1 /// @file AtmLoadTides.cpp
2 /// Classes to handle site displacement due to atmospheric loading.
4 //==============================================================================
5 //
6 //  This file is part of GPSTk, the GPS Toolkit.
7 //
8 //  The GPSTk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 //  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
10 //  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or
11 //  any later version.
12 //
13 //  The GPSTk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 //  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 //
18 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 //  License along with GPSTk; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
20 //  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
21 //
22 //  This software was developed by Applied Research Laboratories at the
23 //  University of Texas at Austin.
24 //  Copyright 2004-2020, The Board of Regents of The University of Texas System
25 //
26 //==============================================================================
28 //==============================================================================
29 //
30 //  This software was developed by Applied Research Laboratories at the
31 //  University of Texas at Austin, under contract to an agency or agencies
32 //  within the U.S. Department of Defense. The U.S. Government retains all
33 //  rights to use, duplicate, distribute, disclose, or release this software.
34 //
35 //  Pursuant to DoD Directive 523024
36 //
37 //  DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: This software has been approved for public
38 //                            release, distribution is unlimited.
39 //
40 //==============================================================================
42 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 // system includes
44 #include <iostream>
45 #include <fstream>
46 #include <algorithm>
47 // GPSTk
48 #include "StringUtils.hpp"
49 #include "MiscMath.hpp"
50 #include "GNSSconstants.hpp"
51 // geomatics
52 #include "AtmLoadTides.hpp"
53 //#include "logstream.hpp"      // TEMP
55 using namespace std;
57 namespace gpstk {
59    using namespace StringUtils;
61    //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
62    // Open and read the given file, containing atmospheric loading coefficients, and
63    // initialize this object for the sites names in the input list that match a
64    // name in the file (case sensitive). Return the number of successfully
65    // initialized site names, and remove those sites from the input list.
66    // Atmospheric loading files can be obtained by running the program grdinterp.f
67    // param sites      vector<string> On input contains site labels found in the
68    //                   file, on output contains only sites that were NOT found.
69    //                   If sites is empty, all sites are loaded.
70    // param filename   string Input atmospheric loading file name.
71    // return the number of sites successfully initialized.
72    // throw if the file could not be opened.
initializeSites(vector<string> & sites,string filename)73    int AtmLoadTides::initializeSites(vector<string>& sites, string filename)
74    {
75    try {
76       bool allsites = false;
77       if(sites.size() == 0) allsites = true;
78       int i,nwant,nfound;
80       ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
81       if(!infile || !infile.is_open()) {
82          Exception e("File " + filename + " could not be opened.");
83          GPSTK_THROW(e);
84       }
86       nwant = sites.size();
87       nfound = 0;                               // number of successes
88       bool looking=true;                        // true if looking for a site name
89       double lat,lon;
90       vector<double> coeff;
91       string site;
92       while(1) {                                // read the file
93          int count;
94          string line,word;
96          // get the next line
97          getline(infile,line);
98          stripTrailing(line,'\r');
99          stripLeading(line);
101          // process line
102          if(!line.empty()) {
103             word = firstWord(line);
104             //LOG(INFO) << "Word is " << word << " and line is " << line;
106             if(word == "$$") {         // NB ignore header - assume column order, etc.
107                // pick out the lat/lon
108                while(!line.empty()) {
109                   word = stripFirstWord(line);
110                   if(word == string("station")) {
111                      site = stripFirstWord(line);
112                      stripTrailing(site,';');
113                   }
114                   if(word == string("coord.(long,lat)")) {
115                      lon = asDouble(stripFirstWord(line));
116                      lat = asDouble(stripFirstWord(line));
117                      //LOG(INFO) << "Found coords for site " << site << " "
118                      //      << fixed << setprecision(6) << lon << " " << lat;
119                      break;
120                   }
121                }
122             }
123             else if(looking && line.length() <= 40) {          // site
124                // site name
125                site = line;
126                //LOG(INFO) << "Found site " << site;
127                if(allsites) {
128                   //LOG(INFO) << "Push back " << site;
129                   looking = false;
130                   sites.push_back(site);
131                }
132                else for(i=0; i<sites.size(); i++) {
133                   //LOG(INFO) << "Compare " << sites[i];
134                   if(site == sites[i]) {
135                      looking = false;
136                      break;
137                   }
138                }
139                if(!looking) {          // found a site
140                   count = 0;
141                   coeff.clear();
142                }
143             }
144             else if(!looking) {        // not comment and not looking - must be data
145                if(numWords(line) != 4) {
146                   Exception e("File " + filename + " is corrupted for site " + site
147                         + " - offending line follows\n" + line);
148                   GPSTK_THROW(e);
149                }
150                //LOG(INFO) << "Push back line " << line;
151                for(i=0; i<4; i++)
152                   coeff.push_back(asDouble(stripFirstWord(line)));
153                count++;
154                if(count == 3) {        // success
155                   ostringstream oss;
156                   oss << fixed;
157                   for(i=0; i<coeff.size(); i++) {
158                      oss << " " << setprecision(4) << setw(7) << coeff[i];
159                      if((i+1)%4 == 0) oss << "\n";
160                   }
161                   //LOG(INFO) << "  Found site " << site << " with coefficients:";
162                   //LOG(INFO) << oss.str();
164                   // update coeff map
165                   coefficientMap[site] = coeff;
166                   nfound++;
167                   // update position map
168                   coeff.clear();
169                   coeff.push_back(lat);
170                   coeff.push_back(lon);
171                   positionMap[site] = coeff;
172                   //LOG(INFO) << "pushback coords for site " << site << " "
173                   //         << fixed << setprecision(6) << lon << " " << lat;
175                   // erase a vector element
176                   if(!allsites) {
177                      vector<string>::iterator pos;
178                      pos = find(sites.begin(),sites.end(),site);
179                      if(pos != sites.end()) sites.erase(pos);
180                   }
181                   looking = true;
182                }
183             }
185          }  // end if line not empty
187          if(!allsites && nfound >= nwant) break;
189          if(infile.eof() || !infile.good()) break;
191       }  // end loop over lines in the file
193       return nfound;
194    }
195    catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
196    catch(exception& e) {
197       Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what()));
198       GPSTK_THROW(E);
199    }
200    catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
201    }
203    //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
204    // Compute the site displacement vector at the given time for the given site.
205    // The site must have been successfully initialized; if not an exception is
206    // thrown.
207    // param site    string Input name of the site; must be the same as previously
208    //                successfully passed to initializeSites().
209    // param t       EphTime Input time of interest.
210    // param UT1mUTC Difference of UT1 and UTC, a very small correction to t.
211    // return Triple containing the North, East and Up components of the site
212    //                displacement in meters.
213    // throw if the site has not been initialized, if the time system is unknown,
214    //                if there is corruption in the static arrays, or .
computeDisplacement(string site,EphTime time,double UT1mUTC)215    Triple AtmLoadTides::computeDisplacement(string site, EphTime time, double UT1mUTC)
216    {
217       try {
219          // get the coefficients for this site
220          if(coefficientMap.find(site) == coefficientMap.end())
221             GPSTK_THROW(Exception("Site not found in atmospheric loading store"));
222          vector<double> coeff = coefficientMap[site];
224          // compute time argument
225          EphTime ttag(time);
226          ttag.convertSystemTo(TimeSystem::UTC);
227          // ignoring UT1-UTC is probably fine, since this is extremely small
228          ttag += UT1mUTC;
229          double dayfr(ttag.secOfDay()/86400.0);    // fraction of day
230          static const double w1(2*PI), w2(4*PI);
231          const double cos1(::cos(w1*dayfr));
232          const double sin1(::sin(w1*dayfr));
233          const double cos2(::cos(w2*dayfr));
234          const double sin2(::sin(w2*dayfr));
236          // NB Displacement is defined positive up, north
237          // and east directions, and is in millimeters
239          // total d(t) = d(1)*cos(t*w1) + d(2)*sin(t*w1)
240          //            + d(3)*cos(t*w2) + d(4)*sin(t*w2)
241          // If t is fractions of a UT1 day,
242          // then w1=2pi radians/day and w2=4pi radians/day.
244          // Column order coss1 sins1 coss2 sins2
245          // Row (coeff) order: RADIAL NS EW
247          Triple dc;     // dc is NEU, so must RAD,N,E -> NEU
248          dc[2] = coeff[0]*cos1 + coeff[1]*sin1 + coeff[2]*cos2 + coeff[3]*sin2;
249          dc[0] = coeff[4]*cos1 + coeff[5]*sin1 + coeff[6]*cos2 + coeff[7]*sin2;
250          dc[1] = coeff[8]*cos1 + coeff[9]*sin1 + coeff[10]*cos2 + coeff[11]*sin2;
251          // convert to meters
252          dc[0] /= 1000.0;
253          dc[1] /= 1000.0;
254          dc[2] /= 1000.0;
256          return dc;
257       }
258       catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
259       catch(exception& e) {
260          Exception E("std except: " + string(e.what()));
261          GPSTK_THROW(E);
262       }
263       catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
265    }  // end Triple AtmLoadTides::computeDisplacement
267 }  // end namespace gpstk
268 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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