1 /*
2  *  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3  *   g a l _ i n i t s g p 4 p
4  *  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5  *
6  *  This routine is part of the General Astrodynamics Library
7  *
8  *  Description:
9  *
10  *     This routine initializes the spg4 propagator. All the initialization is
11  *     consolidated here instead of having multiple loops inside other routines.
12  *
13  *  Status:
14  *
15  *     SGP4 support routine.
16  *
17  *  Given:
18  *
19  *     satn             d           Satellite NORAD Catalog Number
20  *     *gm           gal_gm_t       Pointer to gravity model structure
21  *     ecco             d           Eccentricity [0.0:1.0]
22  *     epoch            d           Epoch time in days from Jan 0, 1950. 0 hr
23  *     inclo            d           Inclination of satellite
24  *     *no              d           Mean Motion of satellite
25  *
26  *  Returned:
27  *
28  *     *no              d           Mean Motion of satellite
29  *     *method          c           Flag for deep space 'd', 'n'
30  *     *ainv            d           1.0 / a
31  *     *ao              d           Semi Major Axis
32  *     *con41           d
33  *     *con42           d           1.0 - 5.0 cos(i)
34  *     *cosio           d           Cosine of Inclination
35  *     *cosio2          d           cosio squared
36  *     *eccsq           d           Eccentricity squared
37  *     *omeosq          d           1.0 - ecco * ecco
38  *     *posq            d           Semi-parameter squared
39  *     *rp              d           Radius of Perigee
40  *     *rteosq          d           Square root of (1.0 - ecco*ecco)
41  *     *sinio           d           Sine of inclination
42  *     *gsto            d           GST at time of observation (rad)
43  *
44  *  Notes:
45  *
46  *  1) This routine is a translation from c++ to c of David Vallado's SGP4UNIT.initl
47  *     routine ( 2007 November 16 ).
48  *
49  *  References:
50  *
51  *     NORAD Spacetrack Report #3 1980
52  *     Hoots, Roehrich
53  *
54  *     NORAD Spacetrack Report #6 1986
55  *     Hoots
56  *
57  *     Hoots, Schumacher and Glover 2004
58  *
59  *     Revisting Spacetrack Report #3
60  *     Vallado, David, Crawford, Paul, Hujsak, Richard, Kelso, T.S.
61  *     AIAA 2006-6753
62  *
63  *  This revision:
64  *
65  *     2008 April 6
66  *
67  *  Copyright (C) 2008 Paul C. L. Willmott. See notes at end.
68  *
69  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
70  */
72 #include <math.h>
73 #include "gal_const.h"
74 #include "gal_initsgp4p.h"
75 #include "gal_gmst82.h"
77 void
gal_initsgp4p(int satn,gal_gm_t * gm,double ecco,double epoch,double inclo,double * no,char * method,double * ainv,double * ao,double * con41,double * con42,double * cosio,double * cosio2,double * eccsq,double * omeosq,double * posq,double * rp,double * rteosq,double * sinio,double * gsto)78 gal_initsgp4p
79   (
80     int satn,
81     gal_gm_t *gm,
82     double ecco,
83     double epoch,
84     double inclo,
85     double *no,
86     char   *method,
87     double *ainv,
88     double *ao,
89     double *con41,
90     double *con42,
91     double *cosio,
92     double *cosio2,
93     double *eccsq,
94     double *omeosq,
95     double *posq,
96     double *rp,
97     double *rteosq,
98     double *sinio ,
99     double *gsto
100   )
102 {
104   double ak, d1, del, adel, po, x2o3, j2, xke,
105          tumin, mu, radiusearthkm, j3, j4, j3oj2 ;
108   double ts70, ds70, tfrac, c1, thgr70, fk5r, c1p2p ;
109   int ids70 ;
111 /*
112  * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
113  */
115 /*
116  * Earth constants
117  */
119   gal_sgp4gm ( gm, &tumin, &mu, &radiusearthkm, &xke, &j2, &j3, &j4, &j3oj2 ) ;
120   x2o3   = 2.0 / 3.0 ;
122 /*
123  *  Calculate auxillary epoch quantities
124  */
126   *eccsq  = ecco * ecco ;
127   *omeosq = 1.0 - *eccsq ;
128   *rteosq = sqrt ( *omeosq ) ;
129   *cosio  = cos ( inclo ) ;
130   *cosio2 = (*cosio) * (*cosio) ;
132 /*
133  * Un-Kozai the Mean Motion
134  */
136   ak    = pow ( xke / *no, x2o3 ) ;
137   d1    = 0.75 * j2 * ( 3.0 * (*cosio2) - 1.0 ) / ( (*rteosq) * (*omeosq) ) ;
138   del   = d1 / ( ak * ak ) ;
139   adel  = ak * ( 1.0 - del * del - del * ( 1.0 / 3.0 + 134.0 * del * del / 81.0 ) ) ;
140   del   = d1 / ( adel * adel ) ;
141   *no   /= ( 1.0 + del ) ;
143   *ao    = pow ( xke / *no, x2o3 ) ;
144   *sinio = sin ( inclo ) ;
145   po    = (*ao) * (*omeosq) ;
146   *con42 = 1.0 - 5.0 * (*cosio2) ;
147   *con41 = -(*con42) - (*cosio2) - (*cosio2) ;
148   *ainv  = 1.0 / (*ao) ;
149   *posq  = (po) * (po) ;
150   *rp    = (*ao) * ( 1.0 - ecco ) ;
151   *method = 'n' ;
153 /*
154  * Find greenwich location at epoch
155  */
157 /*
158  * Old way of finding gst
159  * count integer number of days from 0 jan 1970
160  * This is what AFSPC still uses apparently
161  */
163   ts70   = epoch - 7305.0 ;
164   ids70  = floor ( ts70 + 1.0e-8 ) ;
165   ds70   = ids70 ;
166   tfrac  = ts70 - ds70 ;
167   c1     = 1.72027916940703639e-2 ;
168   thgr70 = 1.7321343856509374 ;
169   fk5r   = 5.07551419432269442e-15 ;
170   c1p2p  = c1 + GAL_2PI ;
171   *gsto  = fmod ( thgr70 + c1 * ds70 + c1p2p * tfrac + ts70 * ts70 * fk5r, GAL_2PI ) ;
172   if ( *gsto < 0.0 ) {
173     *gsto += GAL_2PI ;
174   }
176 /*  *gsto = gal_gmst82 ( 2433281.5, epoch ) ; */
178 /*
179  * Finished.
180  */
182 }
184 /*
185  *  gal - General Astrodynamics Library
186  *  Copyright (C) 2008 Paul C. L. Willmott
187  *
188  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
189  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
190  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
191  *  (at your option) any later version.
192  *
193  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
194  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
196  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
197  *
198  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
199  *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
200  *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
201  *
202  *  Contact:
203  *
204  *  Paul Willmott
205  *  vp9mu@amsat.org
206  */