crc << " m" << endl
523         << "Inclination   Sine: " << setw(fw) << Cis << " rad  Cosine: "
524         << setw(fw) << Cic << " rad" << endl
525         << "In-track      Sine: " << setw(fw) << Cus << " rad  Cosine: "
526         << setw(fw) << Cuc << " rad" << endl;
528       s.flags(oldFlags);
529    } // end of dumpBody()
dumpHeader(ostream & s) const531    void OrbElem::dumpHeader(ostream& s) const
532    {
533       s << "****************************************************************"
534         << "************" << endl
535         << "Broadcast Ephemeris (Engineering Units) - " << getNameLong();
536       s << endl;
538       s << endl;
539       s << "PRN : " << setw(2) << satID.id << " / "
540         << "SVN : " << setw(2);
541       std::string svn;
542       if (getSVN(satID, ctToe, svn))
543       {
544          s << svn;
545       }
546       s << "  " << endl
547         << endl;
548    }
dumpFooter(ostream & s) const550    void OrbElem::dumpFooter(ostream& s) const
551    {}
dump(ostream & s) const553    void OrbElem::dump(ostream& s) const
554    {
555       dumpHeader(s);
556       dumpBody(s);
557       dumpFooter(s);
558    }
560 } // namespace